Trinity Mirror Southern advertiser Terms and Conditions (original) (raw)

Orders are accepted by the Publishers subject to the Standard Conditions agreed between the Newspaper Society and the Institute of Practitioners in Advertising. Save that:

1. Advertisements are accepted on the conditions that (a) descriptions relating to goods are accurate and in no way contravene the provisions of the Trade Descriptions Act 1968, and the Fair Trading Act 1973, and (b) the copy complies with the British Code of Advertising Practice. Advertisements offering credit or hire facilities must conform to the Consumer Credit (Advertisements) Regulations 1980.

2. “Classified” Advertisers offering goods or service of a business, commercial or trade nature will, at the discretion of the Publishers, be deemed “Trade Advertisers”, and as such, must include their names in Advertisements. A telephone number is an optional addition to these requirements and not an alternative. To comply with the Business Advertisements (Disclosure) Order 1977, Trade Advertisers must make it clear that they are selling goods in the course of business either by content, format, size or place of the advertisement or by including words such as “trade”, “dealer”, “agent”, “wholesaler”, “(T)” etc. in the advertisement.

3. The Publishers accept no liability whatsoever for any loss or damage however caused arising out of:
(a) Any error, inaccuracy or omission in the printing or publishing of any advertisement;
(b) Any failure to publish an advertisement on the day / date or day / dates specified by the advertiser; or
(c) Any delay in forwarding or omission to forward replies to box numbers to the Advertiser.

4. The Publishers will endeavour to publish advertisements on the day / date or day / dates specified by the Advertiser but insertion days / dates cannot be guaranteed.

5. Where shrinkage of an advertisement occurs for whatever reasons the advertisement will be charged to the nearest full centimetre. This will NOT apply to full-page advertisements, which remain full pages even after shrinkage. For production reasons, all advertisements booked by reference to specific dimensions will be subject to a variation in size of no more than 2.5%.

6. The Publishers reserve the right to reject an advertisement or to vary it in any way they deem fit, at any time before publication, whether or not the advertisement has already been accepted for publication.

7. Whilst every effort is made to minimise errors in advertisements, mistakes do sometimes occur. Advertisers or their agents should therefore check their advertisements and inform us of any errors immediately. Responsibility cannot be accepted for more than one incorrect insertion. Typographical or minor changes, which do not affect the value of the advertisement, do not qualify for re-publication or allowances.

8. All gross advertising rates (except classified lineage and semi–display) are subject to and include a 0.1% Advertising Standards Board of Finance surcharge, payable by the advertisers to help finance the self-regulatory control system administered by the Advertising Standards Authority.

9. All rates quoted are subject to VAT at the rate currently in force at the time the advertisement appears.

10. Should the rate for advertisements be altered the price for remaining insertions shall be revised accordingly or the publishers shall have the right to cancel the unexpired portion of the order.

11. The placing of an advertisement order will be deemed as acceptance of these conditions.

12. Account facilities are granted at the discretion of the Company.

13. All accounts must be settled within the terms agreed by the Company and the Customer.
(1) Should an advertiser be in breach of the agreed terms, the publisher shall be entitled to levy a 10% surcharge on the value of the whole debt in respect of accounts with terms of less than 30 days, and any discounts or commissions that had been allowed will be reclaimed
(2) Regular monthly accounts that are in breach of the agreed terms will pay an interest rate of 6% above the current Bank of England base rate for each month that the account is overdue and discounts or commissions that had been allowed will be reclaimed. Should legal action be required then interest will be charged in accordance with the County Court Act 1984.

14. Where an advertiser instructs/appoints an advertising agent to act on their behalf, the advertiser will remain jointly and severally liable for payment in respect of advertisement(s) should the appointed agent fail to pay. For the avoidance of doubt, the agent acts for the advertiser and not the publisher with the agent being responsible for notifying the advertiser of this liability.

15. All queries must be notified, preferably in writing to the accounts department of the Publisher within 7 days of the invoice date.

16. All digital services are maintained in partnership with the Publishers’ hosting service providers. Every effort is made to ensure the continuity of these services, but some occasional technical downtime beyond the Publishers’ control may occur. The Publisher and its associated companies shall be under no liability if the production and distribution of web services is delayed or prevented by any cause beyond the control of the Publisher.

17. The Publisher may provide voucher copies for published advertisements in electronic form only subject to certain criteria.Further information is available on request

18. The copyright of advertisements produced wholly or partially by the Publishers belong to the Publishers. Advertisers may not reproduce such advertisements without the Publishers’ consent.

Box Numbers
Boxes are open for the receipt of bona fide answers and are not available for distribution of trade canvassing matter. Original testimonials, goods, cash, cash stamps or payments of any kind must not be enclosed. A box number and postal address are charged as part of the advertisement, i.e. Box No., centre address. There is no charge for forwarding replies. Box numbers alone are not available for use in ‘Trade’ advertisements, other than Employment and Business Opportunities.

Holiday & Travel Category All advertising must contain the name of the advertiser, phone numbers alone are not permitted.

Data Protection
The service you have requested may require us to carry out a credit search at a credit-referencing agency, which will record the fact that a search has been made. We may need to share your information with other lenders and credit reference agencies. However, we will only use the information from these searches to make credit-granting decisions and, if necessary, for fraud prevention or tracing debtors. Trinity Mirror Southern will use your information for administration and analysis. We may share your information with other Trinity Mirror Group companies or carefully selected third parties. We, or they, may send you details of other goods and services, which may be of interest to you. The information may be provided by letter, telephone or other reasonable means of communication. Calls may be recorded or monitored for training purposes.