Current Chaos Manor mail (original) (raw)

Friday, June 24, 2011

TSA shakedown in Tampa -

Dear Jerry,

It is late and I was just running through stuff on my computer before heading for bed when I saw the story about VIPR and the TSA shaking down a bus station on your site. I tried looking for it online and found no major outlet talking about it. I searched "TSA" on the Fox channel 13 site for the Tampa area and did not come up with it. I tried on another major news site-no joy. I see a rather sketchy clip on YouTube. Admittedly this is not extensive research.

Now I would not put this incident as being beyond something TSA would do. However, I would expect to see something on a major news outlet, and would also expect to hear at least token yelling by some civil rights organization. Maybe things really are this bad already, but I would really like to find a mainstream source for this story.

If this is true, it is chilling. If it is a hoax, it says something about the fears building in our nation. If it is a hoax I wish "they" would consider that fake footage will steal the strength of anything that is real.

Respectfully, Rose

I have looked -- not very hard -- for confirmations, and found none, and I have asked in a couple of conferences of people who have better connections than most.

I am concerned mostly that we can't just say, "nonsense!" and have done with it -which we most certainly could have any time in the last Millennium. I hat to think that such things are possible; but then I would have said it was impossible that a Federal Agent woud try to confiscate a retired general's Medal of Honor on the grounds that it might be used as a weapon on an airplane flight, and that, alas, was entirely true. I would have thought that any Federal Officer who tried that needed to be dismissed, on the grounds of stupidity, but if not on that, on the grounds that we do not want anyone who would do that to be a federal officer.


Here is another that one hopes cannot possibly be true.

A woman was arrested for videotaping police from her front yard in Rochester, New York.

The woman, who is unidentified at this point, was recording a traffic stop where police had a man handcuffed on May 12th. The video was uploaded to Blip TV today.

The cops noticed her recording and started hassling her with absurd notions.

�I don�t feel safe with you standing behind me, so I�m going to ask you to go into your house,� the cop said.

�You seem very anti-police � due to what you said to me before you started taping me.�

It is not clear what she said before she started recording, but if she said anything threatening, they would have arrested her at that moment.

She ended up getting handcuffed and taken away after she refused to walk into her house, even though she was clearly on her own property. </>

-------- Most Respectfully,

Joshua Jordan, KSC


But we have

Now this is something I found in a mainstream Florida news source -

Don't shoot photos or video? But it's a public space

R, Rose

But this is the most open administration in the history of the nation




The F.B.I. seized Web servers in a raid on a data center early Tuesday, causing several Web sites, including those run by the New York publisher Curbed Network, to go offline.

Mr. Ostroumow said that the F.B.I. was only interested in one of the company�s clients but had taken servers used by �tens of clients.�It is not clear what the F.B.I. was looking for, or whether the raid was in response to recent attacks by hacker groups on corporate and government sites.

A government official who declined to be named said earlier in the day that the F.B.I. was actively investigating the Lulz Security group and any affiliated hackers. The official said the F.B.I. had teamed up with other agencies in this effort, including the Central Intelligence Agency and cybercrime bureaus in Europe.



DailyTech - USC Researchers Switch Rat Memories On and Off,

Researchers Switch Rat Memories On and Off with chemicals:

OK. We expected this would come someday. But this next is fascinating: �In addition, the researchers built an artificial hippocampal system that could mimic the interactions between the CA3 and CA1. When the electronic device was activated, the pharmacologically blocked rats were able to remember their long-term training once again.�



Good News

<.> Increasing federal debt will be a growing burden on government action, crowding out lawmakers� ability to adopt tax and spending priorities in good times and reducing flexibility during recessions, all while making a fiscal crisis more likely and hindering long-term growth, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office said Wednesday. </>

Now I know that seems like bad news at first, but the operative words are: "a growing burden on government action". You see, when they can't act we won't suffer! =) If only that were true...

-------- Most Respectfully, Joshua Jordan, KSC

Good news. Yes, of course.


Sea Shadow

Not an example of a Naval reduction in force.

The Navy will scrap a twenty-six year old X-Project test vehicle. They tried for five years to get a museum to take it, no takers.

I cannot imagine the Navy failed to wring everything out of the Sea Shadow she had to give, not in twenty-one years of operation's. You can see design features obviously based on her in the latest classes of USN destroyers and frigates.

Not to mention that the ultimate stealth ship was invented about two hundred years ago.

By Robert Fulton.

But the Surface Warfare guys are clever, and equipped with iron rice bowls. Kind of like the fighter jocks. Fortunately the Army finally got rid of the cavalry, or we might still have those dashing troopers insisting they were still relevant.

Then again, a horse is fairly stealthy, at least compared to a tank, and as long as you keep the Old Grey Mare downwind of the enemy.


I expect you are right. Good news. One less thing to be concerned about.


But where to put the turtles ?

Jay Lake fans rejoice: a copy of the long lost Mother of all Flat Earth maps has been found!

-- Russell Seitz

It's turtles all the way down...


ethanol "myths"


Here is a defense of ethanol� Do any of your experts know if the statements in the article are true?

In a nutshell, the article essentially states that nearly all of the criticisms of ethanol use for automotive fuel have been addressed through increased production efficiency, and future efficiency gains (such as engines optimized for ethanol use) will make ethanol even better overall than petroleum fuels.

It seems a bit too optimistic and the expert certainly has a personal interest in ethanol production, working for Argonne Natl. Lab to make ethanol fuels work. So is he right or�?


I have not done a serious study of ethanol for years, but I do wonder why it needs subsidies if it's so useful? Harnessing solar power to make storable energy is inefficient. Ethanol is inefficient. The numbers count, and I have not done them in a while. But I worry about systems that require subsidies.




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