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The JewishGen Family Finder (JGFF)

The JewishGen Family Finder (JGFF) is a database of ancestral towns and surnames currently being researched by Jewish genealogists worldwide. You must be logged in to enter your own towns and surnames for research purposes.

By using the JGFF, you can learn about others who are seeking ancestors of the same surname or town of origin.

JewishGen Family Finder (JGFF):

The JewishGen Family Finder (JGFF) is a compilation of surnames and towns currently being researched by over 110,000 Jewish genealogists worldwide. It contains over 585,000 entries: 140,000 ancestral surnames and 18,000 town names, and is indexed and cross-referenced by both surname and town name.

Researchers should check the JGFF for genealogists with similar research interests, and can then contact them for an exchange of information.

All genealogists are encouraged to participate in the JGFF. To add your own ancestral surnames and towns to the JGFF, click on the "Enter" button above.

For complete information about the JGFF database, please see theJGFF FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions about the JewishGen Family Finder.

Disclaimer: JewishGen Inc. is not responsible for the accuracy of information contained in this database. This database is provided as a public service. The information in this database is presented as a means to contact those listed herein solely for your own personal genealogical research and may not be used, without the prior written permission of JewishGen, Inc., for any other purpose including, but not limited to: solicitation of paid research, school-related research projects or term papers, interviews, or for purposes of publication. See the standard JewishGen disclaimer notice on site use and privacy.

Cost: There is no charge to search or submit entries to the JewishGen Family Finder. JewishGen, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation with U.S. Federal tax-exempt status. There is no charge for any of JewishGen's services. We do ask that you make a voluntary contribution so we can continue to provide and enhance this and other services to the Jewish genealogical community. You can make acredit card donation on our secure server.

Last update Jan 17 2018