BeBop Brass Jazz Institute of Chicago Jazz City Live jazz concert review and photos by James Walker (original) (raw)

Story and Photos by James Walker

One of Chicago's "best kept secrets" is the collaboration between the Jazz Institute of Chicago and the Chicago Park District's Jazz City series, which occurs about ten times a year at one the Park District's neighborhood field houses. These concerts are free of charge, and usually include some of Chicago's finest jazz musicians.

The most recent edition was no exception,as the Ken Chaney led Bebop Brass group was on "fire" at Lafollette Park on the evening of November 7th. This exceptional group consisted of trumpeters Orbert Davis, Pharez Whitted, David Young, trombonists T.S. Galloway, Tom Garling, Norman Palm , and the remaining rhythm section of bassist Josh Ramos and drummer Makaya McCraven. It was a nice mixture of Jazz Masters and "Young Veterans," coming together to perform a very tightly woven set. This listener continues to be impressed with the camaraderie that exist between these two "classes" of musicians throughout Chicago. Chaney, Galloway and Davis have participated in these concerts since their inception in 1997.

Each ensemble member had ample space to "stretch" during the initial selection, which gave a clue to the night's format which would allow everyone many opportunities for extended solos, in addition to "blasting" away in unison on many occasions. It was during the second number that T.S. Galloway unveiled a new composition in honor of Lauren Deutsch, executive director of Jazz Institute. It was appropriately entitled, "Lauren's Laurel." It was on this number that Pharez Whitted cut loose with some rapid fire action with his trumpet. This listener has had the pleasure of observing Pharez on a number occasions in recent weeks, and he continues to be extremely impressive with his style and skill.

This esteem ensemble closed out the first set with a new Ken Chaney composition entitled, "Sambalaya." Chaney indicated it was a mixture of Latin sounding "samba" and New Orleans "Jambalaya." Chaney is not only an outstanding pianist, but also an excellent composer. Ken often debuts new material at Jazz City Concerts.

Another Chaney original, "Africa Visit," afforded drummer McCaraven room to explode on the drum kit, while trombonist Palm belted out a nice extended solo. Perhaps the highlight of the evening occurred during the playing of the night's finale,"Loose Blues", during which each bandmate soloed while others accompanied in unison. This was trumpeter David Young's finest moment. As this writer glanced around the room, it was very noticeable that this somewhat "seasoned" crowd was bopping and nodding as Young was blowing at a rapid rate. They were simply enjoying every moment of this remarkable concert and didn't want it to end.

Jazz City's 2008-2009 finale takes place on Friday, Dec. 5, 2008 with a tribute to the late drummer Art Blakey. Pianist Robert Irving III, will lead a world class group of musicians including bassist Harrison Bankhead, trumpeter Corey Wilkes and renowned drummer Winard Harper. This event promises to be one of the year's highlights and it's advisable for all to arrive at Hamilton Park prior to the 7pm start time.

Finally, special mention must be given to the young "Jazz Links," which consist of high school students primarily from Chicago Public Schools, who open most of the JazzCity concerts. For those who have seen them perform throughout the year, it's very comforting to recognize the future of Chicago Jazz is in good hands. Those performing on this occasion included Devin Foster on bass, Nat Flack on guitar, Michael Piolet on drums Billy Gowans on piano and led by saxophonist John Foster. These young people can play!!!!!!!

For detailed information about future JazzCity events and /or Jazz Institutes programs, please refer to their website at For future JazzCity and/or Jazz Institute programs, refer to their website at <>.