Steve Hashimoto's Mothra Tradewind CD Release party Green Mill Lounge live concert review by Brad Walseth and photos by John Broughton (original) (raw)

Story by Brad Walseth and Photos by John Broughton

A mystical musical monster of sorts arose Friday night and with no Godzilla or Tokyo skyline in sight, instead alighted on the Green Mill stage for two sets of earth-shaking jazz music. Led by talented electric bassist Steve Hashimoto, the band has been around the Chicago scene in various configurations for several decades, and many of the current members have been working with Steve for many years. On this evening, drummer Heath Chappell, saxophonists Dan Hesler and Mike Levin, guitarist Pat Fleming and vibraphonist Kathy Kelly joined Hash onstage to produce a highly entertaining night for the crowd in the legendary North side lounge.

Wielding his Tobias fretless bass and shouting out directions, Hashimoto led his group through several pieces from the band's fine new release, Tradewind (see our review here) on the Chicago Sessions label. Hashimoto-penned compositions from the new album, such as "Farewell to Manzanar," "Tradewind" and "Eloise," along with ones written by John Lewis ("Now You Know," "Happenstance") were presented, along with a Chico Freeman cover ("Kings of Mali") and Sun Ra's "The Kingdom of Not" -- a piece Hash pulled out as a surprise to his bandmates. Additionally, a tune from an earlier Mothra release (now out of print) and the wonderfully upbeat "Just Like Julie" from the Hashimoto-led Latin band Suenos' superb 2006 release, Azul Oscuro. Several of the members of Mothra also are members of that group as well.

Saxophonists Dan Hesler and Mike Levin make a formidable front line, which each displaying personalities and techniques that serve to complement each other and the total band sound. To simplify would be to say Hesler fills the more melodic area on a wide range of acoustic reeds, while Levin tends to add the edgier electronically-effected sounds, but that does a disservice as both are simply great players with many skills. Guitarist Pat Fleming struck a brilliant route between blues and fusion that fit perfectly with the Mothra sound. Hashimoto seemed to direct Fleming more, perhaps indicating he was not as familiar with the material, but you would have never guessed from the sensitive notes he was playing in cascades along his fretboard.

Drummer Chappell is completely in tune with what is happening on stage and helps Hash keep the music centered, but his playing is anything but straight-ahead. The way his sticks move around his kit indicate a creativity and joyousness that is rare and much appreciated in drummers. Hash's bass emitted a nice warm tone, but he played aggressively much of the time, as though he was driving the band. His solo near the end of the concert pushed the limits of the music to the edge in a delicious and devilish manner. Completing the group, vibraphonist Kathy Kelly was integral to the overall sound of the keyboard-less group, comping where a pianist might and soloing with verve and energy that one might find surprising from such a sweet and gentle person. Kelly is a Chicago gem and certainly deserves more recognition for exceptional playing.

In a night full of highlights, one surely must mention the band's excellent performance of the extremely difficult Hashimoto composition, "Control Freak," which Hashimoto said had more than a few of the people on stage sweating in anticipation of performing. No worries, this capable band sailed through with flying colors. Chicago is lucky to have musicians of this caliber performing and would do well to support groups like Mothra through attending their gigs and purchasing their CDs. Cheers to Steve and his excellent musicians for persevering to create, produce and perform such enjoyable music.