Get Ready to ROCK! Interview with vocalist from progressive rock band Yes,Jon Anderson (original) (raw)

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Jon Anderson is the frontman of prog-rockers Yes and has also followed a successful solo career. His latest DVD 'Tour of the Universe' and DVD single 'State Of Independence' are released July 11. His European tour starts in September.

1. What are you currently up to?
....busy writing and filming Demo of next DVD idea....scheduled for next spring...I have new songs, and piano songs and a couple or 3 YES classics......also working with this dude 'Chris at his Polish Animation company and A Canny dude in Scotland, and Brad in South Bend .....and this guy John Banks who is perfect for my stories etc.........all these guys are very happening in the Art world..a lot of this work is based on the next 'OLIAS' saga...
Jon Anderson
2. You have a new DVD out, 'Tour Of The Universe'. What was the idea behind the DVD release and could you take us through some highlights please?
the upcoming 'Tour of the Universe' DVD is my 'OneManShow' I started last year was recorded at XM radio studio/tiny concert room...great fun to listen to and see.....Robert Garolalo's Classic Film company took the raw footage and built a really wonderful visual landscape around my songs.............some YES songs, some Jon & Vangelis songs and other new ones, even the first song I ever wrote.....and a couple of stories...
3. You have an extensive European tour coming up in Sep/Oct. What sort of set list can fans expect and will it include the animation/effects used in the US shows? How different does it feel being on stage in a solo capacity as opposed to being a band member with Yes?
the SOLO tour will be very much like the DVD, plus a couple of surprises......I will interweave visuals from the DVD show and others I have at hand on a screen behind me.....maybe some live shots on the screen as well......answer some questions......I call it a 'work in progress' tour...anything can happen, I enjoy playing piano and singing of course.........being on my own is more relaxed, and I can do anything I want, ....and it's the kind of challange that I really need at this time.. in my life.
Jon Anderson Photo © Edward Ajaj
4. What have been the most memorable gigs with Yes and solo and why?
there are so many gigs with YES that stand out....I could fill a couple of pages...Playing with CREAM on their farewell concert at the Albert Hall .....all those Philly Gigs....amazing energy......MSG New York....wild and wonderful........playing Topographic and the rain in Tampa, and nobody left......first time in Brazil 500,000 people singing and dancing the whole show.....playing with Mahavishnu Orchestra on their first show.............fireworks in Chicago in 72...nearly blew up the stage...this last tour with Roger Dean set...the band was truly amazing... Australia 30 years later........all these and more..........I just did my 'OneManShow' up north in Santa Rosa at the HARMONY peace and understanding is still available.........loved it..........singing in Poland for the first time, very emotional.
5. What future does Yes have (certainly touring wise) given that Rick Wakeman has announced his retirement from touring from 2006?
I hope we will do maybe one more project as YES.....when, where, and how......who knows...
6. What was it like touring again last year with what many Yes fans regard as the classic Yes line-up? Are you all more laid back with each other now rather than the disputes that arose in the past whilst touring? I always say...when we make music on stage ...we are in ' can feel it, and hear it.....this last tour was hard for me, I was really sick most of the time, yet on stage I felt great and we played great, I loved the acoustic set........even wanted to do more of that idea this year, but we all finished up on different for disputes, I think that goes with the gig, it is a family....we are a brotherhood.....we are teachers and pupils to each other, when we believe as one, as a group ,we can do anything....anything......
7. Is there any unreleased work from your time with composing and working with Vangelis? Any chance the two of you could work again on an album in the future?
...Vangelis lives in Greece, and loves living there, I doubt if there is another project for us...(we really wrote some special music).. if he called me.... I would get on the next plane....that's how much he means to me...
8. Do you find with touring that fans are always after the classic Yes tunes and it is harder to slot newer songs into the set? Similarly is it harder for bands like yourselves to get new product out to fans when many are content to buy compilations of the band's past work and/or live albums?
...I find it's the opposite, YES fans are truly open to the 'NEW', no matter what it is...."YES" is a 'progressive' band idea....always has been.........there will always be new music.....and people that want to hear it.....always has been .........always will be......Music is a powerful energy....all kinds of music...all kinds
8. What do you enjoy doing in your spare time? my spare time, I enjoy cooking , gardening and birdwatching with my honey Janeeeeeeeee ......painting, when I find the right moment, same with reading....daydreaming...and would you believe, watching silly TV shows.......and of course I'm making music everyday .....I Iove a good movie.....and watching all kinds of sport , Soccer and American football.....go ...SF 49rs......I'm learning through Janeeeee, you have to support the team through the bad's tough..
9. Message to your fans? be able to tour and still be excited about music is truly a blessing for me, to have people all over the world to perform to is just great.....over the years I've learnt to enjoy the touring more, treasure the moments with the fans, to meet and greet, is fun, and honest...I really have many more dreams to fulfill, be ready, be strong, the world is an amazing dream in wishes JON

DVD review

CD single review

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Interview © 2005 Jason Ritchie/
Format and edit: The Music Index.

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