The Gift Economy (original) (raw)

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Watch the Maternal Gift Economy Movement Salons. Salons are every two weeks, exploring the many ways the Maternal Gift Economy is growing. Click here.

View the World’s $100 Trillion global economy by countryImage created by Visual

The unilateral gift economy conjecture – Genevieve Vaughan (Jan. 6, 2021)

The Maternal Gender – Genevieve Vaughan (2017)


El Agora – Erella Shadmi – Feminismo Desde Israel (in English)


– The Gift, Nurturance and Human Emancipation (Jan. 2018)

– Ideas for Our Times, Interview with Genevieve Vaughan by Rajani Kanth (Jan. 2018)

Read more about the Gift Economy

The Maternal Roots of the Gift Economy Conference/Le radici materne dell’economia del dono

Presented by Center for the Study of the Gift Economy and International Feminists for a Gift Economy

Watch the conference videos now!
Maternal Roots Conference videos

Watch an edited film of the conference with English subtitles. Click here – Maternal Roots of the Gift Economy

International Feminists for a Gift Economy – Position Statement for a Peaceful World

International Feminists for a Gift Economy is a group of feminist activists and academics from many countries, who meet irregularly and speak about the gift economy on panels at local and international gatherings. Read More>>

What is ‘Economics*’?: A Primer (for the Uninitiated) by Rajani Kanth

No, IT is not about the real economy. Not even remotely.
It was (still is), Firstly, a Policy Project: dating back to the era of Adam Smith, and continuing on, as so-called ‘Classical Economics’, through Ricardian times, in the Nineteenth Century. Read More>>


Introduction to the Gift Economy

This web site is offered to try to give a new perspective, to shift the worldview based on the exchange economy towards one that will support social change in the direction of a gift economy.

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Two basic economic paradigms coexist in the world today. They are logically contradictory and conflictual but also complementary. They are connected with patriarchy, the construction of gender and the way we form our concepts. They permeate the culture.What we need to do is validate the one connected with satisfying needs and diminish the one based on the market, causing a basic shift in the values by which we direct our lives and policies.

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Trump’s victory, whether bonafide or not, has left us reeling. I consider it the victory of capitalist patriarchy and I want to say why. In my books I have repeatedly tried to analyze the abstract patterns that are oppressing us…

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Genevieve Vaughan’s new book

The Gift in the Heart of Language: The maternal source of meaning

is available now.

More Info


Gift Economy TV

Talks on changing the world with the Gift Economy!
Yvette Abams (South Africa)

The Social Structure of the Historical Khoekhoe as a Model for a Gift Economy
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Wahu Kaara: (Kenya)

Feminist thinking in Context of African experience in the struggle for space, place and contribution to Human Prosperity
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Jeanettte Armstrong (Canada)

Whole Family Systems in Living Community on the Land and Sustainable Living
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Elizabeth Sahtouris (USA)

Crisis as Opportunity: The Biology of Globalization
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