A Family Torn Apart (TV Movie 1993) ⭐ 6.4 | Crime, Drama, Horror (original) (raw)

"Sudden Fury" Dishes Decent Thrills And Credible Performances Amidst Lackluster Tempo

Story: 1.25/2 - Direction & Pace: 1.25 & 0.75/4 - Performances: 1.50/2 - Entertainment: 1.25/2

Total - 5.75/10

"Sudden Fury" offers a passable evening of entertainment, dodging the usual pitfalls of a TV movie with a commendable story and credible performances. This thriller isn't your neighbour's gossip; it's an unfolding tale that keeps your popcorn-crunching self glued to the screen. With a concept as old as time - can you rightly know the person next door, or are they simply a facade draped in neighbourly pleasantries? - it tickles the imagination.

Direction-wise, this one doesn't have you squinting in the dark or fiddling with the brightness control. Kudos for faithfully keeping the scenes well-lit and visually engaging. Structured scenes and camera angles are the candied cherries on top, ensuring you're not nodding off or checking your watch every few minutes.

But then, here's the jarring part - the tempo. It's like that one dull person in a conversation who takes forever to get to the point. Some scenes could've invariably used a swift kick in the editing room to keep things moving. We're not asking for Formula 1 pacing, just a gentle nudge to prevent viewers from tentatively reaching for their knitting needles.

The ensemble cast deserves a pat on the back, though. No one's hogging the limelight, which is both laudable and a bit like watching a magician without a show-stopping trick. It's delightful to behold those budding stars in their early gigs. Consider it a time capsule moment.

In conclusion, "Sudden Fury" is undoubtedly worth a peek when your Netflix queue hits a lull. It's a solid enough ride but not the kind you'll rush to replay. Reserve it for a rainy day or when you're desperately avoiding cleaning the attic.