Charles Rick Heath live at the Regal theater Chicago jazz concert reviews and photos by James Walker, Jr. (original) (raw)

Story by James Walker, Jr., file photos by James Walker, Jr., except Chris Neal at the Chicago Jazz Fest, and Rick Heath at the Latin Jazz Fest by Brad Walseth, Copyright 2008-10

here's a new jazz venue in town and it's located at the Regal Theater on 79th. Street. Yes, the same historic Regal that housed some America's most renowned and respected Rhythm and Blues artists. Charles Heath is hosting Jazz'n at the Regal each Wednesday from 7pm to 10pm - featuring some of Chicago's finest jazz ensembles. This writer visited the Regal on June 16th, when drummer Heath just happened to be the featured artist. Joining Heath was bassist Josh Ramos, keyboardist Roger Harris, saxophonist Chris Neal, and tap dancer extraordinaire Jumaane Taylor.

On this occasion, Heath was also celebrating his birthday and the room was filled with well wishers and jazz aficionados. The unique setting for this affair is actually the Regal's inner lobby that has been converted into an intimate "cabaret" style room. In addition to the extensive beverage list, an array of food items are provided at a reasonable cost. Heath has worked hard to provide a first class jazz set on the far south side that has been lacking for years. They opened this set with a Wayne Shorter selection entitled "Yes or No." It seems like most Chicago jazz artists incorporate a Shorter number somewhere during their performance. Not only is Shorter an exceptional musician, but also a phenomenal composer. Of course Neal was featured, but the smooth stroking Heath wasted little time demonstrating his rapid fire action on the drum kit. This set the tone for the night and resulted in a rousing ovation from the audience.

Heath followed that number with his own composition of "Memories of Grand "B," a selection he wrote honoring his grandmother. This is one of this writer's favorite pieces that was often played on "Jazz Chicago Style" on WNUA.

Hoofer Jumaane Taylor stepped into the spotlight with some fast paced tapping. Heath even left his drum kit and joined Taylor at his board, using it while Taylor tapped. It produced a beautiful sight and sound. Again, the audience was ecstatic.

Another first set highlight was Roger Harris's extended solo on Horace Silver's "Song for My Father." Ramos' bass was recognizable during this selection, including a bass line from Miles Davis' "So What." Oh yea, Taylor was at it again with his "foot action."

The second set consisted of more fine sticking, blowing, plucking, chord tickling and tapping. At one point, Heath and Taylor engaged in an extended "call and response" session that the crowd simply loved. What a novel idea that Heath included Taylor on this set as he opened the eyes of all present. Let's hope he'll be featured by other band leaders in the near future.

Folks, check out this outstanding format that Charles Heath is producing at the Regal. For details about July's events at the Regal, refer to