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John Todd, Former Illuminati, on the Witchcraft of Rock & Roll by Wes Penre, Sep 19, 2007

John Todd

is name was John Todd, a former member of the illuminati. He warned us against the plan for world control before he was framed, effectively discredit and attempts on taking his life was made more than once. The words that he left on his audio tapes are still coming to pass which puts lots of credibility on his claim that he was an insider. This [video] audio tape speaks about the dangers of rock and roll music including 'Christian rock'".

"This explains how the rock music is cursed (by putting a spell on the master recording) and how this puts a spell on those who listen to this music and especially if you bring the actual CD/Audio Cassette home with you. This is just another piece of the puzzle that explains evil in this world."

John Todd went public with this kind of information already in the 70's, after had left the occult and devoted himself to Christianity. However, when the attacks on him started, the Christian society [in conjunction with its Illuminati infiltrators] abandoned him and even turned against him. John then went back into the occult, the only other life he knew.

He was later jailed for being a sex offender; if true, something that is something I personally would never support. However, without saying this to his defense, the real fact is that people like him, whom have been involved in the occult since birth or childhood, are almost always multiple personalities, being subjected to trauma-based mind control, and the 'sex offender alter' is often one of these personalities. He was probably contacted by his Illuminati handler[s], and had the sex offender alter triggered. This way, by showing that he was a very immoral and dangerous man, this would effectively discredit everything he said, which it more or less did.

On the other hand, it could very well be that John Todd was innocent of the charges, set up and put in jail on false pretenses to silence him. We need to remember that Todd went public long before the Internet, and the Illuminati was probably very concerned at that time that people would take him seriously.

There are some indicators that point in the direction that Todd was framed. In my research, trying to find out who he really was/is, I came upon this interesting transcript of a tape he made in prison and successfully smuggled out. You can read the whole transcripthere.

Not everything Todd says is 100% correct, but I think the few mistakes he makes are honest mistakes. Not even he knew everything; he only talked from experience, being of the Satanic Collins Family bloodline [1]. However, he was extremely knowledgeable, never stumbled on the words, and was honest about when he did NOT know. Now, if we look back, we can see that many of his predictions have come true, although some of the dates he gives were wrong. Personally, I don't publish dates unless I am reasonably sure, because we know that the Illuminati Agenda changes all the time, due to that new obstacles come in their way from accomplishing their goals, and they have to go back to the drawing board.

Whether the criminal sex charges against him are true or not, it neither way makes his testimonies false! John Todd was, on the most part, speaking the truth, and this was already in the 1970's, as a pioneer. He was already then talking about those things that more recent researchers (including myself) have (re)discovered just a decade ago or so.

So what happened to John Todd? Is he still in jail or is he dead? There is a lot of confusion on the subject, but I found one referencehere, that could be a clue...

Please read these two articles on Todd for further information. The first one is the 'official accusations' against him, and the second one is to his defense:

John Todd (from Wikipedia)
In Defense of John Todd

If you, the reader, have more information on John Todd, please email me and let me know.

Below you can watch the video from his lecture on Rock'n'Roll, and here is also a downloadable audio version of the same lecture. Just right-click on the icon for the audio version and choose 'save target as' to download the file to your hard drive.

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Watch the 'Witchcraft of Rock'n'Roll' video here: [00:28:04]

Here is the audio version (downloadable):

In addition, also listen to this audio file with John Todd, "Music and Spells" to get more information on what is behind rock music:

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[1] ^ From John Todd's testimony in 1977: "I COME FROM A FAMILY CALLED THE COLLINS. Some of them on this side of the Atlantic Ocean from England have changed their name to Todd back prior to the Civil War. That's not to say that all Collins are Todds or the family that I came from, but this family brought Witchcraft to the United States." [The "John Todd's Testimony" link originates from http://www.kt70.com/~jamesjpn/articles/john_todd_and_the_illuminati.htm]

More on the Collins Family in Fritz Springmeier's book:

Bloodlines of the Illuminati, now online.

Wes Penre

Wes Penre is the owner of the domain Illuminati News and the publisher of the same. Please also check out his MySpace website: http://www.myspace.com/wespenre.


Related articles: Art and Mind Control (as presented by Illuminati News)

Source: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=8102723686161066292&q=john+todd+illuminati&total=14&start=0&num=10&so=0&type=search&plindex=3

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