Movendi International - Development through alcohol prevention (original) (raw)

Almost done! Our new website is now under final development, and we are still working out some bugs and finalizing the content. If you have any issues, send an e-mail to Maik!

Movendi International is the largest independent global movement for development through alcohol prevention. We unite, strengthen and empower civil society to address alcohol as serious obstacles to development on personal, community, societal and global level.

The Issues Movendi International works for creating opportunities, providing environments and effecting conditions for all people to lead happier, healthier, richer and freer lives. We advocate for comprehensive and evidence-based solutions consisting of public policy measures as well as scientific research, prevention, education and awareness raising, capacity building and treatment and rehabilitation. What We Do Movendi International is a global movement based in Sweden, with 150 member organizations in 60 countries. We work for development through alcohol prevention, for everyone’s right to quality of life, personal freedom, human rights and global solidarity. Take Action Be part of leading the change and take action with us. With Movendi International you are at the forefront of promoting global health and sustainable development.




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