Paying for this place (original) (raw)

Chaos Manor - Paying for this Place

With Dr. Pournelle's passing on 8 Sep 2017, subscribing is still encouraged to support his wife, Roberta Pournelle, and this site. Normally, you would get a response from Jerry on your subscription. You can still contribute by subscribing, with the thanks of the family. Your contributions will help keep this site alive; we plan on reposting Dr. Pournelles posts and reports.

Thanks for your interest in Dr. Pournelle's writings. He will be missed.

October 25, 2015

Both sites, and Chaos Manor Reviews, are operated on the "public radio" model: they stay open if enough subscribe. So far there have been enough, and Thanks!

But: it is a LOT of work. I really can't keep this place open without subscribers. A subscription to either site is a subscription to both, and gets the password to all closed areas.

There are three grades of subscription: Regular, Patron, and Platinum, as described below.

Subscription Levels

Regular subscribers don't get many extra privileges; it's just a way to send me more money, which I greatly appreciate. Cost is $20/year.

Patron subscribers get the password to the closed area, and are a mainstay of keeping this place open. I'm very grateful to Patron Subscribers. Cost is $36/year.

Platinum subscribers get some personal attention, but mostly they enable me to work on what I think is important rather than worry about turning out words for immediate money. Platinum subscribers will get some benefits not available to others, but the primary purpose is not benefits. The real point is its effect on my work. I will also do special mailings to Platinum Subscribers at more frequent intervals than for other classes. My goal is 1000 Platinum subscribers: the end result is independence from publishers: I get to write what I think should be written, and if a major publisher isn't interested and won't pay an advance, I will still be able to do that work.

Projects include: a book about the health situation and surviving cancer treatment; a book on my political principles (which probably are of interest to some thousands of people but hardly likely to become best sellers); and other such items of special interest to the people who visit this site.

Platinum subscriptions also allow me to work harder on the Mail. I consider my Mail section about as good as any mail feature on the Internet. I select the letters, and either reply or group them so that there are alternative views. Cost is $100/year.

All subscriptions are welcome, and all subscribers have my thanks.

To Subscribe

The simple way to subscribe is to click one of the buttons below; each will take you to Pay Pal where you can complete the transaction. A Pay Pal account is not required; credit cards are accepted.:

Level Cost/Year Subscribe Buttons
Regular Subscription $20 / year
Patron Subscription $36 / year
Platinum Subscription $100 / year
Subscription in other amounts You can subscribe through PayPal, by sending money to on the PayPal site. You can also mail send a check or money order through the mail. Including in the 'description' box your email address and the purpose of the payment. PayPal also accepts credit cards directly. You can send a check directly to me; please included your email address (preferably on the check itself). Dr.Jerry E. Pournelle Chaos Manor / PMB 70 4804 Laurel Canyon Blvd. Valley Village, CA 91607

Legal Announcement: Anything you send here is a donation, and all you get for it is gratitude. That is: I do my best, but there's only me doing it, and I am not under the illusion that I am invulnerable. I do send mailings to subscribers, with virus warnings and good news and such like, but I do that when I can, and I don't assume any obligation.

Renewal: we suggest annual renewals. I may remove you from the subscription list at some time after two years, but long before that I will bug you with gentle but increasingly more frequent nags. That will be the only kind of solicitation you will ever get. I NEVER sell, give, or loan my subscription list to ANYONE. In theory I might forward something from a third party to the subscriber list, but I'd have to think it a really great deal for a number of you, and I can't imagine what that might would be.

Whatever means you use to pay, please send me an email saying so, and if the subscription email address is different from the return address on the email, please give that. Put the word "Subscribe" in the heading. I try to enroll subscriptions promptly, but sometimes I get as much as a week or two behind. Eventually I get them all.

A Historical Note

I will occasionally send Chaos Manor Warnings to subscribers from time to time as I think they are needed, although my energy is limited. Subscribers get reports with pictures, sometimes exclusive, more often merely earlier, but sometimes a lot earlier. Other stuff as I develop it; frankly that depends on how many subscriptions I get, and how much time I have. Subscriptions give me more timeto muck about, of course.

Byte Magazine no longer publishes my column. We have restarted the Chaos Manor Reviews site, but I just don't have the time or energy to write for it regularly. My Chaos Manor Advisors occasionally contribute articles.