Programmable Search Engine by Google (original) (raw)

Help people find what they need on your website

Add a customizable search box to your web pages and show fast, relevant results powered by Google Search.

Generic laptop shows a browser window, highlighting a programmable search input box.

Why choose Programmable Search Engine

Icon showing a blue magnifying glass.

High-quality search results

Because it’s powered by Google’s core search technology that’s constantly improving, you always get fast, relevant results.

Icon showing a yellow pencil.

Customizable functionality

You program your search engine, so you decide what content it searches and how it looks.

Icon showing a green check mark.

Easy to use

Integrate your search engine on your website quickly.

Generic phone shows a browser displaying a list of search results.

Make it yours

Choose sites to include

Decide if you want users to search only your website, or include other sites on the web.

Match the design to your site

Choose from several pre-built themes, or design your own search results page from scratch.

Get it for free or a low price

Pay nothing — and even earn revenue — by showing relevant ads with AdSense, or pay a low price for an ad-free experience.

Abstract shapes allude to a stack of documents.

Developer Documentation

Abstract shapes allude to a question mark in a speech bubble.

Help Center

Abstract shapes allude to a multimedia document.


Abstract shapes allude to a pair of speech bubbles.


Google AdSense logo

Earn money from your website with AdSense

Use AdSense to monetize search results pages from relevant ads on your site.

Google Cloud logo

Search your organization’s internal content with Cloud

Designed for enterprise, Cloud Search helps your employees quickly, easily, and securely find information across your business.

Ready to create your Programmable Search Engine?