Convert text file to HTML or RTF tables with the free AscToTab utility. (original) (raw)

Convert text files to tables with this free utility

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AscToTab is free and simple utility that converts plain of delimited text files containing table data into either HTML or RTF (rich text format) tables. The software can also convert files of tab-delimited or comma-separated (.csv) data into tables.

If you want a more general utility to convert text to HTML, look at AscToHTM (5 stars at ZDNet)
For a general utility to convert text to RTF, look at AscToRTF (also 5 stars at ZDNet).

What AscToTab does

For plain text files AscToTab will attempt to :-

You can read more about this in the JafSoft text conversion FAQ, but ignore the bit about detecting tables - that doesn't apply to AscToTab which always assumes the input is a single table.


For tab-delimited or comma-separated files conversion is more straightforward. AscToTab will convert one table row per line, placing each delimited value into the next column.

You can tell the software what type of file you are converting, and whether you want to convert to HTML or RTF tables. HTML tables can optionally be copied to the clipboard, ready for pasting into a HTML source editor.

For all formats a line containing a row of dashes will be taken as signifying the separator between table header and border.

Additionally the user can select (for HTML)

Program options can be saved in "policy files" which can be reloaded next time you run the software for your convenience.

More information

AscToTab has evolved out of AscToHTM and AscToRTF technology, and is now included in those products. Since version v2.3, releases of AscToTab have been synchronized with the matching AscToHTM releases.

The current version is V4.0 and is offered as freeware. New in this version are