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Menia Litvak
�My life as an artist started in 1976 when I left Kishinev (Bessarabia) for Israel. In my youth I did not have the opportunity to study an regularly, although I learned painting during some two years at the Belle-Arts Academy in Kishinev and one year in Bucarest.
My youth was spent during world war 2 when Bessarabia was annexed by the Soviet Union, years of hunger and the need to work very hard to be able to survive. I worked as a retoucher of photographs in a studio.
When I arrived in Israeli went to live in Jerusalem and took up painting as my only ocupation, not as in Russia where it was one of my occupations which I had to do sometimes in hiding, stealong time from my everyday jobs.
Israel, its colourings, impressed me much: the blue of the sky, the turquoise of the sea, the palette of desert colours. The stones of Israel looked alive and I wished I could paint them all.
In 19761 started to expose my work. Since then I participated in a number of exhibitions in groups and alone.
Since 1984 I am a member of the Israeli Union of Painters and Sculptors.
The last exhibition where I took part was at the Salon des Beaux-Arts in Paris together in a group of Jerusalem artists.
These days I am preparing a new exhibition and hope that many more will follow.�
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1979 - Immigrant artists from USSR - Jerusalem Theatre 1981 - Painters sitting in Gilo-Jerusalem 1982 - Ludmilla Gallery, Tel-Aviv 1988 - Knesset Israel - Jerusalem 1990 - Artexpo. New York, Japan 1995 - Ashdod-Museum
1980 - Beit Haomanim, Jerusalem 1981 - Sokolov House, Tel-Aviv 1982 - Miniatures, Municipal Gallry, Jerusalem 1983 - Debel Gallery, Jerusalem 1984 - The Artists House, Jerusalem 1985 - Jerusalem Artists in Salon de Beaux Arts, Grand Palais, Paris 1996 - The Artists House, Jerusalem 1989 - Debel Gallery, Jerusalem 1990 - Beit Haomanim, Jerusalem 1993 - Cite internationale des Art-Paris 1999 - Galleria Nora - Jerusalem 2000 - Galleria Gvanim
2001 - Gflleria Coart