Main Street (2010) ⭐ 4.8 | Drama (original) (raw)

Main Street (2010)

Durham is slowly dying like the tobacco business it once depended on. Leroy comes to Durham with a business plan. He rents an old warehouse from a cash-strapped old tobacco heiress.Durham is slowly dying like the tobacco business it once depended on. Leroy comes to Durham with a business plan. He rents an old warehouse from a cash-strapped old tobacco heiress.Durham is slowly dying like the tobacco business it once depended on. Leroy comes to Durham with a business plan. He rents an old warehouse from a cash-strapped old tobacco heiress.


Main Street

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A Film That Promises More than It Delivers

At first glance, MAIN ST. would seem to have all the ingredients for an absorbing piece - a top-notch cast (with two Brits doing very creditable Southern accents), a strong sense of place (Raleigh, North Carolina), and a taut, spare script by veteran Horton Foote. Then why is the movie such a disappointment? Its subject-matter is a pertinent one: the decline of American urban life and the schemes hatched by entrepreneurs to regenerate it, which might not necessarily please the existing residents. However the production is particularly slow-moving: the camera spends a long time focusing on tight close-ups of the protagonists, especially Ellen Burstyn as Georgiana Carr. This would be a perfectly acceptable strategy, were it not for the consciously showy nature of the performances: the actors are allowed to get away with the kind of theatrical gestures and facial movements that would not seem out of place in Victorian melodrama. As a result, we end up not really caring about the characters at all. Matters are not helped by the treacly soundtrack (from the normally reliable Patrick Doyle) that obtrudes itself on several occasions. Perhaps the material might have been better if another director had handled it.


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Main Street (2010)

By what name was Main Street (2010) officially released in Canada in English?


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