Lady T live at Hyde Park Union Church jazz concert review and photos by James Walker (original) (raw)

Story and Photos by James Walker, Jr.

The Hyde Park Jazz Society's recent Sunday set at the Hyde Park Union Church Social Hall featured Lady T Marcelain's quintet. In addition, The John Wright Music honored legendary South Side pianist Dave "The Piano Man" Green.

Lady T, often seen accompanying pianist John Wright, assembled a group consisting of bassist Doug Hayes, drummer Rusty Jones, pianist Ben Paterson and guitarist Jim Pierce. Veteran Pierce also performs with Wright's groups.

Lady T's set primarily consisted of jazz standards with many appearing on her new CD entitled "Speak Low." She began the set with "How High The Moon," preceded with historical perspective of the song's origin during World War ll . Lady T throughout this set shared with the audience information about each selection.

The CD title number followed with guitarist Jim Pierce giving the audience a sample of what would be the theme throughout the evening. His soloing was noteworthy as he consistently demonstrated fleet fingered fluidity. Pierce and Lady T work so well together and he complements her vocals with ease.

Young pianist Ben Paterson also distinguished himself during this first set. His approach to soloing was controlled and thoughtful yet on numbers like "Save Your Love For Me" and "Broadway," his touch was also impeccable. It was quite obvious that this veteran South Side crowd was enjoying each and every tickling of the 88s by this University of Chicago graduate. He received rousing ovations after each solo.

Others numbers during the first set that were well done by Lady T included "My Ship," "Black Coffee" and the set's final selection, "Old Devil Moon/Killer Joe." She was at her best with clear, and focused vocals as they closed the first set.

Many in attendance on this evening came to pay homage to "The Original Chicago Piano Man," Dave Green. The eighty plus year old legendary vocalist/pianist has performed for decades throughout the Chicago Area and around the country. Green even toured with the Ebony Magazine Fashion Fair and performed at the Smithsonian Institute, and is always clad in his trademark top hat and tuxedo.

Before becoming a professional musician, Green was a boxer for 11 years and often sparred with the great Sugar Ray Robinson. On this evening, he was accompanied by many family members including his wife LaVerne and daughter Marsha Green Harris who introduced him. Congratulations "Piano Man" and continue during what you do best, playing the 88s.

Norman Bolden, owner of Room 43 announced Hyde Park Jazz Society's return to his 1043 East 43rd Street venue this Sunday, May16th with the appearance of Ron Salter and The Most Wanted. For details about future Hyde Park Jazz Society sets, refer to their website at