Temporary Workplace Traffic Control Manual (original) (raw)

The Temporary Workplace Traffic Control Manual (PDF) (Manual) is the method the Minister of Public Works uses to 'publish' the minimum standards for traffic control at temporary workplaces on or near the roads for which he / she has legal authority.

The Manual is revised periodically. When changes occur, the Minister updates the Web copy noted below. As soon as 'published' on the Web, the newer edition becomes the current legal edition. It becomes effective on the (Web) publication date, and supersedes all previously published editions, whether published in hard copy or electronically.

The Department of Public Works (Department) may not reach every Manual user while broadcasting notifications of changes. It is therefore the sole responsibility of Manual users to check periodically to make sure they have the latest and legal edition.

Current Edition of the Manual and Manual Distribution

Current legal edition of the Manual: novascotia.ca/tran/tcm/traffic-control-manual.pdf

The Department does not distribute printed copies of the Manual.

Changes Since the Last Published Edition of the Manual

The Foreword, starting just inside the front cover of the Manual, has a summary of the differences between the 2018 edition of the Manual and the 2023 edition. Manual users are encouraged to make themselves familiar with changes before doing any work that might be impacted by the changes.

The Manual is copyrighted, therefore may not be altered, except as authorized by the Department. It may not be copied, or distributed, in whole or in part for profit or gain, without express written permission from the Department.

Individuals may copy this document for their own use without additional permission. Agencies and companies may copy and distribute the document within their agency or company for training, and to support compliance with standards in the Manual.

Questions arising from the publication of this Manual may be directed to the Department’s Traffic Engineering and Road Safety office via: tcm@novascotia.ca .

Old Editions of the Manual

Archived editions of the Manual may be accessed by submitting a request to the Department’s Traffic Engineering and Road Safety office via tcm@novascotia.ca.

Additional Information

The following links provide commonly requested information:


Traffic Control Manual enquiries

TCP/TWS certificates (lost, damaged, general enquiries)
Phone: 902-424-2533