Corey Wilkes live DVD at Close Up 2 review and photos by James Walker (original) (raw)

Story and Photos by James Walker

There was a buzz in the air as the crowd began to assemble at Close Up 2 on Wednesday, October 10th, shortly after 6:00 pm to be part of the scheduled 7:00 pm live DVD recording by one of Chicago's premiere trumpeters, Corey Wilkes. CU2 was hosting its inaugural live recording session, sponsored by Chicago's Delmark Records, and all assembled anxiously awaited the start. By 7:00 pm, there wasn't a seat to be found in the cozy South Loop contemporary jazz club. That didn't deter the discerning jazz crowd from seeking any available space that by 7:30 pm was non-existent.

Corey, under normal standards, often draws a standing room only crowd, and this was not just another weekly gig. Finally, by 7:45, the band was ready to begin. For this auspicious occasion, Corey had assembled some of his trusted Chicago colleagues, along with a couple of out-of-towners. On alto sax, his ever-present sidekick; Jabari Liu, playing bass was the hard-working Junius Paul; on keyboard former Miles Davis pianist Robert �Baabe� Irving III. They were joined by New York-based drummer Jeremy �Bean� Clemmons and NYC tenor saxophonist Chelsea Barantz. The hour-long first set began with multi-talented spoken word artist �Miyanda,� reciting a beautiful poem by Langston Hughes. Corey and the band accompanied her with soft notes in the background.

MiyandaAs the band began playing its first tune, it was very evident that this would be a combined effort of all the members, and not just a solo act by the virtuoso Corey Wilkes. Although throughout the night, it was always evident who the star was, all of Corey's sidemen adeptly shared in the spotlight. From the top of the first set, Chelsea and �Baabe� both soloed on Corey's original tune, �The Voice.� Corey previously penned that tune for the Jazz Institute of Chicago. That was followed by another Wilkes original entitled �Drop It.� During this uptempo tune, Jabari skillfully soloed from the top, while Junius and �Baabe� took turns soloing. Not to be outdone, Corey delivered some explosive notes on this tune. Corey's trumpet is always impressive: powerful with a robust sound. His energy level always amazes this writer, and on this song he was at his best. It was quite evident that Corey was in a �zone� and having a great time. He always seems to be able to reach another level, blowing fast and crisp with his signature bold attack on each note.

Throughout the evening, drummer Clemmons displayed quick hands and instincts that allowed him to react in the moment to the others' movements. His drumming was reminiscent of what's often displayed by the fine drummers in Chicago.

During the 2nd set, Chelsea seemed to be more relaxed and at ease as she opened with a beautiful high-energy solo which brought the crowd to its feet.

Junius PaulAs the band played their rendition of Freddie Hubbard's �Red Clay� they hit their peak with bassist Paul's deep bass tones and passionate playing, going into overdrive above the parallel play of the others. They really worked well together on this piece.

This writer would be remiss if special mention wasn't given to Robert �Baabe� Irving III. The elder statesman of the group was consistent all evening, working with this band of highly-skilled young musicians. �Baabe� often goes unnoticed because he is so low-key and humble, but he is truly a masterful pianist.

This was truly an outstanding evening of jazz, displayed by one of the nation's exceptional trumpeters, and his band. Corey is such a diverse and unique artist, who often puts together groups whose skills fit the particular genre of the evening. Playing with Corey requires the ability to cross many boundaries. This evening it was straight ahead jazz at its best.

Finally, thanks Delmark Records, thanks Close Up 2, thanks Corey Wilkes for joining forces and producing an exceptional evening of music that those in attendance benefited from by their presence. Others will have a similar opportunity in early 2008, to share in the excitement. Although a March 2008 date is targeted for the release of this live DVD, one can catch Corey throughout Chicago most weeks and enjoy great contemporary jazz at Close Up 2 every weekend.