Structure & Tips for Writing a Great Essay (original) (raw)

We all write essays intending to deliver a certain message or project our understanding of a given topic. In learning institutions, teachers use essays to gauge the students’ imagination, logical thinking, literary techniques, and knowledge of a topic. An excellent essay entails good material, a logical direction, and a well-thought plan as a student. You need to know the kind of audience you are dealing with and what they like if you will connect with them through your essays. If you want to write one of the most outstanding essays, you should use the following structure, created by MyCustomEssay writing professionals:


Every form of writing always starts with an introduction section. Without an introduction, your essay is not of any use. The introduction gives the reader an overview of the topic, the objectives, a summary of the content. A good introduction should start with a catchy statement that will capture the readers’ attention. You can use some general statistic or a rhetoric question to populate a good statement. Ensure your topic sentence is specific and gives a clear introduction to the thesis statement.


This section is the anchor of your essay. Here is where you expound on your astute observation, unpopular opinion, polarizing argument, or primary idea. Make your thesis precise, clear, and straightforward. You should also structure it in a way that will entice the audience. To avoid boring the readers, shorten your thesis to around two or three sentences. Do not use vague language such as pronouns (she, he, we, they, and it). Vague language will distort the main idea, and it might confuse your readers. Explain your topic and give your opinion of it.


This section is the largest part of the essay. It is where you back up your thesis using arguments and reasoning. You can equate the body to the spices in a pot of chicken. You have an idea of the story, but you will need more information to make the story real and worth exploring more. Your reasoning should relate well to the topic and provide proof for your assertions. A good body should have at least three paragraphs or more.


Similar to the introduction, you cannot miss having a conclusion. The section that you wind up your essay with string statements affirms your arguments in the introduction and thesis. It also includes a summary of the reasoning in brief. Keep in mind that everything you write in the conclusion should not be different from what is in the introduction or reasoning. You should not introduce new information in the conclusion. Conclude your essay with a strong statement.

Putting everything together


Writing is inevitable for any student, and most of the time, these essays account for significant grades in their course. Writing a good essay lies in your ability to understand the topic, understand essay writing structure, and excellent planning skills. The above tips will guide you into writing the best essay.