Exponet forum (original) (raw)

Add Exhibit from David M. Skipton: http://www.japhila.cz/hof/0432/index0432a.htm

This is a great exhibit about how could function the first large and very consistent implementation of socialist ideas, the Union of Soviet
Socialists Republics, which could survive and expand only thanks to the work of about 10 % of its population, that was reduced to slavery in the immense work and extermination camp system (the infamous GULAG).
The postal documents of that time are very often difficult to get, because the population feared to keep them. So bigger is the merit of Mr. David M. Skipton, who could put together such a wonderful collection and presentation. Highly recommended!

Mr. Skipton is the current vice-president of the Rossica Society of Russian Philately:

Here some interesting research done by a former ZEK about things that happened in 1979:

Victor Manta, PWO, AIJP
October 9, 2008 21:52 CET

EXPONET se přehoupl přes magickou hranici 2 000 000 n�v�těvn�k�. Gratuluji!!!
Ivo Rec, Ko�ice, Slovakia
22. 9. 2008 15:47 CET

Thanks for this, excellent work!
I liked very much watching the photos - shame that I could not visit PRAG this year. Best regards
Kaj Hellman, Helsinki, Finland
September 21, 2008 kello 21.02 CET

S potě�en�m jsem na v�stavě sledoval oble�en� monitory Exponetu. Mus�m v�m proto znovu blahopř�t nejen k n�padu, ale předev��m k jeho realizaci. Blahod�rnost Exponetu jsem si v�dycky připomněl, kdy� jsem na v�stavě post�val p�r minut u nějak�ho expon�tu a začaly mě z toho pře�lapov�n� u r�mů nekřesťansky bolet z�da a kolena...
M�m tedy dotaz: co z t� vystavovan� n�dhery uvid�me na Exponetu? M�te u� nějak� ohlasy na Exponet a předev��m svolen� od majitelů expon�tů něco z toho na Exponet dostat?
Miroslav Bělina
20. z�ř�, 2008 04:25 PM CET

Na Blogu ( www.expo-net.blogspot.com ) jsem si přečetl čl�nek Jiř�ho Sedl�ka: EXPONET - virtu�ln� mezin�rodn� filatelistick� v�stava. Kdybych tyto str�nky neznal a nebyl jejich čast�m n�v�těvn�kem (a vystavovatelem), měl bych za to, �e text je "m�rně" nadnesen�. Pravdou je, �e i kdyby bylo pou�ito v mnohem vy��� m�ře superlativ, st�le by nebyl dostatečně pops�n v�znam a dosah my�lenky zalo�en� virtu�ln� filatelistick� v�stavy. Rovně� nadlidsk� vůle a p�le autorů směřuj�c� k roz��řen� objemu v�stavn� plochy nelze popsat. Nejde o pr�ci profesion�ln�ch designerů ře��c�ch denodenně obt�e při publikaci z�skan�ch materi�lů, ale o pr�ci amat�rů, kteř� naplňuj� svůj sen ve voln�ch chv�l�ch, nebraj�ce ohled na po�adavky sv�ch nejbli���ch. Jen d�ky �trpn�mu sn�en� man�elek v�ech nejv�znamněj��ch protagonistů a jejich neskonal� trpělivosti se my ostatn� mů�eme kochat a naplňovat radost�.
Za to V�m patř� n� d�k.
Michal Hauzr
10. z�ř� 2008 19:17 CET

My name is Andrew Cheung and I come from Hong Kong, I am also the FIAP Bureau Member in the FIP Postal History Commission...
The present Chairman of the PH Commission Mr. Kurt Kimmel has given us task of producing streamline seminars for the PH Commission and he would like to have illustrated examples of postal history exhibits among the seminars. A rich source of stamp exhibits is your EXPONET...
Thank you for setting up the excellent site which I enjoy browsing and learning all the time.
Best regards, Andrew Cheung
September 4, 2008 11:43:22 AM CET

Really it is nice to receive so many exhibit & going through is a very good experience. Although being FIP Juror I attended several excellent exhibitions but this is really different & gave knowledge too. Good luck.
Yogesh Kumar, India
August 12, 2008 05:27 PM CET

Many thanks for the quick reply and continue your good work on EXPONET!
Tom Fortunato, Rochester, NY, USA
July 13, 2008 21:02 CET

Thank you for sending details of this website. It is absolutely brilliant! Many congratulations to all those involved in setting it up, and to the many contributors.
Best wishes for the future,
Barry Burns
June 28, 2008 10:40 PM CET

Gentlemen, Thank you for your efforts in creating EXPONET. I thoroughly enjoy it when I have time to view. My collecting interest is Belgian cancels on railway parcel post stamps and Belgium precanceled stamps.
Sincerely, Fred Bimbler, Miami, Florida
June 23, 2008 16:51 CET

Congratulations!! This site is EXCELLENT! I will use it as reference material and as format reference for my exhibits.
Thank you for the good work.
Luis Martin
June 23, 2008 07:08 CET

"...po přečtěn� Va�eho mailu jsem nechtěl věřit sv�m oč�m. Je to opravdu velice znepokojuj�c�, kdy� někdo takov�mto způsobem zneu�ije důvěru pořadatele Mezin�rodn� v�stavy EXPONENT a vědomě t�m po�kozuje filatelii.
Plně souhlas�m s textem, kter� jste touto cestou zveřejnili. Přeji V�m i nad�le ve Va��, ne pr�vě lehk� pr�ci, nad�le hodně �spěchů.
S př�telsk�m pozdravem
Milan Kocourek, Dipl.Ing., Traunreut, BRD".
April 27, 2008 20:03 CET

Kdy� jsme před třemi lety poprv� informovali o nov� aktivitě internetov�ho magaz�nu Japhila - chystan� trval� v�stavě po�tovn�ch zn�mek na internetu (F. Bene�: Skvěl� n�pad na internetu!; F9/04/32 >>>>> http://www.japhila.cz/exponet.htm ) v z�věru jsme konstatovali, �e „jde o mimoř�dně rozs�hl� z�měr; o �kol, na něj� si prozat�m netroufly ani velk� zahraničn� filatelistick� firmy a organizace. Je samozřejm�, �e i na�i odv�livci pod jeho velkou t�hou mohou zakol�sat a mů�e se dokonce uk�zat, �e je nad jej�ch s�ly: I tak m� ale smysl se do něj pustit. Na pomn�čc�ch vět�iny nesplněn�ch př�n� stoj� toti� n�pis: Nepokusil se ...“.

N�sleduj�c� tři roky v�ak uk�zaly, �e kdy� se chce, v�echno jde. Trpěliv� a doslova ka�dodenn� pr�ce vy�stila do v�ce ne� 300 vystaven�ch expon�tů (kulat� počet 300 byl dosa�en 5. ř�jna), a to doslova z cel�ho světa (vystavovatel� z 35 zem�). Akce se dokonce rozvinula natolik, �e jej� pořadatelstv� v roce 2006 převzala samostatn�, k tomu �čelu zř�zen� obecně prospě�n� společnost Virtu�ln� v�stavy EXPONET, kter� pro v�stavu dokonce z�skala z�titu ministra kultury ČR! Vedle rostouc�ho počtu expon�tu se na samotnou v�stavu nabaluj� i dal�� aktivity - snaha o hodnocen� expon�tů, diskusn� blog (http://expo-net.blogspot.com), recenze a dal��. To v�echno snadno najdete na http://www.exponet.info/ nebo na zn�m� adrese http://www.japhila.cz/ (tu m� asi ka�d� sběratel nastavenou na sv�m prohl�eči mezi obl�ben�mi a spolehlivě se přes ni na v�stavu proklik�). Pokud tedy koketujete s my�lenkou na sestaven� v�stavn�ho expon�tu, mů�e v�s n�v�těva Exponetu inspirovat. A pokud u� expon�t m�te, mů�ete jej sem nab�dnout k trval�mu vystaven� - zbude tak po něm pam�tka, i kdy� ho jednou přepracujete či rozprod�te. Na Exponetu nav�c neplat�te v�stavn� poplatky a hlavně nemus�te z�pasit s prostorem, tak�e na rozd�l od tradičn�ch v�stav poř�dan�ch podle regul� FIP mu�ete vystavit i v�razně rozs�hlej�� objekty (počet listů a „r�mů“ nen� omezen).
Ing. FRANTI�EK BENE�, FILATELIE 11/2007 http://www.stamps.cz/
November 09, 2007 18:58 CET

V�en� p�ni, Va�a my�lienka bola skvel�, o čom svedč� prejaven� z�ujem jednak vystavovateľov, ale aj n�v�tevn�kov internetovej str�nky. S�m som dostal niekoľko odkazov na moj exponat s tym, �e ich zaujimala buď tema MLYNY, alebo OC ako taky.
K Va�ej my�lienke V�m gratulujem a do dalsej prace vam �elam dostatok s�l, tvorivej invencie, dobrych spolupracovn�kov a �ivotnej pohody. Samozrejme tie� vela zdaru. S �ctou Alexander Urminsk�, Slovensko
October 07, 2007 19:58 CET

Congrattulations with 300!
Ren� Hillesum, Netherland
October 05, 2007 21:55 CET

Congratulations on your web page. This is a great idea to have International Virtual Exhibition. Easy access to any valuable collection.
Eck Spahich, Secretary, Croatian Philatelic Society, Fritch, Texas 79036, USA
August 03, 2007 21:02 CET

Thank you very much. Is an excellent idea and there are very nice exhibits. Congratulations!
Jose Ramon Moreno
July 21, 2007 08:44 AM

Poslal jsem na �čet Exponetu 1000 Kč. R�d bych poslal mnohem vět�� č�stku, Exponet velmi obdivuji, ale jsem u� dlouho jen starobn� důchodce. S pozdravem a �ctou
Ivo Prejda, Uhl�řov, Slezsko, Česko
July 11, 2007 1:40 PM

I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoy EXPONET and your efforts on behalf of all collectors! Happy third anniversary!!
Dave Beeby
July 05, 2007

Best wishes for the next three years!! Lep pozdrav,
Igor Pirc, Slovenian Philatelic Association, President
July 03, 2007

Dear friends! Many thanks and congratulations for an excellent job done. Keep up the good work. Best regards
Gunter Pilz
July 03, 2007

Dear Sirs, Congratulation to your philatelic website birthday, and keeping the best and comprehensive website. Thanks for your philatelic service to all worldwide philatelist.
George, Taiwan
July 03, 2007

Gratuluji k v�roč� Exponetu !!! ڞasn� věc a předev��m mimoř�dn� n�pad!!!
Ivo Prejda, Czechia
July 03, 2007

S radostou dviham virtualnu casu na oslavu trojrocnice Exponetu a dovolujem si pri tejto prilezitosti podakovat sa vam - pozitivnym sialencom - za doterajsiu pracu a vyslovit neskromne zelanie, aby vam ten elan vytrval i nadalej. Do dalsej trojrocnice vsetko najlepsie a dobre zdravie praje
Miro Bachraty z Bratislavy, Slovakia
July 03, 2007

Gratuluji k v�roč� a k �spěchu. Je to ��asn� mo�nost a umo�ňuje z�skat neskutečn� informace.
Jiř� Sedl�k, Kladno, Czechia
July 02, 2007

It's a great site. I love to explore.
Thomas P. Myers
July 02, 2007 12:43 CET

What an excellent initiative, well done.
Ian Carter, United Kingdom
July 01, 2007 14:30 CET

The Exponet site is a great idea and is a wonderful philatelic resource. Thanks for creating and maintaining it.
Stan Fairchild, USA
June 03, 2007 08:26 PM CET

Perm�tame felicitarlo por su magn�fica idea. Mis deseos para que su obra sea la m�s grande exhibici�n de Filatelia en muy poco tiempo. Muy cordialmente:
Carlos Valenzuela, Presidente Federaci�n Filat�lica Colombiana FEFILCO, Bogot� - Colombia
June 01, 2007 19:49 CET

Congratulation for the speed of the growth of the Exponet offer! Best regards
Igor Pirc, Slovenia
May 31, 2007 23:55 CET

As a Swiss collector, my Argentina collection is found only when clicking on the Swiss flag ( http://www.japhila.cz/hof/0027/index0027a.htm ). So if anyone wants to see Argentina collections other than the 2 shown under the Argentina flag, he has to check all the other countries. Therefore my question. is it not possible to include a browser which permits to find all Argentina collections under the Argentina flag? I hope that you can realize my suggestion sooner or late.
I am happy to read that you are already aware of the problem and particularly that you are doing this excellent job based on idealism as a hobby. Of course take your time! Thank you very much indeed for all those things you are currently doing for the philatelic society. Kind regards and best wishes,
Ren� Jacobsohn, Switzerland
May 05, 2007 11:44 AM CET

...here! here! I really enjoyed the Siam exhibit.
Rod, Australia
March 26, 2007 02:57 CET

Hi, I am always wondering how You manage this project with Your friends. As a could read also Auktionshaus Christoph G�rtner is online now with an exhibition. G�rtner is a very good address and I like to see, that this auction house supports Your project now.
Great work! Thank You once more and all the exhibtioners. kindest regards from Bavaria
Gerhard Reichert, Germany
March 25, 2007 20:05 CET

"...Thanks. It looks really great up on the site. Keep up the good work. You are making a real contribution to philately...".
Steve Davis, USA
March 24, 2007 09:00 CET

...I don't know how you made this, but it is a fantastic job you have done.
Now I know how to arrange them for you, I will make for you for each issue a directory with title page which explain the Issue and have all the related scans inside it...
We are all Iranian Collectors. Thanks Nezam Ansari
March 16, 2007 09:31 CET

On-line International exhibition Exponet and philatelic literature
AIJP-Bulletin 1/2007
Online-Internationales Ausstellungs-Exponet und philatelistische Literatur
AIJP-Bulletin 1/2007

Hi, I have found excellent virtual philatelic exhibition on your website! Great stuff for collectors indeed!
Dario Filjar, Croatia
March 07, 2007 09:16 AM CET

PRAGA 2008 is a showing of the use of electronic media in philately
The presentation of philatelic literature in electronic form has already been mentioned. The organizing committee, however, also intends to give more room to a unique project � the virtual philatelic exhibit Exponet. Philatelists and other interested parties around the world will have the opportunity of viewing the exhibits of this virtual exhibition on the internet. The size of this exhibition is regularly expanded each week by one or two new exhibits. At the same time, the number of visitors to Exponet is also rising.
For visitors to the exhibition PRAGA 2008, the promotion of this virtual exhibit can serve as a source of plentiful information not only for their own collecting activities, but also for inspiration for the presentation of their own exhibits, as well as an appropriate opportunity for comparing of original documents with their electronic versions. It is also certain that the majority of visitors to traditional philatelic exhibitions never get the chance to look in detail at everything that interests them. Here they will have the opportunity to find out that they can thoroughly examine some exhibits even after the exhibition in the comfort of their own homes...
Organisation Committee of World Stamp Exhibition PRAGA 2008: http://www.praga2008.cz/?a=c39&lan=en

PRAGA 2008 - Show mit Nutzung elektronischer Medien in der Philatelie
Die Pr�sentation der Philatelieliteratur in elektronischer Form wurde bereits erw�hnt. Die Absicht des Organisationskomitees der Ausstellung besteht jedoch ebenfalls darin, dem einmaligen Projekt - der virtuellen Philatelieausstellung Exponet - einen gr��eren Stellenwert einzur�umen. Die Philatelisten und weitere Interessenten auf der ganzen Welt k�nnen die Exponate dieser virtuellen Ausstellung im Internet betrachten. Der Umfang dieser Ausstellung wird jede Woche um ein bis zwei neue Exponate ausgeweitet. Derzeit steigt auch die Besucheranzahl der Exponet.
F�r die Besucher der Ausstellung PRAGA 2008 kann die Werbung f�r diese virtuelle Ausstellung nicht nur eine reiche Quelle an Informationen f�r die eigene Sammlert�tigkeit, sondern auch eine echte Inspiration f�r die Pr�sentation der eigenen Exponate und gleichfalls auch eine angemessene Gelegenheit zum Vergleich der Originaldokumente mit ihrer elektronischen Gestalt sein. Au�erdem ist klar, dass die meisten Besucher der traditionellen Philatelieausstellungen somit die M�glichkeit haben, sich im Detail alles anzuschauen, wof�r sie sich interessieren. Hier haben sie nun die M�glichkeit festzustellen, dass sie einige Exponate auch nach der Ausstellung in der Ruhe ihres eigenen Zuhauses sorgf�ltig studieren k�nnen...

PRAGA 2008 je přehl�dkou pou�it� elektronick�ch m�di� ve filatelii
Prezentace filatelistick� literatury v elektronick� podobě ji� byla zm�něna. Z�měrem organizačn�ho v�boru v�stavy v�ak tak� je d�t vět�� prostor i unik�tn�mu projektu � filatelistick� virtu�ln� v�stavě Exponet. Expon�ty t�to virtu�ln� v�stavy maj� mo�nost prohl�et na internetu filatelist� i dal�� z�jemci na cel�m světě. Rozsah t�to v�stavy se pravidelně roz�iřuje ka�d� t�den o jeden a� dva dal�� expon�ty. Současně stoup� i počet n�v�těvn�ků Exponetu.
Pro n�v�těvn�ky v�stavy PRAGA 2008 mů�e b�t propagace t�to virtu�ln� v�stavy bohat�m zdrojem informac� nejen pro vlastn� sběratelskou činnost, ale i dobrou inspirac� pro prezentaci vlastn�ch expon�tů a tak� vhodnou př�le�itost� k porovn�n� origin�ln�ch dokladů s jejich elektronickou podobou. Nav�c je jist�, �e vět�ina n�v�těvn�ků tradičn�ch filatelistick�ch v�stav nikdy nem� mo�nost detailně si prohl�dnout v�e, o co maj� z�jem. Zde budou m�t př�le�itost zjistit, �e někter� expon�ty si mohou důkladně prostudovat i po v�stavě v klidu domova...
Organizacni vybor Světov� v�stavy zn�mek PRAGA 2008: http://www.praga2008.cz/?a=c39&lan=cs
March 2007

The Thai Times - Journal of the Thailand Philatelic Society.
About Exponet. Picture 1 a Picture 2.
Allan Wichelman.
December 2006 (March 2007)

...I am very pleased with how well the pages of my exhibit appear on the Exponet website (http://www.japhila.cz/hof/0193/index0193a.htm). You have done a very nice job. Thank you for your efforts...
Dr. Thomas M. Poulsen, Lenexa, Kansas, USA
March 04, 2007 18:21 CET

Fantastic work, you are doing...
Lars Engelbrecht, Denmark
February 24, 2007 15:23 CET

Congratulations. Very good EXPONET website. Always the best for you
http://StampsIndonesia.com / http://filateli.net
Richard Susilo, Tokyo, Japan
February 3, 2007 03:22 CET

Ad: http://www.japhila.cz/hof/0182/index0182a.htm
Very nice! and now I know why my examples have no margins. The issue after this, Mercury lost his wings.
January 28, 2007 05:51 CET

Ad: THE "ATT" SURCHARGES OF SIAM 1889 - 1908: http://www.japhila.cz/hof/0181/index0181a.htm
I am Thai collector. Thank you for good website and best information it is very hard to find it. Thank you for your update.
January 15, 2007

Ad: THE "ATT" SURCHARGES OF SIAM 1889 - 1908: http://www.japhila.cz/hof/0181/index0181a.htm
Thanks for the link to that stunning collection of Thailand att overprints. Reading through the exhibit, with it's terrific stamps, clear illustrations, and beautifully written descriptions and explanations, I felt that I actually understood those difficult stamps for the first time. It will be a wonderful reference the next time I'm trying to make sense of some atts.
Greg Ioannou
January 14, 2007

Ad: THE MURDER OF LIDICE http://www.japhila.cz/hof/0171/index0171a.htm
...I only had a few minutes to "scan through" this site. Very interesting and well done! I recommend all (especially those interested in the dark years of Nazi-Germany). I was unaware of Lidice... plan on going back to the site when I can take more time to read and look. Thanks!
Bob Emrick
December 15, 2006 17:08 (CET)

THE COMPULATELIST - Quarterly Publication of the Philatelic Computing Study Group, Vol. 17, Nr. 4 (70), October 2006. From last editing: Al Gore - Online exhibition - good or bad?; Milan Cernik - Philatelic exhibition on online at EXPONET. PDF file, 2706 kB.
Milan Cernik (other information) 17.12.2006

"... You are really doing a great job!..."
Lars Boetger, Luxembourg
December 02, 2006 03:11 PM (CET)

"...fine, fine, fine, I appreciate Your exhibitions very well. Thanks You for it." - from news servers - rec.collecting.stamp.discuss
Gerhard Reichert, Germany
October 24, 2006 04:02 PM (CET)

Dear Sir, Please accept my congratulations for EXPONET...
Costas Chazapis (Greece)
October 03, 2006 05:20 PM (CET)

Congratulations on how nicely your site is growing. You have some wonderful material on display.
As the number of exhibits increases, it gets harder and harder to find specific countries. Have you thought about adding a directory by country so if a person was interested in India (for example) by selecting India one could see all the exhibits from that country.
Some people have told me they do not have the energy to search through the whole site to see if there is something there interests them. I wanted to ask you about this.
Sincerely, Steven Zwillinger, USA
26. 9. 2006 18:52 CET

Hello, Greetings from Hong Kong. You have reached the personal email of Dr. Andrew Cheung FRPSL, the current Chairman of the Hong Kong Philatelic Society. We have evaluated your excellent website and have decided to add a link in ours www.hkpsoc.com We have also publicized EXPONET in our monthly newsletter and have asked members wishing to contribute to EXPONET to contact you directly. Keep up the good work.
Dr. Cheung, Hong Kong
18. 9. 2006 22:50 CET

"Exponet is verywell. Congratulations!".
September 14, 2006 12:52 CET

I have visited your web site and I am very impressed with the exhibits. They are not only very attractive but also very informative. Our club is working on our new website, and you can refer to it at: http://www.freewebs.com/abetsky65 In behalf of the club may we request you to allow us to copy some of the exhibits of our choice and add them to our website as a mini-virtual philatelic exhibition. Hoping for your immediate response and kind consideration.
ALBERTO Z. ALCALA, 4301 Lucena City, Philippines
28. 8. 2006 13:00 CET

Thanks for this (EXPONET). This is one of the best projects in philately.
David N. Schwartz, New York, USA
25. 8. 2006 20:34 CET

"Catalogue of Exprinliph - IInd International Exhibition of the Philatelic Press and Literature - Praga 1938". OK, but where are 1st international exhibition? Exponet: http://www.japhila.cz/hof/0113/index0113a.htm

Interesting subject and presentation, Bret.
I have found as follows:
"The first international association of the philatelic press was, the FIPP (Federation International de La Press Philatelique) founded in Italy by Giulio Tedeschi in 1927. The members were informed about the specialist publications with almost 200 bulletins worldwide intil 1938. World conventions took place in Le Havre (1929), Antwerp (1930), Brunswick (1931), Vienna (1933) and in Brussels (1935). The political situation at the time and the Second World War prevented the further development of this early association."

Victor Manta
25. 8. 2006 10:55 CET

"FEPA NEWS 9 - MAY 2006" (Editor: Federation of Euroepan Philatelic Associations) in Article "EXPONET - VIRTUAL PHILATELIC EXHIBITION" write about EXPONET on pages 80-82. See please here (1.jpg / 2.jpg / 3.jpg / 4.jpg).
Mr. Vaz Pereira, Pedro
3. 7. 2006 22:15 CET

"DIE BRIEFMARKE Nr. 7/2006" (Editor: Verband �sterreichische Philatelists) in Article "BRIEFMARKENAUSSTELLUNG IM INTERNET / PHILATELIE UND INTERNET" write about EXPONET from Mag. Friedrich Winter. See please here (*.jpg). "Vielen Dank Herr Mag. Winter von �sterreich.".
Mag. Friedrich Winter, Austria
27. 6. 2006 19:23 CET

Thanks for all your help and please thank Henry for me. Again your site is most impressive and Mr. Hahn's exhibits were great. All board members should take a look at Exponet.
Norman Hinds, USA
13. 6. 2006 21:05 CET

"Linns Stamp, May 15, page 15: COMPUTER AND STAMPS "Exponet web site provides a virtual international philatelic exhibition"
by William F. Sharpe". (Many thanks for Mr. Richard C. Frajola, who send us direct link to Linn's Stamp.).
20. 5. 2006 17:04 CET

"Zpravodaj - Časopis pro členy Společnosti sběratelů československ�ch zn�mek SČF" ve sv�m č�sle 2/2006 přin�� pov�d�n� o Exponetu. Je jen �koda, �e od doby jeho zasl�n� redakci uběhla poměrně značn� doba (5. 12. 2005), a za tu dobu se toho změnilo opravdu hodně. Nepomohla tedy ani "aktualizace" počtu expon�tů. Ka�dop�dně děkujeme agiln� společnosti SSČZ SČF a douf�me, �e jej� členov� se stanou i vystavovateli na Exponetu, t�m sp�e, �e vzorem jim �el jejich předseda - ing. Jiř� Sedl�k - viz http://www.japhila.cz/hof/0101/index0101a.htm
K dispozici jsou 3 obr�zky: pic1, pic2 a pic3. Břetislav Jan�k
20. 5. 2006 16:30 CET

Newsletter Exponetu je �pičkov�!!! Obdivuji, jak� m�te n�pady a jak je realizujete.
Miloslav Marčan, Praha, Česko
18. 5. 2006 17:23 CET

"... som uz pravidelnym navstevnikom medzinarodnej vystavy EXPONET a s odstupom casu si uz dovolim zopar hodnotiacich pripomienok. V prvom rade musim celemu organizacnemu vyboru podakovat za tuto vynikajucu ideu, umoznujucu bez toho, aby clovek vystrcil nos z pohodlia svojej obyvacky ci pracovne, den co den navstevoval medzinarodnu vystavu velmi slusnej urovne a to vsetko bez akychkolvek vydavkov a casoveho obmedzenia.
Vitam tiez pripravovane rozsirenie zaberu vystavy o aktivnu ucast porotcov, k comu sa rad pripojim. Dovolil by som si navrhnut, aby sa k jednotlivym exponatom vyznacilo aj ich hodnotenie na vystavach. Umoznilo by to nielen prezentaciu uspechov vystavovatela, ale aj porovnavat pristup porot na roznych vystavach a v neposlednom rade (najm� potencialnym vystavovatelom) orientaciu v tom, co mozu ocakavat pri hodnoteni svojho exponatu. Mozno by bolo uzitocne zaviest aj moznost vyjadrenia pripomienok alebo upresnujucich navrhov, pripadne opravu omylov ci nepresnosti vo �vystavenych� exponatoch takou formou, ze by boli zaslane elektronicky priamo vystavovatelovi.
Drzim palce teamu EXPONETu, aby mu vysli jeho zamery podla predstav a na uzitok vsetkych, pre ktorych sa stal uz trvalym zdrojom zabavy i poucenia.".
Miroslav Bachrat�, Bratislava, Slovensko
15. 5. 2006 15:18 CET

Great resource! My Linn's column of May 15 will discuss this site.
Bill Sharpe, USA
25. 4. 2006 23:17 CET

"Merkur Revue 2006/1/17-18" have included article about "EXPONET". Here is pdf file (1 382 kB), only in czech. Merkur-Revue, s.r.o., Brno, Czechia
4. 4. 2006 20:00 CET

I�d like to congratulate you on this site, which will, one hopes, not only further interest in philately - but also enable philatelists from all over the world to share their knowledge and experience. Thank you for your hard work and for maintaining the quality of exhibits at such a high level.
Simon Barb, Paris, France
2. 4. 2006 12:40 CET

"...i love this project really. Some days ago I read carefully the exhibition of "Certified mail in Northern Bavaria 1945". I didn�t know anything about this before. Yesterday I found a so called "certified letter" offered by a German dealer. This kind of mail was only possible from 03.09. until 18.09.1945 and only in northern Bavaria. Without my knowledge got from this site I would not have been able to recognice the value of this letter. You do a great job, really, and I appreciate it very well. Thank You for this project.".
Gerhard Reichert, Germany
28. 3. 2006 13:12 CET

"The Perfins Bulletin" - March 2006 - Page 34 - magazine have included article about "EXPONET". Here is picture file (551 kB) and pdf file (303 kB).
The Perfins Club, USA
25. 3. 2006 19:05 CET

It is always interesting for me to visit this site. Thank You.
Gerhard Reichert, Germany
22. 3. 2006 19:14 CET

"Germania" magazine have included article about "EXPONET". Here is pdf file 1,59 MB.
Germany & Colonies Philatelic Society.
P. Gibs H. du Boulay, Aylesbury, Great Britain
6. 3. 2006 06:30 CET

Gratuluji, Katalog celistvost� je zat�m asi největ�� �l�gr, kter� jste uveřejnili a stoj� za to na něm pracovat systematicky i d�l. Jsem nad�en�.
Pavel Pittermann, Praha, Česko
5. 3. 2006 20:30 CET

Nice one - WOW. This is a great site! Tx you very well.
McMahonn V., U.S.A.
22. 2. 2006 15:09 CET

Nonesuch! EXPONET is a very interesting!Many thanks for your idea! Many exhibits for all.
Rob Jeger, USA
5. 2. 2006 16:29 CET

Hi, Great site, I'll forward it to other collectors.
Yannick Delaey, Zwevegem, Belgique
7. 1. 2006 21:25:05 CET

F�r mich ein gutes Forum und eine sehr gute M�glichkeit einmal die deutsche Fiskalphilatelie in der Welt bekannt zu machen. Danke! Eine Super Idee Eurer virtuelles EXPONET! Gute Arbeit das ganze, alle Hochachtung! Bis dann und gr�sse nach Praha!
Wolfgang Morscheck, Deutschland
31. 12. 2005 17:42 CET

Hi, great site! Thank You for this link, it is worth a lot for me, because I am very interested in this period (GERMANY 1945-1949). have a fine day and a fine and happy New Year!
Gerhard Reichert, Germany
27. 12. 2005 11:53 CET

Many thanks !
It is always a pleasure to visit your virtual exhibition.
Pierre Courtiade, France
11. 12. 2005 03:25 CET

Srdečně V�s zdrav�m a děkuji za V� EXPONET, kter� je velice zaj�mav� a pro filatelistu přin�� mnoho zaj�mav�ch studijn�ch sb�rek, ze kter�ch se mů�e ka�d� filatelista poučit po str�nce �pravy vlastn� sb�rky!!!! Obzvl�tě pro ty, kdo� se nemohou z�častniti světov�ch v�stav!!! Ano SRDEČNĚ GRATULUJI v�em vystavovatelům a přeji jim mnoho zaslou�en�ho �spěchu do budoucna.
Srdečně zdrav� a v�e dobr� přeje
Josef Nedomlel, AUSTR�LIE!!!
19. 11. 2005 19:23 CET

One of the most extensive philatelic sites that I have seen and trust that I will continue to visit it regularly to view the variety of collections on display. Although I do not collect the countries so far featured, it is a magnificent source for information not only for myself but for the entire collecting community.
Abraham Luspo, Jr., Manila, Philippines
9. 11. 2005 03:16 CET

...I have looked at your site and was very impressed with it. I am a thematic collector and was delighted to view the "Black Gold" exhibit on the site. I particularly liked the opportunity to look in more detail at the individual pages. As the Secretary of the Philatelic Development Council of the Philatelic Association of NSW I will bring this site to the attention of our members. I have also forwarded this email to the Thematics Queensland Study Group for information. I have also forwarded this email to a few other collectors of other FIP classes who have advised me that they know of your site and how useful it is.
Linda Lee, Australia
7. 11. 2005 06:47 CET

I have checked out your web and find it very interesting! It is a very excellent initiative...
Kjell Arvidsson, Sweden
6. 11. 2005 15:07 CET

...thank you very much by the rapidity to hang my collection. I am very pretty and I really like much like this thank you very much.
Nicolas Berchesi, La Plata Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina
2. 11. 2005 19:25 CET

I have checked out your side and find it to be very interesting! I will include your e-mail in our next issue.
Gary McLean, Editor Korean Philately
31. 10. 2005 07:29 CET

D�ky za senzačn� n�pad s EXPONETEM - je to trval� zdroj poučen� a inspirace.
MVDr. Karel Janda
23. 10. 2005 12:02 CET

A few years ago I found on Japhila the on line exhibition by Milan Čern�k. This exhibition was out of my interest sphere, but I often returned to it to study how this virtual exhibition was built and presented.
In July 2004 when Exponet was presented on Japhila site, I understood that this was something I had been waiting for, a permanent on line exhibition! Suddenly we could study top collections for free, visit them as many times as we wanted to, without travelling, and we could compare our own collections to the on line exhibitions.
Later on, when Mr. Gerhard Hanacek presented his on line exhibition “TSCHECHOSLOWAKEI 1920-1923 DIE FREIMARKENAUSGABEN IN BUCHDRUCK”, (Czechoslovakia – typography stamps 1920-1923) I could state that the Exponet was “going to be something”! This was fascinating, I really enjoyed it. Then, when Mr. Henry Hahn’s on line exhibition ”CZECHOSLOVAKIA - THE FIRST REPUBLIC 1918 – 1938” was presented this year, 2005, on Exponet, that was for me and presumably for all CSR I collectors a real “Christmas gift”. I must admit I don’t know how many times I have returned to this exhibition to study it and to enjoy it. Also Mr V�clav Kostal’s “CSR I - ZEITUNGSMARKEN 1918-1920” and Mr Georg Wilhelms "DIE TSCHECHOSLOWAKISCHE LUFTPOST 1920-1939" caught my interest.
As you can see, my interest is in CSR I stamps, but if you visit the Exponet, you will find many different exhibitions with many different themes. You find there exhibitions with POSTAL HISTORY OF BANGLADESH, REVENUE STAMPS OF THE INDIA STATES, THE FORGERIES OF THE CZECH POST STAMPS, THE BICOLOURED POSTAL STATIONERY OF DENMARK 1871-1905…
So, almost everybody will find something of interest on the Exponet, it’s a paradise for all philatelists.
The possibility to continually be able to compare and study the own collection against Exponet’s different exhibitions is sensational. I don’t doubt that many new exhibitioners will find the Exponet in the future. I hope that many youngsters via Internet and thanks to Exponet will become interested in philately. The possibilities how to enlarge the Exponet is almost unlimited, e.g. the youngster’s corner, the hall of fame…
I wish the Exponet all the best for its first birthday and many exclusive and valuable stamps in its future.
Peter Hoffmann / Lysekill, Sweden. www.phstamps.com
17. 8. 2005 15:30 CET

Před p�r lety jsem se poprv� na Japhile sezn�mil s virtu�ln� expozic� Milana Čern�ka, kde vystavuje sv� „Dvojit� dopisnice v po�tovn�m pou�it� z let 1918–1939“. Mus�m se přiznat, tento obor nen� pr�vě m�m kon�čkem, ale proveden� virtu�ln� v�stavy, prezentace a popis expon�tu mě natolik zaujal, �e jsem se často vracel zpět na Japhilu a zde studoval, jak je tento expon�t proveden�.
V červenci 2004 Exponet poprv� viděl svět a j� jsem pochopil, �e toto je pr�vě to co jsem si ji� d�vno př�l, tedy permanentn� on-line v�stava! Najednou jsme se zde sezn�mili se �pičkov�mi expon�ty a oproti norm�ln� v�stavě zn�mek s tou v�hodou, �e na tuto v�stavu se dostaneme zdarma, bez cestov�n� a nav�c to nejlep��, ka�d� expon�t mů�eme znovu a znovu studovat, prohl�et a porovn�vat doma s vlastn�mi zn�mkami a s katalogem.
Později, kdy� pan Gerhard Hanacek na Exponet zařadil svůj expon�t „Československo 1920–1923 Knihtiskov� vyd�n�“, konstatoval jsem, �e z Exponetu „něco bude“! To bylo ono, to se mi l�bilo!
Letos, tedy 2005, dle m�ho n�zoru a m�ho sběratelsk�ho oboru, kdy� na Exponet byl zařazen expon�t pana Henry Hahna z USA, byl to pro mě a pro sběratele ČSR I hotov� V�nočn� d�rek! Mus�m ř�ci, �e jsem se od toho expon�tu nemohl odtrhnout a kolikr�t jsem to ji� prostudoval, to ani s�m nev�m. Stejně mě zaujaly expon�ty pana V�clava Ko�ť�la – ČSR I Novinov� 1918–1920 a pana Georga Wilhelmse – Československ� leteck� po�ta 1920–1939!
M�m kon�čkem jsou zn�mky ČSR I, to jste snad ji� pochopili, ov�em to neměn� nic na věci �e i sběratel� jin�ch oborů, např�klad perf�nů, celin D�nska, padělků atd. na Exponetu maj� Eldor�do.
St�l� mo�nost studia expon�tů, mo�nost porovn�vat vlastn� sb�rku s v�stavn�mi sb�rkami na Exponetu je nesporně senzačn�. �e Exponet časem, a� sem v�ce vystavovatelů zařad� sv� sb�rky, naroste, o tom nepochybuji a t� nepochybuji o tom �e t�m se Exponet stane ukazatelem, jak d�ky Internetu je mo�n� popularizovat filatelii u ml�de�e.
Douf�m, �e v budoucnu pomoc� skenů extra vz�cn�ch polo�ek expon�tů, kliknut�m na zn�mku budeme m�t mo�nost ji zvět�it a takto studovat vz�cn� typy, deskov� vady, porovn�vat zoubkov�n� i vidět jej� rubovou stranu. Prozat�m na Exponetu chyb� d�l pro ml�de� a snad i Dvorana sl�vy. V�e je technicky mo�n�, jen je třeba vytrvalost a fantazie.
Přeji Exponetu v�e nejlep�� k prvn�m narozenin�m a do budoucna hodně nov�ch vz�cn�ch př�spěvků!
Peter Hoffmann, Lysekill, �v�dsko / www.phstamps.com
7. 8. 2005 11:25 CET

Great site in many ways! Thanks! I`ve added your site to our linkdirectory ... http://www.ephilately.com/links.php
BBDS, Germany
30. 9. 2005 17:47 CET

Congratulations for the excellent initiative! (and for your enchanted city!).
Best wishes Dr. Klerman Wanderley Lopes, MD,22051-010 Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
8. 6. 2005 14:40 CET