The Last Airbender (2010) ⭐ 4.0 | Action, Adventure, Family (original) (raw)


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Why, M. Night Shyamalan, why?

I have been a fan of the series for a long time and ever since I heard that there was going to be a live action version, I was looking forward to it. I live in Europe so I had to wait till last weekend to see it. I did read all the bad reviews on IMDb, but I thought it's probably just people dissing the movie because they are upset over the casting. But oh my god was I wrong! This movie is the an absolute disgrace to the series. Really, it's a disgrace to professional film making! And it's not even the acting or the casting that are bad. It's the writing and directing all the way. Yes, the acting was bad, too, but I don't think it's really any of the actors fault. Every single actor had at least one moment that showed that they had great potential that the director failed to bring out - even Noah Ringer really sounded like Aang sometimes. They just needed someone directing them... About the screenplay: I don't know what Mr. Shyamalan thought while writing that screenplay. It was like watching random scenes from the first season of the cartoon with no connection and no seg way. The little dialog the movie did have was stiff and unnatural. There was no character development. A story like this needs to be told in an epic way, not in what seems like a theater student mash up! Where did all the budget go? Another thing that was wrong with the movie: The music! The music was horrible, a mere shadow of what we heard in the cartoon. How can the same person who composed the music for The Dark Knight do such a horrible job on another movie. There was no recognizable theme at all! Why does Shyamalan hire his friend who clearly didn't care for the movie or try hard, when he could have just hired the cartoons composer. The music from the cartoon was perfect and more than worthy of a big Hollywood production. There is much more I could say about this movie but I think it amounts all to the same thing: M. Night Shyamalan ruined this movie, and that saddens me greatly. I wish he had cared, but the end product proves he didn't.


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