1941, Chronology with documents (original) (raw)


A Chronological Collection of Documents Relating to the U.S. Entry Into WWII.

Latest update: June 26, 2001. Reformated indexes to improve readability.

1941 was a complex year. The documents here relate to that year. This is a work in progress and will be updated until we have approximately 2,000 documents in this area. The files will be arranged in sub-chronologies and then in a master list that will have all files listed.

The first of these chronologies will be the Magic intercepts listed in the Pearl Harbor Attack Hearings. There are 430+ of these files. See doc.

The second will be the communications between Washington and the US embassy in Tokyo, plus other relevant US documents. See doc.

The third will be the International chronology, listing various documents from around the world. See doc.

Fourth will be a military document chronology, listing important military plans, studies and communications. See doc.

Finally we'll collect all these pieces of information into one large document, so you can literally scroll through time and put the events leading up to Pearl Harbor in historical context.

When completed we will have a Zip file for downloading all the documents and menus.