pp210-217 (Treaty of Perth) - Manx Soc vol 9 'Monumenta de Insula Manniae (original) (raw)


AD. 1266.

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, Amen.

That the certainty of foreknowing may give true and clear remembrance of the past, it is forever to be known that in the year of grace 1266, on the day of Venus, next after the Feast of the Apostles Peter and Paul, this composition and final agreement was entered into and proclaimed in the church of the brothers at Perth, concerning the contentions, quarrels, losses, injuries, and discords of the Islands of Mann and the Sodors, and set at rest by the same authorities and the assistance of divine providence between the magnificent and illustrious Princes, lord Magnus the IV., by the grace of God illustrious King of Norway, through his appointed ministers, lords Askatinus his chancellor, and Andreas son of Nicholas, baron, his principal men, whom he specially sent and lawfully constituted to appear there, on the one part, and Lord Alexander III. by the same grace King of Scotland, with the greater part of the nobility and clergy of his kingdom personally appeared there on the other, in this manner, namely, that the said Lord Magnus, the King of Norway, as the friend of peace and the cultivator of justice, to the reverencing of God, and the diligent conforming to the mutual agreement and observance of peace, warding off the dangers to life and shunning the slaughter of men, came at the instance and honor of the aforesaid lord Alexander, the King of Scotland, for Mann, with the other islands of the Sodors and all the ether islands of the south and west part of the great Haffue, with every right that he and his forefathers had in them in time past, or that he and his heirs might have in fnture, through the aforesaid discreet men his lords, Aschetinus Chancellor of Magnus the King of Norway, and Andreas the son of Nicholas, baron, having from the King himself full authority to settle and agree concerning these, amicably and socially, conceding, resigning, and quitting claim for himself and his heirs, either as suitors or possessors forever, to be held and possessed by the said lord Alexander III. the King of the Scotch, and his heirs, with the lord-ships, homages, rents, services, and all rights belonging to the said islands, without any drawback, together with the right of patronage of the Bishopric of Mann freely, legal jurisdiction and liberty of the Church of Nidrosien, and all and every other right that he holds of the Bishops and Church of Mann, but excepting the Islands of Orcadia [Orkneys] and Hethland, which the said King of Norway, with the lordships, homages, rents, services, and all rights belonging to them, or relating to the same, he has therefore specially reserved to his own dominion, so that all the inhabitants of the said islands which are conceded, resigned, and quitted claim of, to the aforesaid lord, the King of Scotland, both great and small, may be subject to the laws and customs of the kingdom of Scotland, and governed and judged according to these from this time henceforth. But on account of these persons whose future acts, or the injuries and damages which they may do to this day, whilst adhering to the aforesaid lord the King of Norway, and that none may be punished nor complain concerning their inheritances in these islands, but peaceably remain in the same, under the dominion of the lord the King of Scotland, as freely as the other subjects and lieges of the said lord the King of Scotland, and who should be distinguished for their delight in the free administration of justice, unless some act to the contrary, on which account they ought to be strictly punished, according to the laws, usages, and approval of the kingdom of Scotland. But if in the said islands under the dominion of the said lord the King of Scotland they wish to remain, they may stay in the land freely and in peace, and if they wish to leave they may depart with their goods freely and in complete peace, consequently they are neither to be compelled to remain nor to depart, contrary to their own free will, and the laws and usages of the kingdom of Scotland. Therefore the before-mentioned lord Alexander, the King of Scotland, zealous of the truth, and a lover of harmony and peace, for himself and his heirs, has conceded, resigned, and quitted claim to these perpetually, but chiefly for the sake of peace and the lessening of troubles and labours, has given and granted perpetually, namely, to the said lord the King of Norway and his heirs, and assigned to them forever, within eight days of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist, in Orcadia, that is to say, the land of the lord the King of Norway, in the church of Saint Magnus, into the hands of the Bishop of Orchadia or of the bailiff of the lord the King of Norway specially deputed by him for this purpose, or they may be deposited in the same church for the use of the lord the King of Norway, in the custody of the canons of the said church, if the Bishop or bailiff be not present in the same, who must give their letters of acknowledgment for the payment of one hundred marks of good and lawful sterling silver money, according to the order and practice of the Court of Rome, and the Kingdoms of France, England, and Scotland, to be paid annually, and likewise four thousand marks sterling, to be paid in the said manner within the next four years, at a place to be defined and known beforehand, to wit one thousand one hundred marks of the foresaid pension, within eight days of the nativity of Saint John the Baptist, in the year of grace 1267. In the year of grace 1268 at the said place before defined one thousand one hundred marks of the said pension. In the year of grace 1269 at the same appointed place, one thousand one hundred marks of the aforesaid pension. And lastly in the year of grace 1270 at the same place, one thousand one hundred marks of the said pension, and afterwards at the same appointed place only one hundred marks of the aforesaid pension, to be paid in the same manner annually and forever.

And all and each of the before mentioned to be faithfully and firmly observed by the said Asketinus Chancellor, and Andreas Baron, for their lord Magnus illustrious King of Norway, and his heirs and assigns, who being in the confidence of the King and acquainted with his wishes, in proper manner made oath publicly on the Holy Evangelists, in the church of the aforesaid brothers at Perth. And the said lord Alexander the King of Scotland, through his noblemen Adam Earl of Carrick, and Robert de Meyners, who in his confidence and knowing his mind, has for himself and his heirs in the same manner, solemnly made oath in the presence of these ministers.

And for greater security in these matters, both parties bind themselves in the penalty of 10,000 marks sterling, to be fully paid and judicially levied from the party wishing to recede from the observance of this composition and final agreement, the composition and final agreement nevertheless to remain in full force forever. Moreover Lord Magnus, the King of Norway, through his above-mentioned ministers, for himself, his heirs, and successors, and lord Alexander, the King of Scotland, for himself and his heirs, submit in this matter to the jurisdiction of the seat of the Apostles (the Pope), that through the single command of the foregoing, by means of sentences of excommunication against either party, neither to be excepted or interdicted in the kingdom without judicial trial, and some trial and some recognised cause should compel the party withdrawing from the composition and final agreement aforesaid, to pay to the party observing the composition and final agreement the said penalty of 10,000 marks, wholly and in full, nevertheless this composition and final agreement is to be observed in all and every particular confirmed and forever held valid.

Thus on the part of both is renounced by this deed all intention of fraud, deceit, actions at law, and the pleading of privileges wholly, and all letters between the said kings and their ancestors hitherto obtained and held, whatever orders existed to the contrary, and all letters and apostolic indulgences obtained by request, and all remedy of canonical and civil law, by which the aforesaid concession, resignations quit-claim, composition and final agreement may be impeded, deferred, and finally overthrown, or in any manner weakened. Also it is added to this agreement, and by common assent ordained between the kings, and the kingdoms of Norway and Scotland, that all transgressions and offences between them and their ancestors and their people perpetrated to this day on both sides are wholly remitted, as long as the churches as well as the kingdoms receive no injury through the continuance of a lingering feeling of anger or revenge, and that the hostages of the said islands, taken from thence and detained, be restored to complete liberty. And if any enemy of these kings, namely, of Scotland and Norway, should take refuge with the other in his kingdom or dominion to his grievance, he is not to receive him, unless by chance for a time, or till he shall have obtained forgiveness if he merit it, and should he not obtain pardon of his Lord for his offence he is not to fail at the end of a year to remove him from his dominiens. Moreover if any of the people belonging to the King of Norway that niay be absent in the kingdom or dominion of the King of Scotland should suffer shipwreck or fonnder, they shall be permitted freely and quietly to collect, sell, and dispose of their broken or injured vessels, together with any other of their things, either for themselves or for others, fiee from all blame, so long as they rhall not have abandoned them. And should any act contrary to the resolutions of this state agreement concerning vessels or things in this manner imperilled, and should steal anything by fraud or violence, he shall be convicted respecting this as a robber and violator of the peace, according to his demerits, and punished accordingly, anything to the contrary being of no avail. But if any person has been found and convicted of disturbing the peace and final agreement made between the aforesaid kings and kingdoms and their inhabitants, and held and confirmed by the king in whose dominion he has been found, such shall be severely punished as an example and warning to others. And in testimony of these things, that part of this writing remaining in the possession of the said Lord the illustrious King of Norway shall be executed in manuscript, and having opposite the seal of the said lord the King of Scotland, together with the seals of the venerable Fathers Gamaliel of St. Androws and John of Glasgow, by the grace of God Bishops, and the noble Lords Alexander Cumin of Buchan, Patrick of Dunbar, William of Marr, Ady of Carrick, Earls, and Robert do Meyners, Baron. And to the other part of the said writing executed in manuscript and remaining in the posses-sion of the said lord the King of Scotland, the seal of His Excellency the said Lord the King of Norway, together with the seals of the venerable Fathers foter of Bergen and Thorgilson Stavangrensis by the grace of God, Bishops, and the noble men Gautus do Mole, Buccolinus son of John, Finnus son of Gautus, Andreas son of Nicolas, and Asketinus, Chancellor of the said lord the King of Norway is appended.


In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti, Amen.

Ut certitudo præsentium det veram ac evidentem memoriam præteritorum æternaliter est sciendum, quod anno gratiæ MCCLXVI, die Veneris proxima post festum apostolorum Petri et Pauli, in ecclesia fratrum prædicatorum apud Perchen; inita fuit hæc compositio, et finalis concordia, super contentionibus, queri. moniis, damnis et injuriis ac discordiis insularum Manniæ et Sodorensium, ac jurium earundum sopiendis, Divina cooperante providentia inter magnificos et illustres principes, Dominum Magnum Quartum, Dei gratia Regem Norvegiæ illustrem, per solennes nuncios suos Dominos Askatinum Cancellarium suum, et Andream filium Nicolai, baronem suum super hiis, illue specialiter destinatos ac legitime constitutos, comparentes ibidem ex parte una. Et Dominum Alexandrum Tertium, eadem gratia Regem Scotiæ, ibidem cum clero et proceribus, Regni sui majoribus, personaliter comparentem ex altera, sub hat forma, videlicet quod dictus Dominus Magnus Rex Norvegiæ tanquam amicus pacis et cultor justitiæ, ad Dei reverentiam et mutuæ dilectionis ac pacis observantiam diligentius confovendam, et animarum periculum propulsandum, ac strages hominum citius evitan- . dum ad instantiam et honorem Domini Alexandri Regis Scotiæ memorati, Manniam cum cæteris insulis Sodorensibus, et omnibus aliis insulis, ex parte occidentali et australi magni Haffne cum omni jure quod in eis ipse et progenito- res sui habuerunt, ab antiquo tempore, vel ipse et hæredes sui habere potuerunt, in futurum per prædictos viros discretos Dominos Aschetinum Cancellarium ipsius Domini Magni Regis Norvegiæ, et Andrearv filium Nicolai Baronem suum, habentes ab ipso Rege plenarv authoritatem componendi et concordandi super ipsis amicabiliter et socialiter concessit, resignavit et quietas clamavit, tam in petitorio, quam in possessorio, pro se et hæredibus suis in perpetuum tenendum, habendum, et possidendum, ditto Domino Alexandro Tertio, Regi Scotorum, et ruis hæredibus, cum dominiis, homagiis, redditibus, servitiis et omnibus junibus et pertinentiis dictarum Insularum, sine aliquo retinemento, una cum jure patronatus Episcopatus Manniæ, salvis, jure, jurisdictione, ac libertate Ecclesiæ Nidrosiensis in omnibus et per omnia, quod vel quas habet in Episcoporum et ecclesiam Manniæ. Et exceptis insulis Orcadiæ et Hetblandiæ quas idem. Res Norvegiæ cum dominiis, homagiis, redditibus, servitiis, et omnibus juribus, et pertinentiis suis, infra easdem contiguis, Dominio sno specialiter reservavit, ita quod omnes homines dictarum Insularum, quae præfato Domino Scotiæ Regi sunt coucessæ, resignatæ, et quiets clamatæ, tam majores quam mineres, subjaceant legibus consuetudinibus Regni Scotiæ, et seeundum ens ex nunc in posterum tractentur et judicentur. Pro hiis antem forefactus, vel injuriis et damnis, quæ fecerunt usque in hodiernum diem, dum memorato Domino Regi Norvegiæ adhærebant, nullatenus puniantur, nec querenter super hæreditatibus su's irr illis insulis, sed pacificesteut in eisdem, sub dominio Domini Regis Scotiæ, skut alii liberi et ligei dicti Domini Regis Scotiæ, qui liberiori justitia gaulere di noscuntur, nisi aliquid de cætero faciant, propter quod juste puniri debeant, juxta leges ac consuetudines Regni Scotiæ approbatas. Et si in dietis insulis, sub dominio dieti Domini Regis Scotiæ morari voluerint, morentur in Domino libere et in pace, et si recedere voluerint, recedant cum bonis suis Beite, libere, et in plena pace, itaque nec morari nec recedere contra leges et consuetudines Regui Scotiæ et saum libitum compellantur.

Dominus itaque Alexander Res Scotiæ memoratus, veritatis zelator et pacis et concordiæ amator, et hæredes sul perpetuum pro istis, concessions, resignations et quieta clamatione, et præcipue pro bone, pacis, et ut fatigationes et labores redimantur, dabunt et reddent in perpetuum sæpe dicto Domino Regi Norvegiæ et hæredibus suis et eorundem assignatis in perpetuum infra oetavas Nativitatis Saneti Johannis Baptistæ in Orcadia terra scilicet Domini Regis Norvegiæ, in ecclesiæ Sancti Magni, in manibus Episeopi Orchadiæ, sen Ballivi ipsius Domini Regis Norvegiæ, ad hoc per issum specialiter deputati, vel in eadem ecclesia deponent, ad opus ipsius Domini Regis Norvegiæ sub custodia canonicorum ejusdem ecclesiæ, si Episcopus vel Ballivus non inveniantur ibidem, qui debunt sis literas adquietationis et faeta solutiones, centum marcas bonorum et legalium sterlingorum, secundum modum et usum Curiæ Romanæ, ac Reguorum Franciæ, Angliæ, et Scotiæ numerandas annuatim, et nihilominus quatuor millia marcarum sterlingorum dieto modo numerandoram infra proximum quadriennium loco et termino prænotatis, videlicet mille marcas infra oetavas nativitatis Sancti Johannis Baptistæ, anno gratiæ MCCLXVII. et centum marehas de prædicta pensione. Et anno gratiæ MCCLXVIII. ad eosdem locum et terminuro mille marcas, et centum marcas de pensione præfatå. Et anno gratiæ MCCLXIX. dictis loco et termino mille marcas, et centum marcas de memorata pensions. Et ultimo anno gratiæ MCCLXX. eisdem loco et termino mille marcas et centum mareas de eadero pensione. In posterum autem dictis loco et tenmino duntaxat centum mareas de penxione prædicta prædicto modo numerandus in perpetuum pro omnibus annuatim.

Et ad hæc omnia et signla, ut pnænotata sunt, fideliter, et finmiter observanda dicti, Ashetinus Cancellarus et Andreas Baro, pro Domino suo Magno illustri Pege Norvegiæ et hænedibus suis et assignatis, in animam ipsius Regis de cujus voluntate eis super hiis constabat ad plenum, et animas proprias, jurarunt publice in ecclesia fratrum prædictorum apud Perchen, tactis Evangeliis sacrosanctis. Et dictus Dominus Alexauder Rex Scotiæ per Nebiles vinos, Adam Comitem de Carrick et Robertum de Meynens, eodem modo in anisnam suam, et animas eorum pro se et haeredibus suis, fecit jurare solemniter, in præsentia nunciorurn eorundem.

Et ad majorem hujus rei securitatem, utraque pars se obligavit, ad pcenam, decem millium marcarum sterlingorum solvendam de plano et absque strepitu j udiciali a parte resilire volente, parti compositionem istam, et finalem concordiam observandi, compositione ipsa et finali concordia nihilominus in perpetuum in pleno robore duraturis. Dominus iusuper. Rex Magnus Norvegiæ pen nuncios suos supradictos se ipsum ac hænedes ac successores snes. Et Dominus Alexander Rex Scotiæ, se et hæredes suos subjacerunt in hoc jurisdictioni sedis Apostolieæ ut unita monitione præmissa, pen sententias excommunicationis in personas, nullius persona excepta, et interdicti in regna absque strepitu judiciali, et aliqua eausæ monitione, compeliat partem resilientem a compositione et finali concordia prædictis, ad solvendam parti, ipsas compositionem et finalem concordiam observanti, dictum poenam decem millium marcarum integri et plenarii, et nihileminus ad ipxas compositionem et finalem concordiam, in omnibus et singnlis articulis observandds, nen relaxandis, quousque dicta pcena, ut dictum est, plenarie fuerit persoluta, ipsas compositione et final! concordia in sno robore, in omnibus et pen omnia duraturis, et in perpetuum valituris.

Renuneiavit itaque utraque pars in hoc facto, omni exceptioni fraudis et doli, actioni in factum, et privilegio fori et specialiter restitutioni in integnum, et omnibus literis, inter eosdem Reges et antecessores suos hucusque habitis et obtentis, cujuscuuque tenoris existant, et omnibus literis et indnlgentiis Apostolicis, impetratis et iropetrandis, et oroni remedio juris Canonici et civilis, pen quæ prædictæ concessio, resignatio, quieta clamatio, compositio et finalis concordia impediri, differri, et dextrui valeant, seu modo aliquo enervari. Adjectum est etiam huie concordiæ, et statutum communi concensu, inter Reges et Regna Norvegiæ et Scotiæ, ut omnes transgressiones et delicta inter eos, et antecessores snes et eorum homines, usque iu hodiernum diem perpetrata, ex utraque parte penitus sint remissa quoad ecclesiias, sicut ad regna, nullo ex hiis mali, iræ vel viudietæ tramite remanente, et ut obsides dietorum insulanorum hine inde capti et detenti, plene libertati restituantur. Et si inimicus altersus Regem ipsorum, Scotiæ scilicet, et Norvegiæ, ad alterum ipsorum confugiat, ipsum in regne sue vel dominio, ad gravamen ejus, å quo effugerit, nou receptet, nisi forte ad tempus, ut gratiam sibi impetret, si gratiam meruerit, et si gratiam Domini sui offensi habere non poterit, ipsum statim post annum non differat a se et sue dominio removere. Exceptis illis qui Grimen 1æsæ Majestatis commiserint, quos nullo modo hine inde receptent. Insuper de contingat homines Regni Norvegiæ, quod absit, in regno vel domiuio Regis Scotiæ pati naufragium, vel ë converse, liceat eie libere et quietë naves suas fract;as vel collisas, una cum rebus suis omnimodis, per se, vel per alios recolligere et habere, vendere, et allenare, obsque onmi calumnla, quamdiu ear non babuerint pro derelicto. Et si quis contra hoc commune statutum concordiæ de rebus vel navibus hujusmodi periclitatis, quidquam fraudulenter vel violenter surripuerit, et super hoc convictus fuerit, tanquam raptor et pacis violator, grout demeruerit, puniatur, consuetudine, si qua- sit contraria, non obstante. Si quis autem repertus fait et convictus perturbatur pacis istiur et finalis concordiæ, inter prædictos Reges et Regna et eorum regnicolas, habitæ et confirmatæ, per Regem, in cujus dotninio repertus fait, qui talia præsumpserit, sic acriter puniatur ut poena illius metus fiat aliorum. Et in hujus rei testimonium parti hujus scripti in modum chyrographi confetti remanenti penes dictum Dominum Regem Norvegiæ illustrem, sigillum dicti Domini Regis Scotia-, una cum sigillis venerabilium Patrum Gamelini Sancti Andreæ, et Johannis Glasguensis Dei gratia Episcoporum, et nobilium virorum Alexandri Cymyn de Buchan; Patritii de Dumberre, Wilhelmi de Marre, Ada de Karnke, Comitum, et Roberti de Meyners, Baronis est oppositum. Et alteri parti ejusdem scripti in modum chyrographi confetti, penes dictum Dominium Regem Scotiæ remanenti, sigillum excellentis dioti Domini Regis Norvegiæ una cum sigillis venerabilium Patrum Petri Bergensi, Thorgilsi Stavangrensis Dei gratia Episcoporum, et nobilium virorum, Gauti de Mele, Buccoliui filii Johannis, Finii filii Gouti, Andreæ filii Nicolai, et Asketini Cancellarii dicti Domini Regis Norvegiæ est appensum 1

1 A.D. 1312.-Tractatis de Hæbudarum et Manniæ cessione Perthi inter Magnum Norvegiæ et Alexandrum Scotiæ Reges anno 1266, celebrata, resumpta est hoc ipso anno, ab Hacone, ejus nominis quinto (quarto habet Pontanus) Norvegiæ rege, et confirmata Invernessæ in Scotia præsente rege Roberto, ejusquæ senatu, nec non Haconis regis legatis, Biorno a Birchero et Ivare Olafi Bergensium et Orcadensium Canonicis. Qui pactis conventis nou staret, in ecclesiæ Apostolicæ censuræ atque excommunicatione obnoxious, haberetur, ac rimul mulctam incurreret decem millium librarum sterlingorum. Subscripserunt huie chirographo, una cum Rege Scotorum, suaque sigilla impresserunt, Gamelinus Divi Andrea-, Johannes Glasguensis Episcopi, Alexander Curius a Ruchon,

Præpositus Dombariensis, Gulielmus a Mahr, Adamus a Carrick Comites, itemque Robertus a Menis Baro.