EPUB 3 Core Media Types (original) (raw)


5 October 2016

Status of this Document

This document is subject to change at any time with the approval of the EPUB Working Group.

The media types defined in this document will not be removed, but may be deprecated.

Requests for additions, modifications and clarifications can be made through the Issue Tracker. Pull requests are also welcome. Note that requests for new Core Media Types need to show that the requested media type has broad support across platforms.

Refer to the IDPF Issue Reporting Guidelines for more information about the change request process.

Table of Contents

  1. 1. Overview
  2. 2. Supported Media Types
  3. References
    1. Normative
    2. Informative

1. Overview

This document identifies the set of Core Media Types that EPUB 3 Reading Systems support.

2. Supported Media Types

The following table lists the EPUB 3 Core Media Types.

The columns in the table represent the following information:


Normative References

Informative References