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Maffucci P, Bigio B, Rapaport F, Cobat A, Borghesi A, Lopez M, Patin E, Bolze A, Shang L, Bendavid M, Scott EM, Stenson PD, Cunningham-Rundles C, Cooper DN, Gleeson JG, Fellay J, Quintana-Murci L, Casanova JL, Abel L, Boisson B, Itan Y. Blacklisting variants common in private cohorts but not in public databases optimizes human exome analysis.Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 116:950-959, 2019. PubMed

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Jagadeesh KA, Paggi JM, Ye JS, Stenson PD, Cooper DN, Bernstein JA, Bejerano G. S-CAP extends pathogenicity prediction to genetic variants that affect RNA splicing.Nat Genet epub, 2019. PubMed

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Requena D, Maffucci P, Bigio B, Shang L, Abhyankar A, Boisson B, Stenson PD, Cooper DN, Cunningham-Rundles C, Casanova JL, Abel L, Itan Y. CDG: An Online Server for Detecting Biologically Closest Disease-Causing Genes and its Application to Primary Immunodeficiency.Front Immunol 9:1340, 2018. PubMed

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Zhao H, Yang Y, Lu Y, Mort M, Cooper DN, Zuo Z, Zhou Y. Quantitative mapping of genetic similarity in human heritable diseases by shared mutations.Hum Mutat 39:292-301, 2018. PubMed

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Ferlaino M, Rogers MF, Shihab HA, Mort M, Cooper DN, Gaunt TR, Campbell C. An integrative approach to predicting the functional effects of small indels in non-coding regions of the human genome.BMC Bioinformatics 18:442, 2017. PubMed

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Liu T, Ish-Shalom S, Torng W, Lafita A, Bock C, Mort M, Cooper DN, Bliven S, Capitani G, Mooney SD, Altman RB. Biological and functional relevance of CASP predictions.Proteins epub, 2017. PubMed

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Rogers MF, Shihab HA, Mort M, Cooper DN, Gaunt TR, Campbell C. FATHMM-XF: accurate prediction of pathogenic point mutations via extended features.Bioinformatics epub, 2017. PubMed

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Pagel KA, Pejaver V, Lin GN, Nam HJ, Mort M, Cooper DN, Sebat J, Iakoucheva LM, Mooney SD, Radivojac P. When loss-of-function is loss of function: assessing mutational signatures and impact of loss-of-function genetic variants.Bioinformatics 33:i389-i398, 2017. PubMed

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Stenson PD, Mort M, Ball EV, Evans K, Hayden M, Heywood S, Hussain M, Phillips AD, Cooper DN. The Human Gene Mutation Database: towards a comprehensive repository of inherited mutation data for medical research, genetic diagnosis and next-generation sequencing studies.Hum Genet 136:665-677, 2017. PubMed

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Liang S, Tippens ND, Zhou Y, Mort M, Stenson PD, Cooper DN, Yu H. iRegNet3D: three-dimensional integrated regulatory network for the genomic analysis of coding and non-coding disease mutations.Genome Biol 18:10, 2017. PubMed

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Jagadeesh KA, Wenger AM, Berger MJ, Guturu H, Stenson PD, Cooper DN, Bernstein JA, Bejerano G. M-CAP eliminates a majority of variants of uncertain significance in clinical exomes at high sensitivity.Nat Genet 48:1581-1586, 2016. PubMed

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Azevedo L, Mort M, Costa AC, Silva RM, Quelhas D, Amorim A, Cooper DN. Improving the in silico assessment of pathogenicity for compensated variants.Eur J Hum Genet 25:2-7, 2017. PubMed

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Li M, Feng W, Zhang X, Yang Y, Wang K, Mort M, Cooper DN, Wang Y, Zhou Y, Liu Y. ExonImpact: Prioritizing Pathogenic Alternative Splicing Events.Hum Mutat epub, 2016. PubMed

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Lek M, Karczewski KJ, Minikel EV, Samocha KE, Banks E, Fennell T, O'Donnell-Luria AH, Ware JS, Hill AJ, Cummings BB, Tukiainen T, Birnbaum DP, Kosmicki JA, Duncan LE, Estrada K, Zhao F, Zou J, Pierce-Hoffman E, Berghout J, Cooper DN, Deflaux N, DePristo M, Do R, Flannick J, Fromer M, Gauthier L, Goldstein J, Gupta N, Howrigan D, Kiezun A, Kurki MI, Moonshine AL, Natarajan P, Orozco L, Peloso GM, Poplin R, Rivas MA, Ruano-Rubio V, Rose SA, Ruderfer DM, Shakir K, Stenson PD, Stevens C, Thomas BP, Tiao G, Tusie-Luna MT, Weisburd B, Won HH, Yu D, Altshuler DM, Ardissino D, Boehnke M, Danesh J, Donnelly S, Elosua R, Florez JC, Gabriel SB, Getz G, Glatt SJ, Hultman CM, Kathiresan S, Laakso M, McCarroll S, McCarthy MI, McGovern D, McPherson R, Neale BM, Palotie A, Purcell SM, Saleheen D, Scharf JM, Sklar P, Sullivan PF, Tuomilehto J, Tsuang MT, Watkins HC, Wilson JG, Daly MJ, MacArthur DG; Exome Aggregation Consortium. Analysis of protein-coding genetic variation in 60,706 humans.Nature 536:285-291, 2016. PubMed

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Knecht C, Mort M, Junge O, Cooper DN, Krawczak M, Caliebe A. IMHOTEP-a composite score integrating popular tools for predicting the functional consequences of non-synonymous sequence variants.Nucleic Acids Res 2016 epub, 2016. PubMed

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Matos S, Campos D, Pinho R, Silva RM, Mort M, Cooper DN, Oliveira JL. Mining clinical attributes of genomic variants through assisted literature curation in Egas.Database (Oxford) 2016 epub, 2016. PubMed

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Meyer MJ, Lapcevic R, Romero AE, Yoon M, Das J, Beltrán JF, Mort M, Stenson PD, Cooper DN, Paccanaro A, Yu H. mutation3D: Cancer Gene Prediction Through Atomic Clustering of Coding Variants in the Structural Proteome.Hum Mutat 37:447-456, 2016. PubMed


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Itan Y, Shang L, Boisson B, Patin E, Bolze A, Moncada-Vélez M, Scott E, Ciancanelli MJ, Lafaille FG, Markle JG, Martinez-Barricarte R, de Jong SJ, Kong XF, Nitschke P, Belkadi A, Bustamante J, Puel A, Boisson-Dupuis S, Stenson PD, Gleeson JG, Cooper DN, Quintana-Murci L, Claverie JM, Zhang SY, Abel L, Casanova JL. The human gene damage index as a gene-level approach to prioritizing exome variants.Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 112:13615-13620, 2015. PubMed


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1000 Genomes Project Consortium, Auton A, Brooks LD, Durbin RM, Garrison EP, Kang HM, Korbel JO, Marchini JL, McCarthy S, McVean GA, Abecasis GR. A global reference for human genetic variation.Nature 526:68-74 2015. PubMed

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Kamat MA, Bacolla A, Cooper DN, Chuzhanova N. A Role for Non-B DNA Forming Sequences in Mediating Micro-Lesions Causing Human Inherited Disease.Hum Mutat 37:65-73, 2016. PubMed


Douville C, Masica DL, Stenson PD, Cooper DN, Gygax DM, Kim R, Ryan M, Karchin R. Assessing the Pathogenicity of Insertion and Deletion Variants with the Variant Effect Scoring Tool (VEST-Indel).Hum Mutat 37:28-35, 2016. PubMed


Turner TN, Douville C, Kim D, Stenson PD, Cooper DN, Chakravarti A, Karchin R. Proteins linked to autosomal dominant and autosomal recessive disorders harbor characteristic rare missense mutation distribution patterns.Hum Mol Genet 24:5995-6002, 2015. PubMed


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Chen JM, Férec C, Cooper DN. Complex Multiple-Nucleotide Substitution Mutations Causing Human Inherited Disease Reveal Novel Insights into the Action of Translesion Synthesis DNA Polymerases.Hum Mutat 36:1034-1038, 2015. PubMed


Siegert S, Wolf A, Cooper DN, Krawczak M, Nothnagel M. Mutations Causing Complex Disease May under Certain Circumstances Be Protective in an Epidemiological Sense.PLoS One 10:e0132150, 2015. PubMed


Karageorgos I, Mizzi C, Giannopoulou E, Pavlidis C, Peters BA, Zagoriti Z, Stenson PD, Mitropoulos K, Borg J, Kalofonos HP, Drmanac R, Stubbs A, van de Spek P, Cooper DN, Katsila T, Patrinos GP. Identification of cancer predisposition variants in apparently healthy individuals using a next-generation sequencing-based family genomics approach.Hum Genomics 9:12, 2015. PubMed


Johnston JJ, Lewis KL, Ng D, Singh LN, Wynter J, Brewer C, Brooks BP, Brownell I, Candotti F, Gonsalves SG, Hart SP, Kong HH, Rother KI, Sokolic R, Solomon BD, Zein WM, Cooper DN, Stenson PD, Mullikin JC, Biesecker LG. Individualized iterative phenotyping for genome-wide analysis of loss-of-function mutations.Am J Hum Genet 96:913-925, 2015. PubMed


Rivas MA, Pirinen M, Conrad DF, Lek M, Tsang EK, Karczewski KJ, Maller JB, Kukurba KR, DeLuca DS, Fromer M, Ferreira PG, Smith KS, Zhang R, Zhao F, Banks E, Poplin R, Ruderfer DM, Purcell SM, Tukiainen T, Minikel EV, Stenson PD, Cooper DN, Huang KH, Sullivan TJ, Nedzel J; GTEx Consortium; Geuvadis Consortium, Bustamante CD, Li JB, Daly MJ, Guigo R, Donnelly P, Ardlie K, Sammeth M, Dermitzakis ET, McCarthy MI, Montgomery SB, Lappalainen T, MacArthur DG. Human genomics. Effect of predicted protein-truncating genetic variants on the human transcriptome.Science 348:666, 2015. PubMed


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Thomas LE, Winston J, Rad E, Mort M, Dodd KM, Tee AR, McDyer F, Moore S, Cooper DN, Upadhyaya M. Evaluation of copy number variation and gene expression in neurofibromatosis type-1-associated malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumours.Hum Genomics 9:3, 2015. PubMed


Wang Y, Su P, Hu B, Zhu W, Li Q, Yuan P, Li J, Guan X, Li F, Jing X, Li R, Zhang Y, Férec C, Cooper DN, Wang J, Huang D, Chen JM, Wang Y. Characterization of 26 deletion CNVs reveals the frequent occurrence of micro-mutations within the breakpoint-flanking regions and frequent repair of double-strand breaks by templated insertions derived from remote genomic regions.Hum Genet 134:589-603, 2015. PubMed


Grimm DG, Azencott CA, Aicheler F, Gieraths U, MacArthur DG, Samocha KE, Cooper DN, Stenson PD, Daly MJ, Smoller JW, Duncan LE, Borgwardt KM. The evaluation of tools used to predict the impact of missense variants is hindered by two types of circularity.Hum Mutat 36:513-523, 2015. PubMed


Shihab HA, Rogers MF, Gough J, Mort M, Cooper DN, Day IN, Gaunt TR, Campbell C. An integrative approach to predicting the functional effects of non-coding and coding sequence variation.Bioinformatics 31:1536-1543, 2015. PubMed


Zhu W, Cooper DN, Zhao Q, Wang Y, Liu R, Li Q, Férec C, Wang Y, Chen JM. Concurrent nucleotide substitution mutations in the human genome are characterized by a significantly decreased transition/transversion ratio.Hum Mutat 36:333-341, 2015. PubMed

Xue Y, Prado-Martinez J, Sudmant PH, Narasimhan V, Ayub Q1, Szpak M, Frandsen P, Chen Y, Yngvadottir B, Cooper DN, de Manuel M, Hernandez-Rodriguez J, Lobon I, Siegismund HR, Pagani L, Quail MA, Hvilsom C, Mudakikwa A, Eichler EE, Cranfield MR, Marques-Bonet T, Tyler-Smith C, Scally A. Mountain gorilla genomes reveal the impact of long-term population decline and inbreeding.Science 348:242, 2015. PubMed


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Folkman L, Yang Y, Li Z, Stantic B, Sattar A, Mort M, Cooper DN, Liu Y, Zhou Y. DDIG-in: detecting disease-causing genetic variations due to frameshifting indels and nonsense mutations employing sequence and structural properties at nucleotide and protein levels.Bioinformatics epub, 2015. PubMed

Chen YC, Douville C, Wang C, Niknafs N, Yeo G, Beleva-Guthrie V, Carter H, Stenson PD, Cooper DN, Li B, Mooney S, Karchin R. A probabilistic model to predict clinical phenotypic traits from genome sequencing.PLoS Comput Biol 10:e1003825, 2014. PubMed


Wei X, Das J, Fragoza R, Liang J, Bastos de Oliveira FM, Lee HR, Wang X, Mort M, Stenson PD, Cooper DN, Lipkin SM, Smolka MB, Yu H. A massively parallel pipeline to clone DNA variants and examine molecular phenotypes of human disease mutations.Plos Genet 10:e1004819, 2014. PubMed


Stenson PD, Mort M, Ball EV, Shaw K, Phillips A, Cooper DN. The Human Gene Mutation Database: building a comprehensive mutation repository for clinical and molecular genetics, diagnostic testing and personalized genomic medicine.Hum Genet 133:1-9, 2014. PubMed


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Zhang X, Lin H, Zhao H, Hao Y, Mort M, Cooper DN, Zhou Y, Liu Y. Impact of human pathogenic micro-insertions and micro-deletions on post-transcriptional regulation.Hum Mol Genet 23:3024-3034, 2014. PubMed


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Mort M, Sterne-Weiler T, Li B, Ball EV, Cooper DN, Radivojac P, Sanford JR, Mooney SD. MutPred Splice: machine learning-based prediction of exonic variants that disrupt splicing.Genome Biol 15:R19, 2014. PubMed


Das J, Lee HR, Sagar A, Fragoza R, Liang J, Wei X, Wang X, Mort M, Stenson PD, Cooper DN, Yu H. Elucidating common structural features of human pathogenic variations using large-scale atomic-resolution protein networks.Hum Mutat 35:585-593, 2014. PubMed

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Shihab HA, Gough J, Mort M, Cooper DN, Day IN, Gaunt TR. Ranking non-synonymous single nucleotide polymorphisms based on disease concepts.Hum Genomics 8:11, 2014. PubMed

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Gonsalves SG, Ng D, Johnston JJ, Teer JK, Stenson PD, Cooper DN, Mullikin JC, Biesecker LG; NISC Comparative Sequencing Program. Using exome data to identify malignant hyperthermia susceptibility mutations.Anesthesiology 119:1043-1053, 2013. PubMed

Bacolla A, Temiz NA, Yi M, Ivanic J, Cer RZ, Donohue DE, Ball EV, Mudunuri US, Wang G, Jain A, Volfovsky N, Luke BT, Stephens RM, Cooper DN, Collins JR, Vasquez KM. Guanine holes are prominent targets for mutation in cancer and inherited disease.PLoS Genet 9:e1003816, 2013. PubMed

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Ng D, Johnston JJ, Teer JK, Singh LN, Peller LC, Wynter JS, Lewis KL, Cooper DN, Stenson PD, Mullikin JC, Biesecker LG, NIH Intramural Sequencing Center (NISC) Comparative Sequencing Program. Interpreting secondary cardiac disease variants in an exome cohort.Circ Cardiovasc Genet 6:337-346, 2013. PubMed


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Cooper DN, Krawczak M, Polychronakos C, Tyler-Smith C, Kehrer-Sawatzki H. Where genotype is not predictive of phenotype: towards an understanding of the molecular basis of reduced penetrance in human inherited disease.Hum Genet 132:1077-1130, 2013. PubMed

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Carter H, Douville C, Stenson PD, Cooper DN, Karchin R. Identifying Mendelian disease genes with the variant effect scoring tool.BMC Genomics 14:S3, 2013. PubMed

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Niknafs N, Kim D, Kim R, Diekhans M, Ryan M, Stenson PD, Cooper DN, Karchin R. MuPIT interactive: webserver for mapping variant positions to annotated, interactive 3D structures.Hum Genet 132:1235-1243, 2013. PubMed


Shihab HA, Gough J, Cooper DN, Day IN, Gaunt TR. Predicting the functional consequences of cancer-associated amino acid substitutions.Bioinformatics 29:1504-1510, 2013. PubMed


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Zhao H, Yang Y, Lin H, Zhang X, Mort M, Cooper DN, Liu Y, Zhou Y. DDIG-in: discriminating between disease-associated and neutral non-frameshifting micro-indels.Genome Biol 14:R23, 2013. PubMed

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Douville C, Carter H, Kim R, Niknafs N, Diekhans M, Stenson PD, Cooper DN, Ryan M, Karchin R. CRAVAT: cancer-related analysis of variants toolkit.Bioinformatics 29:647-648, 2013. PubMed


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Chen JM, Férec C, Cooper DN. Patterns and Mutational Signatures of Tandem Base Substitutions Causing Human Inherited Disease.Hum Mutat 34:1119-1130, 2013. PubMed


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Xue Y, Chen Y, Ayub Q, Huang N, Ball EV, Mort M, Phillips AD, Shaw K, Stenson PD, Cooper DN, Tyler-Smith C, the 1000 Genomes Project Consortium. Deleterious- and Disease-Allele Prevalence in Healthy Individuals: Insights from Current Predictions, Mutation Databases, and Population-Scale Resequencing.Am J Hum Genet 91:1022-1032, 2012. PubMed

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1000 Genomes Project Consortium, Abecasis GR, Auton A, Brooks LD, DePristo MA, Durbin RM, Handsaker RE, Kang HM, Marth GT, McVean GA. An integrated map of genetic variation from 1,092 human genomes.Nature 491:56-65, 2012. PubMed

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Shihab HA, Gough J, Cooper DN, Stenson PD, Barker GL, Edwards KJ, Day IN, Gaunt TR. Predicting the functional, molecular, and phenotypic consequences of amino acid substitutions using hidden markov models.Hum Mutat 34:57-65, 2013. PubMed


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**Stenson PD, Ball EV, Mort M, Phillips AD, Shaw K, Cooper DN.**The Human Gene Mutation Database (HGMD) and Its Exploitation in the Fields of Personalized Genomics and Molecular Evolution.Curr Protoc Bioinformatics Unit 1.13, 2012. PubMed


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Teng M, Ichikawa S, Padgett LR, Wang Y, Mort M, Cooper DN, Koller DL, Foroud T, Edenberg HJ, Econs MJ, Liu Y. regSNPs: a strategy for prioritizing regulatory single nucleotide substitutions.Bioinformatics 28(14):1879-1886, 2012. PubMed


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Scally A, Dutheil JY, Hillier LW, Jordan GE, Goodhead I, Herrero J, Hobolth A, Lappalainen T, Mailund T, Marques-Bonet T, McCarthy S, Montgomery SH, Schwalie PC, Tang YA, Ward MC, Xue Y, Yngvadottir B, Alkan C, Andersen LN, Ayub Q, Ball EV, Beal K, Bradley BJ, Chen Y, Clee CM, Fitzgerald S, Graves TA, Gu Y, Heath P, Heger A, Karakoc E, Kolb-Kokocinski A, Laird GK, Lunter G, Meader S, Mort M, Mullikin JC, Munch K, O'Connor TD, Phillips AD, Prado-Martinez J, Rogers AS, Sajjadian S, Schmidt D, Shaw K, Simpson JT, Stenson PD, Turner DJ, Vigilant L, Vilella AJ, Whitener W, Zhu B, Cooper DN, de Jong P, Dermitzakis ET, Eichler EE, Flicek P, Goldman N, Mundy NI, Ning Z, Odom DT, Ponting CP, Quail MA, Ryder OA, Searle SM, Warren WC, Wilson RK, Schierup MH, Rogers J, Tyler-Smith C, Durbin R. Insights into hominid evolution from the gorilla genome sequence.Nature 483(7388):169-175, 2012. PubMed

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Casola C, Zekonyte U, Phillips AD, Cooper DN, Hahn MW. Interlocus gene conversion events introduce deleterious mutations into at least 1% of human genes associated with inherited disease.Genome Res 22(3):429-435, 2012. PubMed

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MacArthur DG, Balasubramanian S, Frankish A, Huang N, Morris J, Walter K, Jostins L, Habegger L, Pickrell JK, Montgomery SB, Albers CA, Zhang ZD, Conrad DF, Lunter G, Zheng H, Ayub Q, DePristo MA, Banks E, Hu M, Handsaker RE, Rosenfeld JA, Fromer M, Jin M, Mu XJ, Khurana E, Ye K, Kay M, Saunders GI, Suner MM, Hunt T, Barnes IH, Amid C, Carvalho-Silva DR, Bignell AH, Snow C, Yngvadottir B, Bumpstead S, Cooper DN, Xue Y, Romero IG; 1000 Genomes Project Consortium, Wang J, Li Y, Gibbs RA, McCarroll SA, Dermitzakis ET, Pritchard JK, Barrett JC, Harrow J, Hurles ME, Gerstein MB, Tyler-Smith C. A systematic survey of loss-of-function variants in human protein-coding genes.Science 335:823-828, 2012. PubMed


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Chen JM, Férec C, Cooper DN. Transient hypermutability, chromothripsis and replication-based mechanisms in the generation of concurrent clustered mutations.Mutat Res 750:52-59, 2012. PubMed

Naidoo N, Pawitan Y, Soong R, Cooper DN, Ku CS. Human genetics and genomics a decade after the release of the draft sequence of the human genome.Hum Genomics 5(6):577-622, 2011. PubMed


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Yan G, Zhang G, Fang X, Zhang Y, Li C, Ling F, Cooper DN, Li Q, Li Y, van Gool AJ, Du H, Chen J, Chen R, Zhang P, Huang Z, Thompson JR, Meng Y, Bai Y, Wang J, Zhuo M, Wang T, Huang Y, Wei L, Li J, Wang Z, Hu H, Yang P, Le L, Stenson PD, Li B, Liu X, Ball EV, An N, Huang Q, Zhang Y, Fan W, Zhang X, Li Y, Wang W, Katze MG, Su B, Nielsen R, Yang H, Wang J, Wang X, Wang J. Genome sequencing and comparison of two nonhuman primate animal models, the cynomolgus and Chinese rhesus macaques.Nat Biotechnol 129(11):1019-1023, 2011. PubMed

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Stewart C, Kural D, Strömberg MP, Walker JA, Konkel MK, Stütz AM, Urban AE, Grubert F, Lam HY, Lee WP, Busby M, Indap AR, Garrison E, Huff C, Xing J, Snyder MP, Jorde LB, Batzer MA, Korbel JO, Marth GT; 1000 Genomes Project. A comprehensive map of mobile element insertion polymorphisms in humans.PLoS Genet 7(8):e1002236, 2011. PubMed


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Gravel S, Henn BM, Gutenkunst RN, Indap AR, Marth GT, Clark AG, Yu F, Gibbs RA; 1000 Genomes Project, Bustamante CD. Demographic history and rare allele sharing among human populations.Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 108(29):11983-11988, 2011. PubMed


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Wolf A, Caliebe A, Thomas NS, Ball EV, Mort M, Stenson PD, Krawczak M, Cooper DN. Single base-pair substitutions at the translation initiation sites of human genes as a cause of inherited disease.Hum Mutat 32(10):1137-1143, 2011. PubMed


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Conrad DF, Keebler JE, DePristo MA, Lindsay SJ, Zhang Y, Casals F, Idaghdour Y, Hartl CL, Torroja C, Garimella KV, Zilversmit M, Cartwright R, Rouleau GA, Daly M, Stone EA, Hurles ME, Awadalla P; 1000 Genomes Project. Variation in genome-wide mutation rates within and between human families.Nat Genet 43(7):712-714, 2011. PubMed

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Zhao Y, Clark WT, Mort M, Cooper DN, Radivojac P, Mooney SD. Prediction of functional regulatory SNPs in monogenic and complex disease.Hum Mutat 32(10):1183-1190, 2011. PubMed


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Marth GT, Yu F, Indap AR, Garimella K, Gravel S, Leong WF, Tyler-Smith C, Bainbridge M, Blackwell T, Zheng-Bradley X, Chen Y, Challis D, Clarke L, Ball EV, Cibulskis K, Cooper DN, Fulton B, Hartl C, Koboldt D, Muzny D, Smith R, Sougnez C, Stewart C, Ward A, Yu J, Xue Y, Altshuler D, Bustamante CD, Clark AG, Daly M, Depristo M, Flicek P, Gabriel S, Mardis E, Palotie A, Gibbs RA, 1000 Genomes Project. The functional spectrum of low-frequency coding variation.Genome Biol 12(9):R84, 2011. PubMed


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Cooper DN, Bacolla A, Férec C, Vasquez KM, Kehrer-Sawatzki H, Chen JM. On the sequence-directed nature of human gene mutation: the role of genomic architecture and the local DNA sequence environment in mediating gene mutations underlying human inherited disease.Hum Mutat 32(10):1075-1099, 2011. PubMed


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Sterne-Weiler T, Howard J, Mort M, Cooper DN, Sanford JR. Loss of exon identity is a common mechanism of human inherited disease.Genome Res 21(10):1563-1571, 2011. PubMed


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Hamby SE, Thomas NS, Cooper DN, Chuzhanova N. A meta-analysis of single base-pair substitutions in translational termination codons ('nonstop' mutations) that cause human inherited disease.Hum Genomics 5(4):241-264, 2011. PubMed


Fechtel K, Osterbur ML, Kehrer-Sawatzki H, Stenson PD, Cooper DN. Delineating the Hemostaseome as an aid to individualize the analysis of the hereditary basis of thrombotic and bleeding disorders.Hum Genet 130(1):149-166, 2011. PubMed


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Zhang G, Pei Z, Ball EV, Mort M, Kehrer-Sawatzki H, Cooper DN. Cross-comparison of the genome sequences from human, chimpanzee, Neanderthal and a Denisovan hominin identifies novel potentially compensated mutations.Hum Genomics 5(5):453-484, 2011. PubMed


Ivanov D, Hamby SE, Stenson PD, Phillips AD, Kehrer-Sawatzki H, Cooper DN, Chuzhanova N. Comparative analysis of germline and somatic microlesion mutational spectra in 17 human tumor suppressor genes.Hum Mutat 32(6):620-632, 2011. PubMed


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Bacolla A, Wang G, Jain A, Chuzhanova NA, Cer RZ, Collins JR, Cooper DN, Bohr VA, Vasquez KM. Non-B DNA-forming sequences and WRN deficiency independently increase the frequency of base substitution in human cells.J Biol Chem 286(12):10017-10026, 2011. PubMed


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Hernandez RD, Kelley JL, Elyashiv E, Melton SC, Auton A, McVean G; 1000 Genomes Project, Sella G, Przeworski M. Classic selective sweeps were rare in recent human evolution.Science 331(6019):920-924, 2011. PubMed


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Necsulea A, Popa A, Cooper DN, Stenson PD, Mouchiroud D, Gautier C, Duret L. Meiotic recombination favors the spreading of deleterious mutations in human populations.Hum Mutat 32(2):198-206, 2011. PubMed


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Cooper DN, Kehrer-Sawatzki H. Exploring the potential relevance of human-specific genes to complex disease.Hum Genomics 5(2):99-107, 2011. PubMed


Mills RE, Walter K, Stewart C, Handsaker RE, Chen K, Alkan C, Abyzov A, Yoon SC, Ye K, Cheetham RK, Chinwalla A, Conrad DF, Fu Y, Grubert F, Hajirasouliha I, Hormozdiari F, Iakoucheva LM, Iqbal Z, Kang S, Kidd JM, Konkel MK, Korn J, Khurana E, Kural D, Lam HY, Leng J, Li R, Li Y, Lin CY, Luo R, Mu XJ, Nemesh J, Peckham HE, Rausch T, Scally A, Shi X, Stromberg MP, Stütz AM, Urban AE, Walker JA, Wu J, Zhang Y, Zhang ZD, Batzer MA, Ding L, Marth GT, McVean G, Sebat J, Snyder M, Wang J, Ye K, Eichler EE, Gerstein MB, Hurles ME, Lee C, McCarroll SA, Korbel JO; 1000 Genomes Project. Mapping copy number variation by population-scale genome sequencing.Nature 470(7332):59-65, 2011. PubMed


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1000 Genomes Project Consortium, Durbin RM, Abecasis GR, Altshuler DL, Auton A, Brooks LD, Durbin RM, Gibbs RA, Hurles ME, McVean GA. A map of human genome variation from population-scale sequencing.Nature 467(7319):1061-1073, 2010. PubMed


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Sudmant PH, Kitzman JO, Antonacci F, Alkan C, Malig M, Tsalenko A, Sampas N, Bruhn L, Shendure J; 1000 Genomes Project, Eichler EE. Diversity of human copy number variation and multicopy genes.Science 330(6004):641-646, 2010. PubMed


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Stenson PD, Cooper DN. Prospects for the automated extraction of mutation data from the scientific literature.Hum Genomics 5(1):1-4, 2010. PubMed


Zhang G, Pei Z, Krawczak M, Ball EV, Mort M, Kehrer-Sawatzki H, Cooper DN. Triangulation of the human, chimpanzee, and Neanderthal genome sequences identifies potentially compensated mutations.Hum Mutat 31(12):1286-1293, 2010 PubMed


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Cooper DN, Mort M, Stenson PD, Ball EV, Chuzhanova NA. Methylation-mediated deamination of 5-methylcytosine appears to give rise to mutations causing human inherited disease in CpNpG trinucleotides, as well as in CpG dinucleotides.Hum Genomics 4(6):406-410, 2010. PubMed

Xin F, Myers S, Li YF, Cooper DN, Mooney SD, Radivojac P. Structure-based kernels for the prediction of catalytic residues and their involvement in human inherited disease.Bioinformatics 26(16):1975-1982, 2010 PubMed


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Cooper DN, Ball EV, Mort M. Chromosomal distribution of disease genes in the human genome.Genet Test Mol Biomarkers 14(4):441-446, 2010 PubMed


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Cooper DN, Chen JM, Ball EV, Howells K, Mort M, Phillips AD, Chuzhanova N, Krawczak M, Kehrer-Sawatzki H, Stenson PD. Genes, mutations, and human inherited disease at the dawn of the age of personalized genomics.Hum Mutat 31(6):631-655, 2010 PubMed


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Cooper DN. Functional intronic polymorphisms: Buried treasure awaiting discovery within our genes.Hum Genomics 4(5):284-288, 2010 PubMed


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Mort M, Evani US, Krishnan VG, Kamati KK, Baenziger PH, Bagchi A, Peters BJ, Sathyesh R, Li B, Sun Y, Xue B, Shah NH, Kann MG, Cooper DN, Radivojac P, Mooney SD.In silico functional profiling of human disease-associated and polymorphic amino acid substitutions.Hum Mutat 31(3):335-346, 2010 PubMed


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Roberta A. Pagon, Ada Hamosh, Johan den Dunnen, Helen V. Firth, Donna R. Maglott, Stephen T. Sherry, Michael Feolo, David Cooper, and Peter Stenson. Databases in Human and Medical Genetics. Chap. 29.3 in Vogel and Motulsky's Human Genetics: Problems and Approaches. M.R. Speicher et al. (Eds.), Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, pp.941-960, 2010.

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Chen JM, Ferec C, Cooper DN: Closely spaced multiple mutations as potential signatures of transient hypermutability in human genes.Hum Mutat 30(10):1435-1448, 2009. PubMed


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Chuzhanova N, Chen JM, Bacolla A, Patrinos GP, Ferec C, Wells RD, Cooper DN: Gene conversion causing human inherited disease: evidence for involvement of non-B-DNA-forming sequences and recombination-promoting motifs in DNA breakage and repair.Hum Mutat 30(8):1189-1198, 2009. PubMed


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Mort M, Ivanov D, Cooper DN, Chuzhanova NA: A meta-analysis of nonsense mutations causing human genetic disease.Hum Mutat 29(8):1037-1047, 2008. PubMed


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Imtiaz A. Khan, Matthew Mort, Paul R. Buckland, Michael C. O’Donovan, David N. Cooper and Nadia A. Chuzhanova: In silico discrimination of single nucleotide polymorphisms and pathological mutations in human gene promoter regions by means of local DNA sequence context and regularity. In Silico Biology 6: 0003, 2006.


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Abeysinghe SS, Chuzhanova N, Cooper DN: Gross deletions and translocations in human genetic disease.Genome Dyn 1:17-34, 2006. PubMed


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Ball EV, Stenson PD, Abeysinghe SS, Krawczak M, Cooper DN, Chuzhanova NA: Microdeletions and microinsertions causing human genetic disease: common mechanisms of mutagenesis and the role of local DNA sequence complexity. Hum Mutat 26(3): 205-213, 2005. PubMed


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