2025 Afghanistan Military Strength (original) (raw)

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Afghanistan National flag graphic

For 2025, Afghanistan is ranked 118 of 145 out of the countries considered for the annual GFP review. The nation holds a PwrIndx* score of 2.6442 (a score of 0.0000 is considered 'perfect'). This entry last reviewed on 01/08/2025.

*PwrIndx: Each nation is assessed on individual and collective values processed through an in-house formula to generate its 'PwrIndx' (Power Index) score. Some values are estimated when official numbers are not available. View the NOTES tab below for a detailed breakdown of other assessments.

Afghanistan country map image

Afghanistan continues to reel from the disastrous American exit of August of 2021 which plunged the nation into chaos and uncertainty. The failed operation also provided the conquering Taliban with a limited number of aircraft, tens of thousands of Western light armored vehicles, and hundreds of thousands of Western small arms from which to establish a new army from. In February of 2022, Taliban leadership announced the revival of a national fighting force to encompass some 110,000 personnel at program's end - where this initiative lies in 2025 remains unknown.


The polar area chart above is intended to show relative inherent strengths and weakness at-a-glance; balance is prefered though not always achievable.

  1. Manpower encompasses Active, Reserve, and any official Paramilitary forces identified for the nation; personnel from each branch of service is included.
  2. Airpower includes war-making aerial systems, excluding trainers and drones.
  3. Land Power includes motorized / mechanized vehicular elements as well as towed artillery and mechanized / towed MLRS systems.
  4. Naval Power includes commissioned hulls ranging from Blue Water warships and submarines to Brown Water patrol assets (excluded for land-locked powers).
  5. Financials average current financial health on the world stage.
  6. Scores are an average of related categories in the GFP annual ranking.

Afghanistan is ranked 118 of 145 out of the countries considered for the annual Global Firepower review. The nation holds a Power Index score of 2.6442 with a score of 0.0000 being considered exceptional in the GFP annual assessment.

Landlocked country graphic image

Bordered by land on all sides without direct access to the sea, this country is landlocked.

Capital City: Kabul

Population: 4,435,000














Showcased as average temperatures (F) found across a given country's capital city over a twelve-month calendar period (January-December). Colors represent cooler-to-warmer temperatures depending on time of year. Average monthly precipitation chances (0% to 100%) are show as green stripes under temperature values (brighter green = higher chance of precipitation).

The act of waging (and sustaining) a prolonged conflict requires a massive financial commitment from all parties involved. As such, GFP focuses on a select group of financially-related categories showcased below.

[ Small graph icon 117/145 Purchasing Power Parity: 54,772,700,000USD](/purchasing−power−parity.php"PerchasingPowerParity(PPP)totalsbycountry")[![Smallgraphicon](http://www.globalfirepower.com/imgs/misc/graph−red.gif)81/145ForeignExchange/Gold:54,772,700,000 USD ](/purchasing-power-parity.php "Perchasing Power Parity (PPP) totals by country") [ Small graph icon 81/145 Foreign Exchange/Gold: 54,772,700,000USD](/purchasingpowerparity.php"PerchasingPowerParity(PPP)totalsbycountry")![Smallgraphicon](http://www.globalfirepower.com/imgs/misc/graphred.gif)81/145ForeignExchange/Gold:8,852,092,000 USD [ Small graph icon 125/145 Defense Budget: 290,000,000USD](/defense−spending−budget.php"Defensespending(USD)bymilitarypowersofglobe")[![Smallgraphicon](http://www.globalfirepower.com/imgs/misc/graph−red.gif)4/145ExternalDebt:290,000,000 USD ](/defense-spending-budget.php "Defense spending (USD) by military powers of globe") [ Small graph icon 4/145 External Debt: 290,000,000USD](/defensespendingbudget.php"Defensespending(USD)bymilitarypowersofglobe")![Smallgraphicon](http://www.globalfirepower.com/imgs/misc/graphred.gif)4/145ExternalDebt:1,142,500,000 USD

All monetary values presented in United States Dollar (USD$).

Manpower is the single-most important category followed by the GFP index and one of the few that is satisfied by every nation. The following values detail the maximum, theoretical persons the nation can commit to a war effort. Mobilization values are based in patterns influenced by the major participants of both WWI and WWII over a proposed four-year wartime timeline taking into account Basic Training, equipping, and transportation.

Small graph icon 36/145 Total Population: 40,121,552 Small graph icon 43/145 Available Manpower 15,647,405 (39.0%) Small graph icon 49/145 Fit-for-Service 8,826,741 (22.0%) Small graph icon 26/145 Reaching Mil Age Annually 842,553 (2.1%)

Tot Mil. Personnel (est.)
80,000 (0.2%)

Small graph icon 145/145 Active Personnel 0 (0.0%) Small graph icon 145/145 Reserve Personnel 0 (0.0%) Small graph icon 17/145 Paramilitary 80,000 (0.2%)


Air Force Personnel*


Army Personnel*


Navy Personnel*

Yearly Mobilization Potential
831,916 (2.1%)

Mobilization 6-12mos
421,277 recruits
501,277 (incl.Tot.Persnnl)

Mobilization Year 2
649,187 recruits
1,150,464 (cumulative)

Mobilization Year 3
1,021,820 recruits
2,172,284 (cumulative)

Mobilization Year 4+
1,235,381 recruits
3,407,665 (cumulative)

*When real-world values are not available, these totals may be estimated.

GFP tracks specific categories related to land warfare capabilities of a given power. READINESS rates are based against the U.S. Army's 80% average across all categories to account for availability of individual battlefield assets due to general maintenance, modernization, refurbishment and the like.

Small graph icon 145/145 Tanks: Stock: 0 Readiness: 0* Small graph icon 65/145 Vehicles: Stock: 5,202 Readiness: 1,821* Small graph icon 145/145 Self-Propelled Artillery: Stock: 0 Readiness: 0* Small graph icon 145/145 Towed Artillery: Stock: 0 Readiness: 0* Small graph icon 145/145 MLRS (Rocket Artillery): Stock: 0 Readiness: 0*

*Values are estimated.

End-use products reflect a given nation's ability to produce goods and services through manufacturing, industry, and / or agriculture. The entries reflect industries that would become stressed, disrupted, or spoils-of-war in the event of Total War.

Icon image of an apple


Icon image of stack of bricks


Icon image of cement bag


Icon image of a womans dress


Icon image of coal lump


Icon image of copper nugget


Icon image of a fertilizer bag


Icon image of a table


Icon image of a grape clump


Icon image of various melon types


Icon image of a milk carton


Icon image representing natural gas


Icon image of an onion


Icon image of a potato


Icon image of a pile of rice


Icon image of a bar of soap


Icon image of textile swatches


Icon image of a clump of vegetables


Icon image of a watermelon


Icon image of wheat


The GFP index tracks crude Oil (petroleum), Natural Gas (NatGas), and Coal usage / reserves / stock for each country. Natural resources are critical to a nation in both war and peace time, in some cases forming the lifeblood of a given world power.

Small graph icon 145/145 Oil Production: 0 bbl Small graph icon 3/145 Oil Consumption: 2,700 bbl

Oil Deficit:
-2,700 bbl

Small graph icon 145/145 Oil Proven Reserves: 0 bbl
Small graph icon 73/145 Natural Gas Production: 80,200,000 cu.m Small graph icon 10/145 Natural Gas Consumption: 80,200,000 cu.m

Natural Gas Deficit:
0 cu.m

Small graph icon 57/145 Nat.Gas Proven Rez: 49,554,000,000 cu.m
Small graph icon 37/145 Coal Production: 4,885,000 mt Small graph icon 53/145 Coal Consumption: 1,545,000 mt

Coal Deficit:
+3,340,000 mt

Small graph icon 72/145 Coal Proven Reserves: 66,000,000 mt

Oil bbl represented as unit 'barrel of oil'. Natural Gas represented in 'cubic meters'. Coal represented in 'metric tons'.

The GFP formula tracks various factors related to logistics which prove critical to any one global power in both war and peace time. These factor into a nation's ability to move man, machine, and supplies from one point to another - a particularly important quality when considering mass-mobilization.

Small graph icon 60/145 Labor Force: 8,921,000 Small graph icon 145/145 Merchant Marine Fleet: 0 Small graph icon 145/145 Ports / Trade Terminals: 0 Small graph icon 66/145 Airports: 67 Small graph icon 91/145 Roadway Coverage: 34,903 km Small graph icon 145/145 Railway Coverage: 0 km Small graph icon 56/145 Waterways (usable): 1,200 km

FINANCIALS - Values partly derived from the CIA World Factbook and presented in USD ($). Estimates made when needed.

GEOGRAPHY - Values derived from the CIA World Factbook. As geography can play a role in both offensive and defensive wars, the GFP formula takes geographic qualities into account (border coverage, coastline coverage).

CAPITAL - Basic details covering the name, population, temperature, and precipitation values of a given capital city.

MANPOWER - Values partly derived from the CIA World Factbook. Some values may be estimated.

AIRPOWER - Values derived from multiple sources. Estimates made when required. Total Aircraft Strength value includes both fixed-wing and rotorcraft platforms from all branches of service (at this time UAVs are not included). 'Attack' value constitutes purpose-built, fixed-wing dedicated attack types. 'Transports' value includes only fixed-wing aircraft while all rotorcraft are represented under the 'Helicopters' value. For an in-depth look into the current air powers of the world, consider "the World Directory of Modern Military Aircraft" [www.WDMMA.org - external link].

LAND FORCES - Values derived from multiple sources. Estimates made when required. 'Tanks' value includes Main Battle Tanks (MBTs), medium tanks, and light tanks. 'Vehicles' value includes APCs, IFVs, MRAPs, Armored Cars, and support / logistical / engineering types. 'Rocket Projectors' (MLRSs) include self-propelled and towed forms.

NAVAL FORCES - Values derived from multiple sources. Estimates made when required. 'Total Assets' value includes all possible / available vessels including auxiliaries. 'Aircraft Carriers' value includes only traditional through-deck carriers (both conventionally- and nuclear-powered); Helicopter Carriers are considered in their own separate listing. 'Submarines' value includes both diesel-electric and nuclear-powered types. Landlocked nations are not penalized for the lack of a standing navy. For an in-depth look into the current naval powers of the world, consider "the World Directory of Modern Military Warships" [www.WDMMW.org - external link].

END-USE PRODUCTS - Graphics intended to showcase manufacturing, industrial, and agricultural prowess of a global power. Not all products may be accounted for in the showcase.

NATURAL RESOURCES - Values derived from the CIA World Factbook or estimated in some cases. Values presented as BBL (Barrel unit), cu.m (Cubic Meters), and mt (Metric Tons).

LOGISTICS - Values derived from the CIA World Factbook. Ports & Terminals may reside outside of a nations own borders if arrangements with an ally have been made. Landlocked nations are penalized for the lack of a standing Merchant Marine force.

Comparable Powers

Entries below showcase broadly similar fighting capabilities

Mozambique Image of the geographic map of Mozambique Eritrea Image of the geographic map of Eritrea Laos Image of the geographic map of Laos

Neighboring Powers

Based on geographic proximity to host nation

Iran Image of the geographic map of Iran Pakistan Image of the geographic map of Pakistan Turkmenistan Image of the geographic map of Turkmenistan

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