JOHN WETTON (original) (raw)

Five years have gone by since the day that broke the hearts of countless John Wetton fans.

Five years since John said goodbye, changing life as we know it, and leaving a void behind which could be filled only by the immortal notes of his music.

Five years that saw the world going through an unprecedented test and being frozen in its steps, for long, silent months.

As the planet laid dormant and ran frantic at the same time, the world of JW took a respectful step back, putting projects on hold and waiting for everything to heal. However, the die was cast and the quiet times gave many of John’s friends, family and associates a chance to reflect and pay tribute, contributing their personal stories to the creation of the ultimate homage to his immense creative talent.

Like in all the best stories, there’s laughter, tears, love, passion, angels and demons, the roller coaster of, you guessed it, an extraordinary life.

It’s taken a while we know, but at last we have some very positive news for you about _John Wetton An Extraordinary Life,_the book.

After three years of interviewing almost 70 musicians who worked with John, his friends and family, author Nick Shilton has delivered the text – and now our chosen publisher is getting everything together and will announce full details of exactly what it’ll be and where you can get it, in a few weeks – of course we’ll let you know first.

We can tell you that we’ve recently worked on a different book with the publisher and, not to make a Fanfare out of it, the book turned out to be a magnificent piece of Works…

The ride is on us, we hope you’ll enjoy it.

Thoughts from Dylan Wetton

Dear Dad,

It doesn’t feel like you have been gone for five years.

I know you are always watching over me and your guiding hand will forever be on my shoulder.

Not one day goes by where I don’t have to think about you.

I really miss you and will forever love you,

Until we meet again in paradise.

Thoughts from Lisa Wetton

It’s hard to believe that we have arrived at the 5-year anniversary of John's passing. Despite all the unexpected challenges the world is facing, here we are.

Dylan, Robert and I look forward to sharing our own personal stories with you, as we carry him in our hearts every day. It is a pleasure also to share the personal recollections and never before told anecdotes-from earliest experiences right through to his last days. The incredibly moving response from the plethora of people that were involved in John's life will give you new insights into the man behind the magnificent songwriter/performer that is John Wetton.

Today, let us forget about pandemics and politics, taxes and weather. Today, let’s all play our favourite John Wetton songs, raise a glass of cheer and think about these lyrics:

“All of the good times, and all of the bad Responsibility is totally mine I know I rightly stand accused But I believe that I can change Yes, I can change my world Go seize the day Wake up and say This is an extraordinary life Enjoy today Come what may This is an extraordinary life”.

Thoughts from Geoff Downes

Right now I am thinking back to what is exactly 5 years since we lost my great friend and musical collaborator, John Wetton. Not a day goes by without raising a thought to his memory. I miss his company greatly, not just in musical terms but also his wonderful sense of humour and friendship. That is something I will always cherish. But with that sadness, comes great joy that I was blessed with his presence in my life. The many songs we wrote together are timeless, and will hopefully be played, enjoyed and remembered for all eternity. That alone is cause for celebration. So John, I salute you dear friend. “Ride Easy” and “Till We meet Again”. GD x

We share this brand new version of "Valkyrie" by Moravius tomark the 5th anniversary of John's passing