Hitler Betrayed Rudolf Hess (and Germany) (original) (raw)


(At Hitler's side.)

Hitler did not have to disown his loyal lieutenant

as "a lunatic."

He could have confirmed that Hesse was a

peace emissary and demanded his return.

Churchill would have looked like a warmonger.

But Hitler and Churchill were in collusion.

The object was to get rid of Hess

could take his place.

by Henry Makow PhD
(from Jan 27, 2017)

According to former Nazi officials, Rudolf Hess was following Hitler's orders when he flew to Scotland in May 1941 with an offer to reverse Nazi victories in Western Europe in exchange for peace and a free hand in the East.

When Churchill rejected this offer, Hitler pretended that Hess was insane and acted on his own initiative.

Frank Brandenburg is the author of Quest: Searching for the Truth of Germany's Nazi Past (1992).

Around 1980, he spoke to Hess' wife Ilse, as well as many other Nazis who made a convincing case that Hess's peace mission was in fact authorized by the Fuhrer.

quest.jpg"My husband would not have acted without the Fuhrer's consent," Mrs. Hess said. "My husband was totally loyal to the Fuhrer." (263-264)

Her conviction was confirmed by Hitler's personal pilot Hans Baur who said Hess had been given secret map codes in Hitler's possession. (260) Hess' closest associate Ernst Wilhelm Bohle said he translated Hitler's offer into English. (271-2)

SS General Karl Wolff said Hitler's outrage was a "show." Wolff was at a meeting with Hitler at the Berghof when the news of Hess's flight to England was brought to him. "The Fuhrer threw a terrible temper tantrum...he put on quite a show...the Fuhrer was an accomplished actor when he wanted to be..." (246)

More telling is the fact that Hitler punished many of Hess's minor associates but not his family or Boehle. When you think about it, Hess would never have tried to usurp peace-making powers from Hitler nor left his family as hostages.

Nevertheless, the Powers That Be have succeeded in making Hess out to be a lunatic rather than an idealistic peacemaker. They have managed to bury Brandenburg's book. It was published by a tiny publisher of military books, Presidio, in Novato CA in 1990. In 2002, Presidio was bought by Random House which is owned by Bertelsmann. You can bet Bertelsmann is controlled by the Illuminati.

Louis Kilzer's "Hitler's Traitor," which outed Martin Bormann as an Illuminati agent, was also published by Presidio. Both books were hardly reviewed and are now out of print.


If Hitler authorized Hess' flight on May 10, 1941, to visit the Duke of Hamilton, there are two possible interpretations.

The first is that Hitler genuinely wanted peace with England before attacking Russia 12 days later. To send the Deputy Fuhrer of the Third Reich on such a mission, Hitler must have had reasonable assurances of its success.

We know from other sources that Hess, Hitler and Churchill, and the Duke of Hamilton all belonged to a homosexual occult group -- the Thule Society in Germany and the Order of the Golden Dawn in England -- both branches of the Illuminati. Did the English branch lead the Germans to think it was doing England's bidding by attacking Bolshevik Russia? In other words, was Hitler double-crossed and tricked into a two-front war?

If this is true, it suggests the Illuminati run their pawns at arm's length, tricking and manipulating them, as opposed to using them as conscious agents.

But there is a second interpretation. I suspect Hitler, being "an accomplished actor," was like Bormann, a conscious Illuminati agent. He knew the Rothschilds (i.e. Illuminati Freemasons) ran both England and the USSR. He was probably a Rothschild himself, albeit illegitimate. There was no way England would make peace and hang Stalin out to dry. I believe Hitler deliberately led Germany into a trap when he attacked Russia. Lebensraum? Germany ruled all of Europe.

No, Hitler's loyalties were to the Fourth Reich, the New World Order.

That's why he disowned Hess. He could have made public his generous peace offer and painted Churchill as a war-monger. He could have sued in the Court of Public Opinion for the release of a peacemaker. He could have taken or traded British high-ranking prisoners.

Instead, Hitler protected the warmonger Churchill and double-crossed Hess. Apparently, Hitler needed to get rid of Hess. Possibly, Hess stood in the way of Bormann's advancement to second place in the Nazi hierarchy. Bormann was a Communist (Illuminati) agent.

There are additional signs in this book that Hitler was an agent. The Russians who supposedly found Hitler's body never believed Hitler was dead. They tortured his pilot Hans Baur for eight years to reveal where he took Hitler. (49)

In the bunker, Hitler instructed one of his secretaries, Christa Schroeder, to burn secret correspondence in three safes at different locations. They were the records of his "personal intelligence network" a "far-flung network of informers, advisers and confidants...powerful and knowledgeable men...Big Business. Scientists. Many important industrialists...the Fuhrer could not have built and reached the level of his power without the help, conscious or not, of such people, could he?' " (103-105)

Hitler blocked the development of nuclear weapons, calling it a "Jew science."

SS General Werner Best, who ran Denmark in an enlightened fashion, told Brandenburg that he was in contact with anti-Communist leaders in Ukraine in 1939. Had Hitler promised them a degree of autonomy, they could have brought two million soldiers to the Nazi cause. (195)


215px-Rudolf_hess_portrait.jpg(Rudolf Hess, left)

Quest author Frank Brandenburg was only 20-years-old in 1978 when he decided to look up high-ranking Nazis in West Germany. His youth gained him access. These Nazis trusted him and tried to recruit him to their cause. They were in desperate need of young blood.

Gen. Karl Wolff helped by giving Brandenburg his SS ring and told him that a codeword for gaining trust was the name of Hitler's third German Shepherd dog, "Muck."

It seems that Hess was not the last high-ranking Nazi Hitler eliminated with British aid.

Reinhard Heydrich's wife Lina said that her husband was recovering from the assassination attempt when Hitler had his own medical staff take charge. Four days later Heydrich was dead. Lina is convinced Hitler and Himmler feared her husband. SS General Wilhelm Hottl said Heydrich had made the mistake of telling Walter Schellenberg that he thought the Fuhrer "was insane and had to be replaced." (151)

Possibly, the British dispatched the two Czech agents to kill Heydrich for this reason. They had to protect their agent, Adolf Hitler.

As for Bormann, Brandenburg spoke to dozens of high-ranking Nazis and almost all implied that Bormann escaped. Moreover, Bormann led a powerful Nazi movement that intended to regain ascendancy. (This movement is part of the Illuminati.)

Medard Klapper, a member of Hitler's personal bodyguard, told Brandenburg he met Bormann in Spain in 1982. The post-war Nazi movement was called Mariborsol (from Martin Bormann & sun) and was headquartered in Madrid. It was financed by investments on a world scale, " real estate, manufacturing plants. All kinds of profitable investments and business ventures, controlled by our people..." (291)


In considering if Hitler was an agent, we should recall this passage from the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.

"De facto we have already wiped out every kind of rule except our own, although de jure there still remain a good many of them. Nowadays, if any States raise a protest against us it is only pro forma at our discretion and by our direction, for their anti-Semtism is indispensable to us in the management of our lesser brethren. I will not enter into further explanations, for this matter has formed the subject of repeated discussions amongst us." (Protocol 9)

Rudolf Hess' story is a tragic one. He was locked away in Spandau prison until his suicide (his son says murder) in 1987. He was allowed four letters from family and one visit from his wife a month. But they were never alone. "I was never able to touch my husband," Ilse Hess said.

What was his crime? He was incarcerated in 1941 before the holocaust began. He served a man who was Time's Man of the Year in 1938.

No, his crime was knowing about the Illuminati and the extent of "British" collaboration in the rise of Hitler. His crime was not knowing that his beloved Fuhrer was setting him and Germany up for annihilation.

Related: Hitler and Bormann Were Traitors -The Smoking Gun

First Comment from Dan:

I read the article this morning and wasn't going to comment. Later I kept thinking something was missing. Reading the article you'd think Hess vanished in the air like Amelia Earhart, leaving a mystery.

But Hess was very much alive in Britain for the duration of the war as Winston Churchill's 'personal prisoner', code-named 'Z'. He spent most of the duration in a mental hospital in Wales. Hess pretended to be suffering amnesia while in British captivity. He was flown to Nuremberg to stand trial. There was a preliminary court proceeding to determine whether Hess was competent to be a witness. That's when he admitted he'd pretended to have amnesia all those years. In the witness box, he asked to stand trial with the others and sat next to Goering during the proceedings. This is all on film, and every word of his testimony is in the Nuremberg Trial transcripts, available online.