Ari Brown CD Release party Checkerboard Lounge Chicago Live jazzconcert review and photos by James Walker (original) (raw)

Story and Photos by James Walker

If last Sunday's session at the Checkerboard Lounge is any indicatiion of what's forthcoming (and based on the lineup for the next several weeks, this writer doesn't see why it shouldn't) the Hyde Park Jazz Society's weekly Sunday set is defintely the place to be for the discerning jazz fan.

Premier reedist Ari Brown and his exceptional bandmates chose the Sunday CheckerJazz set as the setting for their CD/DVD release party. The highly acclaimed recording ("Live at the Green Mill" was recognized as an international Top-10 CD by this website, as well as receiving high accolades and a top-10 ranking from Chicago Tribune's jazz critic Howard Reich) was recorded live at the north side jazz club last June.

Although Ari has been performing around the Chicago Area for decades, he's never received the national recognition that he so deservedly has earned. Perhaps this is the project that will alter that perception.

Sunday's Checker audience was another SRO crowd that anxiously awaited the official debut of the CD/DVD. Fortunately, the entire original group that was present during the recording also graced the stage this evening.That included one of Chicago's most underrated trumpeter, Pharez Whitted. Pharez is often seen performing throughout the Chicago Area and is a principal member of John Faddis's Chicago Jazz Ensemble. Ari's brother Kirk gracefully tickled the 88s as uaual. Steady bassist Yosef Ben Isreal, drummer Avreeayl Ra and percussionist Dr. Cuz rounded out this exceptional aggregate.In addition, they were joined during the 2nd set by former Chicagoan trombonist T.S.Galloway. T.S. spends most of his time these days performing in Holland. If that wasn't enough, Chicago Tribune's Jazz entertainer fo 2007 , Dee Alexander and's concert of 2007 winner, Corey Wilkes sat in on a couple numbers toward the conclusion of this fantastic three plus hour performance.Pharez Whitted

The first set started with a mellow Henry Mancini standard "The Days Of Wine and Roses". Ari called it a "warm up" but they wasted little time heating things up with expansive solos by all and spirited exchanges between Ari and Pharez.

A few words about Pharez. He's one of those "professional professionals" who just simply plays beautifully. Seldom is he seen fronting a band, yet he seems to alway be there for those important gigs. Pharez just loves playing and is often seen "jamming" at the most unlikely spots. This writer has observed him playing at places like "City Life" on 83rd St.,"The Negro League" in Bronzeville, the "Green Mill" on the North side and always with the big bands at the Millennium Park during the summer and of course, with the Chicago Jazz Ensemble. He's underrated but not under appreciated.

Most of the music played this evening was either from the live recording or other Ari originals. On his "The Waltz of the Prophets", Pharez had an extended solo that again demonstrated his patient and thoughtful touch. He never seems to overplay. Also on this number, Kirk is as smooth as always. He seems to play at the same steady pace , never changing expressions. Nevertheless though, it must be noted that on this evening, the sound from the keyboard , for those sitting on the west side of the stage, was simply too low. That was unfortunate because Kirk is an excellent keyboardist.

Dr. Cuz joined the group at the start of the 3rd tune "Shorter's Vibes". This up-tempo number was ideal for the vibrant Dr. Cuz. Henceforth, he never let up. His strokes on the congo skins ,along with the quick handed Avreeayl Ra on the drums ,kept perfect time throughout the evening.They both reacted instinctly to Ari and Pharez's charges without hesitation. Watching Ra play is such a pleasure as he "cooks" from start to finish. Dr. Cuz definitely has the correct title as he methodically "operated" like a surgeon. Ari switched to the soprano on this song with the same beautiful results. The band probably hit it's peak on the compelling original with Dr. Cuz going into overdrive, to the delight of this very appreciative audience. After this cooker, Ari slowed the pace with "You Don"t Know What Love Is".

Dee AlexanderThey concluded the 1st set with an up tempo song with a latin flavor called "Where Do You Want to Go". On this number, Ari was at his best, as he gathered both the tenor and soprano sax to play simultaneously, reminisicent of the late Rahsaan Roland Kirk. A perfect climax to an exceptional first set.

As is often the case at CheckerJazz, it took a few minutes of coaxing by Ari to regain the attention of audience after the intermission. This seems to occur because this setting often attracts an interactive crowd seeing old friends in an environment out of the past. "Meet and Greet" appears to be an attraction at CheckerJazz.

As promised, former Chicagoan, trombonist T.S. Galloway joined the fray. They started this set with a beautiful rendition of the standard "Autumn Leaves". It was a pleasure seeing a trombonist on stage as it seems to be a missing component at most jazz venues. Let's hope T.S. shows up at more sets during his extended stay in Chicago.

The next number, "Richard's Tune" was written by Ari in the 70s and was once recorded by the late Chicago Sax man , Gene Ammons. Ari shared the story that he heard this tune on the radio under a different title and needless to say had to legally remedy the situation.

Toward the conclusion of the evening, Ari invited Chicago's premier vocalist Dee Alexander and trumpeter Cory Wilkes to the stage for a few selections. Dee graciously stepped to the mic and immediately began singing and beautifully "chirping" Nina Simone's "So Good" . She was "accompanied" by her cousin Corey.What a bonus for the crowd to be entertained by Ari and his world class band, in addition to Dee and Corey.

This writer would be remiss without giving special mention to bassist Yosef Ben Israel. Yosef never draws attention to himself, but his presence is always felt and appreciated.

Congratulations Ari on another fine performance and spectacular CD/DVD. Throughout the night, his chops were "right on time". Ari continues to prove himself as a hard-swinging technically adept post-bop saxophonist. Tonight was no exception.

What a way to start the new year. Jazz fans, this is just the beginning at CheckerJazz. Charlie Thomas and the Hyde Park Jazz Society has lined up the following outstanding schedule for the remainder of January and Febuary. One final word, if you plan to attend , get there early or you may be turned away.

Click here to visit the Hyde Park Jazz Society's Web site