Robert Irving III Miles Davis tribute live at Velvet Lounge Chicago jazz concert review and photos by James Walker (original) (raw)

Story and photos by James Walker, Jr., Copyright 2010

Class was in session at the Velvet Lounge on Memorial Day as "Professor" Robert "Baabe" Irving III was paying homage to his mentor, trumpeter Miles Davis. This was Irving's 3rd annual tribute to one of America's most influential jazz icons.

Irving was Miles' musical director for five years in the eighties and always disseminates a wealth of knowledge about the eclectic Davis during these celebrations. Accompanying "Baabe" was bassist Larry Gray, drummer Perry Wilson, saxophonist Geof Bradfield and trumpeter Walter "Mr.Cool" Henderson. Henderson, not a household name in the Chicago jazz scene, was the perfect character to feel Miles' trumpet role for this set. He's deliberate, patient and thoughtful - with impeccable touch during his solos.

They opened the set with "Dear Old Stockholm," with all except the leader warming up with nice extended solos. "Baabe" previously indicated this would be a challenging set in that all numbers would include new arrangements and not just the rehashing of Miles's classic tunes.

Baabe chose "Kelo" as the next number. This was a piece written by trombonist J.J. Johnson and recorded in 1953, but never released. Chicago trombonist Edwin Velazquez was invited to the bandstand to accompany the band. He displayed a rich robust sound - blowing fast flourishes during his extended solos. Bassist Gray had the first of many solid solos during this uptempo number.

A highlight of the first set took place during their playing "Blue in Green," a Bill Evans composition. Baabe indicated that Evans was Miles' favorite keyboardist and composer. This number began at a moderate pace by Baabe and eventually heated up with Henderson changing the tempo, while Gray was working overtime with deep bass tones.

The first set concluded with the classic "Seven Steps To Heaven." This is a number that has been recorded by many artists including Baabe on his New Momentum CD. Miles rerecorded this number with perhaps his most influential group that included Herbie Hancock, Buster Williams, Wayne Shorter and Ron Carter. This was another opportunity for all to express themselves, especially Baabe.

The second set included classics like "Stella By Starlight," "ESP," "Footprints" and "Tout De Suite." "Stella" was perhaps Henderson's finest moment. He was in a "zone" as he expressed himself. "Mr.Cool" was aggressive and confrontational as he hit his peak with passionate riffs, shifting into overdrive. Virtuoso Gray unleashed his staggering bass with reckless abandon as he closed his eyes and stroked away.

On Wayne Shorter's "Footprints," Bradfield's smooth, soulful tenor was dominant, while Wilson was "killin" in the background before he went into attack mode on his drum kit. Baabe also soloed nicely on this number.

They concluded this fine set with a piece from Miles' "electric" era. Miles was always "pushing the envelope" and looking for new challenges. "Tout De Suite" was one of those numbers which featured Grey on the electric bass.What a sight to see these cats jamming away as those in the crowd demonstrated their approval with foot tapping and head nodding. Thank you Professor Irving for keeping Miles' music alive with your annual commemoration of his birthday. Kudos also to Velvet proprietor legendary saxophonist Fred Anderson for hosting this momentous event. For future Velvet sets, refer to their website at