Kaukapakapa School (original) (raw)

Confident, Collaborative and Connected Learners

Rangatiratanga, Kotahitanga, Whanaungatanga

Nau mau ki te kura o Kaukapakapa

Kau: to swim; kapakapa: splashing, or flapping

When the many wild ducks in the creek were hunted there was much flapping of wings.

Kaukapakapa School is situated on the Kaipara Coast Highway on land owned by Ngāti Whatua. We are closely affiliated to the five Kaipara marae of Araparera, Kakanui, Puatahi, Haranui and Reweti. Originally settled by Europeans in 1869, the Kaukapakapa Public School first opened in 1873 with 17 pupils.

Now a modern, vibrant and innovative school of approximately 310 students from Year 1-8, we appreciate the significant history that surrounds us, but are excited about creating citizens of the future through excellent learning opportunities across the New Zealand Curriculum. Please phone the school office to make a time to view all we have to offer within our environment.


It is my pleasure to be the leader of learning at such a fantastic school. I know all principals say this, but our students truly are special! The staff are a great mix of professionals, each of whom are valued for the strengths they bring to our school and their ability to provide the best for learners in our care. We are lucky enough to have an involved and supportive community around us, some of whom have connections to our school that go back generations. Our goal is to provide a future focussed environment where learners are striving towards their own level of personal excellence.

At Kaukapakapa School our core values of Respect - Whakaute, Kindness - Atawhai, Effort - Whakapau kaha, Excellence - Tutuki, and Honesty - Tūturu, are modelled and explored as aspects of everyday learning and school life through high expectations, multiple opportunities, and positive relationships with other children, teachers, families, whanau, iwi, community, and in our partnership with the Kahui Ako o Kaipara Community of Learning.

At Kaukapakapa School we are extremely proud of what our students achieve, and the confident, collaborative and connected learners and citizens they become. Truly special!

Andrea Clarke
