ALL ABOUT 2012 (original) (raw)


13-Baktun Cycle Wave Harmonic of History : A splendid colour version of Arguelles' diagram of the 260 Katuns of the Great Cycle, combined with all events of History (since records began).

13 PIK The Mayan Perspective on 2012

13 Year Countdown to 2012 : Aluna Joy Yaxk'in gives astrological predictions for each of the 20 years of the last katun of the Great Cycle : A message from our future selves. Is it a spoof, or genuine Coming Transformation site?

2012 Unlimited : An Australian site covering Earth changes, Mayan Calendar, frequency rise, UFOs, dimensional shift, etc.

2012, Comet Lee and the Birth of Our New Neighbour : Howard Middleton Jones says there is a new planet forming near the sun which will be part of a planetary alignment in 2012. Howard's alternative site and here

21 December 2012 The Mayan Calendar End-Date : “Information Made Easy for the Everyday Earthling to Understand”

A Millennium Prayer For The End Days - Aligning With The Maya Calendar End date 2012 : Dwayne Rourke's recipe of preparation is a Mayan rite of the 4 Directions

Alignment 2012: John Major Jenkins on the solstice sun/galactic centre conjunction in 2012. Jenkins’ original “4 Ahau Press” site is now encapsulated in this new site, under the title of “Old City”. Here you can find essays on the alignment of the solstice sun with galactic centre, which Jenkins decoded as the meaning behind the end of the Mayan Great Cycle. There are also 3 unpublished chapters that were cut from his Maya Cosmogenesis 2012 book, discussion of his earlier works, such as Tzolkin – Visionary Perspectives and Calendar Studies,

AD 2012… Is Something Big Coming? : Inspired by the Mayan calendar, the Hopi Indians, Hancock’s Fingerprints of the Gods, and 13 different channelled sources, going back to the Seventies, several of which mention 2011 or 2012, this page on the “From the Stars” site gives highlights from the 13 transmissions

-AD 2012, 2013, AND BEYOND-

Amazing Creation & Annihilation of Universe Concepts : Hindu cosmology compared with Mayan cosmology: in December 2012, humanity enters Samadhi, says Ed Viswanathan

Ambilac News : A page on the Ambilac site explaining the 2012 planetary alignment & how it is encoded at Giza

Ambilac's New Site : Wilkie - Jones join forces to sort out the confusion in trying to follow their theory of imminent changes, 2012 etc. See esp.Interdimensional Physics and On the 8th Day

An Open Letter From Jay Weidner: Jay announces a new edition of Monument to the End of Time, of which he will be sole author, and comments on the recent controversy surrounding his previous co-author.

Analysis of Fractal Time Compression Wave Event Horizons 1996-2012 : A brief analysis of Timewave Zero displays earthquake prediction

Ananda-Emmanuel : A Norwegian contactee is working with scientists, making incredible 2012 discoveries. Time Gate (Alternative URL)

Antville 2012 - News Dept. of Survive 2012


Apollonius - Rogue Planet : The Apollonius site has a host of interesting essays supporting the claim that Nibiru is about to return to this solar system in 2012.Venus Birth) and eruption of Santorini, is EXACTLY 3,600 years before 2012 Velikovsky explaining why. (3,600 years being the orbit-time of NibiruNibiru)

Audrey's Ancient EgyptAudrey Fletcher has decoded the Egyptian Narmer palette & worked out that the Age of Aquarius starts in 2012

Awakening to the Omega Point Bob Buck,s essay, The Book of Revelation mena, includes a spectrum shift in auroras, caused by a huge magnetic area we are moving into, that he calls a “naked singularity

Blue Honey - The Infinite Mushroom : Mayan calendar & the Timewave, as connected by psychedelic mushrooms, plus Gaia, Science, Art and more.A compilation of McKenna quotes and downloads about 2012 : A psychedelic, techno-shamanic site, with aDMT page and severalTerence McKenna pages ..,and of course, brain machines as an alternative method of accessing altered states...

CassiopaeaThe 6 th dimension CassiopeansThe Wave) how there are a cluster of comets on a 3,600-year orbit, which appears as a single body. Every time the comets come, the Annunaki arrive just beforehand, to feed on the soul energy created by fear.Right behind the comet cluster is a "Realm Border Wave" which returns every 309,000 years, (12 precessional cycles) and will merge this "3rd density" with the next one up - the 4th density, by 2012. SeeWhats New 22

Cerebrex about Neuro-Techno-Shamanism. That is the pursuit of altered states using mind machines &other technology. Includes reviews of McKenna & Jenkins' books

Celestial Dynamics "Celestial Dynamics Orbital Calendar Poster" here, which shows how "the planets come into alignment in 2012"

Chapel PerilousAn interpretation of The Bible Code, which implies that Mars will be crumbled by Earth in 2012, NOT Earth hit by shattered comet.

Chichen Itza in 2012 a selection of Mayan links

Chiron Communications : The website of Steven McFadden, author of Profiles in Wisdom, and Legend of the Rainbow Warriors - both books relate to 2012

Cosmic Stargate: Beyond the Millennium : Steven Hanauer's overview of cataclysm & transformation at the end of the Long Count calendar

Cosmic Stargate part 2: The second part of Steven Hanauer's planned series of articles on how to prepare for the coming earth changes and dimensional shift. Includes evidence of a possible cover-up concerning the current escalation of solar storms and flares; the changes these are already causing; and how to prepare physically and spiritually.

Crawford 2000 A Discussion of the Mayan calendar, 2012, 2011, pole shift, magnetic field, Schumann resonance, Inca prophecies, plus illicit copy of the Geoff Stray Aztec Pizza article – original article at Swirled News

Crop Circles, Gods and Secrets: Robert J. Boerman, from Holland, has deciphered a code in crop formations, which brings our attention to the 26,000 year precession cycle and its end in 2012, with a possible return of the gods. Here is his article The 12th Planet - a return in 2012?

December 12, 2012


Earthsong 2012 Lightworkers,healing, channeling,

Earth Pole Shift 2012 & Keith Hunter theorises that a pole shift is coming that will restore the earth's 360-day rotation period, and eventually restore it to its original spherical state, raising the consciousness of mankind.

Eclipses & Venus Transit in 2012 : A page on an eclipse site, with predictions of track & appearance of eclipses & Venus transit in 2012

Elftrance : McKenna

Elftrance : Downoads

Eclipses in 2012 NASA eclipse site.

2012 - Eschaton

Event 2012 : Video coverage of a Popul Vuh re-enactment ceremony by contemporary Mayans, as preparation for the forthcoming end of the Great Cycle.Acalan home page

Evolution DayThe title of this website refers to the end of the 13-Baktun cycle in 2012. The purpose is to network people in a global experiment in order to create a positive, spiritual future by synchronised meditation and other practises, performed at appropriate times, in places of energetic potency.

Exodus 2006 : A Rastafarian site that links the Book of Enoch, the Book of Jubilees, Revelation, The Bible Code, The Mayan calendar and other sources, to predict the end-times between 2006 and 2012. The Whole Book of Enoch is available on line here! This is an interesting translation of the Ethiopian text e.g. 21.8: “This place is terrible…” NB Church at Rennes Le Chateau and 65.1: “Noah saw the Earth had tilted…” These are different from the translation of R. H. Charles.)

Foundation or World Awakening

Fusion Anomaly - 2012 : This is a "node" in an 881-node brain about trance music - see also Omega Point, Eschaton, McKenna, Timewave Zero, MC2012

Future Visions 2012 : Aansha Jones had a dream while pregnant, that someone gave her a baby to hold, and she asked the baby why he was on Earth at this time. He replied "For The Event", she asked "When's that?" and he replied "13/14 December 2012." She sees The Event as a 3D-5D transition.

Gaiasphere 2013 : A discussion site set up by the website, with general topics of noise, details, gaia, data, music, conspirofact, transmission, all of which departments have several separate discussions on related topics. "Gaia" seems to be the one most directly connected to 2012/2013 discussions

Galactic Alignment - The lost Knowledge of the Ancients : John Major Jenkins' forthcoming book, can be sampled here, where you can read the introduction, chapter 5 and chapter 17. There is also a copy of the introduction at theEarthportals site, where Willard Van De Bogart will soon be posting a review. Anessay by JMJ covering some of the subjects discussed in the book, has been posted at Graham Hancock's website, along with another essay,Alignment 2012, covering his book, Maya Cosmogenesis 2012.

Galactic solstice 2012 : A page advertising Richard Dannelley's book about the effects of the 2012 galactic conjunction on Earth energy grids

Galactic Mandala a huge painting showing the positions of every planet in every sign from 2000 until 21st December 2012. It is also overlaid with the Tzolkin, galactic seasons, haab and thirteen moon calendar.”

Galaxy WaveArticles by Raymond Mardyks, Hunbatz Men, Carl Johann Calleman, and others, on Mayan Calendars and 2012. This is the company who published Raymond Mardyks' "Maya Daykeeper Calendar", but it apparently only goes up to January 2001

Genesis 2012 Foundation : From here, you can access a maze of Tibet-based pages about Maitreya and his plan for a one-world government (nothing to do with Benjamin Creme)

Hope 2012 : Holistic & parapsychological education to prepare for the coming shift. Alternative URL

Hope 2012 (b) : A lost piece of the Hope 2012 website

HyperboreaTerence McKenna's site discussing the I Ching Timewave which terminates in 2012. Here can be found all sorts of information, on the Timewave, technoshamanism, altered states, UFOs, drugs, rainforest flora, conferences and talks, video, audio, CD and books by McKenna. Also Tantric material, poetry, Quantum Physics, virtual reality, alchemy, magic, astronomy, cosmology, sacred geometry, fractals, archaeology, art and more.

Imagidelica : Still under construction, this site, "an on-line HIVE nodal point of hypercondsensed imagination", discusses the forthcoming dimensional shift in 2012

Info About Energies - Now to 2012 : How to deal with coming effects of the Shift; Light Body Activation

Into the Heart of Creation : Dwayne Edward Rourke's page on "Embodying the Wisdom of the Mayan Sacred Calendar". The phase of the moon at your moment of birth is the key to coping with 2012

Kalki, Avatar of the Golden Age : Kalki, last incarnation of Vishnu is here, and intends to enlighten 60,000 people before 2012, so as to form a critical mass that will cause a chain-reaction, enlightening all mankind in preparation for the Golden age in 2012.

More on KalkiNew Kalki links:

Latinola site: Mayan elder, Don Alejandro Cirilo Pérez Oxlaj says "...on Dec. 20, 2012, Mother Earth will pass inside the center of a magnetic axis..." This will precede earthquakes & loods.

Leading Edge International Research Group: This site has articles on McKenna's Timewave, Montauk, Drunvalo Melchizedek,, abduction, and more. If you put "2012" into the site search engine, 19 pages will be listed.

Lightworkers Tempel: A Dutch New Age site, which includes Harley Swiftdeer's Rainbow Dream Vision and a Maya/2012 page. A new 2012 page on the same site, sounds like it may have been written by Golem, "We'll travel true a tunnel who looks like a navel-string "At precisely 21/12/2012 the calendar stops. Many cycles are ended on this precise moment"; "we'll not blow ourself sky high..." etc. Laurence Lucas has investigated Mayan, Egyptian, Tibetan & Chinese mysteries and formulated a sythesis by which we can prepare our higher dimensional vehicle for the shift in 2012. The method uses astrology, shamanism, yoga, movement, sound, and Mayan calendrics (- the True Count).

Lucifer's Hammer

Magic Music Myth – a rock opera, cd & live concert by Alchemy about judgement of the devil in 2012

Maya Calendar and Cosmology : John Major Jenkins on the solstice sun/galactic centre conjunction in 2012. Jenkins’ original “4 Ahau Press” site is now encapsulated in this new site, under the title of “Old City”. Here you can find essays on the alignment of the solstice sun with galactic centre, which Jenkins decoded as the meaning behind the end of the Mayan Great Cycle.

Maya Mystery School : This page concerns the angle of stairways on Mayan pyramids, plus Carl Sagan's film, Contact; both connect to 2012

Mayan Calendar Site Tzolkin The 260-day Tzolk'in, or sacred calendar, is the oldest calendar cycle known in Mesoamerica, dating back to at least 600 BC. Read more

McKenna's Timewave Examined A mathematical critique of the original Timewave Zero (wrongly presumes McKenna chose end to coincide with end of Maya Cal)

Mutation Parlour : An Australian site linking Chaos Magick, Maat Magick, McKenna, Arguelles & Hopi Prophecies. In 2012, a group-awakeming of Kundalini will occur for Humanity & Gaia. Special "Chakra-Piercing" rites are being held at sacred sites to ease the process.

Network 2012 : A connection for Light Workers , covering their efforts to raise global consciousness for the Shift in 2012

Nibiruan Council: Jelaila Starr is in contact with the beings living on Nibiru - the planet on a massive elliptical orbit, due to return to our solar system in 2012.

Noah's Ark 2012a specialist site for vegetarian astronomers, includes Jenkins' "Why 2012" essay & great effects

Novelty Theory and the Singularity of Dec. 21 2012 : A very brief summary of Timewave Zero

On the Brink - A Three-Part Overview of Crop Circles : Rodney-Carr-Smith explains how Earth energy currents and crop formations relate to 2012

Orion Prophecy : A new book is due out in 2001 by Patrick Geryl and Gino Ratinckx, called "The Orion Prophecy - Prophecies From an Ancient Mayan & Egyptian Civilization for the Year 2012".


These are the archaeoastronomers whodiscovered the Labyrinth

In Egypt, following on from Bauval's discoveries.Count down for the new Sun for a review by Jacques Groenen, who has read the Dutch edition.

Paradigm Shift 2012 : An interpretation via standard astrology of 2012, finds Pluto & Uranus connect it to 1776

Paradise 2012 : Ex-NASA graduate Todd Boe makes digital video linked to psychoactive music to accelerate evolution ready for 2012

Phantasm 2012 ADSubtitle: The Mormon Mausoleum - Apocalypse and Hell on Earth, this is about a proposed sequel to the film Phantasm.

Pleiadian Light Body DNA Activation Program

Predictions For 1999-2012 Rafael Aric Rey finds that the Biblical prophecies of End-Times were talking about the time up to 2012, some of this may surprise you

Predictions For 2012

Quetza-Sha: A "Mayan-Aztec Shaman", Quetza-Sha claims to have deciphered 777 ancient manuscripts, and has some interesting prophecies

Raising the Djed Moira Timms describes an ancient Egyptian rite that should be carried out at Winter Solstices to prepare for the Big One

Second Coming

SiLoam.Net Adventures in Archaeoastronomy :

Solstice Studios

Solstice/Galactic Alignment - Now or 2012?

Sound Photosynthesis :

Sphinx Stargate:

Star Birth Bardo in the Body of Orion

Stardog 2012

Steve Alten:

Surfing the Apocalypse

Survive 2012: Ancient Maya Doomsday

Temple of Sakkara :

Terence Tells : A selection of McKenna material, with an excellent interactive painting of TM - just pass your cursor over it & see.

Terence McKenna Bibliography

Terence McKenna Land The Bomb A resource page about Grant Morrison's cartoon, in which all conspiracies are controlled by the "Archons of the Outer Church"." The Invisibles are their enemies: working alone or in cells, they fight against the Universal Conspiracy as we spiral towards the Apocalypse (which according to the Mayan calendar will happen on December 22nd 2012"

The Celestial Clock : Dr. William A. Gaspar has written a book explaining the Great Cycle of Mayan Long Count as a quarter of a "warming cycle", which is part of a 23,000-year "dominant ice volume collapse cycle", leading to a cyclical pole shift with resultant earthquakes & floods.

The Early 21st Century: 2003-2012

The Early 21st Century: 2003-2012

The End of 2012 - blog (This is an impressive page - very well worth reading)

True Awakening

True Hallucinations - Terrence McKenna The New Millennium - Beyond 2012

The How & Why of The Mayan End-Date in 2012 AD : John Major Jenkins' important essay with colourful painting - also atHyperborea, but with summary, notes & refs at that site.Alternative URL or another

The Mayan Site : Alom Ahau Tze'ec is a Mayan teacher who tells of the 21 December 2012 as the final moment in the great cleansing of Mother Earth. we must let go of past patterns that are stopping our vibrational frequency from increasing.

The Photon Belt : Dr.Noel Huntley gives the case FOR the photon belt.

The Portal into the Heart of Creation: Willard Van de Bogart reviews Jenkins' Maya Cosmogenesis 2012. An excellent review of an excellent book, plus several 2012 and precession links.

The Straight Dope: Is The Earth About to Enter the Photon Belt Causing the End to All Life As We Know It? : "Cecil"gives the case AGAINST the Photon Belt (see also article by Dr. Paul LaViolette on the Sphinx Stargate site).

The Strange Attractor Crop Formation and The End of Time : Joe Mason comments on an article by Geoff Stray about a convergence of 2012 Omega Pointers - seehere for original article ( Hieroglyphs of Dimensional Interface).

The Unfolding Technology of Crop Circles : Freddy Silva tells an amazing story of Chris Hardeman's anti-gravity machine, based on the Barbury Castle Pictogram, and connects it to the Timewave of the McKenna brothers - (emphasising the hologrammatic angle of Timewave theory). Also at The Crop Circular

The Unlimited Dream Company : Site of the people who put Towards 2012 together, apparently unlinked. A good article by Gyrus on the Timewave Zero software

Time Travel With the Hyper Dimensional Resonator : Steven Gibbs has invented a time travel machine, so you can verify what he says will happen in 2012. Buy the plans here

Timestar Earth : Crop circles and their link to the Mayan calendar plus the 1991 Mexican UFO wave; accurate earth change predictions claimed - however, they are linked to the invented Dreamspell count, which is not a true Mayan count.

Time Wave Zero 2012 : This is a discussion group that was set up by zyzygyz in order to discuss the Timewave and its imminent termination point. Messages can be accessed by guests, but to post a message you have to join -

Towards 2012 : Excerpts from the journal of millennial mutation. A McKenna interview by Gyrus that was never published, plus other archived material is being collected at the brand new Norlonto website.

Transformation 2012 : "Independent Product/Media Source. Australia products/Books/Videos & Membership on; Natural Medecine/Issues, Free Energy Technology, The Transformation, Conspiracies + more..."

VK4VKD-One Man Tower- Radio Antenna Towers An Australian ham radio enthusiast has discovered a sunspot cycle ending in 2012, through studying radio interference - the page has now been transformed into an eBook, called Something is Wrong With Our Sun

Web of Light : Judith Bluestone Polich's website. She has just written a book called "Return of the Children of Light - Incan and Mayan Prophecies for a New World" The site covers the book, tour schedules, workshops, and related subjects. Sounds interesting - tieing in the Incan prophecies with the Mayan, like Joan Parisi Wilcox has, in her recent book, Keepers of the Ancient Knowledge.

Webtrance : Rare downloadable McKenna video footage shot in South Africa

What happens in 2012? The Solar Tribe provide a message from the Cosmic Maya about a leap to the 6th dimension, plus Mushroom religion, the Annunaki, and more.

Wheels Within Wheels : You must see this moving model that shows how Mayan calendrical cycles interact!

Why 2012? : This is a good question, since this page doesn't seem to mention it, but has been given this title in the browser. However, the subject is images of asteroids from the Near Asteroid Tracking System. Is this a coded message? For Jenkins' answer to the question Why 2012?, clickhere, or see The How & The Why of The Mayan End-Date in 2012 AD above

Wolflodge: Visions 1993 - 2013 : Harley Swiftdeer's Rainbow Dream Vision covering the years 1993 to 2013.

World Awakening

X-mas 2012 AD : An attempt to start a desert community for hip musicians called Disturbia, to experiment with post-apocalyptic music recording

Zion Nirvana : Rastafarian/Buddhist fusion - Dub sounds to amuse you while the groovoids load (if you've already got "beatnick" - if not, get it here). You should arrive at the Revelation Time page, with 2012 links, (but you may have to go automatically via the index page).