Author Team: Solomon Hsiang, Daniel Allen, Sébastien Annan-Phan, Kendon Bell, Ian Bolliger, Trinetta Chong, Hannah Druckenmiller, Andrew Hultgren, Luna Yue Huang, Emma Krasovich, Peiley Lau, Jaecheol Lee, Esther Rolf, Jeanette Tseng, Tiffany Wu

All material below provided for free re-use with attribution to “Global Policy Laboratory, UC Berkeley. Source: Hsiang et al. (Nature, 2020)”

Table of Contents

  1. Publication + appendix
  2. Key Findings
  3. Code and Data
  4. Image Gallery
  5. Videos
  6. Country Profiles
  7. Frequently Asked Questions
  8. Media Coverage



Key Findings

  1. In the absence of policy, we estimate that early infections of COVID-19 grow at a rate of roughly 38% per day. This implies a doubling time of approximately two days.
  2. To evaluate the effect of anti-contagion policies, we collected information on 1,717 non-pharmaceutical interventions in six countries. The dataset includes policies deployed at both the national and sub-national (e.g. state, city) level.
  3. Policies have different impacts on different populations. In general, we find that home isolation, business closures, and other large-scale social distancing measures have had large and measurable health benefits. We obtain mixed results for travel restrictions. We do not find strong evidence that some other policies, such as school closures, have significantly flattened the curve. See Figure 2 of the published article for more details.
  4. We estimate that anti-contagion policies averted 62 million confirmed cases across the six countries in our sample (China, South Korea, Italy, Iran, France, and the United States) as of April 6, 2020. This corresponds to more than 500 million averted infections after accounting for under-reporting. See Figure 4 of the published article for more details, as well as country profiles at the end of this resource page (use buttons below).

Quick links to country profiles

Code and Data

Code and Data Repository
This Github contains the code and data necessary to replicate the findings of our paper on your own computing resources. (questions? → bolliger@berkeley.edu)

Code Ocean Capsule
This capsule contains the code used in our paper, as well as the environment in which to run it. It also provides access to a Stata license. (questions? → bolliger@berkeley.edu)

Data DictionaryDescribes the variables used in our analysis. (questions? → bolliger@berkeley.edu)

Data Sources
Epidemiological and policy information, as well as sources, for the 6 countries analyzed: China, France, Italy, Iran, South Korea, and the United States. (questions? → jeanette.tseng@berkeley.edu)

Contact Us About Data
If you have information regarding new data sources or would like to contribute data we missed, please let us know by filling out this form.

Data for Map Visualizations
To assist in creating data visualizations, we provide the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases by administrative unit (e.g. state) and date. We also provide our estimates for how many confirmed cases would have occurred in counterfactual world where no anti-contagion policies had been deployed. The data is provided in two formats, comma separated value (.csv) and shapefiles (.shp) for constructing maps.

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Solomon Hsiang summarizes the study.

Credit: Roxanne Makasdjian

Full story here.

Country Profiles


Area of circles show confirmed cumulative cases in 115 Chinese cities where data are available (shaded grey) daily between January 16 - March 5, 2020. Left: actual reported cases, right: estimated cases if no anti-contagion policies had been deployed.

在中国,我们研究了三个防疫措施:省级重大突发公共卫生事件一级响应(emergency declaration),封城(travel ban),以及小区封闭式管理(home isolation)。我们有以下几个主要发现:


We study three anti-contagion policies: (provincial-level) emergency declaration, travel ban, and home isolation. Our main findings:

For Chinese media inquiries, please contact Luna Yue Huang

See Appendix for more details.

South Korea

Area of circles show confirmed cumulative cases in South Korean provinces daily between February 17 - April 6, 2020. Left: actual reported cases, right: estimated cases if no anti-contagion policies had been deployed.

초기에 대한민국 정부는 우한시와 같은 코로나19 확산 지역으로부터 해외유입을 방지하는 데 주안점을 두었습니다. 그러나 2월 중순 신천지 교회와 연관된 확진자 수가 급증하게 되면서 코로나19 국내 확산을 차단하기 위해 전 국가적으로 한층 강화된 방역정책이 시행되었습니다. 우선 신천지 교회와 관련된 시설들이 폐쇄되었고, 사회 복지 시설들이 휴관되었으며, 검사 대상 범위가 늘어남과 동시에 시민 운집이 많은 도심에서 집회와 시위가 금지되기도 했습니다. 코로나19가 가장 급속하게 확산되었던 대구와 경상북도 일부 시군의 경우 피해 규모가 중대하여 특별재난지역으로 선포되었습니다.
본 연구에서 한국과 관련된 주요 내용은 다음과 같습니다.

기타 한국과 관련한 질문이나 언론 Contact 관련 문의사항의 경우 이재철 에게 연락 주시길 바랍니다.

Early interventions include the screening of travelers arriving from affected regions such as Wuhan, China. In February, the sudden rise in infections attributable to the Shincheonji Church resulted in the enactment of more aggressive policies nationwide, such as the closure of religious and welfare facilities, the prohibition of demonstrations and gatherings, and wider testing regimes. The regions hardest hit by the virus were largely due to the Shincheonji Church, including Daegu and its surrounding province, Gyeongsangbuk-do. These regions were designated as ‘Special Management Zones’.

Key takeaways:

For Korean media inquiries, please contact Lee Jaecheol

See Appendix for more details.


Area of circles show confirmed cumulative cases in Italian provinces daily between February 26 - April 6, 2020. Left: actual reported cases, right: estimated cases if no anti-contagion policies had been deployed.

Early policy interventions in Italy were implemented at the local level when municipalities and regions hard hit by the virus were placed under partial or full lockdown in late February/early March. Following these initial regional policies, nationwide policies were rolled out in quick succession, with all schools closed on March 5 and the entire nation being placed on lockdown five days later.

Key takeaways:

See Appendix for more details.


Area of circles show confirmed cumulative cases in Iranian provinces daily between February 27 - March 22, 2020. Left: actual reported cases, right: estimated cases if no anti-contagion policies had been deployed

Early policy interventions in Iran were implemented in late February in the province of Qom, which was the initial epicenter of the outbreak. Policies were rolled out nationwide in early-mid March as the disease spread throughout the country.

Key takeaways:

See Appendix for more details.


Area of circles show confirmed cumulative cases in French regions daily between March 2 - March 25, 2020. Left: actual reported cases, right: estimated cases if no anti-contagion policies had been deployed.

Les politiques publiques en France ont en grande partie été coordonnées au niveau national, bien que plusieurs mesures furent prise plus localement. Trois des restrictions les plus importantes - fermeture nationale des écoles et universités, fermeture des commerces non-essentiels et confinement de la population - ont été proclamées dans un laps de temps particulièrement rapproché. Il est donc difficile de détecter séparément leur impact, à l’exception des fermetures d’écoles dont certaines ont eu lieu avant le décret national.

Les points clefs de notre étude:

Pour toutes informations supplémentaires, veuillez contacter Sébastien Annan-Phan

Interventions in France were primarily coordinated at the national level, even though several measures were enacted locally. Three out of the four most important policies - school closure, business closure and the shelter in place - were enacted within a short time interval. It is thus challenging to isolate their separate effects, except for the effect of school closure since we observed some closing of regional schools prior to the national policy closing all schools.

Key takeaways:

For press inquires, please contact Sébastien Annan-Phan.

See Appendix for more details.

United States

Area of circles show confirmed cumulative cases in US states daily between March 3 - April 6, 2020. Left: actual reported cases, right: estimated cases if no anti-contagion policies had been deployed.

Most policies in the US were implemented at the state or local level, with localities differing on the types of policies enacted and when the policies were implemented. States that were affected by the virus early on, such as Washington, California and New York, were one of the first jurisdictions to enact policies starting in early to mid-March. Additionally, the federal government issued a "15 Days to Slow the Spread" social distancing guidelines on March 16. All states had implemented some forms of policy by the end of our sample period.

Key takeaways:

See Appendix for more details.

Frequently Asked Questions

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