About the Author (original) (raw)

Thanks ...

I would like to sincerely thank all you faithful IrfanView (pronounce "EarfanView") users who send me messages of good wishes, congratulations and appreciation. It is often difficult for me to answer all the e-mail I receive, but I would like you to know that every one of your messages is read and appreciated.
In the years since IrfanView hit the Net I've received more than 65,000 e-mail messages thanking me, congratulating me, and wishing me well. And at least a dozen women have wanted me to be the father of their children ;-) (joke) I've tried to answer all the messages with at least a Thank You.
I very much appreciate all the messages I receive.
Thanks folx!

Nachdem ich seit einigen Jährchen in Österreich bin und in Wien studiert habe, spreche ich selbstverständlich auch Deutsch und Sie können es in Ihren Mails benutzen. Deutsch verstehe ich wesentlich besser als Englisch ;-)
Eine deutsche Version von IrfanView gibt es natürlich auch.
Viel Spass mit dem Programm ...

Jajce Jajce

Zdravo raja. Kao sto se gore vidi, ja sam Bosanac, dolazim iz Jajca (lijevog :-) i ja cu se veoma obradovati ako mi neko nesto na nasem posalje. Pod "nasim" podrazumijevam sve one jezike koje su se nekada u Ex-YU govorili, bez obzira kako ih neki "intelektualci" sada nazivaju.
Zato navali raja, ali molim vas bez politike ...

Pictures from my Homeland.

Jajce, Bosnia, with a beautiful waterfall, is the town where I was born.