(original) (raw)
BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT UID:20240919T121908Z - 85279@fedora DTSTART:20240918T000000 DTEND:20240919T000000 CLASS:PUBLIC CREATED:20240919T121908 DESCRIPTION:GNOME 47.0 stable release DTSTAMP:20240919T121908 LAST-MODIFIED:20240919T121908 SEQUENCE:1 SUMMARY:GNOME 47.0 stable release TRANSP:OPAQUE END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:20240919T121908Z - 12235@fedora DTSTART:20241019T000000 DTEND:20241020T000000 CLASS:PUBLIC CREATED:20240919T121908 DESCRIPTION:Tarballs are due on 2024-10-19 before 23:59 UTC for the GNOME\n 47.1 stable release\, which will be delivered next week. Core modules\nare not expected to follow the schedule for stable releases. Instead\,\npleas e release when you judge that a new stable release is required.\nModules r eleased before this deadline will be included in the 47.1\nupdate of the G NOME runtime. DTSTAMP:20240919T121908 LAST-MODIFIED:20240919T121908 SEQUENCE:1 SUMMARY:GNOME 47.1 stable tarballs due TRANSP:OPAQUE END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:20240919T121908Z - 43483@fedora DTSTART:20241019T000000 DTEND:20241020T000000 CLASS:PUBLIC CREATED:20240919T121908 DESCRIPTION:Tarballs are due on 2024-10-19 before 23:59 UTC for the GNOME\n 46.6 oldstable release\, which will be delivered next week. Core modules\n are not expected to follow the schedule for stable releases. Instead\,\npl ease release when you judge that a new stable release is required.\nModule s released before this deadline will be included in the 46.6\nupdate of th e GNOME runtime. DTSTAMP:20240919T121908 LAST-MODIFIED:20240919T121908 SEQUENCE:1 SUMMARY:GNOME 46.6 oldstable tarballs due TRANSP:OPAQUE END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:20240919T121908Z - 60765@fedora DTSTART:20241123T000000 DTEND:20241124T000000 CLASS:PUBLIC CREATED:20240919T121908 DESCRIPTION:Tarballs are due on 2024-11-23 before 23:59 UTC for the GNOME\n 47.2 stable release\, which will be delivered next week. Core modules\nare not expected to follow the schedule for stable releases. Instead\,\npleas e release when you judge that a new stable release is required.\nModules r eleased before this deadline will be included in the 47.2\nupdate of the G NOME runtime. DTSTAMP:20240919T121908 LAST-MODIFIED:20240919T121908 SEQUENCE:1 SUMMARY:GNOME 47.2 stable tarballs due TRANSP:OPAQUE END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:20240919T121908Z - 31460@fedora DTSTART:20241123T000000 DTEND:20241124T000000 CLASS:PUBLIC CREATED:20240919T121908 DESCRIPTION:Tarballs are due on 2024-11-23 before 23:59 UTC for the GNOME\n 46.7 oldstable release\, which will be delivered next week. Core modules\n are not expected to follow the schedule for stable releases. Instead\,\npl ease release when you judge that a new stable release is required.\nModule s released before this deadline will be included in the 46.7\nupdate of th e GNOME runtime. DTSTAMP:20240919T121908 LAST-MODIFIED:20240919T121908 SEQUENCE:1 SUMMARY:GNOME 46.7 oldstable tarballs due TRANSP:OPAQUE END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:20240919T121908Z - 71796@fedora DTSTART:20250104T000000 DTEND:20250105T000000 CLASS:PUBLIC CREATED:20240919T121908 DESCRIPTION:Tarballs are due on 2025-01-04 before 23:59 UTC for the GNOME\n 48.alpha newstable release\, which will be delivered next week. In order t o\nensure adequate testing\, core modules should try to release according to\nthe unstable schedule if they have nontrivial changes.\n\nPlease make sure that your tarballs will be uploaded before Saturday 23:59\nUTC. Tarba lls uploaded later than that will probably be too late. DTSTAMP:20240919T121908 LAST-MODIFIED:20240919T121908 SEQUENCE:1 SUMMARY:GNOME 48.alpha newstable tarballs due TRANSP:OPAQUE END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:20240919T121908Z - 97781@fedora DTSTART:20250104T000000 DTEND:20250105T000000 CLASS:PUBLIC CREATED:20240919T121908 DESCRIPTION:Tarballs are due on 2025-01-04 before 23:59 UTC for the GNOME\n 47.3 stable release\, which will be delivered next week. Core modules\nare not expected to follow the schedule for stable releases. Instead\,\npleas e release when you judge that a new stable release is required.\nModules r eleased before this deadline will be included in the 47.3\nupdate of the G NOME runtime. DTSTAMP:20240919T121908 LAST-MODIFIED:20240919T121908 SEQUENCE:1 SUMMARY:GNOME 47.3 stable tarballs due TRANSP:OPAQUE END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:20240919T121908Z - 11070@fedora DTSTART:20250104T000000 DTEND:20250105T000000 CLASS:PUBLIC CREATED:20240919T121908 DESCRIPTION:Tarballs are due on 2025-01-04 before 23:59 UTC for the GNOME\n 46.8 oldstable release\, which will be delivered next week. Core modules\n are not expected to follow the schedule for stable releases. Instead\,\npl ease release when you judge that a new stable release is required.\nModule s released before this deadline will be included in the 46.8\nupdate of th e GNOME runtime. DTSTAMP:20240919T121908 LAST-MODIFIED:20240919T121908 SEQUENCE:1 SUMMARY:GNOME 46.8 oldstable tarballs due TRANSP:OPAQUE END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:20240919T121908Z - 63698@fedora DTSTART:20250201T000000 DTEND:20250202T000000 CLASS:PUBLIC CREATED:20240919T121908 DESCRIPTION:Tarballs are due on 2025-02-01 before 23:59 UTC for the GNOME\n 48.beta newstable release\, which will be delivered next week. In order to \nensure adequate testing\, core modules should try to release according t o\nthe unstable schedule if they have nontrivial changes.\n\nPlease make s ure that your tarballs will be uploaded before Saturday 23:59\nUTC. Tarbal ls uploaded later than that will probably be too late. DTSTAMP:20240919T121908 LAST-MODIFIED:20240919T121908 SEQUENCE:1 SUMMARY:GNOME 48.beta newstable tarballs due TRANSP:OPAQUE END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:20240919T121908Z - 12528@fedora DTSTART:20250201T000000 DTEND:20250202T000000 CLASS:PUBLIC CREATED:20240919T121908 DESCRIPTION:Tarballs are due on 2025-02-01 before 23:59 UTC for the GNOME\n 47.4 stable release\, which will be delivered next week. Core modules\nare not expected to follow the schedule for stable releases. Instead\,\npleas e release when you judge that a new stable release is required.\nModules r eleased before this deadline will be included in the 47.4\nupdate of the G NOME runtime. DTSTAMP:20240919T121908 LAST-MODIFIED:20240919T121908 SEQUENCE:1 SUMMARY:GNOME 47.4 stable tarballs due TRANSP:OPAQUE END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:20240919T121908Z - 35116@fedora DTSTART:20250201T000000 DTEND:20250202T000000 CLASS:PUBLIC CREATED:20240919T121908 DESCRIPTION:Tarballs are due on 2025-02-01 before 23:59 UTC for the GNOME\n 46.9 oldstable release\, which will be delivered next week. Core modules\n are not expected to follow the schedule for stable releases. Instead\,\npl ease release when you judge that a new stable release is required.\nModule s released before this deadline will be included in the 46.9\nupdate of th e GNOME runtime. DTSTAMP:20240919T121908 LAST-MODIFIED:20240919T121908 SEQUENCE:1 SUMMARY:GNOME 46.9 oldstable tarballs due TRANSP:OPAQUE END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:20240919T121908Z - 36536@fedora DTSTART:20250201T000000 DTEND:20250202T000000 CLASS:PUBLIC CREATED:20240919T121908 DESCRIPTION:API freeze begins on 2025-02-01 at 23:59 UTC. No API or ABI cha nges should be made in the platform libraries. This provides a stable deve lopment platform for the rest of the schedule.\n\nFeature freeze begins on 2025-02-01 at 23:59 UTC. No new modules or features will be accepted for this release period. Bug fixes of existing features are not affected. This allows developers to concentrate on refining the new features instead of adding yet more functionality.\n\nUI freeze begins on 2025-02-01 at 23:59 UTC. No major UI changes may be made without confirmation from the release team. Small fixes do not require permission. DTSTAMP:20240919T121908 LAST-MODIFIED:20240919T121908 SEQUENCE:1 SUMMARY:API/ABI\, UI and Feature Addition Freeze\; String Change Announceme nt Period for GNOME 48 TRANSP:OPAQUE END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:20240919T121908Z - 44566@fedora DTSTART:20250201T000000 DTEND:20250202T000000 CLASS:PUBLIC CREATED:20240919T121908 DESCRIPTION:New APIs must be fully documented DTSTAMP:20240919T121908 LAST-MODIFIED:20240919T121908 SEQUENCE:1 SUMMARY:New APIs for GNOME 48 must be fully documented TRANSP:OPAQUE END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:20240919T121908Z - 53902@fedora DTSTART:20250201T000000 DTEND:20250202T000000 CLASS:PUBLIC CREATED:20240919T121908 DESCRIPTION:Writing of release notes begins DTSTAMP:20240919T121908 LAST-MODIFIED:20240919T121908 SEQUENCE:1 SUMMARY:Writing of GNOME 48 release notes begins TRANSP:OPAQUE END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:20240919T121908Z - 87562@fedora DTSTART:20250222T000000 DTEND:20250223T000000 CLASS:PUBLIC CREATED:20240919T121908 DESCRIPTION:String freeze begins on 2025-02-22 at 23:59 UTC. No string chan ges may be made without confirmation from the i18n team.\n\nFrom this poin t\, developers can concentrate on stability and bugfixing. Translators can work without worrying that the original English strings will change\, and documentation writers can take accurate screenshots. [[https://handbook.g nome.org/release-planning/freezes.html#string-freeze|Explanation of the st ring freeze]] DTSTAMP:20240919T121908 LAST-MODIFIED:20240919T121908 SEQUENCE:1 SUMMARY:String Freeze for GNOME 48 TRANSP:OPAQUE END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:20240919T121908Z - 47683@fedora DTSTART:20250301T000000 DTEND:20250302T000000 CLASS:PUBLIC CREATED:20240919T121908 DESCRIPTION:Tarballs are due on 2025-03-01 before 23:59 UTC for the GNOME\n 48.rc newstable release\, which will be delivered next week. In order to\n ensure adequate testing\, core modules should try to release according to\ nthe unstable schedule if they have nontrivial changes.\n\nPlease make sur e that your tarballs will be uploaded before Saturday 23:59\nUTC. Tarballs uploaded later than that will probably be too late. DTSTAMP:20240919T121908 LAST-MODIFIED:20240919T121908 SEQUENCE:1 SUMMARY:GNOME 48.rc newstable tarballs due TRANSP:OPAQUE END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:20240919T121908Z - 55846@fedora DTSTART:20250312T000000 DTEND:20250313T000000 CLASS:PUBLIC CREATED:20240919T121908 DESCRIPTION:Soft translation deadline is 2025-03-12 at 23:59 UTC. Translati ons committed after this point may be too late to be included. Maintainers should not release stable tarballs until after this day. DTSTAMP:20240919T121908 LAST-MODIFIED:20240919T121908 SEQUENCE:1 SUMMARY:Soft translation deadline for GNOME 48 TRANSP:OPAQUE END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:20240919T121908Z - 69364@fedora DTSTART:20250315T000000 DTEND:20250316T000000 CLASS:PUBLIC CREATED:20240919T121908 DESCRIPTION:Tarballs are due on 2025-03-15 before 23:59 UTC for the GNOME\n 48.0 newstable release\, which will be delivered next week. All modules\nt hat had an unstable release during the current release cycle must\nrelease to ensure a stable version number\, even if there have been no\nchanges s ince the previous release.\n\nPlease make sure that your tarballs will be uploaded before Saturday 23:59\nUTC. Tarballs uploaded later than that wil l probably be too late. If\nyou need help\, please contact the release tea m and we'll find someone to\nhandle the release for you. DTSTAMP:20240919T121908 LAST-MODIFIED:20240919T121908 SEQUENCE:1 SUMMARY:GNOME 48.0 newstable tarballs due TRANSP:OPAQUE END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:20240919T121908Z - 46560@fedora DTSTART:20250315T000000 DTEND:20250316T000000 CLASS:PUBLIC CREATED:20240919T121908 DESCRIPTION:Tarballs are due on 2025-03-15 before 23:59 UTC for the GNOME\n 47.5 stable release\, which will be delivered next week. Core modules\nare not expected to follow the schedule for stable releases. Instead\,\npleas e release when you judge that a new stable release is required.\nModules r eleased before this deadline will be included in the 47.5\nupdate of the G NOME runtime. DTSTAMP:20240919T121908 LAST-MODIFIED:20240919T121908 SEQUENCE:1 SUMMARY:GNOME 47.5 stable tarballs due TRANSP:OPAQUE END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:20240919T121908Z - 31059@fedora DTSTART:20250315T000000 DTEND:20250316T000000 CLASS:PUBLIC CREATED:20240919T121908 DESCRIPTION:Tarballs are due on 2025-03-15 before 23:59 UTC for the GNOME\n 46.10 oldstable release\, which will be delivered next week. Core modules\ nare not expected to follow the schedule for stable releases. Instead\,\np lease release when you judge that a new stable release is required.\nModul es released before this deadline will be included in the 46.10\nupdate of the GNOME runtime. DTSTAMP:20240919T121908 LAST-MODIFIED:20240919T121908 SEQUENCE:1 SUMMARY:GNOME 46.10 oldstable tarballs due TRANSP:OPAQUE END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:20240919T121908Z - 28740@fedora DTSTART:20250315T000000 DTEND:20250316T000000 CLASS:PUBLIC CREATED:20240919T121908 DESCRIPTION: DTSTAMP:20240919T121908 LAST-MODIFIED:20240919T121908 SEQUENCE:1 SUMMARY:End of life for 46 TRANSP:OPAQUE END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:20240919T121908Z - 20536@fedora DTSTART:20250319T000000 DTEND:20250320T000000 CLASS:PUBLIC CREATED:20240919T121908 DESCRIPTION:GNOME 48.0 newstable release DTSTAMP:20240919T121908 LAST-MODIFIED:20240919T121908 SEQUENCE:1 SUMMARY:GNOME 48.0 newstable release TRANSP:OPAQUE END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:20240919T121908Z - 43533@fedora DTSTART:20250412T000000 DTEND:20250413T000000 CLASS:PUBLIC CREATED:20240919T121908 DESCRIPTION:Tarballs are due on 2025-04-12 before 23:59 UTC for the GNOME\n 48.1 newstable release\, which will be delivered next week. Core modules\n are not expected to follow the schedule for stable releases. Instead\,\npl ease release when you judge that a new stable release is required.\nModule s released before this deadline will be included in the 48.1\nupdate of th e GNOME runtime. DTSTAMP:20240919T121908 LAST-MODIFIED:20240919T121908 SEQUENCE:1 SUMMARY:GNOME 48.1 newstable tarballs due TRANSP:OPAQUE END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:20240919T121908Z - 25560@fedora DTSTART:20250412T000000 DTEND:20250413T000000 CLASS:PUBLIC CREATED:20240919T121908 DESCRIPTION:Tarballs are due on 2025-04-12 before 23:59 UTC for the GNOME\n 47.6 stable release\, which will be delivered next week. Core modules\nare not expected to follow the schedule for stable releases. Instead\,\npleas e release when you judge that a new stable release is required.\nModules r eleased before this deadline will be included in the 47.6\nupdate of the G NOME runtime. DTSTAMP:20240919T121908 LAST-MODIFIED:20240919T121908 SEQUENCE:1 SUMMARY:GNOME 47.6 stable tarballs due TRANSP:OPAQUE END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR