Nintendo 3DS hands-on report (original) (raw)

Nintendo didn't mess around at E3. Having shown off an array of intriguing titles featuring a nostalgic cast of the company's most cherished characters, CEO Satoru Iwata then revealed the Nintendo 3DS, a handheld console complete with glasses-free 3D technology.

As with the Nintendo DS, the console features two screens. At the top is the 3.5" display that provides the 3D visuals, while at the bottom there's a slightly smaller touch screen display. On the right-hand side is a slider that controls the level of the 3D graphical effect – it can even be switched off completely. On the left-hand side of the touch screen there's an analogue controller and a D-pad, while the usual four-button array sits on the right. There are also three cameras, one above the screens, and two on the other side, which will allow users to take 3D digital photographs – a fantastic little feature.

Iwata-san didn't confirm any technical details, but mentioned that the graphics processor has been updated since the Nintendo DS, allowing for better visuals. The device also contains an accelerometer and a gyro sensor for full motion controls. A subscription free wi-fi service is also included, which keeps 3DS owners connected at all times and automatically downloading game data and other extras whenever they become available.

Alongside the announcement of Nintendo's Kid Icarus Uprising, an RPG adventure designed exclusively for the device, dozens of developers and publishers were revealed to have games in development. Highlights include DJ Hero, Resident Evil Revelations, Metal Gear Solid, Ridge Racer and Saint's Row. Nintendo is also working on Mario Kart 3DS, Paper Mario 3DS and Animal Crossing 3DS among several others. The release date is set for this Winter.

After the press event, key members of the media were ushered into a backstage area to get hands-on sessions with several game demos. Somehow, Gamesblog snuck in, as well.

And yes, it works beautifully. Nintendo is almost certain to have used an off-the-shelf lenticular screen technology, already seen in several mobile phones and laptops. You can perceive 3D only if the console is directly in front of you, but this is fine for handheld gaming. I actually found it pretty adaptable in terms of viewing from different vertical positions. It was much more sensitive if the handheld was turned slightly to the left or right, but really, it coped perfectly with the slight shifts and jerks you'd get on a morning commute.

I saw short, essentially non-interactive, demos of several titles. Kid Icarus, once a 2D platformer with RPG elements, is now a lovely bright 3D adventure, with some gorgeous aerial sequences. When the angelic lead character flies through the clouds with the ground far below, there's an amazing sense of depth and scale, totally at odds with the relatively small size of the screen (an effect that Iwata-san hinted at in his presentation).

We were also allowed to see a short demo of Resident Evil Revelations, a 3DS-exclusive from Capcom. The action seems to take place on a giant ocean liner amid a terrifying storm. On board are Chris Redfield and Jill Valentine who seem to be coming to blows over some typically obtuse Resi plot point, while a shady prisoner looks on. This time, we could use the analogue stick to look around the scene, using short smooth wiping motions on the button. It's also possible to zoom in and out using the A and B buttons.

The longest demo was a 3DS version of Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater. From a first-person perspective, we join Snake crawling through the undergrowth of a jungle back in 1964, encountering the odd exotic animal as leaves flutter around the character. At one point he triggers a trap which sends a spiked log rolling quickly toward the camera, before it bounces over. The sense of depth here, and the way the 3D visuals allow you to pick out different levels of the foliage, make this impressively dramatic.

My favourite bit was when Snake stands up and walks over a rope bridge. At this point the demo allowed me to pan the camera all around him, getting an awesome 3D view. It's hard to describe, but in some ways this 3D Snake resembles a beautifully painted Games Workshop figurine.

The most interactive demo was Nintendogs + Cats, a new 3DS version of the classic pet sim from Shigeru Miyamoto. Here I could choose from three puppies, a beagle, golden retriever or Yorkshire terrier, then watch my canine pal gambol about a 3D room. If the dog comes up and lean on the screen, you can pet it by stroking the touch screen. It's also possible to select from a series of items to share with the dog. There's a ball and a boomerang to throw (using a wipe on the touch screen), and, as in the original, you can dress the poor thing up; items included a Mario cap, woollen hat and a selection of sunglasses. You can even give your unfortunate pooch a pompadour haircut.

Nintendo was also showing off a basic version of the photography software, allowing users to take photos and use the analogue stick to shift the two versions of the image until it worked as a 3D photo with a separated background. This could well prove to be a key selling point in the casual sector – it's just so much fun.

Finally, there were a couple of movie trailers on show. Nintendo has forged deals with Disney, Dreamworks and Warner to make a selection of 3D animated movies available on 3DS via digital download. There are no details yet, but I saw Disney's new Tangled movie and the effect was spot on. My sons will love it.

Rich colours, a robust 3D experience and some intriguing games, this was my moment of the E3 experience so far. There are three days of the main show to go though...