Dr Who Matt Smith Reveals Love Of Radiohead, Nas And Pink Floyd (original) (raw)

He lists favourite albums...

Dr Who star Matt Smith has revealed that his three favourite albums are by Radiohead, Nas and Pink Floyd.

Smith, who made his debut as the Doctor at the weekend, opened up about his musical tastes in an interview with The Times.

The 27-year-old actor said his father had introduced him into Pink Floyd's 'Dark Side Of The Moon', which he described as “mad and clever and bold”, as a child.

Smith selected rapper Nas's 'Illmatic' as “a really seminal album from my teens”, and said he was a particular fan of the track 'NY State Of Mind'.

But he reserved his highest praise for Radiohead's most recent album, 2007's 'In Rainbows'.

“Got to have Radiohead - they’ve been a real influence on my imaginative mind,” he said.

“I can muddle through 'High and Dry' on the guitar, although I’m actually better on the piano.”

Smith joked that he had asked Dr Who producers to include a piano into his updated Tardis, but that the request had been ignored.

“I’d love to see the Doctor rock up and play, but it’d have to be done in an inventive and silly way,” he added.

Smith has received widespread praise for his portrayal of the Doctor in the new series, which continues on BBC One on Saturday (April 10).