Prof. Dr. Carl Adam Petri (original) (raw)


former honorary professor (1988-2010)

Curriculum Vitae


Carl Adam Petri Memorial Symposium (February 1, 2011)

This symposium was held to commemorate Carl Adam Petri. The slides of the program contain an extensive overview of his work. See also the original page for theMemorial.

Carl Adam Petri's Death (2010)

Carl Adam Petri, who died on July 2 aged 83 at Siegburg, Germany, is the founder of the influential research and application area of Petri nets, the importance of which is underlined by more than 11000 (known) research papers and books, an annual conference on the topic, and many conferences with special tracks on Petri nets. Carl Adam Petri realised early that his formalism incorporated a wide range of topics from very scientific results in fields like mathematics and physics to industrial applications and tools. We owe this integration of aspects to Carl Adam Petri’s conviction that formal models should always be founded in well-understood concepts and laws describing the real world. more...

On the death of Carl Adam Petri (in German)

Press Reactions

Petri about Zuse (2009)

Petri talks about Zuse (Video)

Petri Nets 2008 (2008)

For the conference PETRI NETS 2008, held at Xi'an, China, Carl Adam Petri prepared an invited talk, and asked R. Valk to present it there. In order to realize a convincing presentation, R. Valk partly followed his own style. These slides are available: On the Physical Basics of Information Flow Keynote (28,4 MB), PDF (16,5 MB), Powerpoint (8 MB) (without animations),Flash(1,3 MB) (only animations).

Computer Pioneer Award (2008)

Carl Adam Petri has received the prestigious IEEE Computer Pioneer Award 2008. The IEEE states on its webpage that Petri received the award_"For establishing Petri net theory in 1962, which not only was cited by hundreds of thousands of scientific publications but also significantly advanced the fields of parallel and distributed computing."_

Petri Nets in Scholarpedia (2008)

A very nice overview article about Petri nets has been written by Carl Adam Petri and Wolfgang Reisig in 2008. It can be found at Scholarpedia: Carl Adam Petri and Wolfgang Reisig (2008) Petri net.Scholarpedia, 3(4):6477.

Gold Medal of Honor (April 2007)

Prof. Dr. C.A. Petri has received theGold Medal of Honor. Academy of Transdisciplinary Learning & Advance Studies -- TheAtlas See also: Fraunhofer Institut

thank-you letter (letter on occasion of receiving the award Gold Medal as Honorary Member of TheAtlas)..

Computing Universe (2007)

Some slides about the Computing New Universe .

An article about the Computing Universe (Preversion of an article in "Spektrum der Wissenschaft", in German,3/2007)

Petri Nets in Informatik Spektrum (2006)

The preliminary version C. A. Petri and Petri Nets(PDF) by Wilfried Brauer and Wolfgang Reisig is the English translation of an articlein Informatik-Spektrum (no. 5 / 2006).

Slides of the Hamburg Lectures (2004)

Computing Net Universe (Hamburg 2004)

Petri lecture Systematics of Net Modelling (2004)

Slides of the Lecture "Systematics of Net Modelling (zip)".

Laudation for C.A. Petri (2003)

A good overview of C.A.Petri's work in contained in alaudatio, which was hold due to Petri's retirement. It was published in GMD-Spiegel 3/4'91 (pages 52-57). Unfortunately it is only available in German.

Laudation "Commandeur in de orde van de Nederlandse Leeuw" (2003)

Laudatio for the titel "Commandeur in de orde van de Nederlandse Leeuw" with which C. A. Petri was honoured in 2003.

Colloquium for Petri's 65. Birthday (1991)

Invitation (in German)
Invitation for Dinner

Professor Petri / Lecture

Awarded academic title Professor in 1987
Lecture Universal Theory of Nets in 1994 (Announcement)