Chapaev s nami (Short 1941) ⭐ 6.0 | Short, War (original) (raw)

Smarmy, self-congratulatory, necrophilic oddity. A typical ruscist film where time and again, we have "our ancestors would have done the same" and "our enemies are all the same". It took two writers to write this.

Chapaev died and became a sordid plaything for Soviet propaganda. For this short, he is resurrected a second time. Much of Muscovy's cannon fodder shall remain where they fell, neither Mosfilm nor Lenfilm shall resurrect them. The irony is that Stalin slaughtered many Lenin era communists. Had Chapaev survived, he probably would have been shot or sent to Siberia. But Chapaev is among those saints who died before the Purges and who remained unblemished.

Furmanov, the author of Chapaev was already dead. He is now famous for eulogising the man who ploughed his wife.

Stalin was Hitler's ally until he got backstabbed in 1941. The film foully meanders about Soviets being denied their glorious lifestyle by their foes. And what of Baltic people, Poles, Ukrainians, Rusyn and Romanians, murdered, tortured, dispossessed in 1939?

Truly nothing changes: Muscovy attacks and plays victim.