The Java Community Process(SM) Program - JSRs: Java Specification Requests (original) (raw)

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JSRs: Java Specification Requests
List of all JSRs By Number By Date
41 A Simple Assertion Facility
Description: A new keyword allowing programmers to include assertions describing intended program behavior, which can be checked as programs execute to detect bugs.
Status: Final
Latest Stage:
Spec Lead: Joshua Bloch, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
107 JCACHE - Java Temporary Caching API
Description: Specifies API and semantics for temporary, in memory caching of Java objects, including object creation, shared access, spooling, invalidation, and consistency across JVM's.
Status: Maintenance
Latest Stage: Maintenance Review Ballot 2 View results Start: 2019-03-05 End: 2019-03-11
Spec Lead: Joseph Fialli, Oracle
Spec Lead: Gregory Robert Luck, Luck, Gregory Robert
Spec Lead: Brian Oliver, Oracle
Spec Lead: Cameron Purdy, Oracle
173 Streaming API for XML
Description: The Streaming API for XML (StAX) is a Java based API for pull-parsing XML.
Status: Withdrawn
Reason: Since version 1.0, JSR 173 StAX API has been distributed as both a standalone technology and part of the Java SE. The API has been stable without any significant changes since then and the need to use newer releases of the StAX API with shipping releases of Java SE has mostly disappeared in recent years.In accordance with JCP 2.10 Process Document, Platform inclusion, we are announcing the end of JSR 173 StAX Standalone distribution. After MR5, StAX 1.4, the technology that JSR 173 defines will be delivered as a part of the Java SE solely. Future changes in the StAX API will be defined through the Platform JSR.The subsumption of the StAX API into the Platform JSR does not change any mechanisms defined in StAX. The service provider interfaces are the same except that they will then be directly specified in the Platform JSR. Deployment of alternative implementations of the StAX APIs will continue to be supported.
Latest Stage: Withdrawn Effective: 2016-07-26
Spec Lead: Christopher Fry, BEA Systems
Spec Lead: Devasena Sagar, Oracle
189 JavaTM 3D API 1.4
Description: This JSR will add new large scale funtionality to Java 3D. Possible technologies for inclusion include programmable shading and advanced rendering techniques.
Status: Withdrawn
Reason: The changes to the Java 3D API as originally envisioned by JSR-189 were quite significant, and were planned as part of a major API release, for which we had planned to form an expert group under the JSR. Due to changes in the nature of the project development, this effort was discontinued in 2002, a few months after the JSR was filed. JSR-189 was left open as a place-holder, but it no longer makes sense to leave it open. At the time of withdrawal, the Java 3D API was a community source project on, where all new development had happened over the past 18 months. They were actively developing the 1.4 API release with help from the Java 3D community on This release was a much more modest undertaking than was originally planned, and all new API changes are being designed with public input. As such they closed this JSR, and did Java 3D 1.4 as a maintenance release under the JCP.
Latest Stage: Withdrawn Effective: 2005-11-08
Spec Lead: Kevin Rushforth, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
358 A major revision of the Java Community Process
Description: This JSR will make a variety of changes and adjustments to the Java Community Process, revising the Process Document, the EC Standing Rules, and the JSPA.
Status: Withdrawn
Reason: At the January 2016 meeting of the JCP Executive Committee (EC) the EC was informed that Oracle Legal had advised that no changes should be made to the JSPA or to JSR licensing models while litigation is ongoing (see the public minutes for more details).Consequently the EC decided at the March meeting to withdraw (close) JSR 358. Another JSR ('') will be opened to work on changes that can be implemented by modifying only the Process Document, and we hope and expect that we will be able to pick up the more substantive changes that were being considered for JSR 358 as soon as the litigation is completed.
Latest Stage: Withdrawn Effective: 2016-03-30
Spec Lead: Patrick Curran, Oracle
915 J2SETM 1.4 (Merlin) Maintenance Review
Description: Details of specification changes made in version 1.4 ("Merlin") of the JavaTM 2 Platform, Standard Edition.
Status: Maintenance
Latest Stage: Maintenance Draft Review Download page Start: 2001-07-26 End: 2001-08-27
Spec Lead: Alan Sommerer, Sun Microsystems, Inc.