H-Demog | H-Net (original) (raw)

Welcome to H-Demog, a member of H-Net Humanities & Social Sciences OnLine, headquartered in the History Department at Michigan State University. H-Demog is an international scholarly network on demographic history.

H-Demog is currently looking for new editors to take over the network and take an active role in developing new online materials and resources for the field. We also looking for contributors, bloggers, discussants, resources gatherers, etc. If you are interested in helping build this site, please contact H-Net's Vice-President for Networks at vp-net@mail.h-net.org.

Subject Fields

Demographic History / Studies

Call for papers: Social Science History Association panel on war, injury, and trauma

We are seeking 1-2 papers for a Social Science History Association panel on the broad topic of war, injury and trauma, and the long-term effects of wartime experiences. In keeping with SSHA practices, we welcome geographic and temporal diversity in submissions. We welcome papers that take a novel approach to identifying traumatic events, and measuring their long-term impact.

Subject Fields

Demographic History / Studies

The following jobs were posted to the H-Net Job Guide from 15 January to 22 January. These job postings are included here based on the categories selected by the network editors for H-Demog. See the H-Net job guide web site athttps://www.h-net.org/jobs/ for more information. To contact the Job Guide, write tojobguide@mail.h-net.org or call +1-517-432-5134 between 9 AM and 5 PM US Eastern time.