Armory of the pre-1789 French Peerage (original) (raw)

See also general information on Old Regime peerages.

This page contains a list of all French peerages created until 1789, with the coats of arms of the holders (some arms are still missing: for princes of the blood, consult the French royal genealogy). The list is based on Père Anselme and Levantal (see the references). It should be accurate particularly for the 16th to 18th c. But mistakes surely remain.

Abbreviations and Symbols

The entries are of the following form:
(, <type>): for <beneficary>. <mode of extinction> <date of extinction>. </p> <ul> <li>If the <name> is preceded by an asterisk, the title is still (de jure) in existence. Note that all peerages were abolished in 1790. The peerages instituted after 1814 were <a href="peerage19.htm" title="null" rel="noopener noreferrer">of a different nature</a>.</li> <li>The <date> is that of registration of the letters patent of creation by the Parlement. Without such registration, the title was void. Registration usually followed soon after the issue of the letters patent, but there have been significant lags, sometimes decade. Both dates are given if there was a significant lag. Note that peerages ranked from the date of reception in Parliament, which could itself be a third, different date.</li> <li>The <title> can be castellany (Chat), baronny (B), county (C) or duchy (D).</li> <li>The <type> can be male (M), explicitly female (F), unspecified or heir general (G), life peerage (L).</li> <li>For the <beneficiary>, it is indicated whether he or she was a member of the royal family (in which case the relationship to the sovereign is given, s.=son. d.=daughter. b.=brother.), a royal prince (RP), a legitimized prince (LP), or a foreign prince (FP). The beneficiaries who do not fall in any of these categories are non-royals.</li> <li>The <mode of extinction> can be united, when the holder accedes to the throne (Unit.), simple extinction when the line dies out (Ext.), confiscation by the sovereign (Confisc.), exchange for another peerage with the sovereign (Exch.), elevation to a higher rank (Elev.), or when the fief to which the peerage was attached is Sold.</li> <li>SE = knight of the Holy Ghost (chevalier du Saint-Esprit) with year of reception.<br>OR = Ordre du Roi (Saint Michel)<br>titles and offices that have a heraldic representation are also noted with date of appointment. The coat of arms is the one used by the original grantee (the arms may have been modified by successors). For knights of the Saint-Esprit (letters SE), the reference is Michel Popoff: <em>Armorial de l'ordre du Saint-Esprit</em>. Paris; 1996, le Léopard d'or, not a perfectly reliable source. Père Anselme gives the coats of arms of successive holders of each peerage, although I have not systematically collected that information; he is usually reliable, as he tried to use evidence from seals. The best way to ascertain the actual coat of arms is to use contemporary evidence, such as seals for the Medieval period, and for the Modern period book bindings (Olivier, Hermal and de Roton: <em>Armorial du Bibliophile</em>) or tokens (Cossé:<em>Armorial du jetonophile</em>). A few coats of arms given here are based on Cosse.</li> </ul> <p>Some of the arms are illustrated, courtey of <a href="" title="null" rel="noopener noreferrer">Arnaud Bunel</a>. Click on the red ball to see the arms (there are occasional discrepancies between the blazon and the arms, usually because the depiction only shows the principal or patronymic quarter). </p> <p>The main references are Père Anselme and Levantal for post-1519 creations. </p> <h2 id="the-twelve-original-peerages"><a class="anchor" aria-hidden="true" tabindex="-1" href="#the-twelve-original-peerages"><svg class="octicon octicon-link" viewBox="0 0 16 16" width="16" height="16" aria-hidden="true"><path fill-rule="evenodd" d="M7.775 3.275a.75.75 0 001.06 1.06l1.25-1.25a2 2 0 112.83 2.83l-2.5 2.5a2 2 0 01-2.83 0 .75.75 0 00-1.06 1.06 3.5 3.5 0 004.95 0l2.5-2.5a3.5 3.5 0 00-4.95-4.95l-1.25 1.25zm-4.69 9.64a2 2 0 010-2.83l2.5-2.5a2 2 0 012.83 0 .75.75 0 001.06-1.06 3.5 3.5 0 00-4.95 0l-2.5 2.5a3.5 3.5 0 004.95 4.95l1.25-1.25a.75.75 0 00-1.06-1.06l-1.25 1.25a2 2 0 01-2.83 0z"></path></svg></a>The Twelve Original Peerages</h2><ul> <li>Normandie: confisc. 1203.</li> <li>Bourgogne: united to the crown by marriage, 1361.</li> <li>Guyenne: confisc. 1203.</li> <li>Toulouse: united to the crown by marriage, 1271.</li> <li>Flandres: passed to the house of Bourgogne, 1404; to the house of Hapsburg, 1477. Ceded to Spain 1531.</li> <li>Champagne: passed to the crown by marriage, 1316. Unit. 1361.</li> </ul> <h2 id="creations-of-peerages-1259-1530"><a class="anchor" aria-hidden="true" tabindex="-1" href="#creations-of-peerages-1259-1530"><svg class="octicon octicon-link" viewBox="0 0 16 16" width="16" height="16" aria-hidden="true"><path fill-rule="evenodd" d="M7.775 3.275a.75.75 0 001.06 1.06l1.25-1.25a2 2 0 112.83 2.83l-2.5 2.5a2 2 0 01-2.83 0 .75.75 0 00-1.06 1.06 3.5 3.5 0 004.95 0l2.5-2.5a3.5 3.5 0 00-4.95-4.95l-1.25 1.25zm-4.69 9.64a2 2 0 010-2.83l2.5-2.5a2 2 0 012.83 0 .75.75 0 001.06-1.06 3.5 3.5 0 00-4.95 0l-2.5 2.5a3.5 3.5 0 004.95 4.95l1.25-1.25a.75.75 0 00-1.06-1.06l-1.25 1.25a2 2 0 01-2.83 0z"></path></svg></a>Creations of Peerages (1259-1530)</h2><p>In the late medieval period, peerages were created, almost always for members of the royal family or relatives.</p> <ul> <li><strong>Guyenne</strong> (1259, D): recreated for Henry III of England. Confisc. 1294-1303, 1347-1360, 1369. Unit. 1370.</li> <li><strong>Anjou</strong> (1297, C): for Charles, b. of Philippe IV. Unit. 1328.</li> <li><strong>Artois</strong> (1297, C): for Robert d'Artois, RP. Ceded to Spain in 1526.</li> <li><strong>Bretagne</strong> (1297, D): for Jean de Dreux, RP. Unit. 1532.</li> <li><strong>Poitou</strong> (1314, C M): for Philippe, b. of Louis X. Un. 1316.</li> <li><strong>La Marche</strong> (1316, C): for Charles, b. of Philippe V. Ext. 1321.</li> <li><strong>Évreux</strong> (1316, C): for Louis d'Évreux, RP. Exch. 1404.</li> <li><strong>Angouleme</strong> (1317, C): for Philippe d'Évreux, RP. Exch. 1404.</li> <li><strong>La Marche</strong> (1321, C): for Louis de Bourbon, RP. Confisc. 1527, unit. 1531.</li> <li><strong>Étampes</strong> (1327, C):</li> <li><strong>Bourbon</strong> (1327, D): for N de Bourbon, RP. Confisc. 1527.</li> <li><strong>Beaumont-le-Roger</strong> (1328, C): for Robert d'Artois, RP. Confisc. 1331.</li> <li><strong>Maine</strong> (1331, C): for Jean, s. of Philippe VI. Unit. 1350</li> <li><strong>Normandie</strong> (1332, D R): for Jean, eldest s. of Philippe VI. Unit. 1350.</li> <li><strong>Orléans</strong> (1344, D M): for Philippe, s. of Philippe VI. Ext. 1392.</li> <li><strong>Valois</strong> (1344, C M): for Philippe, s. of Philippe VI. Ext. 1392.</li> <li><strong>Nevers</strong> (1347, C L): for Marguerite, RP and her son Louis de Flandres. Ext. 1383.</li> <li><strong>Mantes</strong> (1353, C M): for Charles d'Évreux, RP. Exch. 1404.</li> <li><strong>Beaumont-le-Roger</strong> (1354, C): for Charles d'Évreux, RP. Exch. 1404.</li> <li><strong>Normandie</strong> (1355, D R): for Charles, eldest s. of Jean II. Unit. 1364.</li> <li><strong>Anjou</strong> (1356, D M): for Louis, s. of Jean II. Ext. 1481.</li> <li><strong>Poitou</strong> (1357, C): for Jean, s. of Jean II. Exch. 1360.</li> <li><strong>Mâcon</strong> (1359, C): for Jean, s. of Jean II. Exch. 1360.</li> <li><strong>Maine</strong> (1360, C M): for Louis d'Anjou, s. of Jean II. Ext. 1481.</li> <li><strong>Berry</strong> (1360, D M): for Jean, s. of Jean II. Ext. 1417.</li> <li><strong>Auvergne</strong> (1360, D M): for Jean, s. of Jean II. Male transmission in the letters, but only extinct in 1521 (letters patent of 1498 authorized transmission from the duchess of Bourbon to her daughter).</li> <li><strong>Touraine</strong> (1360, D M): for Philippe, s. of Jean II. Exch. 1363.</li> <li><strong>Bourgogne</strong> (1363, D): for Philippe, s. of Jean II. Ext. 1477.</li> <li><strong>Poitou</strong> (1369, C): for Jean de Berry, s. of Jean II. Ext. 1417.</li> <li><strong>Montpellier</strong> (1371, B): for Charles d'Évreux, RP. Confisc. 1382.</li> <li><strong>Touraine</strong> (1386, D M): for Louis, b. of Charles VI. Exch. 1392.</li> <li><strong>Orléans</strong> (1392, D M): for Louis, b. of Charles VI. Unit. 1498.</li> <li><strong>Valois</strong> (1392, C M): for Louis, b. of Charles VI. Elev. 1406.</li> <li><strong>Périgord</strong> (1399, C M): for Louis d'Orléans. Sold 1437.</li> <li><strong>Guyenne</strong> (<em>uncertain</em>): for Charles, s. of Charles VI. Ext. 1400.</li> <li><strong>Guyenne</strong> (<em>uncertain</em>): for Louis, s. of Charles VI. Ext. 1415.</li> <li><strong>Touraine</strong> (1401, D M): for Jean, s. of Charles VI. Ext. 1416.</li> <li><strong>Alençon</strong> (1404, D): for Jean d'Alençon, RP. Confisc. 1458-61, 1474-76, 1482-83. Ext. 1525.</li> <li><strong>Soissons</strong> (1404, C M): for Louis d'Orléans, b. of Charles VI. Unit. 1498.</li> <li><strong>Coucy</strong> (1404, B M): for Louis d'Orléans, b. of Charles VI. Unit. 1498.</li> <li><strong>Nemours</strong> (1404, D F): for Charles d'Évreux, RP. Ext. 1503.</li> <li><strong>Châtillon</strong> (1404, Chat):</li> <li><strong>Rethel</strong> (1405, C L): for Antoine de Bourgogne, duc de Brabant. Ext. 1415.</li> <li><strong>Valois</strong> (1406, D M): for Louis, b. of Charles VI. Unit. 1498.</li> <li><strong>Mortagne</strong> (1407, C M): for Jean, s. of Charles VI. Ext. 1416.</li> <li><strong>Mortain</strong> (1407, C F): for Pierre d'Évreux, RP. Confisc. 1408.</li> <li><strong>Évry-le-Châtel</strong> (1408, Chat):</li> <li><strong>Jouy-le-Châtel</strong> (1408, Chat):</li> <li><strong>Mortain</strong> (1414, C M): for Louis, s. of Charles VI. Ext. 1415.</li> <li><strong>Berry</strong> (1416, D M): for Jean, son of Charles VI. Ext. 1416.</li> <li><strong>Touraine</strong> (1416, D M): for Charles, son of Charles VI. Unit. 1422.</li> <li><strong>Berry</strong> (1417, D M): for Charles, son of Charles VI. Unit. 1422.</li> <li><strong>Touraine</strong> (1423, D M): for <a href="scotfr.htm" title="null" rel="noopener noreferrer">Archibald, earl of Douglas.</a> Ext. 1424.</li> <li><strong>Évreux</strong> (1427, C M): for <a href="scotfr.htm" title="null" rel="noopener noreferrer">John Stuart, earl of Darnley.</a> Exch. sometime after 1428.</li> <li><strong>Saintonge</strong> (1428, C):</li> <li><strong>Foix</strong> (1458, C F): for Gaston de Foix. Passes to Albret 1517, Bourbon 1572. Unit. 1589.</li> <li><strong>Eu</strong> (1458, C F): for Charles d'Artois, RP. Ext. 1775.<br>Passes to Bourgogne (1472), Clèves (1491), Guise (1570). Transferred to the duchess of Montpensier, RP (1660) and the peerage was extended. Sold to the duc de Maine, LP (1693) and the peerage was again extended; passed to duc de Penthièvre 1775 and peerage again extended (1775). <ol> <li>Charles d'Artois (d. 1472) </li> <li>Elisabeth de Bourgogne (1439-83) </li> <li>Jean de Clèves (d. 1482), duc de La Marck </li> <li>... </li> <li>Charles de Clèves (d. 1521) </li> <li>François de Clèves (1516-62) </li> <li>François de Clèves (1540-63) </li> <li>Jacques de Clèves (1544-64), brother of last </li> <li>Catherine de Clèves (d. 1633), sister of last, marr. 1570 Henri de Lorraine, duc de Guise </li> <li>Charles de Lorraine (1571-1640), duc de Guise </li> <li>Henri II de Lorraine (1614-64), comte d'Eu 1640-41, 1643-54 resigns Eu 1654 </li> <li>Louis de Lorraine (1622-54), duc de Joyeuse </li> <li>Louis Joseph de Lorraine (1650-71), duc de Guise<br> Eu seized by the Parlement de Paris 8 May 1660, and adjudicated to the duchesse de Montpensier; LP "de continuation" 15 May 1660 </li> <li>Anne-Marie-Louise d'Orléans (1627-93), duchesse de Montpensier<br> sells Eu to the duc du Maine 2 Feb 1681 without usufruct </li> <li>Louis-Auguste de Bourbon (1670-1736), duc du Maine; peerage LP May 1694 </li> <li>Louis-Auguste de Bourbon (d. 1755) </li> <li>Louis Charles de Bourbon (1701-1775)<br> sells Eu to the king 13 Sep 1773, unpaid at his death, Eu returned to heir with LP confirmation July 1776 </li> <li>Louis-Jean-Marie de Bourbon (1725-93), duc de Penthièvre</li> </ol> </li> <li><strong>Normandie</strong> (<em>uncertain</em>): for Philippe, b. of Louis XI.</li> <li><strong>Guyenne</strong> (<em>uncertain</em>): for Philippe, b. of Louis XI.</li> <li><strong>Nevers</strong> (1459, C M): for Charles of Bourgogne, RP. Ext. 1464.</li> <li><strong>Berry</strong> (1461, D M): for Charles, b. of Louis XI. Exch. 1465.</li> <li><strong>Nevers</strong> (1464, C M): for Jean of Bourgogne, RP. Ext. 1491.</li> <li><strong>Normandie</strong> (1465, D M): for Charles b. of Louis XI. Exch. 1469.</li> <li><strong>Mortain</strong> (1465, C M): for Charles b. of Louis XI. Exch. 1474.</li> <li><strong>Guyenne</strong> (1469, D M): for Charles b. of Louis XI. Ext. 1474.</li> <li><strong>Villefranche</strong> (1480, C F): for Frederic of Aragon, prince of Tarento, his wife and their only daughter, FP. Ext. ???.</li> <li><strong>Valois</strong> (1498, D M): for François d'Angoulême, RP. Unit. 1515.</li> <li><strong>Nevers</strong> (1505, C F): for Jean de Clèves, FP. Elev. 1538.</li> <li><strong>Soissons</strong> (1505, C F): for Claude de France, d. of Louis XII. Unit. 1515.</li> <li><strong>Coucy</strong> (1505, B F): for Claude de France, d. of Louis XII. Unit. 1515.</li> <li><strong>Nemours</strong> (1507, D F): for Gaston de Foix. Ext. 1512.</li> <li><strong>Angoulême, Anjou</strong> (1515, D L): for Louise de Savoie, queen-mother. Ext. 1532.</li> <li><strong>Vendôme</strong> (1515, D M): for Charles de Bourbon, RP. Unit. 1589.</li> <li><strong>Châtellerault</strong> (1515, D M): for François de Bourbon, RP. Confisc. 1527.</li> <li><strong>Valois</strong> (1516, D L): for Jeanne d'Orléans, RP. Ext. 1520.</li> <li><strong>Berry</strong> (1517, D L): for Marguerite d'Orléans, RP. Ext. 1549.</li> <li><strong>Nemours</strong> (1524, D F): for Louise de Savoie, mother of François Ier. Exchanged 1528 for Auvergne and transferred to her brother Philippe de Savoie. Converted to male peerage in 1644. Ext. 1652. <ol> <li>Louise de Savoie </li> <li>Philippe de Savoie </li> <li>Pierre de Savoie (d. 1533) </li> <li>Jacques de Savoie (1531-1585), comte de Genevois, Ch OR </li> <li>Charles Emmanuel de Savoie (d.1595) </li> <li>Henri de Savoie (1572-1632), duc d'Aumale (1611; pair 1631, unregistered) </li> <li>Louis de Savoie (d. 1641), duc d'Aumale (pair 1638, unregistered) </li> <li>Charles Amédée de Savoie (to 1629)/ de Lorraine (1624-52)</li> </ol> </li> <li><strong>Bourbon</strong> (1527, D L): for Louise de Savoie, mother of François Ier. Ext. 1532.</li> <li><strong>Châtellerault</strong> (1527, D L): for Louise de Savoie, mother of François Ier. Ext. by cession to Louis de Bourbon, <a href="frprince.htm#la%5Froche" title="null" rel="noopener noreferrer">prince de La Roche-sur-Yon</a>, 1530.</li> <li><strong>Auvergne</strong> (1528, D L): for Louise de Savoie, mother of François Ier. Ext. 1532.</li> <li><strong>Châtellerault</strong> (1530, D L): for Louise de Savoie, mother of François I. Ext. 1532.</li> </ul> <h2 id="creations-of-peerages-1528-1787"><a class="anchor" aria-hidden="true" tabindex="-1" href="#creations-of-peerages-1528-1787"><svg class="octicon octicon-link" viewBox="0 0 16 16" width="16" height="16" aria-hidden="true"><path fill-rule="evenodd" d="M7.775 3.275a.75.75 0 001.06 1.06l1.25-1.25a2 2 0 112.83 2.83l-2.5 2.5a2 2 0 01-2.83 0 .75.75 0 00-1.06 1.06 3.5 3.5 0 004.95 0l2.5-2.5a3.5 3.5 0 00-4.95-4.95l-1.25 1.25zm-4.69 9.64a2 2 0 010-2.83l2.5-2.5a2 2 0 012.83 0 .75.75 0 001.06-1.06 3.5 3.5 0 00-4.95 0l-2.5 2.5a3.5 3.5 0 004.95 4.95l1.25-1.25a.75.75 0 00-1.06-1.06l-1.25 1.25a2 2 0 01-2.83 0z"></path></svg></a>Creations of Peerages, 1528-1787</h2><p>The modern period of the French peerage begins around 1520-1530. The first peerage for a non-royal was created in 1519, but the letters were never registered. In 1528, the only hereditary peerages in existence were the counties of Eu and Nevers. </p> <ul> <li><p><strong>Guise</strong> (1528, F M): for Charles de Lorraine, FP. Ext. 1675. (<a href="#guise2" title="null"> Recreation</a> 1704.)<br>The letters patent created the duchy as female transmission, but the peerage with male transmission. At the death of Charles de Lorraine in 1675, the peerage became extinct. His great-aunt Marie de Lorraine (d. 1688) inherited the duchy. In 1686 she gave Guise and Joinville to Charles de Stainville, comte de Couvonges, with a remainder to the younger sons of Charles, duke of Lorraine and their heirs male. An arrêt of the Parlement of Paris voided this donation and the duchy was inherited by a 7th degree cousin, Anne Henriette Julie de Bavière, for whom the peerage was <a href="#guise2" title="null">recreated</a>. </p> <ol> <li>Claude de Lorraine (1496-1550), naturalized French 1507, grand veneur 1526, Ch St Michel </li> <li>François de Lorraine (1520-63), grand chambellan 1551, grand veneur 1556, grand maître 1559, Ch St Michel </li> <li>Henri de Lorraine (1549-88), grand maître 1563, SE 1579 </li> <li>Charles de Lorraine (1571-1640), grand maître 1588-94, amiral des mers du Levant 1594, SE 1619 </li> <li>Henri II de Lorraine (1614-64), archbishop of Reims 1629-41, grand chambellan 1655<br> attainted 1641, restored 1643 </li> <li>Louis Joseph (1650-71), nephew of last </li> <li>François Joseph (1670-75)<br> <em>peerage extinct in 1675</em> </li> <li>Marie de Lorraine (1615-88), daughter of 4th duke </li> <li>Anne-Henriette-Julie de Bavière (1648-1723), princesse de Condé </li> <li>Henri Jules de Bourbon </li> <li>Louis de Bourbon </li> <li>Louis Henri de Bourbon </li> <li>Louis Joseph de Bourbon</li> </ol> </li> <li><p><strong>Nevers</strong> (1539, D F): for Marie d'Albret. Sold 1659. <a href="#nevers6" title="null">Recreated</a> 1720. </p> <ol> <li>Marie d'Albret (1492-1549), daughter of Charlotte de Bourgogne (d. 1500), Marr. 1505 Charles de Clèves (d.1521), comte d'Eu<br> comtesse de Nevers et paire 1521 </li> <li>François de Clèves (1516-62) </li> <li>François de Clèves (1540-63) </li> <li>Jacques de Clèves (1544-64), brother of last </li> <li>Henriette de Clèves (1542-1601), sister of last, marr. 1565 Ludovic de Gonzague, prince de Mantoue (d. 1595)<br> peerage confirmed LP 2 Mar 1566 </li> <li>Louis de Gonzague (1539-1595), naturalized French 1550 </li> <li>Charles de Gonzague (1580-1637), duc de Mantoue 1627 </li> <li>Charles de Gonzague (1629-65), naturalized French 1646<br> sells Nevers to cardinal Mazarin 11 July 1659</li> </ol> </li> <li><p><strong>Montpensier</strong> (1539, D M): for Louise de Bourbon and her son Louis, RP. Ext. 1608 (<a href="#montpensier2" title="null">extended</a>as female peerage 1608.) </p> <ol> <li>Louise de Bourbon (c1482-1561), daughter of Gilbert de Bourbon-Montpensier, wife of Louis de Bourbon-La Roche-sur-Yon </li> <li>Louis de Bourbon (1513-82), dauphin d'Auvergne, duc-pair de Châtellerault (1530-32) </li> <li>François de Bourbon (c1542-92), duc-pair de Saint-Fargeau (1575), SE 1579 </li> <li>Henri de Bourbon (1573-1608), SE 1595</li> </ol> </li> <li><p><strong>Orléans, Angoulême, Châtellerault</strong> (1540, D M),<strong>Clermont, La Marche</strong> (1540, C M): for Charles, s. of François I. Ext. 1545.</p> </li> <li><p><strong>Bourbon</strong> (1544, D M): for Charles, s. of François I. Ext. 1545.</p> </li> <li><p><strong>Aumale</strong> (1547, D M): for François de Lorraine-Guise, FP (until the death of his father and then to his brother and the latter's heirs male). Ext. 1631.<br>peerage extended for Lorraine-Nemours in 1631,1638 and 1643 but the letters patent were never registered. </p> <ol> <li>François de Lorraine (1520-63), until 1550 </li> <li>Claude de Lorraine (1526-73), grand veneur 1556-63, Ch OR </li> <li>Charles de Lorraine (1556-1630), grand veneur 1573, SE 1578 </li> <li>Anne de Lorraine (d. 1638), peerage 1631 unregistered </li> <li>Louis de Savoie (1621-41), peerage 1638 unregistered </li> <li>Charles-Amédée de Savoie (1624-52), peerage 1643 unregistered</li> </ol> </li> <li><p><strong>Berry</strong> (1550, D L): for Marguerite de France, sister of Henri II. Ext. 1574.</p> </li> <li><p><strong>Montmorency</strong> (1551, D M): for Anne de Montmorency. Confisc. 1632.<br>This peerage became extinct 23 Aug 1632 after its holder was found guilty of treason (he was executed a few months later). <a href="#montmorency2" title="null">Recreated</a>in 1633 for the last holder's sister. </p> <ol> <li>Anne de Montmorency (1493-1567), maréchal de France 1522, grand maître 1526-59, connétable de France 1538, Ch OR 1522, Garter 1533 </li> <li>François de Montmorency (1530-79), maréchal de France 1579, Ch OR and Garter (c.1573) </li> <li>Henri I (1534-1614), maréchal de France 1566, connétable 1593, SE 1597 </li> <li>Henri II (1595-1632), amiral 1612-26, maréchal de France 1630, SE 1619<br> attainted 1632</li> </ol> </li> <li><p><strong>Albret</strong> (1556, D F): for Jeanne d'Albret, wife of Antoine de Bourbon. Unit. 1589.</p> </li> <li><p><strong>Anjou, Bourbon</strong> (1566, D M), <strong>Forez</strong> (1566, C M): for Henri, b. of Charles IX. Unit. 1574.</p> </li> <li><p><strong>Alençon, Château-Thierry</strong> (1566, D M), <strong>Perche, Meulan and Mantes</strong> (1566, C M): for François, b. of Charles IX. Ext. 1584.</p> </li> <li><p><strong>Auvergne</strong> (1569, DM): for Henri, b. of Charles IX. Unit. 1574.</p> </li> <li><p><strong>Penthièvre</strong> (1569, D F): for Sébastien de Luxembourg (d. 1569). Ext. 1687. (<a href="#penthievre2" title="null">recreation</a>in 1697).<br>His daughter Marie de Luxembourg (d. 1623) married (1575) Philippe Emmanuel de Lorraine, duc de Mercoeur in 1623. Their daughter Françoise de Lorraine (d. 1669) married (1609) César de Bourbon-Vendôme. After parts of the duchy were sold and reunited, letters patent of 1666 confirmed the original creation but limited the remainder to heirs male. An arrêt of 1687 adjudicated the duchy away from their grandson Louis-Joseph de Bourbon-Vendôme to Marie Anne de Bourbon-Conti.</p> </li> <li><p><strong>Évreux</strong> (1569, D M), <strong>Dreux</strong> (1569, C M): for François, b. of Charles IX. Ext. 1584.</p> </li> <li><p><strong>Mercoeur</strong> (1569, D F): for Nicolas de Lorraine, comte de Vaudémont, FP. Passes to Bourbon-Vendôme 1669. Ext. 1712. (<a href="#mercoeur2" title="null">recreation</a> 1723). </p> <ol> <li>Nicolas de Lorraine (1524-77), comte de Vaudémont, second son of the duc de Lorraine and Renée de Bourbon-Montpensier, prince of the HRE 1567, OR </li> <li>Philippe-Emmanuel (1558-1602), duc-pair de <a href="#penthievre" title="null">Penthièvre</a> 1575, SE 1578 </li> <li>Françoise de Lorraine (c1592-1669), duchesse de Penthièvre 1608, resigns Mercoeur 1649 </li> <li>Louis (1612-69), SE 1661, cardinal 1667 </li> <li>Louis-Joseph (1654-1712), SE 1688, Golden Fleece 1702</li> </ol> </li> <li><p>* <strong><a href="peerage.htm#uzes" title="null" rel="noopener noreferrer">Uzès</a></strong>(1572, D M): for Antoine de Crussol (duke in 1565, peerage in 1572 with remainder to his brothers and their heirs male).<br><strong>Currently the most senior surviving French title of duc.</strong> </p> <ol> <li>Antoine de Crussol (1528-73) </li> <li>Jacques de Crussol (1540-86), brother of last, SE 1578 </li> <li>Emmanuel (c1581-1657), SE 1619 </li> <li>François (1604-80), SE 1661 </li> <li>Emmanuel II (1642-92), SE 1688 </li> <li>Louis (d. 1693) </li> <li>Jean-Charles (1675-1739), brother of last, SE 1724 </li> <li>Charles-Emmanuel (1707-62) </li> <li>François-Emmanuel (1728-1802), SE 1776 </li> <li>Emmanuel (1840-78) </li> <li>Jacques (1868-93) </li> <li>Louis Emmanuel (1871-1943), brother of last </li> <li>Emmanuel (1927-99), grandson of last </li> <li>Louis (b. 1925), cousin of last<br> heir: Jacques</li> </ol> </li> <li><p><strong>Mayenne</strong> (1573, D F): for Charles de Lorraine-Guise, FP. Passed to Gonzaga 1621. Sold 1654 to La Porte-Mazarin. The title of duke remained by special clause in the letters patent, and became extinct in 1738. </p> <ol> <li>Charles de Lorraine-Guise (1554-1611), second son of the duc de Guise, grand chambellan (1563), amiral de France (1578-82), SE 1582 </li> <li>Henri de Lorraine (1578-1621), duc-pair d'Aiguillon 1599/1600, attainder in 1617 reversed same year </li> <li>François-de-Paule de Gonzague-Clèves (c1606-22), nephew of last </li> <li>Charles de Gonzague-Clèves (c1609-31), brother of last </li> <li>Ferdinand de Gonzague-Clèves (?-1631), brother of last (an arrêt of Parlement of 1626 adjudicated the peerage to him) </li> <li>Charles de Gonzague-Clèves (1629-65), son of Charles, naturalized 1646, sold the duchy to Mazarin in 1654</li> </ol> </li> <li><p><strong>Saint-Fargeau</strong> (1574, D F): for François de Bourbon-Montpensier, RP. Passed to Orléans 1627. Ext. 1693. </p> <ol> <li>François de Bourbon (c1542-92), duc-pair de Saint-Fargeau (1575), SE 1579 </li> <li>Henri de Bourbon (1573-1608), SE 1595 </li> <li>Marie de Bourbon (1605-27), daughter of Henri duc de <a href="#montpensier" title="null">Montpensier</a>, wife of Gaston de France </li> <li>Anne Marie Louise d'Orléans (1627-93)</li> </ol> </li> <li><p><strong>Anjou, Touraine, Berry</strong> (1576, D M): for François, b. of Henri III. Ext. 1584.</p> </li> <li><p><strong>Joyeuse</strong> (1581, D M): for Anne de Joyeuse. Passed to Lorraine-Guise in 1608. Ext. 1675.<br><em>Quarterly pally or and azure, on a chief gules three hydras of the first (Joyeuse), and Azure a lion argent, on a bordure gules eight fleurs-de-lys or (Saint-Didier)</em>. </p> <ol> <li>Anne de Joyeuse (c1560-87), amiral de France 1582, SE 1582 </li> <li>François de Joyeuse (1562-1615), brother of last, cardinal 1583, SE 1589, resigns 1590<br> he received the peerage without any letters of recreation or extension </li> <li>Antoine Scipion de Joyeuse (c1565-92), brother of last, knight of Malta </li> <li>Henri de Joyeuse (1563-1608), brother of last, capucin 1587-92, maréchal de France 1596, SE 1583 </li> <li>Henriette-Catherine de Joyeuse (1585-1656), gave the peerage 1647 </li> <li>Louis de Lorraine (1622-54), sixth son of last, comte d'Eu 1654, grand chambellan 1643 </li> <li>Louis Joseph de Lorraine (1650-71) </li> <li>François Joseph de Lorraine (1670-75) </li> <li>Marie de Lorraine (1615-88)<br> Joyeuse, reverting to a viscountcy, was willed to Charles François de Lorraine, prince de Commercy, but it was confiscated in 1690 for treason, given by the king in 1693 to his younger brother Paul (d. 1693) and then to their father the prince de Lillebonne (d. 1694), then to the latter's daughter Marie Elisabeth wife of Louis de Melun; a court judgment transferred Joyeuse back to the prince de Lillebonne's widow who gave it to her grandson Louis de Melun in 1714; it was <a href="#joyeuse2" title="null">recreated</a>for him.</li> </ol> </li> <li><p><strong>Piney-Luxembourg</strong> (1581, D F): for François de Luxembourg (d. 1613), second son of the comte de Brienne. Ext. 1861.<br>The history of this peerage is particularly instructive. The grantee's granddaughter Marguerite Charlotte de Luxembourg married in 1620 Léon d'Albert, lord of Brantes (d. 1630), younger son of the duc de Luynes and the duc de Chaulnes, SE 1619, duc de Piney <em>jure uxoris</em>. Her only son Henri Léon d'Albert de Luxembourg (d. 1697) resigned the peerage in 1661 to his half-sister Madeleine de Clermont-Tonnerre de Luxembourg to become a deacon. Marie Charlotte de Luxembourg (to whom it would have otherwise returned) simultaneously resigned the peerage in 1661 to her daughter Madeleine and her son-in-law Francois-Henri de Montmorency, comte de Luxe (1628-95), maréchal de France 1675, SE 1688. The precedence of the new duc de Piney (alias Luxembourg) was the source of a prolonged legal battle, in spite of the king's letters of 1676 asserting precedence as of 1581. The Edict of 1711 on peerages ruled the rank to be that of 1662. The peerage was never considered to have been recreated, however.<br><strong>Luxembourg</strong><br><em>Argent a lion gules, armed, crowned and langued or, its tail forked and in saltir, in chief a label.</em><br><em>d'argent au lion de gueules, armé, couronné et lampassé d'or, la queue fourchée et passée en sautoir, au lambel en chef (Corre 3278).</em><br><strong>Albert de Luxembourg</strong><br><em>Argent a lion its tail forked and in saltire, crowned gules</em><br><em>d'argent au lion de gueules à la queue fourchée et passée en sautoir, couronné de gueules. (???; Corre 3279)</em><br><strong>Montmorency-Luxembourg></strong><br><a href="/cgi-bin/" title="null" rel="noopener noreferrer"><img src="" alt="" title="" /></a><em>Or on a cross gules between sixteen eaglets azure an escutcheon bearing argent a lion gules, armed, langued and crowned or, tail forked and in saltire (Luxembourg-Ligny)</em><br><em>d'or à la croix de gueules cantonnée de seize aiglettes d'azur, chargée en coeur d'un écusson d'argent au lion de gueules, armé, couronné et lampassé d'or, la queue fourchée et passée en sautoir (Corre 3269).</em> </p> <ol> <li>François de Luxembourg (d. 1613), SE 1580 </li> <li>Henri (1583-1616) </li> <li>Marguerite-Charlotte (1607-80), resigns 1661 </li> <li>Léon d'Albert de Luynes (1582-1630), duc de Piney <em>jure uxoris</em>, SE 1619 </li> <li>Henri Léon d'Albert de Luxembourg (1630-97), resigns 1661 </li> <li>Madeleine Charlotte de Clermont de Luxembourg (1635-1701), daughter of Marguerite-Charlotte by her second marriage </li> <li>François-Henri de Montmorency-Luxe (1628-95), duc de Piney/Luxembourg <em>jure uxoris</em>. maréchal de France 1675, SE 1688 </li> <li>Charles François Frédéric de Montmorency-Luxembourg (1662-1726), SE 1724 </li> <li>Charles François Frédéric de Montmorency-Luxembourg (1702-64), maréchal de France 1757, SE 1743 </li> <li>Anne Charles Sigismond de Montmorency-Luxembourg (1737-1803), duc de <a href="chatillon-montmorency" title="null" rel="noopener noreferrer">Châtillon</a>, marquis de Royan, great-great-grandson of the 7th duke </li> <li>Charles-Emmanuel-Sigismond (1774-1861), SE 1820</li> </ol> </li> <li><p><strong>Epernon</strong> (1581, D F): for Jean-Louis de Nogaret-La Valette (1553-1642), amiral de France. Ext. 1661.<br><em>Per pale: argent a walnut-tree vert (Nogaret), Gules a cross of Toulouse or (L'Ile-Jourdain), on a chief gules a cross potent or; over all azure a bell argent the clapper sable (Largousan).</em></p> </li> <li><p><strong>Elbeuf</strong> (1581, D F): Charles de Lorraine, FP. Ext. 1825.</p> </li> <li><p><strong>Retz</strong> (1581, D M): for Albert de Gondy (d. 1602). Ext. 1634. (the last duke resigned in 1634 in favor of his son-in-law for whom the title was confirmed/recreated.)</p> </li> </ul> <p><em>Or two maces or clubs per saltire sable, bound gules</em><br><em>d'or à deux masses d'armes de sable passées en sautoir, liées de gueules.</em> </p> <ul> <li><p><strong>Rethel</strong> (1581, D F): for Louis of Gonzaga, FP. Sold 1658.</p> </li> <li><p><strong>Hallwin</strong> (1587/8, D M): for Anne Chabot and her husband Charles d'Hallwin, marquis de Meignelais. <a href="#hallwin2" title="null">Extended</a>1611.</p> </li> </ul> <p><strong>Hallwin</strong><br><em>Argent three lions sable, armed, langued and crowned or</em><br><em>d'argent à trois lions de sable, armés, lampassés et couronnés d'or.</em> </p> <ul> <li><strong>Montbazon</strong> (1588, D M): for Louis de Rohan, comte de Montbazon, FP. Montbazon had been created a county in 1548. Ext. 1593.</li> </ul> <p><em>Quarterly 1 and 4 Gules nine mascles or in three rows of three (Rohan), 2 Navarre, 3 Évreux, overall Milan-Visconti</em><br><em>écartelé au 1 et 4 de gueules à neuf mâcles d'or 3, 3 et 3; au 2 de Navarre, au 3 d'Évreux, sur le tout Milan-Visconti</em>. </p> <ul> <li><strong>Ventadour</strong> (1589, D M): for Gilbert de Lévis, duc de Ventadour. Ext. 1717.</li> </ul> <p><em>Quarterly, 1 bendy of six or and gules (Thoire-Villars), 2 or three chevrons sable (Lévis), 3 gules three mullets or (Anduze), 4 argent a lion gules (Layre), overall chequy or and gules (Ventadour)</em><br><em>écartelé au 1 bandé d'or et de gueules de six pièces , au 2 d'or à trois chevrons de sable, au 3 de gueules à trois étoiles d'or, au 4 d'argent au lion de gueules, sur le tout échiqueté d'or et de gueules.</em> </p> <ul> <li>* <strong>Montbazon</strong> (1594/5, D M): for Hercule de Rohan, brother of the first duc, FP.</li> </ul> <p><em>Quarterly 1 and 4 Gules nine mascles or in three rows of three (Rohan), 2 Navarre, 3 Évreux, overall Milan-Visconti</em><br><em>écartelé au 1 et 4 de gueules à neuf mâcles d'or 3, 3 et 3; au 2 de Navarre, au 3 d'Évreux, sur le tout Milan-Visconti</em>. </p> <ul> <li><p><strong>Thouars (La Trémoille)</strong> (1595/9, D M): for Claude de La Trémoille, duc de Thouars. Ext. 1933.<br><em>Or a chevron gules between three eagles azure</em><br><em>d'or au chevron de gueules accompagné de trois aigles d'azur.</em> </p> <ol> <li>Louis (d. 1577), duc de Thouars 1563 </li> <li>Claude (c.1566-1604) </li> <li>Henri (1598-1674) </li> <li>Henri-Charles (1620-72)<br> quarterly Sicily, France, Bourbon, Montmorency, ent� a cross, overall La Tr�moill (F9044)e </li> <li>Charles-Belgique-Hollande (1655-1709) </li> <li>Charles-Louis-Bretagne (1683-1719) </li> <li>Charles-Armand-René (1708-41) </li> <li>Jean-Bretagne-Charles-Godefroy (1737-92) </li> <li>Charles-Bretagne-Marie-Joseph (1764-1839), duc-pair 1817 </li> <li>Charles-Louis (1838-1911) </li> <li>Louis-Charles-Marie (1863-1921) </li> <li>Louis-Jean-Marie (1910-33)</li> </ol> </li> <li><p><strong>Beaufort</strong> (1597, D F): for Gabrielle d'Estrées, mistress of Henri IV, and their son César de Bourbon (1594-1665).<a href="#montmorency" title="null">Sold</a>1688.</p> </li> </ul> <p><em>Azure three fleurs-de-lys or, on a baton couped in bend gules three lions argent (d'azur à trois fleurs-de-lys d'or, au bâton de gueules péri en bande chargé de trois lionceaux d'argent).</em> </p> <ul> <li><p><strong>Vendôme</strong> (1598, D F): for César de Bourbon, LP, illegitimate son of Henri IV. Ext. 1712.<br><em>Azure three fleurs-de-lys or, on a baton couped in bend gules three lions argent</em><br><em>d'azur à trois fleurs-de-lys d'or, au bâton de gueules péri en bande chargé de trois lionceaux d'argent.</em> </p> <ol> <li>César de Bourbon (1594-1665), son of Henri IV and Gabrielle d'Estrées, legitimated 1595, SE 1619 </li> <li>Louis (1612-69), SE 1661, cardinal 1667 </li> <li>Louis-Joseph (1654-1712), SE 1688, Golden Fleece 1702</li> </ol> </li> <li><p><strong>Biron</strong> (1598, D U): for Charles de Gontaut, baron de Biron, maréchal de France (1562-1602). Confisc. 1602.</p> </li> </ul> <p>This peerage (as well as Damville) became extinct after its holder was found guilty of plotting against the king, and all his lands and dignities were confiscated the day he was executed. He also happened to die without heirs. <a href="#biron2" title="null">Recreated</a> in 1723 for his great-nephew.<em>Quarterly or and gules on a banner</em><br><em>écartelé d'or et de gueules, l'écu en bannière.</em> </p> <ul> <li><strong>Aiguillon</strong> (1600, D U): for Henri de Lorraine-Mayenne, FP. Ext. 1621.</li> </ul> <p><em>Quarterly Guise and Este-Ferrare.</em> </p> <ul> <li><strong>Rohan</strong> (1603, D M): for Henry vicomte de Rohan, FP. Ext. 1638.</li> </ul> <p><a href="/cgi-bin/" title="null" rel="noopener noreferrer"><img src="" alt="" title="" /></a><em>Gules nine mascles or in three rows of three</em><br><em>de gueules à neuf mâcles d'or 3, 3 et 3.</em> </p> <ul> <li><p><strong>Sully</strong> (1606, D M): for Maximilien de Béthune, marquis de Rosny, Prime Minister. Ext. 1807.<br><em>Argent a fess gules</em><br><em>d'argent a une fasce de gueules.</em> </p> <ol> <li>Maximilien de Béthune (1559-16412), maréchal de France 1634 </li> <li>Maximilien François (c1614-1661) </li> <li>Maximilien Pierre François (1640-1694), SE 1688 </li> <li>Maximilien Pierre François Nicolas (1664-1712) </li> <li>Maximilien Henri (c1667-1729), brother of last, SE 1724 </li> <li>Louis Pierre Maximilien de Béthune de Courville (1685-1761), great-great-grandson of 1st duc, Golden Fleece 1715 </li> <li>Maximilien Antoine Armand de Béthune d'Orval (1730-1786), great-grandson of 1st duc, SE 1784 </li> <li>Maximilien Gabriel Louis (1756-1800) </li> <li>Maximilien Alexandre (d. 1807)</li> </ol> </li> <li><p><strong>Fronsac</strong> (1608, D F): For François d'Orléans-Longueville, comte de Saint-Paul (d. 1631), LP. Ext. 1631.<br><em>Quarterly Azure three fleurs-de-lys or, a label and a bendlet couped argent (Longueville) and Azure three fleurs-de-lys or and a bendlet couped gules (Bourbon)</em><br><em>écartelé d'azur à trois fleurs de lis d'or, au lambel d'argent, au bâton d'argent péri en bande, et d'azur à trois fleurs de lis d'or, au bâton de gueules péri en bande.</em></p> </li> <li><p><strong>Montpensier</strong> (1608, D M): for Marie de Bourbon, daughter of the last duc de Montpensier. Ext. 1693. (The last duchess, Anne-Marie-Louise d'Orléans, left the duchy to her cousin Philippe duc d'Orléans, and the peerage was <a href="#montpensier3" title="null">extended</a>in 1695). </p> <ol> <li>Marie de Bourbon (1605-27), daughter of Henri duc de <a href="#montpensier" title="null">Montpensier</a>, wife of Gaston de France </li> <li>Anne Marie Louise d'Orléans (1627-93)</li> </ol> </li> <li><p><strong>Damville</strong> (1610, D M): for Charles de Montmorency, baron de Damville, amiral de France (d. 1612). Confisc. 1632.</p> </li> </ul> <p><em>Or a cross gules between sixteen eaglets azure (Montmorency) and a label gules</em><br><em>d'or à la croix de gueules cantonnée de seize alérions d'azur, au lambel de gueules.</em> </p> <ul> <li><p><strong>Hallwin/Candale</strong> (1611, D M): for Anne d'<a href="#hallwin" title="null">Hallwin</a>and her husband Henri de Nogaret de La Valette, comte de <a href="#candale" title="null">Candale</a>, duc d'Hallwin jure uxoris and called duc de Candale. The marriage was annulled 1620. <a href="#hallwin3" title="null">Extended</a> 1620.</p> </li> <li><p>* <strong>Châteauroux</strong> (1616, D F): for Henri de Bourbon-Condé, RP. Passed to <a href="#orleans-l" title="null">Orléans</a>(1830).</p> </li> <li><p>* <strong>Luynes</strong> (1619, D M): for Louis-Charles d'Albert de Luynes (1578-1621), grand-fauconnier, connétable de France.<br><em>Quarterly, 1 Or a lion gules crowned or (Albert), azure two she-wolves affrontées argent (Ségur), overall gules a club in pale or, on a chief argent a gonfalon gules (Sarras)</em><br><em>écartelé au 1 et 4, d'or au lion de gueules couronné d'or, au 2 et 3 d'azur aux deux louves affrontées d'argent, sur le tout de gueules à la masse d'armes d'or posée en pal, au chef d'argent chargé d'un gonfanon de gueules.</em> </p> <ol> <li>Charles d'Albert (1578-1621), SE 1619</li> </ol> </li> </ul> <p>his younger brothers became duc de Chaulnes and duc de Piney<br> 2. Louis-Charles (1620-90), SE 1661<br> 3. Charles-Honoré (1646-1712), SE 1688; resigns 1688 </p> <p>LP Dec 1667 authorized the transfer of the duchy of Chevreuse from his grandmother, with "erection en tant que besoin serait"; the title was transferred to the county of Montfort-l'Amaury LP Feb 1692; ceded Chevreuse to his son 1688<br> 4. Charles Philippe (1695-1758), grandson of last, duc de Chevreuse 1735, SE 1748<br> 5. Marie Charles Louis (1717-71), SE 1759<br> 6. Louis Joseph Charles Amable (1748-1807)<br> 7. Charles Marie Paul André (1783-1839), SE 1826<br> 8. Honoré Théodoric-Paul-Joseph (1802-67)<br> 9. Charles-Honoré-Emmanuel (1846-70), grandson of last<br> 10. Honoré-Charles-Marie-Sosthène (1868-1924)<br> 11. Philippe (b. 1905) </p> <p>heir: Jean (b. 1945)</p> <ul> <li><strong>Lesdiguières</strong> (1611/20, D M): for François de Bonne de Lesdiguières (1543-1626), maréchal de France 1609, SE 1622, with remainder to his son-in-law Charles de Créquy (d. 1638), maréchal de France 1621, SE 1619. Ext. 1711.</li> </ul> <p><strong>Bonne</strong><br><em>Gules a lion or on a chief azure three roses argent</em><br><em>de gueules au lion d'or, au chef chargé de trois roses d'argent</em><br><strong>Créquy de Lesdiguières</strong><br><em>Quarterly of five in one row of two and one row of three: 1, or two lions passant gules (Blanchefort); 2, Or a wolf rampant azure armed gules (Agoult); 3, azure three towers or (La Tour-Montauban); 4, azure three pales or and a chief of the last (Vesc); 5, or two lions passant guardant in pale azure (Maubec-Montlaur), overall or a créquier gules (Créquy)</em><br><em>Coupé, parti en chef au I d'or à deux lions passants de gueules, au II d'or au loup ravissant et rampant d'azur, armé de gueules; en pointe tiercé, au I d'azur à trois tours d'or, au II d'azur à trois pals d'or au chef de même, au III d'or à deux léopards d'azur; sur le tout d'or au créquier de gueules.</em><br><em>(These arms were those used by Charles de Créquy; his son Francois replaced the surtout of Créquy with one of Bonne. The underlying arms are those of Blanchefort; Antoine de Blanchefort, nephew of Antoine, cardinal de Créquy (d. 1574), last of the senior line, who was made heir by his uncle and inherited the name and arms of Créquy by letters patent of nov 1572.)</em> </p> <ul> <li><strong>Bellegarde</strong> (1620, D M): for Roger de Saint-Lary, grand-écuyer (d. 1646). Ext. 1646.</li> </ul> <p><em>Quarterly, 1 azure a lion crowned or (Saint-Lary), 2 or three pales gules (Termes), 3 gules a vase or (Orbessan), 4 azure three flames argent (Fumel), overall azure a bell argent the clapper sable (Largousan)</em><br><em>Ecartelé au 1 d'azur au lion couronné d'or, au 2 d'or à trois pals de gueules, au 3 de gueules au vase d'or, au 4 d'azur à trois flammes d'argent, sur le tout d'azur à la cloche d'argent bataillée de sable.</em> </p> <ul> <li><p>* <strong>Brissac</strong> (1611/20, D M): for Charles de Cossé, comte de Brissac, maréchal de France (d. 1621).<br><a href="/cgi-bin/" title="null" rel="noopener noreferrer"><img src="" alt="" title="" /></a><em>Sable three bars or indented in point (de sable à trois fasces d'or denchées par le bas).</em> The office of <em>Grand Panetier</em> was hereditary in the family since René de Cossé, seigneur de Brissac (d. 1540). </p> <ol> <li>Charles (1562-1621), SE 1595 </li> <li>François (c1585-1651), SE 1633; resigns 1644 </li> <li>Louis (1625-61) </li> <li>Henri-Albert (1645-98) </li> <li>Artus-Timoléon-Louis (c1668-1709), grandson of 2d duc, resigns 1702 </li> <li>Charles-Timoléon-Louis (1693-1732), duc 1702 </li> <li>Jean-Paul-Timoléon (1698-1780), brother of last, resigns 1756, then again 1760; SE 1744 </li> <li>Louis-Joseph-Timoléon (1733-59), duc 1756 </li> <li>Louis-Hercule-Timoléon (1734-92), brother of last, duc 1760, SE 1776 </li> <li>Hyacinthe-Hugues-Timoléon (1746-1813), cousin of last </li> <li>Augustin-Marie-Paul-Petronille-Timoléon (1775-1848), duc-pair 1817 </li> <li>Marie-Arthur-Timoléon (1813-88) </li> <li>François (1868-1944), grandson of last </li> <li>Pierre (1900-?) </li> <li>François (b. 1929)</li> </ol> </li> <li><p><strong>Hallwin</strong> (1620/1, D M): for Anne d'<a href="#hallwin2" title="null">Hallwin</a>and Charles de Schomberg, maréchal de France 1637, SE 1633 (d. 1656). Ext. 1656.</p> </li> </ul> <p><strong>Schomberg</strong><br><em>Or a lion per fess gules and vert</em><br><em>d'or au lion coupé de gueules et de sinople.</em> </p> <ul> <li><strong>Candale</strong> (1621, D L): for Henri de Nogaret de Valette, comte de Candale, SE 1633 (d. 1639(, transfering his former rank as peer (jure uxoris duc d'<a href="#hallwin2" title="null">Hallwin</a>) after the annulment of his marriage, for the rest of his life. The county of Candale was not in fact raised to the rank of duchy-peerage. Ext. 1639.</li> </ul> <p><em>ecartelé: A, contr'écartelé au 1 et 4 de gueules au château d'or (Castille), au 2 et 3 d'argent au lion de pourpre (Léon); B, contr'écartelé au 1 et 4 de gueules aux chaînes posées en croix, sautoir et orle d'or (Navarre), au 2 et 3 écartelé en sautoir au I et IV d'or à quartre pals de gueules, au II et III d'argent à l'aigle de sable (Aragon-Sicile); C, contr'écartelé de France et de gueules plain (Albret); D, parti au I de France à la bande componée d'argent et de gueules (Évreux), au II parti, au 1 d'argent au noyer de sinople (Nogaret), au 2 de gueules à la croix de Toulouse d'or (L'Ile-Jourdain), à un chef de gueules chargée d'une croix potencée d'argent sur le tout. Sur le tout écartelé au 1 et 4 d'or à trois pals de gueules (Foix), au 2 et 3 d'or à deux vaches de gueules accollées et clarinées d'azur (Béarn).</em> </p> <ul> <li><strong>Chaulnes</strong> (1621, D M): for Honoré d'Albert de Cadenet (d. 1649), SE 1619, maréchal de France 1619. The county of Chaulnes (1563) bellonged to his wife, heiress of the d'Ailly de Chaulnes. Ext. 1698. (new <a href="#chaulnes2" title="null">creation</a> 1711.)</li> </ul> <p><em>Quarterly Or a lion crowned gules (Albert) and Gules diapered with two branches of the alaisier tree per double saltire argent, and a chief chequy argent and azure (Ailly)</em><br><em>écartelé au 1 et 4 d'or au lion couronné de gueules, au 2 et 3 de gueules diapré de deux rinceaux d'alaisier d'argent en double sautoir, au chef échiquté d'argent et d'azur.</em> </p> <ul> <li><strong>Orléans, Chartres</strong> (1626, D M): for Gaston, b. of Louis XIII. Ext. 1660.</li> </ul> <p><em>France a label argent (de France au lambel d'argent).</em> </p> <ul> <li><strong>Chevreuse</strong> (1612-27, D M): for Claude de Lorraine-Guise. Sold 1655.<br><em>Quarterly 1 and 4 Lorraine-Guise, 2 and 3 quarterly per fess Cleves and La Marck, and Este-Ferrare.</em> <ol> <li>Claude de Lorraine (1578-1657), SE 1619, Garter 1625, Grand Chambellan 1621-43, Grand Fauconnier 1622-43</li> </ol> </li> </ul> <p>fifth son of Henri de Lorraine, duc de Guise. His eldest brother the duc de Guise gave him the duchy of Chevreuse in 1606. He sold it to his wife in 1655.<br>His widow, Marie de Rohan-Montbazon (d. 1679) left Chevreuse to her grandson by her first marriage, Charles Honoré d'Albert de Luynes, in 1663</p> <ul> <li><p><strong>Valois</strong> (1630, D M): for Gaston, b. of Louis XIII. Ext. 1660.</p> </li> <li><p><strong>Richelieu</strong> (1631, D F): for Armand-Jean du Plessis, cardinal de Richelieu. Substitution to Vignerot, 1642. Substitution to La Chapelle-Jumilhac, 1822. Ext. 1952.<br><a href="/cgi-bin/" title="null" rel="noopener noreferrer"><img src="" alt="" title="" /></a><em>Argent three chevrons gules</em><br><em>d'argent à trois chevrons de gueules.</em> </p> <ol> <li>Armand-Jean du Plessis (1585-1642), cardinal 1622, SE 1633 </li> <li>Armand-Jean de Vignerot (1639-1715), great-nephew of last, SE 1691 </li> <li>Louis-François-Armand (1696-1788), maréchal de France 1748, SE 1729 </li> <li>Louis-Antoine-Sophie (1736-91) </li> <li>Armand-Emmanuel-Sophie-Septimanie (1766-1822), duc-pair 1822, s.p.</li> </ol> </li> </ul> <p>his sister Simplicie (1778-1840) had married Antoine-Pierre-Joseph de La Chapelle de Jumilhac, an entail on her sons was granted 1821?<br> 6. Odet de La Chapelle de Jumilhac (1804-79), nephew of last<br> 7. Armand (1847-88), nephew of last<br> 8. Armand (1875-1952)</p> <ul> <li><strong>La Valette</strong> (1622/31, D M): for Bernard de Nogaret. Ext. 1661.</li> </ul> <p><em>Quarterly: A, per pale quarterly Castile and Leon, and Aragon; B, per pale Navarre and Aragon-Sicily; C, per pale Saxony and Or plain (Bordeaux-Puy-Paulin); D, per pale, quarterly de La Pole and Azure on a bend argent three pairs of wings sable, and quarterly Foix and Béarn. Over all Nogaret-La Valette.</em> </p> <ul> <li><p><strong>La Rochefoucauld</strong> (1622/31, D M): François de La Rochefoucauld. Letters Patent of 1732 allowed for transmission through the daughter of the last duke if she married another member of the family, as happened in 1762. Ext. 1792.<br><a href="/cgi-bin/" title="null" rel="noopener noreferrer"><img src="" alt="" title="" /></a><em>Barry of ten argent and azure three chevrons gules, the one in chief écimé</em><br><em>burelé d'argent et d'azur de dix pièces, à trois chevrons de gueules brochant sur le tout, le premier écimé.</em> </p> <ol> <li>François de La Rochefoucauld (1588-1650), SE 1619 </li> <li>François (1613-80), SE 1661, resigns 1671 </li> <li>François (1634-1714), grand veneur 1679, SE 1688, resigns 1713 </li> <li>François (1663-1728), duc de <a href="#la%5Frocheguyon3" title="null">La Rocheguyon</a> 1681-1713, grand veneur 1679-1714, SE 1724 </li> <li>Alexandre (1690-1762), SE 1728, duc de La Rocheguyon 1713-30, 1731-62 </li> <li>Louis Alexandre de La Rochefoucauld d'Anville (1743-92), grandson of last </li> <li>(see also the line of <a href="#estissac" title="null">Estissac-Liancourt</a>)</li> </ol> </li> <li><p>* <strong>Montmorency/Enghien</strong> (1633, D F): for Charlotte Marguerite de Montmorency and her husband Henri de Condé.</p> </li> </ul> <p>Name changed to Enghien in 1689. Passed to <a href="#orleans-l" title="null">Orléans</a>in 1830. </p> <ul> <li><strong>Retz</strong> (1634, D M): for Pierre de Gondy. Ext. 1676.</li> </ul> <p><em>Or two maces or clubs per saltire sable, bound gules</em><br><em>d'or à deux masses d'armes de sable passées en sautoir, liées de gueules.</em> </p> <ul> <li><strong>Fronsac</strong> (1634, D F): for Armand-Jean du Plessis, cardinal de Richelieu, Prime Minister, with remainder to his sisters. Ext. 1822 or 1952.<br><a href="/cgi-bin/" title="null" rel="noopener noreferrer"><img src="" alt="" title="" /></a><em>Argent three chevrons gules.</em><br><em>d'argent à trois chevrons de gueules</em> <ol> <li>Armand-Jean du Plessis (1585-1642), duc de Richelieu </li> <li>Armand-Jean de Maillé-Brézé (1619-46) nephew of last, s.p. </li> <li>Claire (1628-94), sister of last, resigns 1674 </li> <li>Louis de Bourbon, prince de Condé (1621-86), resigns 1674 </li> <li>Armand-Jean de Vignerot (1639-1715), cousin of 3d duchess, SE 1691 </li> <li>Louis-François-Armand (1696-1788), maréchal de France 1748, SE 1729 </li> <li>Louis-Antoine-Sophie (1736-91) </li> <li>Armand-Emmanuel-Sophie-Septimanie (1766-1822), duc-pair 1822, s.p.</li> </ol> </li> </ul> <p>his sister Simplicie (1778-1840) had married Antoine-Pierre-Joseph de La Chapelle de Jumilhac, an entail on her sons was granted 1821?. The entail applied to the peerage of 1817 of Richelieu. One might consider that Fronsac followed as well.<br> 9. Odet de La Chapelle de Jumilhac (1804-79), nephew of last<br> 10. Armand (1847-88), nephew of last<br> 11. Armand (1875-1952)</p> <ul> <li><strong>Aiguillon</strong> (1634, D M): for Antoine de l'Age, sgr de Puy-Laurens. Ext. 1635.</li> </ul> <p><a href="/cgi-bin/" title="null" rel="noopener noreferrer"><img src="" alt="" title="" /></a> </p> <ul> <li><strong>Saint-Simon</strong> (1635, D M): for Claude de Rouvroy (d. 1693). Ext. 1755.</li> </ul> <p><em>Quarterly, 1 and 4 per pale chequy or and azure on a chief of the last three fleurs-de-lys of the first (Vermandois), and sable on a cross argent five escallops gules (Rouvroy), 2 and 3 or a fess gules (Haverskerque); overall losengy argent and azure a chief gules (La Vacquerie)</em><br><em>écartelé au 1 et 4 parti au I échiqueté d'or et d'azur au chef du même chargé de trois fleurs de lis du premier, au II de sable à la croix d'argent chargée de cinq coquilles de gueules; au 2 et 3 d'argent à la fasce de gueules; sur le tout losangé d'argent et d'azur au chef de gueules.</em> </p> <ul> <li><strong>La Force</strong> (1637, D M): for Jacques-Nompar de Caumont, marquis de La Force, maréchal de France. Ext. 1755.</li> </ul> <p><a href="/cgi-bin/" title="null" rel="noopener noreferrer"><img src="" alt="" title="" /></a><em>Azure three lions passant guardant in pale or, armed and tongued gules</em><br><em>d'azur à trois léopards d'or l'un sur l'autre, armés et lampassés de gueules.</em> </p> <ul> <li><p><strong>Aiguillon</strong> (1638, D F): for Marie-Madeleine de Vignerot (niece of Prime Minister cardinal Richelieu) and heirs of her choosing. Ext. 1800.<br>A note in the <em>Gazette de France</em> suggests that she was actually received in Parlement as a peeress in her own right. She left her peerage to her niece Marie Madeleine Thérèse de Vignerot (1636-1704), sister of the duc de Richelieu and a nun in 1692. She left the duchy to her nephew Louis-Armand du Plessis, marquis de Richelieu (d. 1730), whose son Armand-Louis obtained by arrêt of the Conseil d'Etat that the peerage attached to the duchy be restored (10 May 1731, received in Parlement 28 May). Levantal does not count this as a new creation.<br><a href="/cgi-bin/" title="null" rel="noopener noreferrer"><img src="" alt="" title="" /></a><em>écartelé au 1 et 4 d'or à trois hures de sanglier de sable (Vignerot), au 2 et 3 d'argent à trois chevrons de gueules (Richelieu).</em> </p> <ol> <li>Marie Madeleine de Vignerot (1604-75) </li> <li>Marie-Madeleine-Thérèse de Vignerot (1636-1705), niece of last, sister of 2d duc de Richelieu </li> <li>Armand-Louis (1683-1750), nephew of last, duc 1731 </li> <li>Emmanuel-Armand (1720-88), SE 1756 </li> <li>Armand-Désiré (1761-1800) s.p.</li> </ol> </li> <li><p><strong>Albret</strong> (1641, D ?): for Henri-Jules de Bourbon, prince de Condé, as security. Ext. 1651.</p> </li> <li><p><strong>Valentinois</strong> (1642, D M): for Honoré Grimaldi, prince de Monaco Peerage <a href="#valentinois2" title="null">recreated</a>in 1716.</p> </li> </ul> <p><a href="/cgi-bin/" title="null" rel="noopener noreferrer"><img src="" alt="" title="" /></a><em>Lozangy argent and gules</em> <em>losangé d'argent et de gueules.</em> </p> <ol> <li>Honoré (II) Grimaldi (c1597-1662), SE 1642</li> <li>Louis I (1640-1701), SE 1688</li> <li>Antoine (1661-1731), SE 1724, s.m.p.</li> </ol> <p>his daughter Louise-Hippolyte (1697-1731) married 1715; peerage recreated for her husband.</p> <ul> <li>* <strong>Rohan</strong> (1648, D M): for Marguerite de Rohan and Henri de Rohan-Chabot.</li> </ul> <p><a href="/cgi-bin/" title="null" rel="noopener noreferrer"><img src="" alt="" title="" /></a><em>écartelé au 1 et 4 de gueules à neuf mâcles d'or 3, 3 et 3, au 2 et 3 d'or à trois chabots de gueules</em> </p> <ul> <li><strong>Albret, Château-Thierry</strong> (1651/65, D F): for Frédéric Maurice de La Tour d'Auvergne, duc de <a href="bouillon.htm" title="null" rel="noopener noreferrer">Bouillon</a>. Ext. 1802.</li> </ul> <p><a href="/cgi-bin/" title="null" rel="noopener noreferrer"><img src="" alt="" title="" /></a><em>Quarterly 1 and 4 Azure on a semy-de-lys or a tower argent (La Tour), 2 or three tortaux (Boulogne), 3 bendy of ten or and gules (Turenne), over all per pale or a gonfanon gules fringed vert (Auvergne) and gules a fess argent (Bouillon)</em><br><em>écartelé au 1 et 4 d'azur semé de fleurs de lis d'or, à la tour d'argent brochant sur le tout, au 2 d'or à trois tourteaux de gueules, au 3 coticé d'or et de gueules de dix pièces, sur le tout parti d'or au gonfanon de gueules bordé de sinople, et de gueules à la fasce d'argent.</em> </p> <ul> <li><p>* <strong>Bourbon</strong> (1661, D F): for Henri de Condé, RP. Passed to<a href="#orleans-l" title="null">Orléans</a> (1830).</p> </li> <li><p>* <strong>Orléans, Chartres, Valois</strong> (1661, D M): for Philippe, b. of Louis XIV.</p> </li> <li><p><strong>Randan</strong> (1661, D M): for Marie Catherine de La Rochefoucauld, marquise de Sennecey. Ext. 1714 (special remainder to her daughter, her daughter's sons de Foix-Candale and their male issue.)</p> </li> </ul> <p><em>Foix-Candale: écartelé au 1 et 4 d'or à trois pals de gueules (Foix), au 2 et 3 d'or à deux vaches de gueules accollées et clarinées d'azur (Béarn).</em> </p> <ul> <li><p><strong>Verneuil</strong> (1652-63, D M): for Henry de Bourbon, illegitimate son of Henri IV. Ext. 1682.</p> </li> <li><p><strong>Estrées</strong> (1663, D M): for François-Annibal d'Estrées de Lauzières, marquis de Coeuvres, maréchal de France, SE 1633 (d. 1670). Ext. 1737.</p> </li> </ul> <p><a href="/cgi-bin/" title="null" rel="noopener noreferrer"><img src="" alt="" title="" /></a><em>Quarterly, 1 and 4 argent fretty sable, on a chief or three martlets sable (Estrées), 2 and 3 or a lion azur crowned gules (la Cauchie)</em><br><em>écartelé au 1 et 4 d'argent fretté de sable, au chef d'or chargé de trois merlettes de sable, au 2 et 3 d'or au lion d'azur couronné de gueules.</em> </p> <ul> <li><p>* <strong>Gramont</strong> (1648-63, D M): for Antoine, comte de Gramont, maréchal de France (d. 1678).<br><em>Quarterly, 1 or a lion azure (Gramont), 2 and 3 gules three arrows or paleways in fess, head down (Aster), 4 argent a greyhound rampant sable, a bordure of the last semy of plates (Aure); overall Quarterly gules three bars wavy or, and gules three barrulets gemel argent (Toulongeon)</em><br><em>écartelé, au 1 d'or au lion d'azur, au 2 et 3 de gueules à trois flèches d'or posées en pal, la pointe en bas et rangées en fasce, au 4 d'argent au lévrier rampant de sable, à la bordure du même besantée d'argent; sur le tout écartelé de gueules à trois fasces ondées d'or, et de gueules à trois jumelles d'argent.</em> </p> <ol> <li>Antoine de Gramont (c.1572-1644), SE 1619, peerage unregistered </li> <li>Antoine (1604-1678), maréchal de France 1641, SE 1661, resigns 1713 </li> <li>Antoine Charles (c1641-1720), SE 1688, Golden Fleece 1705, resigns 1695 </li> <li>Antoine (1671-1725), maréchal de France 1724, resigns 1713<br> known as duc de Guiche 1695-1720 </li> <li>Louis-Antoine-Armand (1688-1741), SE 1728<br> known as the duc de Louvigny 1713-20, duc de Guiche 1720-25 </li> <li>Louis (1689-1745), brother of last, SE 1728 </li> <li>Antoine (1722-1801) duc de Lesparre (brevet) 18 Feb 1739 </li> <li>Antoine-Louis-Marie (1755-1836), nephew of last, duc-pair 1817 </li> <li>Antoine Héraclius Agénor (1789-1855) </li> <li>Antoine Alfred Agénor (1819-1880) </li> <li>Antoine Agénor Alfred (1851-1925) </li> <li>Armand Antoine Agénor (1879-1962) </li> <li>Antoine Agénor Henri Armand (1907-)<br> heir: Antoine Armand Odelric Marie Henry (b. 1951)</li> </ol> </li> <li><p><strong>La Meilleraie</strong> (1663, D M): for Charles de La Porte-Mazarin. Ext. 1738.<br><em>Gules a crescent ermine</em><br><em>de gueules au croissant d'hermine.</em></p> </li> <li><p><strong>Rethel-Mazarin</strong> (1663, D F): for Charles de La Porte-Mazarin. Ext. 1738.<br> <em>azure on a fasces or bound and with ax argent a fess gules thereon three mullets of the second</em><br><em>d'azur au faisceau de licteur d'or, lié d'argent et à la hache du même, posé en pal, à la fasce de gueules chargée de trois étoiles d'or sur le tout.</em></p> </li> <li><p><strong><a href="peerage.htm#villeroy" title="null" rel="noopener noreferrer">Villeroy</a></strong>(1651-63, D M): for Nicolas de Neufville, maréchal de France. Ext. 1794</p> </li> </ul> <p><a href="/cgi-bin/" title="null" rel="noopener noreferrer"><img src="" alt="" title="" /></a><em>Azure a chevron between three crosses anchory or (d'azur au chevron d'or accompagné de trois croix ancrées du même).</em> </p> <ul> <li>* <strong>Mortemart</strong> (1650-63, D M): for Gabriel de Rochechouart.<br><em>Parti de trois et coupé de un, qui font huit quartiers: 1, de gueules au croissant de vair (Maure); 2, d'azur à trois fleurs de lys d;or au bâton de gueules (Bourbon); 3, de gueules a neuf mâcles d'or (Rohan); 4, burelé d'argent et d'azur à trois chevrons de gueules (La Rochefoucauld); 5, d'argent à la guivre d'azure engoulant un enfant au naturel (Milan); 6, de gueules aux chaînes posées en croix, sautoir et orle d'or (Navarre); 7, de gueules au pal de vair (des Cars); 8, d'hermine plain (Bretagne); sur le tout, fascé-ondé-enté d'argent et de gueules (Rochechouart).</em></li> <li><strong>Poix-Créquy</strong> (1652-63, D M): for Charles de Créquy,<a href="frprince.htm#poix" title="null" rel="noopener noreferrer">prince de Poix</a>, SE 1661 (d. 1687). Ext. 1687.</li> </ul> <p><em>(D'or au créquier de gueules.)</em> </p> <ol> <li>Charles de Créquy (c1623-1687), SE 1661</li> </ol> <ul> <li><p><strong>Saint-Aignan</strong> (1663, D M): for François de Beauvilliers, comte de Saint-Aignan, SE 1661 (d. 1687). Ext. 1828.<br><a href="/cgi-bin/" title="null" rel="noopener noreferrer"><img src="" alt="" title="" /></a><em>Fascé d'argent et de sinople de cinq pièces, les fasces d'argent chargées de six merlettes de gueules.</em> </p> <ol> <li>François de Beauvillier (c1608-1687), SE 1661 </li> <li>Paul (c1648-1714), a.k.a. duc de Beauvillier, SE 1688, Grandee of Spain 1701/2; resigns 1706 </li> <li>Paul-Hippolyte (1684-1776), brother of last, SE 1724; resigns 1738; resigns again 1745? </li> <li>Paul-François (1710-42) </li> <li>Paul-Louis (1711-57), brother of last </li> <li>Paul-Étienne-Auguste (1745-71) </li> <li>Paul-Marie-Victoire (1766-94), a.k.a. duc de Beauvillier until 1776 </li> <li>Charles-Paul-François (1745-1828), duc 1817</li> </ol> </li> <li><p><strong>Randan/Foix</strong> (1661-63, D M): for Marie-Catherine de La Rochefoucauld-Randan (d. 1677), heiress of the county of Randan (1566), with remainder to her daughter Marie Claire de Bauffremont-Sennecey and her male children by Jean-Baptiste Gaston de Foix de Candale, comte de Fleix. The grantee and her daughter resigned in 1663 in favor of the eldest male child, who was known as duc de Foix. Ext. 1714.</p> </li> </ul> <p><em>écartelé au 1 et 4 d'or à trois pals de gueules (Foix); au 2 et 3 d;or à deux vaches de gueules accollées et clarinées d'azur (Béarn).</em> </p> <ul> <li><strong>La Rocheguyon</strong> (1643-63, D M): for Roger du Plessis-Liancourt, comte de La Rocheguyon, SE 1633 (d. 1674). Ext. 1674.</li> </ul> <p><em>écartelé au 1 et 4 d'argent à la croix engrelée de gueules chargée de cinq coquilles d'or (Plessis-Liancourt), au2 et 3 d'argent à la fasce bandée d'or et de gueules de six pièces (Pons).</em> </p> <ol> <li>Roger du Plessis-Liancourt (1598-1674), SE 1633, half-brother of François de Silly, duc de <a href="#la%5Frocheguyon1" title="null">La Rocheguyon</a>, by his mother Antoinette de Pons</li> </ol> <ul> <li><strong>Tresmes/Gesvres</strong> (1648-63, D M): for René Potier, comte de Tresmes. Ext. 1794.</li> </ul> <p><em>écartelé au 1 d'argent au lion de gueules à la queue fourchée et passée en sautoir (Luxembourg), au 2 d'azur à trois fleurs de lis d'or, au bâton de gueules péri en bande (Bourbon), au 3 de Lorraine au lambel de gueules (Guise), au 4 de gueules à la croix d'argent (Savoie), sur le tout d'azur à trois mains appaumées d'or, au franc-quartier échiqueté d'argent et d'azur (Potier).</em> </p> <ul> <li>* <strong>Noailles</strong>(1663, D M): for Anne comte de Noailles, SE 1661 (d. 1678).</li> </ul> <p><a href="/cgi-bin/" title="null" rel="noopener noreferrer"><img src="" alt="" title="" /></a><em>Gules a bend or</em> <em>de gueules à la bande d'or</em> </p> <ol> <li>Anne de Noailles (d. 1678), SE 1661</li> <li>Anne-Jules (1650-1708), maréchal de France 1693, SE 1688; resigns 1704</li> <li>Adrien-Maurice (1678-1766), Grandee of Spain 1711/2, maréchal de France 1734, doyen des maréchaux 1748, SE 1724, Golden Fleece 1702</li> <li>Louis (1713-93), duc d'Ayen 1737, maréchal de France 1775, SE 1749</li> <li>Jean-Paul-Louis-François (1739-1824), Golden Fleece 1780, duc-pair 1817</li> <li>Paul (1802-85), Golden Fleece, great-nephew of last</li> <li>Jules Charles Victurnien (1826-95)</li> <li>Adrien-Maurice (1869-1953)</li> <li>François (b. 1905), nephew</li> </ol> <p>heir: Hélie (b. 1943) </p> <ul> <li><strong>Coislin</strong> (1663, D M): for Armand du Cambout, marquis de Coislin, SE 1688 (1635-1702). Ext. 1732.</li> </ul> <p><a href="/cgi-bin/" title="null" rel="noopener noreferrer"><img src="" alt="" title="" /></a><em>Gules three bars chequy argent and azure</em><br><em>de gueules à trois fasces échiquetées d'argent et d'azur</em> </p> <ul> <li><strong>Choiseul</strong> (1665, D M): for César de Choiseul, comte de Praslin, SE 1688 (d. 1705). Ext. 1705.</li> </ul> <p><em>Écartelé, au 1 de gueules au lion couronné d;or (Aigremont); au 2, fascé d'or et de sable de 6 pièces (du Plessis); au 3, d'argent à une fasce de gueules (Béthune); 4, d'or au lion de sable; sur le tout d'azur à la croix billetée d'or (Choiseul)</em> </p> <ul> <li><p><strong>Aumont</strong> (1665, D M): for Antoine d'Aumont, maréchal de France, SE 1633 (1600-69). Ext. 1888.<br><a href="/cgi-bin/" title="null" rel="noopener noreferrer"><img src="" alt="" title="" /></a><em>écartelé, au 1 d'argent au chevron de gueules accompagné de sept merlettes du même (Aumont); au 2 de gueules à la croix fleurdelisée d'or, cantonnée de douze billettes du même (Villequier), au 3 contr'écartelé au 1 et 4 d'or à trois chabots de gueules (Chabot), au 2 d'argent au lion de gueules à la queue fourchée et passée en sautoir (Luxembourg-Ligny), au 3 de gueules au soleil d'or (Baux), au 4 fascé-ondé-enté d'argent et de gueules (Rochechouart); sur le tout de gueules au chef échiqueté d'argent et d'azur (Rochebaron).</em> </p> <ol> <li>Antoine d'Aumont de Rochebaron (c1601-1669), maréchal de France 1651, SE 1633 </li> <li>Louis Marie Victor (1632-1704), SE 1688 </li> <li>Louis (1666-1723), SE 1712; resigns 1722 </li> <li>Louis Marie (1691-1723) </li> <li>Louis Marie Augustin (1709-82), SE 1745 </li> <li>Louis Marie Guy (1732-99), duc de Mazarin jure uxoris 1747, duc de Piennes brevet 1781 </li> <li>Louis Alexandre Céleste (1736-1814), brother of last, duc de Villequier brevet 1759 </li> <li>Louis Marie Céleste (1762-1831), duc 1817 </li> <li>Adolphe Marie Aimery (1785-1849) </li> <li>Louis Marie Joseph (1809-88)</li> </ol> </li> <li><p><strong>La Ferté-Senneterre (Saint-Nectaire)</strong> (1666, D M): for Henri de Saint-Nectaire, maréchal de France, SE 1661 (1599-1681). Ext. 1703.</p> </li> </ul> <p><em>D'argent à la fasce de cinq fusées de gueules.</em> </p> <ul> <li><strong>Montausier</strong> (1665, D M): for Charles de Sainte-Maure, marquis de Montausier, SE 1661 (1620-90) Ext. 1690.</li> </ul> <p><em>Argent a fess gules</em><br><em>d'argent à la fasce de gueules.</em> </p> <ul> <li><p><strong>La Vallière</strong> (1667, D F): for Louise-Françoise de La Vallière and her daughter by Louis XIV Marie-Anne de Bourbon, LP. Given 1698 (<a href="#la%5Fvalliere2" title="null">recreated 1723</a>). </p> <ol> <li>Louise-Françoise de La Baume Le Blanc (1644-1710). Resigns 1675 upon entering the Carmelite order as Louise de la Miséricorde. </li> <li>Marie-Anne de Bourbon (1666-1739), princesse de Conti 1680. Gave the duchy to her <a href="#la%5Fvalliere2" title="null">cousin</a> in 1698.</li> </ol> </li> <li><p>* <strong>Nemours</strong> (1672, D M): for Philippe de France, duc d'Orléans, b. of Louis XIV.</p> </li> <li><p><strong>Béthune-Charost</strong> (1672-1690, D M): for Louis-Armand de Béthune. Ext. 1800.</p> </li> </ul> <p><em>Argent a fess gules.</em> <em>d'argent à la fasce de gueules.</em> </p> <ol> <li>Louis de Béthune, comte de Selles et Charost (1605-81), SE 1661; duc de Béthune-Charost 1672, not registered in his lifetime</li> </ol> <p>nephew of the 1st duc de Sully 2. Louis-Armand (c1641-1717), duc de Charost 1672, duc de Béthune-Charost 1690; resigns 1695, duc de Béthune (brevet, 1711) 3. Armand (1663-1747), SE 1724; resigns 1724 4. Paul-François (1682-1759), SE 1728; a.k.a. duc de BÉthune; resigns 1737 5. François-Joseph (1719-39); a.k.a. duc d'Ancenis 6. Armand-Joseph (1738-1800); a.k.a. duc d'Ancenis until 1747</p> <ul> <li><p><strong>Damville</strong> (1694, D M): for Louis-Alex. de Bourbon, comte de Toulouse, LP. Sold 1719.</p> </li> <li><p><strong>* Montpensier</strong> (1695, D F): for Philippe de France, brother of Louis XIV, RP.</p> </li> <li><p><strong>Aumale</strong> (1695, D F): for Louis-Auguste de Bourbon, duc du Maine, LP. Ext. 1773/5 by sale to the king.</p> </li> <li><p>* <strong>Penthièvre</strong> (1697, D F): for Louis de Bourbon, comte de Toulouse, LP. He had purchased the duchy from its <a href="#penthievre" title="null">owner </a>Marie Anne de Bourbon-Conti in 1696. Passed to <a href="#orleans-l" title="null">Orléans</a> in 1793.</p> </li> <li><p><strong>Châteauvillain</strong> (1703, D F): for for Louis de Bourbon, comte de Toulouse, LP. Passed to <a href="#orleans-l" title="null">Orléans</a> in 1793.</p> </li> <li><p><strong>* Guise</strong> (1704, D F): for Anne-Henriette-Julie de Bavière (d. 1723), <a href="#guise" title="null">heiress</a> of Guise, and her husband Henri-Jules de Bourbon, prince de Condé. Passed to <a href="#orleans-l" title="null">Orléans</a>1830.</p> </li> <li><p><strong>Boufflers</strong> (1708, D M): for Louis-François, duc de Boufflers, maréchal de France, SE 1688 (d. 1711). Ext. 1751</p> </li> </ul> <p><a href="/cgi-bin/" title="null" rel="noopener noreferrer"><img src="" alt="" title="" /></a><em>d'argent à trois molettes de gueules crusillées du même.</em> </p> <ul> <li><strong>Villars</strong> (1709, D M): for Louis-Hector, duc de Villars, maréchal de France, SE 1705 (1633-1734). Ext. 1777.</li> </ul> <p><a href="/cgi-bin/" title="null" rel="noopener noreferrer"><img src="" alt="" title="" /></a><em>Azure three pierced mullets or, on a chief argent a lion passant gules</em><br><em>d'azur à trois molettes d'or, au chef d'argent chargé d'un lion passant de gueules.</em> </p> <ul> <li><p><strong>Alençon, Angoulême</strong> (1710, D M): for Charles de France, duc de Berry, grandson of Louis XIV, RP. Ext. 1714.</p> </li> <li><p>* <strong>Harcourt</strong> (1709, D M): for Henri, duc d'Harcourt, maréchal de France, SE 1705 (1654-1718).<br><a href="/cgi-bin/" title="null" rel="noopener noreferrer"><img src="" alt="" title="" /></a><em>Gules two bars or</em><br><em>de gueules à deux fasces d'or.</em> </p> <ol> <li>Henri (1654-1718); maréchal de France 1703, SE 1705, resigns 1716 </li> <li>François (1689-1750), maréchal de France 1746, SE 1728 </li> <li>Louis Abraham (1694-1750), brother of last (cleric), SE 1748 </li> <li>Anne Pierre (1701-83), brother of last, maréchal de France 1775, SE 1756, resigns 1775? </li> <li>François-Henri (1726-1802), SE 1785 </li> <li>Anne-François (1727-1797), duc de Breuvon (brevet 1784), brother of last </li> <li>Marie-François (1755-1839), duc-pair 1817 </li> <li>François-Eugène-Gabriel (1786-1865) </li> <li>Charles-François-Marie (1835-1895), grandson of last </li> <li>Eugène François Marie Henri (1864-1908) </li> <li>François (b. 1902)</li> </ol> </li> </ul> <p>heir: François-Henri (b. 1928)</p> <ul> <li><strong>Fitz-James</strong> (1710, D M): for James Fitz-James, duke of Berwick, maréchal de France, SE 1724 (1670-1734). Ext. 1967.</li> </ul> <p><a href="/cgi-bin/" title="null" rel="noopener noreferrer"><img src="" alt="" title="" /></a><em>Quarterly, 1 and 4 grand-quarterly of France and England, 2: Scotland, 3: Ireland, over all a bordure gobony azure a fleur-de-lis or and gules a lion passant guardant gules</em> <em>écartelé, au 1 et 4 cont'écartelé de France et d'Angleterre, au 2 d'Écosse, au 3 d'Irlande; à la bordure componée d'azur à la fleur-de-lis d'or et de gueules au léopard d'or.</em> </p> <ol> <li>James Fitz-James (1670-1734), maréchal de France 1706, SE 1724, Garter 1688, Golden Fleece 1708 [naturalized French 17 Dec 1703], resigns 1720</li> <li>Jacques (1702-21)</li> <li>Fran�ois (1709-64), bishop of Soissons 1738, brother of last, resigns 1735</li> <li>Charles (1712-87), maréchal de France 1775, SE 1756, brother of last, resigns 1769</li> <li>Jacques-Charles (1743-1805)</li> <li>�douard (1776-1833), SE</li> <li>Jacques-Marie-Emmanuel (1799-1846)</li> <li>�douard-Antoine-Sidoine (1828-1906)</li> <li>Jacques Gustave-Sidoine (1852-1944)</li> <li>Jacques Charles Edouard Guillaume (1886-1967), grandson of 7th duke</li> </ol> <ul> <li><strong>Antin</strong> (1711, D M): for Louis-Antoine de Pardaillan de Gondrin, marquis d'Antin, SE 1724 (1665-1735). Ext. 1757.</li> </ul> <p><em>Coupé, parti au I de quatre traits, et au II de trois, qui font neuf quartiers, au 1 d'argent au lion de gueules, à la bordure d'argent chargé de sept écussons de sinople à la fasce d'or (Espagne-Montespan), au 2 d'azur au lion de gueules (Saint-Lary), au 2 d'azur à la cloche d'argent bataillée de sable (Lagoursan), au 4 d'azur à trois flammes ou demi-pals dflamboyants d'argent (Fumel), au 5 d'argent à trois faces ondées d'azur (Pardaillan), au 6 de gueules au vase d'or (Orbessan), au 7 d'or à trois pals de gueules (Termes/La Barthe), au 8 d'or à une clef de sable adextrée de trois tourteaux de gueules (Antin), au 9 fascé-ondé-enté d'argent et de gueules (Rochechouart), sur le tout d'or au château de gueules accompagné en chef de trois têtes de maure de sable tortillées d'argent (Castillon en Médoc).</em> </p> <ul> <li><p>* <strong>Rambouillet</strong> (1711, D F): for Louis-Alex. de Bourbon, comte de Toulouse, LP. Passed <a href="#orleans-l" title="null">Orléans</a> Orléans in 1793.</p> </li> <li><p><strong>*Chaulnes</strong> (1711, D M): for Louis-Auguste d'Albert d'Ailly, comte de Chaulnes, SE 1724, maréchal de France 1741, fifth son of the duc de Luynes (1676-1744).</p> </li> </ul> <p>A contract of 18 June 1732 between the duc de Chaulnes and the duc de Luynes provided for a perpetual entail in male line between the two branches of the Albert family; this was approved by letters patent of March 1733, registered 25 Apr 1733. In 1792 the title passed to the duc de Luynes. In 1869, it was given by the duc de Luynes to his brother. Upon extinction in 1980 it was given to the younger brother of the present duc de Luynes. See <a href="Luynes1732.htm" title="null" rel="noopener noreferrer">more details</a>.<br><a href="/cgi-bin/" title="null" rel="noopener noreferrer"><img src="" alt="" title="" /></a><em>de gueules diapré de deux branches d'alisier d'argent recourbées et passées en sautoir, au chef échiqueté d'argent et d'azur (Ailly), sur le tout d'or au lion de gueules armé et couronné du champ (Albert).</em> </p> <ol> <li>Louis Auguste d'Albert d'Ailly (1676-1744), maréchal de France 1741, SE 1724; resigns 1729</li> </ol> <p>fifth son of the duc de Luynes 2. Charles François (1707-31), duc 1729 3. Michel-Ferdinand (1714-69), SE 1751 4. Marie-Joseph-Louis (1741-92), s.p. 5. Louis Joseph Charles Amable d'Albert, duc de Luynes (1748-1807), cousin of last 6. Charles Marie Paul André (1783-1839), SE 1826 7. Honoré Théodoric-Paul-Joseph (1802-67) 8. Charles-Honoré-Emmanuel (1846-70), grandson of last 9. Paul-Marie-Honoré-Stanislas (1852-81), brother of last, duc de Chaulnes 1869 10. Emmanuel (1878-1908) 11. Emmanuel (1908-80) s.p. 12. Jacques d'Albert de Luynes (b. 1946), cousin of last, second son of the duc de Luynes</p> <p>heir: Charles (b. 1978)</p> <ul> <li><strong>Rohan-Rohan</strong> (Frontenay) (1714, D M): for Hercule-Meriadec de Rohan, <a href="frprince.htm#soubise" title="null" rel="noopener noreferrer">prince de Soubise</a>. Ext. 1787.</li> </ul> <p>The baronny of Frontenay had its name changed to Rohan-Rohan at the same time. It had been raised to the peerage in 1626 for Benjamin de Rohan but never registered.<br><em>Gules nine mascles or 3, 3, and 3</em><br><em>de gueules à neuf mâcles d'or</em> </p> <ul> <li><strong>Joyeuse</strong> (1714, D M): for Louis de Melun, <a href="frprince.htm#epinoy" title="null" rel="noopener noreferrer">prince d'Epinoy</a>, premier pair de Flandres (d. 1724). Ext. 1724. <ol> <li>Louis de Melun (1694-1724)</li> </ol> </li> </ul> <p><em>Azure seven bezants 3, 3, and 1, a chief or</em><br><em>d'azur à sept besants d'or 3, 3, 1 au chef du même.</em> </p> <ul> <li><strong>Hostun</strong> (1715, D M): for Camille d'Hostun, comte de Tallart, maréchal de France (d. 1728). Ext. 1755.</li> </ul> <p><a href="/cgi-bin/" title="null" rel="noopener noreferrer"><img src="" alt="" title="" /></a><em>Gules a cross ingrailed or</em><br><em>de gueules à la croix engrelée d'or</em> </p> <ul> <li><p><strong>Villars-Brancas</strong> (1652-1716, D M): for Georges de Brancas, duc de Villars, SE 1633. Ext. 1858.<br><a href="/cgi-bin/" title="null" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <img src="" alt="" title="" /></a> <em>Azure on a pale argent between four lion's paws pairwise affronty issuant from the flanks three towers gules</em><br><em>d'azur au pal d'argent chargé de trois tours de gueules, accosté de quatre pattes de lion d'or affrontées deux à deux et mouvantes des flancs de l'écu</em> </p> <ol> <li>George de Brancas (c1565-1657), marquis de Villars 1627, duc de Villars 1628, pair 1652 (unregistered), SE 1633 </li> <li>Louis François (d.1679), pair 1657 (letters registered in Aix) </li> <li>Louis (1633-1739). Resigns 1709. </li> <li>Louis-Antoine (1682-1760), SE 1724, knight of San Gennaro 1747. Resigns 1751. </li> <li>Louis (1714-94), duc (brevet) de Lauragais 1731, Golden Fleece 1746 </li> <li>Louis-Léon-Félicité (1733-1824), pair 1814 </li> <li>Louis-Marie-Bufile (1772-1852), nephew of last </li> <li>Louis-Albert (1775-1858), uncle of last, duc de Céreste Jan 27, 1830</li> </ol> </li> <li><p><strong>Roannais / La Feuillade</strong> (1667-1716, D M): for François d'Aubusson de la Feuillade. Ext. 1725.<br><em>Or a cross anchory gules</em><br><em>d'or à la croix ancrée de gueules</em> </p> <ol> <li>François d'Aubusson (1625-91), comte de la Feuillade, maréchal de France 1675, SE 1688. Resigns 1690.<br> Purchased the duchy of Roannais from his wife <a href="#roannais2" title="null">Charlotte Gouffier</a> in 1667. </li> <li>Louis (1673-1725), maréchal de France 1724</li> </ol> </li> <li><p><strong>Valentinois</strong> (1716, D M): for Jacques-François Goyon de Matignon, comte de Thorigny (Jacques Grimaldi, prince de <a href="../national/monaco.htm" title="null" rel="noopener noreferrer">Monaco</a>in 1731). Ext. 1949.<br><em>losengy argent and gules</em><br><em>losangé d'argent et de gueules</em><br><em>Motto: Deo juvante</em> </p> <ol> <li>Jacques-François Léonor Goyon de Matignon-Grimaldi (1689-1751), son-in-law of last, resigns 1741? </li> <li>Honoré (III) Camille-Léonor (1720-95), prince 1733, resigns duchy 1777 </li> <li>Honoré (IV) Anne-Charles-Maurice (1758-1819) </li> <li>Honoré V (1778-1841) </li> <li>Florestan (1785-1856), brother of last </li> <li>Charles III (1818-89) </li> <li>Albert (1848-1922) </li> <li>Louis II (1870-1949)</li> </ol> </li> <li><p><strong>Nevers</strong> (1720, D F): Philippe-Jules-François de Mazarini-Mancini. Ext. 1808.<br>Letters patent of creation were issued in 1660 for Philippe-Julien Mancini (1641-1707), nephew of cardinal Mazarini, SE 1661. They were confirmed in 1676; both were refused by Parlement. Only a confirmation of 1720 for his son Philippe-Jule-François was successful.<br><em>quarterly, 1 and 4: azure on a fasces or bound and with ax argent a fess gules thereon three mullets of the second, 2 and 3: azure two fishes in pale addorsed argent</em><br><em>écartelé au 1 et 4 d'azur au faisceau de licteur d'or, lié d'argent et à la hache du même, posé en pal, à la fasce de gueules chargée de trois étoiles d'or sur le tout (Mazarini), au 2 et 3 d'azur à deux poissons d'argent adossés en pal (Mancini).</em> </p> <ol> <li>Philippe-Jules-François Mazarini-Mancini (1676-1768), prince de Vergagne 1709 (by inheritance of his father-in-law Gianbattista Spinola). Prince of the Holy Roman Empire, Grandee of Spain (1715). Resigns 1730. </li> <li>Louis-Jules-Barbon (1716-1798), SE 1752.<br> His second but eldest surviving daughter Adélaïde (d. 1808), married Louis-Hercule-Timoléon de Cossé, duc de Brissac (d.1792); their only daughter Adélaïde-Pauline-Rosalie de Cossé (d. 1808), duchesse de Mortemart in 1782, would have been the last holder of the peerage, by application of the Edict of 1711.</li> </ol> </li> <li><p><strong>Biron</strong> (1723, D M): for Charles-Armand de Gontaut de Biron. Ext. 1793.<br><em>quarterly gules and or on a banner</em><br><em>écartelé d'or et de gueules, écu en bannière</em><br><em>Motto: crede Biron</em> </p> <ol> <li>Charles-Armand-Dominique de Gontaut (1663-1756), marquis de Biron, maréchal de France 1734, SE 1737. Resigns 1733.<br> great-nephew of the first <a href="#biron" title="null">duc de Biron</a> </li> <li>François-Armand (1689-1736) </li> <li>Antoine-Charles (1717-39) </li> <li>Jean-Louis (1692-1777), uncle of last, abbot, resigns 1739 </li> <li>Louis-Antoine (1701-88), brother of last maréchal de France 1757, SE 1744. </li> <li>Charles-Antoine-Armand (1708-c1800), brother of last, duc (brevet) de Gontaut 1758, SE 1757. Resigns 1788 </li> <li>Armand-Louis (1747-93), duc (brevet) de Lauzun 1766</li> </ol> </li> <li><p><strong>Lévis</strong> (1723, D M): for Charles-Eugène, marquis de Lévis, SE 1731. Ext. 1734.<br><em>Or three chevrons sable</em><br><em>d'or à trois chevrons de sable</em><br><em>Motto: Dieu aide au second chrétien</em> </p> <ol> <li>Charles-Eugène de Lévis (1669-1734), comte de Charlus, marquis de Lévis, SE 1731</li> </ol> </li> <li><p><strong>La Vallière</strong> (1723, D M): for Charles-François de la Baume-le-Blanc, marquis de La Vallière. Ext. 1780.<br><em>per fess gules and or a lion passant per fess argent and sable</em><br><em>coupé de gueules et d'or au lion léopardé coupé d'argent et de sable</em> </p> <ol> <li>Charles-François de La Baume Le Blanc (1670-1739), marquis de La Vallière, nephew of <a href="#la%5Fvalliere" title="null">Françoise de La Vallière</a>. Resigns 1732.<br> his cousin Marie Anne gave him the duchy of La Vallière in 1698 </li> <li>Louis-César (1708-80), grand-fauconnier 1748-62, SE 1749</li> </ol> </li> <li><p><strong>Mercoeur</strong> (1723, D M): for Louis-François de Bourbon, prince de Conti. Ext. by sale 1770. (<a href="#mercoeur3" title="null">recreation</a> 1773).</p> </li> <li><p><strong>Châtillon</strong> (1736, D M): for Alexis-Madeleine de Châtillon, SE 1731. Ext. 1762.<br><em>Gules three pallets vair a chief or</em><br><em>de gueules à trois pals de vair, au chef d'or</em> </p> <ol> <li>Alexis-Madeleine-Rosalie de Châtillon (1690-1754), SE 1731 </li> <li>Louis-Gaucher (1737-62), grand-fauconnier 1762</li> </ol> </li> <li><p><strong>Fleury</strong> (1736, D M): for Jean-Hercule de Rosset, nephew of Prime Minister cardinal Fleury, SE 1736. Ext. 1815.<br><em>quarterly, 1: argent a rosebush vert with three roses gules, 2: gules a lion or; 3: quarterly argent and sable, 4: azure three rooks or, overall: azure three roses or.</em><br><em>écartelé au 1 d'argent au rosier de sinople fleuri de trois roses de gueules (Rosset), au 2 de gueules au lion d'or (Lasset), au 3 contr'écartelé d'argent et de sable (Vissec de la Tude); au 4 d'azur à trois rocs d'échiquiers d;or (Rocozel), sur le tout d'azur à trois roses d'or (Fleury).</em> </p> <ol> <li>Jean-Hercule de Rosset (1683-1748), marquis de Rocozel 1724, SE 1736 </li> <li>André-Hercule (1715-88), SE 1753 </li> <li>André-Hercule-Marie-Louis (1769-1810), grandson of last </li> <li>André-Joseph-Arsène (d. 1815), uncle of last</li> </ol> </li> <li><p><strong>Gisors/Belle-Isle</strong>(1748, D M): for Louis-Charles Fouquet (1684-1761), marquis de Belle-Isle, maréchal de France 1741, SE 1735, prince of the Holy Roman Empire 1742, Golden Fleece 1742. Ext. 1761.<br>The title was based on the marquesate of Gisors, sold in 1759 to the king but with usufruct retained.<br><em>Argent a squirrel rampant gules</em><br><em>d'argent à l'écureuil rampant de gueules</em><br><em>Motto: quo non ascendam</em> </p> <ol> <li>Charles-Louis-Auguste Fouquet (1684-1761), marquis de Belle-Isle, duc de Gisors 1742, maréchal de France 1741, SE 1735, prince of the Holy Roman Empire 1742, Golden Fleece 1742.<br> grandson of Nicolas Fouquet, finance minister of Louis XIV</li> </ol> </li> <li><p><strong>Duras</strong> (1756, D M): for Emmanuel-Félicité de Durfort, duc de Duras, maréchal de France 1775, SE 1767 . Ext. 1838.</p> </li> </ul> <p><em>quarterly, argent a bend azure, and gules a lion argent.</em> <em>écartelé au 1 et 4 d'argent à la bande d'azur (Durfort), au 2 et 3 de gueules au lion d'argent (Lomagne)</em> <em>Motto: Duras!</em> </p> <ol> <li>Emmanuel-Félicité de Durfort (1715-89), duc de Duras 1733, maréchal de France 1775, SE 1767.</li> <li>Emmanuel-Céleste-Augustin (1741-1800)</li> <li>Amédée-Bretagne-Malo (1771-1838), SE 1820, duc-pair 1817</li> </ol> <ul> <li><p><strong>Stainville (Choiseul)</strong> (1758, D M): for Étienne de Choiseul, comte de Stainville. Ext. 1785.<br><a href="/cgi-bin/" title="null" rel="noopener noreferrer"><img src="" alt="" title="" /></a> <em>azure a cross billety or</em><br><em>d'azur à la croix billetée d'or</em> </p> <ol> <li>Étienne de Choiseul (1719-85), minister of Foreign Affairs, SE 1757, colonel-Général des Suisses et Grisons 1762-71</li> </ol> </li> <li><p><strong>La Vauguyon</strong> (1758, D): for Antoine de Quélen-Stuer de Caussade. Ext. 1837.</p> </li> </ul> <p>The name Quélen de La Vauguyon has passed to a natural son of the last duke.<br><em>�cartel�, au 1 d'argent au sautoir de gueules (Estuer), parti d'or � quatre bandes de gueules (Caussade); au 2 et 3 de France au b�ton de gueules p�ri en bande charg� de trois lionceaux d'argent (Bourbon-Carency); au 4 de gueules au pal aiguis� de vair, � la bordure engr�l�e d'argent (Cars-Carency); sur le tout d'argent � trois feuilles de houx de sinople (Qu�len).</em> <em>Motto: Avize, avize</em><br>In 1517, François des Cars married Isabelle de Bourbon, dame de Carency. Their grand-daughter Diane des Cars married X de Stuer de Caussade (whose compund name was the result of a name and arms clause in 1538). Their son Jacques de Stuer de Caussade (d. 1671) left a daughter Marie (d. 1693) who married in 1653 Barthélémy de Quélen, vicomte du Broutay (d. 1667), comte de La Vauguyon _jure uxoris_and to whose son Nicolas (d. 1725) he left by a will of 1670 his name and arms. Although the family had sold the lordship of Carency in the 17th c. to the Toustain family, they continued to use the style of "prince de Carency". Nicolas was the father of the first duke.</p> <ol> <li>Antoine-Paul-Jacques de Quélen de Stuer de Caussade, comte de La Vauguyon (1706-72), SE 1753, governor of the sons of the Dauphin</li> <li>Paul-François (1746-1828), SE 1783, Golden Fleece 1787, duc (brevet) de Saint-Maigrin 1767, duc-pair 1818</li> <li>Paul-Yves-Bernard (1778-1837)</li> </ol> <ul> <li>* <strong>Praslin</strong> (1762, D M): for César-Gabriel de Choiseul, minister of the Navy, SE 1762.</li> </ul> <p><em>quarterly, 1 and 4 azure a cross billety or, 2 and 3 gules a lion crowned or.</em> <em>écartelé, au 1 et 4 d'azur à la croix billetée d'or; au 2 et 3 de gueules au lion couronné d'or (Aigremont).</em> </p> <ol> <li>César-Gabriel de Choiseul (1712-85), SE 1762</li> <li>Renaud César Louis (1735-91)</li> <li>Antoine C�sar (1756-1808)</li> <li>Claude Raynald Félix (1778-1841), duc 1819</li> <li>Charles Théobald (1805-47)</li> <li>Gaston Louis Philippe (1834-1906)</li> <li>Marie Jean Baptiste Gaston (1876-1937)</li> <li>Marie César Gabriel (1879-1966), brother of last</li> <li>Jean (1915-2002)</li> <li>Raynald (b. ), nephew of last<br> heir:</li> </ol> <ul> <li><strong>Choiseul d'Amboise</strong> (1764, D M): for Étienne de Choiseul, duc de Stainville. Ext. 1785.</li> </ul> <p><em>azure a cross billety or</em> <em>d'azur à la croix billetée d'or</em> </p> <ol> <li>Étienne de Choiseul (1719-85), duc-pair de Stainville 1758, minister of Foreign Affairs, SE 1757, colonel-Général des Suisses et Grisons 1762-71</li> </ol> <ul> <li><p><strong>Anjou</strong> (1771, D M): for Louis de France, comte de Provence, brother of Louis XVI. United 1795/1814.</p> </li> <li><p><strong>Angoulême</strong> (1773, D M): for Charles de France, comte d'Artois, brother of Louis XVI. United 1824.</p> </li> <li><p><strong>Auvergne, Mercoeur</strong> (1773, D M): for Charles de France, comte d'Artois, brother of Louis XVI. Exch. for Poitou 1778.</p> </li> <li><p><strong>Alençon</strong> (1774, D M): for Louis de France, comte de Provence, brother of Louis XVI. United 1795/1814.</p> </li> <li><p>* <strong>Clermont-Tonnerre</strong> (1775, D M): for Gaspard de Clermont-Tonnerre, maréchal de France, SE 1724 (d. 1781)<br><a href="/cgi-bin/" title="null" rel="noopener noreferrer"><img src="" alt="" title="" /></a> <em>Gules two keys argent per saltire</em><br><em>de gueules à deux clés d'argent passées en sautoir</em><br><em>Motto: et si omnes ego non</em> </p> <ol> <li>Gaspard (1688-1781), maréchal de France 1747, SE 1724 </li> <li>Charles-Henri-Jules (1720-94), SE 1784 </li> <li>Jules-Gaspard-Aynard (1769-1837), grandson of last, duc-pair 1817, s.p. </li> <li>Gaspard-Paulin (1756-1842), uncle of last, prince Romain 1825 </li> <li>Aimé-Marie-Gaspard (1779-1865), marquis-pair 1817, SE, Golden Fleece </li> <li>Gaspard-Louis-Aimé (1812-89) </li> <li>Gaspard-Aimé-Roger (1842-?) </li> <li>Philibert (d.1940), s.m.p. </li> <li>Aynard (1884-1967), great-grandson of 5th duc </li> <li>Jean (1885-1970), brother of last </li> <li>Charles-Henri (1934-99) </li> <li>Aynard (b. 1962)<br> heir: Antoine (b. 1989)</li> </ol> </li> <li><p><strong>Berry</strong> (1776, D M): for Charles, comte d'Artois, brother of Louis XVI. United 1824.</p> </li> <li><p><strong>Châteauroux</strong> (1776, D M): for Charles, comte d'Artois, brother of Louis XVI. United 1824.</p> </li> <li><p><strong>* Aumale</strong> (1776, D F): for Louis de Bourbon, duc de Penthièvre. The duchy had been sold to the king in 1773, but payment had not been made, and the king returned the duchy to the heir.</p> </li> <li><p><strong>* Gisors</strong> (1776, D F): for Louis de Bourbon, duc de Penthièvre. Gisors had been sold to the king in 1759, then exchanged by the king for Dombes with the comte d'Eu; it then passed by inheritance to the duc de Penthièvre. Passed to <a href="#orleans-l" title="null">Orléans</a>.</p> </li> <li><p><strong>Brunoy</strong> (1777, D F): for Louis de France, comte de Provence, brother of Louis XVI. Ext. by donation to the duc de Normandie, 1786.</p> </li> <li><p><strong>Louvois</strong> (1777, D M): for Marie-Adélaïde and Sophie de France, daughters of Louis XV. Ext. 1800. (jointly held by the two sisters.)</p> </li> <li><p>* <strong>Aubigny</strong> (1684-1777, D M): for James Lennox, 3d duke of Richmond.<br>The peerage was created in 1684 for Louise Renée de Penancoët de Kéroualle (d. 1734), duchess of Portsmouth, mistress of Charles II of Great Britain, to whom Louis XIV had given the lordship of Aubigny by letters patent of 1673 (see the <a href="scotfr.htm#darnley" title="null" rel="noopener noreferrer">prior history of Aubigny</a>). There was a remainder for her natural son by Charles II, Charles Stuart, duke of Richmond and Lennox (1672-1723), who was naturalized French by letters of 1685, unregistered. The letters creating the peerage were not registered. The second duke of Richmond and Lennox received a brevet of duc in 1749. The third duke (1735-1806) received a confirmation of the original letters patent (<em>lettres de relief de surannation</em>) in 1777, registered the same year. The third duke was naturalized French the same year. The title is still borne in Great Britain by the duke of Richmond, descended in direct male line from her (but not of the third duke).<br><a href="/cgi-bin/" title="null" rel="noopener noreferrer"><img src="" alt="" title="" /></a></p> </li> <li><p><strong>* Amboise</strong> (1787, D F): for Louis de Bourbon, duc de Penthièvre, who had bought Choiseul d'Amboise in 1786.</p> </li> <li><p><strong>Choiseul</strong> (1787, D M): for Claude-Cléradus-Gabriel de Choiseul-Beaupré, husband of the niece of the duc de Choiseul d'Amboise (1760-1838). Ext. 1838.</p> </li> <li><p><strong>Coigny</strong> (1787, D): for Marie-François-Henri de Franquetot, duc de Coigny, SE 1777 (d. 1821). Ext. 1865.<br><a href="/cgi-bin/" title="null" rel="noopener noreferrer"><img src="" alt="" title="" /></a><em>Gules on a fess between three crescents or three mullets azure</em><br><em>De gueules à la fasce d'or chargée de trois étoiles d'azur, accompagnée de trois croissants aussi d'or.</em> </p> <ol> <li>Marie François Henri de Franquetot de Coigny (1737-1821), SE 1776, maréchal de France 1816 </li> <li>Auguste Louis Joseph Casimir Gustave (1788-1865), grandson of last</li> </ol> </li> </ul> <h3 id="list-of-peerages-by-order-of-reception-in-parlement-since-1515"><a class="anchor" aria-hidden="true" tabindex="-1" href="#list-of-peerages-by-order-of-reception-in-parlement-since-1515"><svg class="octicon octicon-link" viewBox="0 0 16 16" width="16" height="16" aria-hidden="true"><path fill-rule="evenodd" d="M7.775 3.275a.75.75 0 001.06 1.06l1.25-1.25a2 2 0 112.83 2.83l-2.5 2.5a2 2 0 01-2.83 0 .75.75 0 00-1.06 1.06 3.5 3.5 0 004.95 0l2.5-2.5a3.5 3.5 0 00-4.95-4.95l-1.25 1.25zm-4.69 9.64a2 2 0 010-2.83l2.5-2.5a2 2 0 012.83 0 .75.75 0 001.06-1.06 3.5 3.5 0 00-4.95 0l-2.5 2.5a3.5 3.5 0 004.95 4.95l1.25-1.25a.75.75 0 00-1.06-1.06l-1.25 1.25a2 2 0 01-2.83 0z"></path></svg></a>List of Peerages by Order of Reception in Parlement since 1515</h3><p>The date of reception in Parlement (which was usually the same as the date of registration of the letters patent of creation) determined the rank of the peer. Peerages that were created at the same time for the same person with the same remainder are listed as one.</p> <ul> <li>1515 (6 Mar): Vendôme</li> <li>1515 (12 Mar): Angoulême</li> <li>1515 (12 Mar): Anjou</li> <li>1515 (4 Apr): Châtellerault</li> <li>1518 (4 Feb): Berry</li> <li>1527 (23 Dec): Bourbonnais, Châtellerault</li> <li>1528 (12 Aug): Guise</li> <li>1529 (4 Jan): Auvergne</li> <li>1530 (21 May): Châtellerault</li> <li>1539 (17 Feb): Nivernais</li> <li>1539 (6 Mar): Montpensier</li> <li>1540 (14 Aug): Orléans, Angoulême, Châtellerault</li> <li>1544 (28 Feb): Bourbonnais</li> <li>1548 (5 Jan): Aumale</li> <li>1550 (19 May): Berry</li> <li>1551 (4 Aug): Montmorency</li> <li>1557 (11 Jan): Albret</li> <li>1566 (21 Mar): Anjou, Bourbonnais</li> <li>1566 (21 Mar): Alençon, Château-Thierry</li> <li>1566 (22 Jun): Nivernais</li> <li>1569 (15 Sep): Penthièvre</li> <li>1569 (24 Nov): Auvergne</li> <li>1569 (10 Dec): Evreux</li> <li>1572 (3 Mar): Uzès</li> <li>1573 (24 Sep): Mayenne</li> <li>1576 (8 Mar): Mercoeur</li> <li>1576 (29 Mar): Saint-Fargeau</li> <li>1576 (24 May): Anjou, Touraine, Berry</li> <li>1581 (7 Sep): Joyeuse</li> <li>1581 (27 Nov): Epernon</li> <li>1581 (19 Dec): Rethelois</li> <li>1581 (29 Dec): Piney</li> <li>1582 (20 Mar): Retz</li> <li>1582 (29 Mar): Elbeuf</li> <li>1588 (29 Feb): Hallwin</li> <li>1589 (27 Apr): Montbazon</li> <li>1594 (24 Jan): Ventadour</li> <li>1595 (13 Mar): Montbazon</li> <li>1597 (10 Jul): Beaufort</li> <li>1598 (30 Jun): Biron</li> <li>1599 (7 Dec): Thouars</li> <li>1600 (2 Mar): Auguillon</li> <li>1603 (7 Aug): Rohan</li> <li>1606 (9 Mar): Béthune-Sully</li> <li>1608 (18 Feb): Fronsac</li> <li>1608 (2 Jul): Montpensier</li> <li>1610 (30 Dec): Damville</li> <li>1611 (18 Mar): Hallwin</li> <li>1616 (3 Aug): Châteauroux</li> <li>1619 (14 Nov): Luynes</li> <li>1620 (6 Feb): Lesdiguières</li> <li>1620 (8 Jul): Brissac</li> <li>1620 (8 Jul): Bellegarde</li> <li>1621 (22 Feb): Hallwin</li> <li>1621 (9 Mar): Chaulnes</li> <li>1626 (14 Dec): Orléans, Chartres</li> <li>1627 (21 Aug): Chevreuse</li> <li>1630 (6 Feb): Valois</li> <li>1621 (4 Sep): Richelieu</li> <li>1631 (4 Sep): La Valette</li> <li>1631 (4 Sep): La Rochefoucauld</li> <li>1633 (9 Mar): Montmorency</li> <li>1634 (14 Mar): Retz</li> <li>1634 (5 Jul): Fronsac</li> <li>1634 (7 Dec): Puylaurens</li> <li>1635 (1 Feb): Saint-Simon</li> <li>1637 (3 Aug): La Force</li> <li>1628 (19 May): Aiguillon</li> <li>1642 (18 Jul): Valentinois</li> <li>1652 (15 Jul): Rohan</li> <li>1657 (15 Feb): Villars-Brancas</li> <li>1661 (5 Apr): Bourbonnais</li> <li>1661 (10 May): Orléans, Valois, Chartres</li> <li>1663 (15 Dec): Verneuil</li> <li>1663 (15 Dec): Estrées</li> <li>1663 (15 Dec): Gramont</li> <li>1663 (15 Dec): La Meilleraye</li> <li>1663 (15 Dec): Mazarini/Rethelois</li> <li>1663 (15 Dec): Villeroy</li> <li>1663 (15 Dec): Mortemart</li> <li>1663 (15 Dec): Poix</li> <li>1663 (15 Dec): Saint-Aignan</li> <li>1663 (15 Dec): Randan</li> <li>1663 (15 Dec): La Rocheguyon</li> <li>1663 (15 Dec): Tresmes</li> <li>1663 (15 Dec): Noailles</li> <li>1663 (15 Dec): Coislin</li> <li>1665 (2 Dec): Montausier</li> <li>1665 (2 Dec): Aumont</li> <li>1665 (2 Dec): La Ferté-Senneterre</li> <li>1665 (2 Dec): Choiseul</li> <li>1665 (2 Dec): Albret, Chaâteau-Thierry</li> <li>1667 (13 May): La Vallière</li> <li>1672 (3 Sep): Nemours</li> <li>1690 (18 Aug): Béthune-Charost</li> <li>1690 (18 Aug): Saint-Cloud</li> <li>1694 (22 Nov): Damville</li> <li>1695 (20 Apr): Montpensier</li> <li>1695 (1 Jul): Aumale</li> <li>1698 (16 Dec): Penthièvre</li> <li>1703 (29 Aug): Châteauvillain</li> <li>1704 (30 Jul): Guise</li> <li>1709 (19 Mar): Boufflers</li> <li>1709 (5 Dec): Villars</li> <li>1710 (28 Feb): Harcourt</li> <li>1710 (23 May): Fitz-James</li> <li>1710 (10 Jul): Alençon, Angoulême</li> <li>1711 (5 Jun): Antin</li> <li>1711 (29 Jul): Rambouillet</li> <li>1711 (1 Dec): Chaulnes</li> <li>1714 (18 Dec): Rohan-Rohan</li> <li>1714 (18 Dec): Joyeuse</li> <li>1715 (2 Apr): Hostun</li> <li>1716 (2 Sep): Valentinois</li> <li>1716 (2 Sep): Roannais</li> <li>1716 (5 Sep): Villars-Brancas</li> <li>1720 (31 Dec): Nevers</li> <li>1723 (22 Feb): Biron</li> <li>1723 (22 Feb): Lévis</li> <li>1723 (22 Feb): La Vallière</li> <li>1723 (28 Jul): Mercoeur</li> <li>1736 (14 Mar): Fleury</li> <li>1736 (26 Apr): Châtillon</li> <li>1744 (17 Jan): Châteauroux</li> <li>1749 (16 Apr): Gisors/Belle-Isle</li> <li>1756 (25 Jun): Duras</li> <li>1758 (15 Dec): La Vauguyon</li> <li>1759 (12 Jan): Choiseul-Stainville</li> <li>1762 (10 Dec): Praslin</li> <li>1764 (16 Feb): Choiseul d'Amboise</li> <li>1771 (3 May): Anjou</li> <li>1773 (12 Nov): Auvergne, Angoulême, Mercoeur</li> <li>1775 (7 Jan): Alençon</li> <li>1775 (5 Jul): Clermont-Tonnerre</li> <li>1776 (5 Jul): Berry, Châteauroux</li> <li>1776 (24 Jul): Aumale</li> <li>1777 (7 Feb): Gisors</li> <li>1777 (1 Jul): Aubigny</li> <li>1777 (15 Jul): Louvois</li> <li>1778 (5 May): Brunoy</li> <li>1787 (7 Dec): Amboise</li> <li>1787 (10 Dec): Choiseul</li> <li>1787 (14 Dec): Coigny</li> </ul> <h3 id="the-non-royal-peerage-in-1789"><a class="anchor" aria-hidden="true" tabindex="-1" href="#the-non-royal-peerage-in-1789"><svg class="octicon octicon-link" viewBox="0 0 16 16" width="16" height="16" aria-hidden="true"><path fill-rule="evenodd" d="M7.775 3.275a.75.75 0 001.06 1.06l1.25-1.25a2 2 0 112.83 2.83l-2.5 2.5a2 2 0 01-2.83 0 .75.75 0 00-1.06 1.06 3.5 3.5 0 004.95 0l2.5-2.5a3.5 3.5 0 00-4.95-4.95l-1.25 1.25zm-4.69 9.64a2 2 0 010-2.83l2.5-2.5a2 2 0 012.83 0 .75.75 0 001.06-1.06 3.5 3.5 0 00-4.95 0l-2.5 2.5a3.5 3.5 0 004.95 4.95l1.25-1.25a.75.75 0 00-1.06-1.06l-1.25 1.25a2 2 0 01-2.83 0z"></path></svg></a>The Non-Royal Peerage in 1789</h3><p>All surviving Old Regime peers or their legitimate heirs were made members of the newly formed House of Peers peers by Louis XVIII on June 4 1814 (see the page on <a href="peerage19.htm" title="null" rel="noopener noreferrer">19th c. peerage</a>), with the exception of Aubigny, held by the duke of Richmond, a British subject. When titles were assigned to the members of the House of Peers on Aug 31 1817, all of the Old Regime dukes-peers were given the rank of duke. There are two exceptions: the duc de Praslin was removed in July 1815 for his behavior during Napoleon's return from Elba, but he was reinstated (with ducal rank) on Nov 21, 1819; and the duc de Fleury had died without heirs on Jan 15, 1815.</p> <p>This list is by order of precedence under the rules of the Old Regime. The exact same order of precedence was used in 1814. As before, a star (*) indicates that the title still exists.</p> <ul> <li>Uzès *</li> <li>Elbeuf (ext. 1825)</li> <li>Montbazon *</li> <li>Thouars/La Tremoïlle (ext. 1933)</li> <li>Sully (ext. 1807)</li> <li>Luynes *</li> <li>Brissac *</li> <li>Richelieu (ext. 1952)</li> <li>Fronsac (ext. 1952)</li> <li>Albret, Château-Thierry (ext. 1802)</li> <li>Rohan *</li> <li>Piney-Luxembourg (ext. 1861)</li> <li>Gramont *</li> <li>Villeroy (ext. 1794)</li> <li>Mortemart *</li> <li>Saint-Aignan (ext. 1828)</li> <li>Noailles *</li> <li>Aumont (ext. 1888)</li> <li>Béthune-Charost (ext. 1800)</li> <li>Harcourt *</li> <li>Fitz-James (ext. 1967)</li> <li>Chaulnes (ext. 1792)</li> <li>Villars-Brancas (ext. 1852)</li> <li>Valentinois (ext. 1949)</li> <li>Nevers (ext. 1808)</li> <li>Biron (ext. 1793)</li> <li>Aiguillon (ext. 1800)</li> <li>Fleury (ext. 1815)</li> <li>Duras (ext. 1838)</li> <li>La Vauguyon (ext. 1837)</li> <li>Praslin *</li> <li>La Rochefoucauld *</li> <li>Clermont-Tonnerre *</li> <li>Aubigny *</li> <li>Choiseul (ext. 1838)</li> <li>Coigny (ext. 1865)</li> </ul> <h2 id="other-non-peer-duchies"><a class="anchor" aria-hidden="true" tabindex="-1" href="#other-non-peer-duchies"><svg class="octicon octicon-link" viewBox="0 0 16 16" width="16" height="16" aria-hidden="true"><path fill-rule="evenodd" d="M7.775 3.275a.75.75 0 001.06 1.06l1.25-1.25a2 2 0 112.83 2.83l-2.5 2.5a2 2 0 01-2.83 0 .75.75 0 00-1.06 1.06 3.5 3.5 0 004.95 0l2.5-2.5a3.5 3.5 0 00-4.95-4.95l-1.25 1.25zm-4.69 9.64a2 2 0 010-2.83l2.5-2.5a2 2 0 012.83 0 .75.75 0 001.06-1.06 3.5 3.5 0 00-4.95 0l-2.5 2.5a3.5 3.5 0 004.95 4.95l1.25-1.25a.75.75 0 00-1.06-1.06l-1.25 1.25a2 2 0 01-2.83 0z"></path></svg></a>Other (non-Peer) Duchies</h2><p>The King also created duchies without making them into peerages at the same time. They were hereditary, created by letters patent which also had to be registered in order to be valid. Their legal regime was similar to that of peerages; in particular, the provisions of the edict of 1711 also applied to them. </p> <p>The king could also issue a <a href="brevets.htm" title="null" rel="noopener noreferrer"><em>brevet</em></a>which did not require parliamentary approval, and was only an authorization granted by the king to an individual to use the title of duke for his lifetime. Some brevets also included a promise to create a peerage or proper duchy at some future date, although the promise might not be kept. Peerages which were not registered were usually considered as duchies which became extinct at the death of the beneficiary; hence they were treated like brevet titles.</p> <p>The following list in principle covers duchies created by letters patent as well as unsuccessful peerages (some titles might be <duchés à="" brevet<="" i="">). It is reasonably complete up to the 1740s, based on Père Anselme. </duchés></p> <ul> <li><strong>Bar</strong> (1354): for Robert, count of Bar. Passed by inheritance to Anjou in 1419, then to Lorraine in 1473. Ceded to France with Lorraine in 1766.</li> <li><strong>Valentinois</strong> (1498, U): for Cesare Borgia. Passed to his daughter Louise, married to Philippe de Bourbon-Busset. Returned to the crown at some date before 1548.</li> <li><strong>Longueville</strong> (1505, M): for François d'Orléans, comte de Dunois, illegitimate branch of Orléans. Ext. 1694.</li> <li><strong>Nemours</strong> (1515, F): for Julien de Medicis and Philiberte de Savoie. Ext. 152?.</li> <li><strong>Roannais</strong> (1519): Peerage unregistered, for Artus Gouffier (1474-1519), seigneur d'Oiron, panetier du Roi, grand-maître de France 1515, chevalier de Saint-Michel. Ext. 1519.</li> <li><strong>Dunois</strong> (1525): Peerage unregistered. Ext. 1537.</li> <li><strong>Chartres</strong> (1528, U): for Renée de France, d. of Louis XII, and her husband Ercole d'Este, duke of Ferrara, with redemption clause. Passed to Este, 1575; to Nemours, 1607. Redeemed 1623.</li> <li><strong>Estouteville</strong> (1537, F): for Adrienne d'Estouteville and her husband François de Bourbon-Saint-Paul. Passed to Orléans-Longueville in 1563, then to Goyon-Matignon in 1707. Ext. 1949.</li> <li><strong>Étampes</strong> (1537): for Anne de Pisseleu, mistress of François I and her husband Jean de Brosse. Ext. 1565.</li> <li><strong>Beaumont-le-Vicomte</strong> (1543, F): for Françoise d'Alençon. Unit. 1589.</li> <li><strong>Châtellerault</strong> (1548): for James Hamilton, earl of Arran. Confisc. 1559.</li> <li><strong>Valentinois</strong> (1548, L): for Diane de Poitiers, mistress of François I. Ext. 1566.</li> <li><strong>Albret</strong> (1550): for Henri d'Albret, king of Navarre. Elevated to<a href="#albret" title="null">peerage</a> in 1556..</li> <li><strong>*Chevreuse</strong> (1555): for Charles, cardinal de Lorraine. Elevated to<a href="#chevreuse" title="null">peerage</a> 1612-27.</li> <li><strong>Beaupréau</strong> (1562): Charles de Bourbon-La Roche-sur-Yon. Ext. 1578.</li> <li><strong>Thouars</strong> (1563): <a href="#thouars" title="null">peerage</a> in 1599.</li> <li><strong>Graville</strong> (1563): Peerage unregistered. Ext. 1590.</li> <li><strong>Châtellerault</strong> (1563): for Diane de Poitiers. Exch. 1582.</li> <li><strong>Roannais</strong> (1566, U): for Claude Gouffier, marquis of Boisy, son of <a href="#roannais" title="null">Artus Gouffier</a>. Elevated to peerage in 1612 but the letters were not registered. Inherited by La Feuillade and elevated to <a href="#roannais3" title="null">peerage</a> in 1667. <ol> <li>Claude Gouffier, comte de Maulévrier 1542, marquis de Boisy 1564 </li> <li>Gilbert (d. 1582), chevalier de Saint-Michel </li> <li>Louis (1575-1642), SE 1614 (not received), pair 1612 (letters unregistered) </li> <li>Artus (1627-96), grandson of last, pair 1651 (letters unregistered). Gives the duchy of Roannais to his sister Charlotte, wife of <a href="#roannais3" title="null">François d'Aubusson</a>.</li> </ol> </li> <li><strong>Enghien</strong> (1566): Peerage unregistered. Ext. 1569.</li> <li><strong>Montargis</strong> (1570):</li> <li><strong>Clermont</strong> (1571): Peerage unregistered.</li> <li><strong>Tonnerre</strong> (1572): Peerage unregistered. Ext. 1573.</li> <li><strong>Ventadour</strong> (1578): previously created as a county in 1350. Elevated to <a href="#ventadour" title="null">peerage</a> in 1594.</li> <li><strong>Loudun</strong> (1579-1591, L): for Françoise de Rohan. Ext. ???.</li> <li><strong>Angoulême</strong> (1582): for Diane de Poitiers. Ext. 1619.</li> <li><strong>Étampes</strong> (1582): for Marguerite de France, d. of Henri II, who gave it to Gabrielle d'Estrées and thence to the Vendôme family. Ext. 1712.</li> <li><strong>Châtellerault</strong> (1583): for François de Bourbon-Montpensier. Passed to Orléans 1608. Sold 1695.</li> <li><strong>Brienne</strong> (1587): Peerage unregistered. Ext. 1608.</li> <li>* <strong>Croÿ</strong> (1598, U): for Charles de Croÿ, duc d'Arschot.</li> </ul> <p><a href="/cgi-bin/" title="null" rel="noopener noreferrer"><img src="" alt="" title="" /></a> </p> <ul> <li><strong>Grancey</strong> (1611): Peerage unregistered. Ext. 1613.</li> <li><strong>Angoulême</strong> (1619, U): for Charles de Valois, natural son of Charles IX. Ext. 1653.</li> <li><strong>La Rocheguyon</strong> (1621): Peerage unregistered. Ext. 1628. <ol> <li>Fran&cceidl;ois de Silly, comte de La Roche-Guyon (1586-1628), grand louvetier 1615, SE 1619</li> </ol> </li> <li><strong>Pont-de-Vaux</strong> (1623, U): for Charles-Emmanuel de Gorrevod. Ext. 1689.</li> <li><strong>Frontenay</strong> (1626): Peerage unregistered. Ext. 1642.</li> <li><strong>Villars</strong> (Sep 1627): for Brancas. <a href="#brancas" title="null">peerage</a>in 1652.</li> <li><strong>Aumale</strong> (1631): Peerage unregistered. Ext. 1638.</li> <li><strong>Aumale</strong> (1638): Peerage unregistered. Ext. 1641.</li> <li><strong>Coligny</strong> (1643): Peerage unregistered. Ext. 1646.</li> <li><strong>Aumale</strong> (1643): Peerage unregistered. Ext. 1652.</li> <li><strong>Gramont</strong> (1643): Peerage unregistered. Ext. 1644. <ol> <li>Antoine de Gramont (c.1572-1644), SE 1619</li> </ol> </li> <li><strong>Coligny/Châtillon</strong> (1643): Peerage unregistered. Ext. 1649.</li> <li><strong>Damville</strong> (1648): Peerage unregistered. Ext. 1661.</li> <li>* <strong>Gramont</strong> (1648): <a href="#gramont" title="null">peerage</a> in 1663.</li> <li><strong>Noirmoutiers</strong> (1650): Peerage unregistered. Ext. 1657.</li> <li><strong>Lavedan</strong> (1650): Peerage unregistered. Ext. 1654.</li> <li><strong>Vitry</strong> (1650): Peerage unregistered. Ext. 1679.</li> <li><strong>Tonnay-Charente</strong> (1650): Peerage unregistered. The recipient received instead the peerage of Mortemart.</li> <li><strong>Arpajon</strong> (1650): Peerage unregistered. Ext. 1679.</li> <li><strong>Rosnay</strong> (1651): Peerage unregistered. Ext. 1660.</li> <li><strong>Roannais</strong> (1651): Peerage unregistered. Ext. 1667.</li> <li><strong>La Vieuville</strong> (1651): Peerage unregistered. Ext. 1689.</li> <li><strong>Villemor</strong> (1651): Peerage unregistered. Ext. 1651.</li> <li><strong>Cardone</strong> (1651): Peerage unregistered. Ext. 1652.</li> <li><strong>Béthune-Orval</strong> (1651): Peerage unregistered. Ext. 1678.</li> <li><strong>Roquelaure</strong> (1653): Peerage unregistered. Ext. 1683.</li> <li><strong>Bournonville</strong> (1652): Peerage unregistered. Ext. 1693.</li> <li><strong>Fayel</strong> (1653): Peerage unregistered. Ext. 1657.</li> <li><strong>La Guiche</strong> (1653): Peerage unregistered. Ext. 1653 or 1654.</li> <li><strong>Coulommiers</strong> (1654): Peerage unregistered. Ext. 1663.</li> <li><strong>Lavedan</strong> (1654): Peerage unregistered. Ext. 1660.</li> <li><strong>Mayenne</strong> (1656): Peerage unregistered. Ext. 1661.</li> <li><strong>Montmirail</strong> (1657): Peerage unregistered. Ext. 1666.</li> <li><strong>Nevers</strong> (1660): Peerage unregistered. Letters of confirmation in 1676, also unregistered. Registered in 1720.</li> <li><strong>Montaut/La Valette</strong> (1660): Peerage unregistered. Ext. 1684.</li> <li>* <strong>Carignan</strong> (1662): for Eugène-Maurice de Savoie, comte de Soissons.</li> <li>* <strong>Chevreuse</strong> (1667, M): for Charles-Honoré d'Albert de Luynes, borne by eldest son of Luynes.</li> <li><strong>Duras</strong> (1668): Peerage unregistered. Ext. 1689.<br>for Jacques-Henri de Durfort, marquis de Duras (1625-1704), maréchal de France 1675, SE 1688. Transformed into a simple duchy 1689.</li> <li><strong>Le Lude</strong> (1675): Peerage unregistered. Ext. 1685.</li> <li><strong>Angoulême</strong> (1675): life-apanage for Elizabeth d'Orléans, duchesse d'Alençon, ext. 1696.</li> <li><strong>La Rocheguyon</strong>(1679-81, F): for François, duc de <a href="#la%5Frochefoucauld" title="null">La Rochefoucauld</a>. Ext. 1762. Assumed in the late 19th c. by a branch of La Rochefoucauld. <ol> <li>François de La Rochefoucauld (1663-1728), son of the ganddaughter of Roger du Plessis-Liancourt, duc de La Rocheguyon, resigns 1713 </li> <li>Alexandre (1690-1762), resigns 1730, duc again in 1731 </li> <li>Guy (d. 1731), brother of last </li> <li>Louis Alexandre de La Rochefoucauld d'Anville (1743-92)<br> <em>Note: the title was assumed in the late 19th century by Alfred de La Rochefoucauld-Liancourt (1820-83), second son of Émilien de La <a href="#estissac" title="null">Rochefoucauld-Liancourt</a>:</em> </li> <li><em>Alfred (1820-83)</em> </li> <li><em>Pierre (1853-1930), "dit le duc de La Rocheguyon" (Révérend)</em> </li> <li><em>Gilbert (1889-1964)</em> </li> <li><em>Alfred (b. 1928)</em><br> <em>heir: Guy Antoine (b. 1958)</em></li> </ol> </li> <li><strong>Roquelaure</strong> (1683): Peerage unregistered. Ext. 1738.</li> <li><strong>Montmorency</strong> (Beaufort) (1688, F): for Charles-Frédéric de Montmorency-Luxembourg, <a href="frprince.htm#tingry" title="null" rel="noopener noreferrer">prince de Tingry</a>, eldest son of the duc de Piney-Luxembourg, who had bought the duchy of <a href="#beaufort" title="null">Beaufort</a> from the duc de Vendôme. The name was changed to Montmorency in 1689. Transmission to Montmorency-Fosseux by female line authorized 1767. Ext. 1862. <ol> <li>Charles-François-Frédéric (d. 1726) </li> <li>Charles-François-Frédéric, SE 1744 </li> <li>Anne-François (1735-?) </li> <li>Charlotte-Anne-Françoise, m. 1767 </li> <li>Anne-Léon, baron de Montmorency (premier baron chrétien), jure uxoris (1731-99) </li> <li>Anne-Charles-François (1768-1846), duc-pair 1817 </li> <li>Anne-Louis-Raoul-Victor (1790-1862)</li> </ol> </li> <li><strong>Duras</strong> (1689, M): for Jacques-Henry de Durfort, maréchal de France, SE 1688 (1625-1704) (creation as peerage in 1668 was not registered). Elevated to <a href="#duras" title="null">peerage</a> in 1756.<br><em>écartelé de gueules au lion d'argent (Lomagne) et d'argent à la bande d'azur (Durfort)</em><br><em>quarterly gules a lion argent and argent a bend azure.</em> <ol> <li>Jacques-Henri de Durfort, marquis de Duras (1625-1704), maréchal de France 1675, SE 1688. Resigns 1689. </li> <li>Jacques-Henri (d. 1697), duc 1689 </li> <li>Jean-Baptiste (1684-1770), SE 1731, maréchal de France 1741, resigns 1733<br> <em>écartelé d'argent à la bande d'azur, et de gueules au lion d'argent.</em> </li> <li>Émmanuel-Félicité (1715-89), duc 1733, duc-pair 1756<br> See the <a href="#duras" title="null">peerage</a></li> </ol> </li> <li><strong>Humières</strong> (1690, M): for Louis de Crevant-d'Humières, maréchal de France, SE 1688 (1628-94). Ext. 1694.</li> <li><strong>Quintin</strong> (Lorges) (1691, M): for Guy de Durfort, comte de Lorges, maréchal de France. Name changed to Lorges in 1706. Ext. 1773.</li> <li><strong>Lauzun</strong> (1692, M): for Antonin de Caumont. Ext. 1723.</li> <li><strong>Boufflers</strong> (1695): <a href="#boufflers" title="null">peerage</a> in 1708.</li> <li><strong>Châtillon</strong> (1696, M): for Paul-Sigismond de Montmorency-Luxembourg. Ext. 1870.<br>The lordship of Châtillon was left to the widow of the last duc de <a href="chatillon-coligny" title="null" rel="noopener noreferrer">Châtillon</a>, Angelique-Elisabeth de Montmorency, who left it to her nephew, Paul-Sigismond, younger son of François-Henri duc de Piney. <ol> <li>Paul-Sigismond (1664-1731), resigns 1713 </li> <li>Charles-Paul-Sigismond (1697-1785), duc de Bouteville or d'Olonne (brevet 1713), resigns 1735 </li> <li>Charles-Anne-Sigismond (1721-77), duc d'Olonne (brevet 1735) </li> <li>Anne-Charles-Sigismond (1737-1803) (inherits Piney in 1764) </li> <li>Anne-Henri-Renier-Sigismond (1772-99) </li> <li>Charles-Emmanuel-Sigismond (1774-1861), brother of last, SE 1820, duc-pair 1817</li> </ol> </li> <li>* <strong>Harcourt</strong> (1700): <a href="#harcourt" title="null">peerage</a> in 1709.</li> <li><strong>Villars</strong> (1705): <a href="#villars" title="null">peerage</a> in 1709.</li> <li><strong>Royan-Noirmoutier</strong> (1707, M): for Antoine-François de La Trémoille (the creation of a peerage of Noirmoutier in 1650 for his father was never registered; the marquisat of Royan (1594) was created in 1707 and customarily called Noirmoutier). Ext. 1733.</li> <li>* <strong>Rochefort</strong> (1728): for Charles de Rohan, <a href="frprince.htm#rochefort" title="null" rel="noopener noreferrer">prince de Rochefort</a>. The Rohan-Rochefort became the senior male line of Rohan in <a href="#rohan-rohan" title="null">Rohan</a> in 1846.</li> <li><strong>Lauragais</strong> (1731, brevet): for the eldest son of the duc de <a href="#brancas" title="null">Brancas-Villars</a>.</li> <li>Anville/Enville (1732, brevet): for Jean-Baptiste-Frédéric de La Rochefoucauld de Roie (d. 1746), married to Marie-Louise-Nicole, eldest daughter of the duc-pair de La Rochefoucauld.</li> <li>Estissac (1737, brevet; D M 1758): for Louis François Armand de La Rochefoucauld de Roye (1695-1783), first cousin of the duc d'Anville, married to Marie, younger daughter of the duc-pair de La Rochefoucauld. <ol> <li>Louis François Armand de La Rochefoucauld de Roye (1695-1783), SE 1749 </li> <li>François Alexandre Frédéric (1747-1827), SE 1784, chief of name and arms of La Rochefoucauld 1792; duc-pair de Liancourt 1817 </li> <li>François (1765-1848) </li> <li>François Marie Armand Auguste Émilien (1794-1874), name changed to Liancourt 1817 </li> <li>Marie-François-Ernest (1818-79) </li> <li>Jean-Alfred-Gaston (1853-?) </li> <li>Marie François Gabriel Alfred (1854-1926), brother of last </li> <li>Jean François Marie (1887-1970) </li> <li>François Marie Edmond Hubert (b. 1920)<br> heir: François Alexandre (b. 1958)<br>A younger branch has been using the title of <a href="#la%5Frocheguyon3" title="null">La Rocheguyon</a> since the late 19th c.<br>The title of duc d'Estissac is now used by another branch of the La Rochefoucauld family, although not holder of a hereditary title of duke: </li> <li>Alexandre-François (1767-1841), second son of the first duc de Liancourt (Restoration), count 1809, life peer 1831 </li> <li>Jules-Joseph-Alexandre (1796-1856), peer 1839 </li> <li>Roger-Paul-Louis (1826-89) </li> <li>Alexandre-Jules-Paul-Philippe (1854-1930) </li> <li>Louis François Alexandre (1885-1950) </li> <li>Alexandre (b. 1917)<br> heir: Pierre-Louis (b. 1947)</li> </ol> </li> <li>* <strong>Ayen</strong> (1737, D M): for Louis de Noailles, eldest son of the duc de Noailles, by letters patent 12 March 1737 on the occasion of his marriage. Borne by eldest son of <a href="#noailles" title="null">Noailles</a>.</li> <li><strong>Lesparre</strong> (1739, brevet 18-2-1739): for Antoine de Gramont (1722-1801) upon his marriage to the heiress of the senior line of Gramont. His eldest son Louis-Antoine-Armand de Gramont (d. 1795), comte de Guiche, also received a brevet of duc de Lesparre in Dec 1774. The senior branch of <a href="#gramont" title="null">Gramont</a>has assumed the title which is now used by 2nd eldest son of the duc de Gramont.</li> <li><strong>Gisors</strong> (1742): <a href="#gisors" title="null">peerage</a> in 1748.</li> <li>* <strong>Broglie</strong> (1742): for François-Marie, comte de Broglie, maréchal de France.</li> </ul> <p><a href="/cgi-bin/" title="null" rel="noopener noreferrer"><img src="" alt="" title="" /></a><em>Or a saltire anchory azur</em> <em>d'or à la croix ancrée d'azur</em> </p> <ol> <li>François-Marie de Broglie ()</li> <li>Victor-François (1718-1804), prince of the Holy Roman Empire 28 May 1759</li> </ol> <p>His eldest son Charles-Louis-Victor (1756-94) continued the ducal line, his younger son Auguste-Joseph (1762-95) was head of the Broglie-Revel line 3. Achille-Léonce-Victor-Charles (1785-1870), duc-pair 1817, prince-pair 1818 4. Jacques-Victor-Albert (1821-?) 5. Louis-Alphonse-Victor (1846-1906) 6. Louis-César-Victor-Maurice (1875-1960) 7. Louis-Victor-Pierre-Raymond (1892-1987), the famous physicist 8. Victor-François (b. 1949), great-great-grandson of 4th duke</p> <ul> <li><p><strong>Châteauroux</strong> (1744): for Marie-Anne de Mailly-Nesle. Ext. 1744.</p> </li> <li><p>Anville/Enville (1746, brevet): for Louis Alexandre de La Rochefoucauld de Roie, son of the duc d'Anville (1743-92), duc-pair de La Rochefoucauld 1762.</p> </li> <li><p><strong>Rethel-Mazarin</strong> (1746): for Louise-Jeanne de Durfort de Duras. Ext. 1826 or 1949 (if female transmission by her daughter Louise d'Aumont (d. 1826), wife of Honore Grimaldi, is allowable).</p> </li> <li><p><strong>Coigny</strong> (1747): <a href="#coigny" title="null">peerage</a> in 1787. </p> <ol> <li>François de Franquetot de Coigny (d. 1759), maréchal de France, resigns 1756 </li> <li>Marie François Henri (1737-1821), pair 1787, grandson of last</li> </ol> </li> <li><p><strong>Taillebourg</strong> (1749): Peerage unregistered.</p> </li> <li><p><strong>Mirepoix</strong> (brevet, 25-9-1751): for Pierre-Louis de Lévis-Lomagne (1695-1757), maréchal de France 1757, SE 1741</p> </li> <li><p>* <strong>Clermont-Tonnerre</strong> (1755): <a href="#clermont%5Ftonnerre" title="null">peerage</a>in 1775.</p> </li> <li><p><strong>Laval</strong> (1758): for Guy-André de Montmorency-Laval. Ext. 1851.<br><a href="/cgi-bin/" title="null" rel="noopener noreferrer"><img src="" alt="" title="" /></a> </p> <ol> <li>Guy-André-Pierre de Montmorency-Laval (1723-98), maréchal de France 1783 </li> <li>Anne-Alexandre-Marie-Sulpice-Joseph (1747-1817) </li> <li>Anne-Pierre-Adrien (1768-1837), duc de San Fernando Luis (Spain), SE 1820, Golden Fleece </li> <li>Eugène-Alexandre (1773-1851), brother of last</li> </ol> </li> <li><p><strong>Picquigny</strong> (1761, brevet?): for Albert de <a href="#chaulnes" title="null">Chaulnes</a>. The lordship of Picquigny was in the possession of the d'Albert d'Ailly family, and the duc de Chaulnes or their eldest sons started calling themselves duc de Picquigny in the 1720s.</p> </li> <li><p><strong>Beaumont</strong> (en Gâtinois) (LP 1765): for the son of the 3d son of the duc de Luxembourg. Ext. 1878. </p> <ol> <li>Charles-François-Christian de Montmorency-Luxembourg (1713-87), souverain de Luxe, prince de Tingry 1734 SE 1767 </li> <li>Anne-Christian (1767-1821), duc-pair 1817 </li> <li>Anne-Edouard-Louis-Joseph (1802-78)</li> </ol> </li> <li><p>* <strong>Liancourt</strong> (1765, brevet): for the eldest son of the duc d'Estissac. Borne by eldest son of <a href="#la%5Frochefoucauld" title="null">La Rochefoucauld</a>. Liancourt was raised to a marquesate in Feb 1674 for Roger du Plessis-Liancourt, duc de <a href="#la%5Frocheguyon2" title="null">La Rocheguyon</a>. Became the ducal title in 1817.</p> </li> <li><p><strong>Poix</strong> (1767, brevet): for Philippe-Louis-Marc-Antoine de Noailles, son of Philippe (1715-94), duc de Mouchy in Spain (1747), second son of Adrien-Maurice, duc de <a href="#noailles" title="null">Noailles</a>; later<a href="peerage19l.htm#mouchy" title="null" rel="noopener noreferrer">duc-pair de Mouchy</a>.</p> </li> <li><p><strong>Civrac</strong> (1774, brevet): for Aimeric-Joseph de Durfort (1716-87).</p> </li> <li><p>* <strong>Quintin/Lorge</strong> (LP 25 Mar 1774): for Jean-Laurent de Durfort (1746-1826), son of latter; see <a href="peerage19l.htm#lorge" title="null" rel="noopener noreferrer">Lorge in the 19th c. peerage</a>.</p> </li> <li><p><strong>Croi</strong> d'Havré (1773, brevet?)</p> </li> <li><p><strong>Villequier</strong> (1774): for d'Aumont?</p> </li> </ul> <p><a href="/cgi-bin/" title="null" rel="noopener noreferrer"><img src="" alt="" title="" /></a></p> <ul> <li><p><strong>Châtelet</strong> (1777)</p> </li> <li><p>* <strong>Guiche</strong> (16 Apr 1780, brevet): for Antoine-Louis-Marie de Gramont, comte de Louvigny, nephew of the duc de Gramont. Now borne by eldest son of <a href="#gramont" title="null">Gramont</a>.</p> </li> <li><p>* <strong>Polignac</strong> (1780, brevet; 1783, hereditary)<br><a href="/cgi-bin/" title="null" rel="noopener noreferrer"><img src="" alt="" title="" /></a> <em>Barry of siz argent and gules</em><br><em>fascé d'argent et de gueules de six pièces</em> </p> <ol> <li>Armand-Jules-François (1745-1817), brevet 20 Sep 1780, LP nov 1783, duc-pair 1817 </li> <li>Armand (1771-1847) s.p. </li> <li>Auguste-Jules (1780-1847), brother of last, was made Roman prince 1820, authorized in France 1822, Bavarian prince 1838, SE 1826 </li> <li>Jules-Armand-Jean-Melchior (1817-90) </li> <li>Armand-Héraclius (1843-1917) </li> <li>Armand (1872-1961) </li> <li>Jean-Héracle (1914-99) </li> <li>Armand-Charles (b. 1946)<br> heir: Edmond (b. 1914), first cousin of 7th duke</li> </ol> </li> <li><p>* <strong>Maillé</strong> (1784)</p> </li> <li><p><strong>Levis</strong> (1784, D M): for Gaston, marquis de Lévis. Ext. 1863.</p> </li> <li><p><strong>Saulx-Tavannes</strong> (1786)</p> </li> <li><p>* <strong>La Force</strong> (1787)</p> </li> </ul> <h3 id="surviving-duchies-in-1814"><a class="anchor" aria-hidden="true" tabindex="-1" href="#surviving-duchies-in-1814"><svg class="octicon octicon-link" viewBox="0 0 16 16" width="16" height="16" aria-hidden="true"><path fill-rule="evenodd" d="M7.775 3.275a.75.75 0 001.06 1.06l1.25-1.25a2 2 0 112.83 2.83l-2.5 2.5a2 2 0 01-2.83 0 .75.75 0 00-1.06 1.06 3.5 3.5 0 004.95 0l2.5-2.5a3.5 3.5 0 00-4.95-4.95l-1.25 1.25zm-4.69 9.64a2 2 0 010-2.83l2.5-2.5a2 2 0 012.83 0 .75.75 0 001.06-1.06 3.5 3.5 0 00-4.95 0l-2.5 2.5a3.5 3.5 0 004.95 4.95l1.25-1.25a.75.75 0 00-1.06-1.06l-1.25 1.25a2 2 0 01-2.83 0z"></path></svg></a>Surviving Duchies in 1814</h3><p>All the following dukes were made peers on June 4 1814, and dukes on Aug 31 1817. They ranked after the survivors of the Old Regime peerage, and before those holders of Napoleonic titles who received peerages under the Restoration, with the exception of Talleyrand, who ranked in between.</p> <ul> <li>Croÿ *</li> <li>Ayen * (held by Noailles)</li> <li>Broglie *</li> <li>Montmorency-Laval (Ext. 1851)</li> <li>Montmorency (Ext. 1851)</li> <li>Beaumont (ext. 1878)</li> <li>Lorge *</li> <li>Croï d'Havré</li> <li>Polignac *</li> <li>Lévis (ext. 1863)</li> <li>Maillé *</li> <li>Saulx-Tavannes (ext. ?)</li> <li>La Force *</li> <li>Castries (ext. 1886)</li> </ul> <h2 id="foreign-duchies"><a class="anchor" aria-hidden="true" tabindex="-1" href="#foreign-duchies"><svg class="octicon octicon-link" viewBox="0 0 16 16" width="16" height="16" aria-hidden="true"><path fill-rule="evenodd" d="M7.775 3.275a.75.75 0 001.06 1.06l1.25-1.25a2 2 0 112.83 2.83l-2.5 2.5a2 2 0 01-2.83 0 .75.75 0 00-1.06 1.06 3.5 3.5 0 004.95 0l2.5-2.5a3.5 3.5 0 00-4.95-4.95l-1.25 1.25zm-4.69 9.64a2 2 0 010-2.83l2.5-2.5a2 2 0 012.83 0 .75.75 0 001.06-1.06 3.5 3.5 0 00-4.95 0l-2.5 2.5a3.5 3.5 0 004.95 4.95l1.25-1.25a.75.75 0 00-1.06-1.06l-1.25 1.25a2 2 0 01-2.83 0z"></path></svg></a>Foreign Duchies</h2><p>Some Frenchmen held foreign titles of dukes. </p> <h4 id="papal-titles"><a class="anchor" aria-hidden="true" tabindex="-1" href="#papal-titles"><svg class="octicon octicon-link" viewBox="0 0 16 16" width="16" height="16" aria-hidden="true"><path fill-rule="evenodd" d="M7.775 3.275a.75.75 0 001.06 1.06l1.25-1.25a2 2 0 112.83 2.83l-2.5 2.5a2 2 0 01-2.83 0 .75.75 0 00-1.06 1.06 3.5 3.5 0 004.95 0l2.5-2.5a3.5 3.5 0 00-4.95-4.95l-1.25 1.25zm-4.69 9.64a2 2 0 010-2.83l2.5-2.5a2 2 0 012.83 0 .75.75 0 001.06-1.06 3.5 3.5 0 00-4.95 0l-2.5 2.5a3.5 3.5 0 004.95 4.95l1.25-1.25a.75.75 0 00-1.06-1.06l-1.25 1.25a2 2 0 01-2.83 0z"></path></svg></a>Papal Titles</h4><p>The Comtat-Venaissin, centered on Avignon, was ceded to the Papal States in 1274 and remained continuously in papal possession until 1791. However, residents were legally deemed to be French residents. From 1665, popes created a number of titles located in the Comtat-Venaissin, from duc to baron. Here is a list of the ducs, taken from Woelmont de Brumagne (<em>La Noblesse subsistante</em>, vol. 3).</p> <ul> <li><strong>Caderousse</strong>: created 18 Sep 1665 for the Ancezune de Cadart family. Extinct in male line in 1767 with André-Joseph, who left his estates to Marie-Philippe de Gramont, marquis de Vachères (cr. 1688). His son AndréJoseph-Hippolyte (b. 1761), lord of Caderousse, was succeeded by his son Emmanuel Marie Pierre Félix Isidore (1783-1841) was made an hereditary duke (without peerage) by letters patent of 28 Apr 1827. His son Charles-Marie-Léonce-Robert (1808-47) left only Robert-Jacques-Férand (1833-54) and Emmanuel-Jean-Ludovic (1834-65), with whom the line became extinct (Révérend, vol. 3, p. 223).</li> </ul> <p><em>de gueules à deux dragons monstrueux affrontés d'or accompagnée de deux roses de gueules.</em> Motto: ab obice saevior ibit. The arms granted in 1827 were: <em>d'or au lion d'azur, armé et lampassé de gueules.</em> </p> <ul> <li><strong>Gadagne</strong>: created 30 Nov 1669 for Charles-Félix de Galléan (1620-1700) from the baronny of Châteauneuf-Giraud-L'Ami. It passed to his great-nephew Pierre-François (2d duke), to his son Joseph-Louis-Marie (b. 1704), to his son Jean-Baptiste (1756-1826), 4th duke without issue; the title then passed to his nephew Auguste-Louis (1789-1856) but he never used it. His son Louis-Charles-Henri (1837-1925) obtained a confirmation of the title by imperial decree of 14 Jan 1862. The 5th duke died without issue and the title became extinct.</li> </ul> <p><em>d'Argent à la bande de sable remplie d'or accompagnée de deux roses de gueules</em>. Motto: ab obice saevior ibit. Cri: semper magis. </p> <ul> <li><strong>Crillon</strong>: raised to a duchy on 27 Sep 1725 for the Berton des Balbi family; they were made dukes-peers in 1817 (see the <a href="peerage19l.htm" title="null" rel="noopener noreferrer">Restoration peerage</a>).</li> <li><strong>Beaumes</strong>: created 14 June 1775 for the Fortis de Piles family, extinct 1801.</li> <li><strong>Caumont</strong>: created 1789 for the Seytres family, extinct 1847.</li> <li><strong>Montpezat</strong>: created Oct 1764 for the Tremoleti, extinct 1785.</li> </ul> <h4 id="neapolitan-titles"><a class="anchor" aria-hidden="true" tabindex="-1" href="#neapolitan-titles"><svg class="octicon octicon-link" viewBox="0 0 16 16" width="16" height="16" aria-hidden="true"><path fill-rule="evenodd" d="M7.775 3.275a.75.75 0 001.06 1.06l1.25-1.25a2 2 0 112.83 2.83l-2.5 2.5a2 2 0 01-2.83 0 .75.75 0 00-1.06 1.06 3.5 3.5 0 004.95 0l2.5-2.5a3.5 3.5 0 00-4.95-4.95l-1.25 1.25zm-4.69 9.64a2 2 0 010-2.83l2.5-2.5a2 2 0 012.83 0 .75.75 0 001.06-1.06 3.5 3.5 0 00-4.95 0l-2.5 2.5a3.5 3.5 0 004.95 4.95l1.25-1.25a.75.75 0 00-1.06-1.06l-1.25 1.25a2 2 0 01-2.83 0z"></path></svg></a>Neapolitan Titles</h4><p>The family Anglure de Bourlémont held at the end of the 17th century the Neapolitan title of duke of Atri. This title was authorized in France by an <em>arr�t sur requ�te du Conseil d'Etqt</em> of 5 Sep 1646 for Ang�lique Djaceti d'Aquaviva d'Arragon, duchesse d'Atri, princesse de Melphe, her future husband and, of their children male or female, the eldest, representing the houses of Atri and Melphe, shall have rank and precedence of duke. She was the grandmother of Louis-Saladin d'Anglure de Bourl�mont Djaceti d'Aquaviva d'Arragon, prince de Melphe, duc d'Atri, marquis de Sy, baron des Armoises, married to Antoinette Colbert. (<em>Etat de la France</em> 1694, vol. 2, p. 135).</p> <p>Then as now, the sovereign's authorization was required to legally bear the title in France. At present, the foreign titles legally born in France are those of Glucksbierg (Denmark 1818, for Decazes, authorized 1818) and San Fernando-Luis (Spain 1866, for Lévis-Mirepoix, authorized 1961). Unauthorized ducal titles are Pozzo di Borgo (Two-Sicilies, 1852), Rarecourt de La Vallée de Pimodan (Papal 1860), San Lorenzo (Papal 1898, for Dampierre), Stacpoole (Papal 1831) and Vandières (Papal 1909, for Desrousseaux). </p>