SA-8 GECKO / 9K33M3 Osa-AKM (original) (raw)

"Osa" "Osa-AK" "Osa-AKM"
Target detection zone, km - - 2:45
Aircraft destraction zone, km
by ranger 2-9 1,5-10 1,5-10 (2-6,5)
by altitude 0,05-5 0,025-5 0,025-5 (0-2,5)
Target speed, max, m/s 420 500 500 (0-80)
Probability of target destruction with one missile 0,35 - 0,85 0,5 - 0,85 0,5 - 0,85 (0,07 - 0,55)
Weight of system, kg 128 128 128
Weight of warhead, kg 15 15 15
Reaction time, s 26-34 27-39 27-39
Average missile speed, m/s 500 500 500
Combat crew, persons 4 4 4
Date of Introduction 1980
Proliferation At least 25 countries
Crew 3
Combat Weight (mt) 9
TELAR BAZ-5937 6x6 amphibious cross-country capable vehicle
Length (m) 9.14
Height (m) 4.2 (with surveillance radar folded down)
Width (m) 2.75
Engine Type D20K300 diesel
Cruising Range (km) 500
Max. Road Speed 80 km/h
Max. Swim Speed 8 km/h
Radio R-123M
Protection NBC Protection System
Launcher Name 9P35M2
Length (m) 3.2
Diameter (mm) INA
Weight (kg) 35
Reaction Time (sec) INA
Time Between Launches (sec) 4
Reload Time (min) 5
Fire on Move No
Emplacement Time (min) 4
Displacement Time (min) Less than 4 (est.)
Missile Name 9M33M3
Max. Range 15,000 meters
Min. Range 200 meters
Max. Altitude 12,000 meters
Min. Altitude 10 meters
Length 3158 mm
Diameter 209.6 mm
Weight 170 kg
Missile Speed 1020 m/s
Propulsion Solid propellant rocket motor
Guidance RF CLOS
Warhead Type Frag-HE
Fuze Type Contact and proximity
Warhead Weight 16 kg
Self-Destruct 25-28 seconds
FIRE CONTROL Sights w/MagnificationLLLTV/optical assist (for target tracking in low visibility and heavy ECM)
Radar Name LAND ROLL
Function Target Acquisition
Detection Range (km) 20-30
Tracking Range (km) 20-25
Frequency 6-8 GHz
Frequency Band H
Radar Name Monopulse Target Tracking Radar
Function Target Tracking
Detection Range (km) 20-25
Tracking Range (km) INA
Frequency 14.2-14.8 GHz
Frequency Band J
Missile tracking radars 2
Frequency 10-20 GHz
VARIANTS SA-8a Initial production model that carries four missiles on exposed rails. 4K33 Osa-M (SA-N-4) Naval variant
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