illumos (original) (raw)

What is illumos?

illumos is a Unix operating system which provides next-generation features for downstream distributions, including advanced system debugging, next generation filesystem, networking, and virtualization options.

illumos is developed by both volunteers and companies building products on top of the software.

illumos is an excellent base for both traditional and cloud-native deployments.

Getting Started

Download and install

The OmniOS, OpenIndiana, and Tribblix distributions are a good place for new users to get started. You can install in a virtual machine or on bare metal.

Look at the full list to find a distribution that meets your needs!

Get the source

illumos is freely available from our source repository. You can see recent changes here.

Instructions for building illumos on various distributions can be found here!

Join the community

Discussions occur on the project mailing lists; you can join and post, or read the archives on the web. The #illumos channel on Libera Chat (IRC) is very active and has online logs.

We strive to be inclusive, and enforce a code of conduct in our interactions.

Other Resources