The Devil's Advocate (1997) ⭐ 7.5 | Drama, Fantasy, Mystery (original) (raw)

What makes this movie very disturbing at the same time makes it amazing

Evil promises everything but gives away nothing. This quote, which I like very much, sums up the point of The Devil's Advocate.

In this movie skillful lawyer goes to New York to pursue career of his dreams. He makes many compromises with his conscience on the way and even starts to neglect his romantic relationship.

It's really unbelievable that this movie isn't more popular than it is. It's got all the elements of a serious, adult thriller. It is true, however, that this is a very disturbing portrayal of someones life going down the spiral. What makes this movie great, makes this movie disturbing and vice versa.

We've all seen many movies devoting to much time to unnecessary violence only to disturb you, not to utilize it so that story line actually benefits from it.

However, all the violence, nudity and disturbing material in The Devil's Advocate fit nicely with the plot. I don't remember anything disturbing not being in concordance with moral of the story - that is to point out to viewer how the Evil actually operates.

Now recall the book of Genesis chapter 3, verse 1: "Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made."

Many movies have portrayed Satan as an ugly, violent monster often not intelligent enough. This movie portrays the Evil one as it actually is: intelligent, subtil, patient, taunting, masquerading as the angel of light. And one more thing: He hates God. His true call is to convince people loving God does not exist.

If you're looking for a movie which provocatively raises philosophical and theological questions in a way a book never could, look no further.