Tutorials (original) (raw)

TCBG strives to make its software accessible to the biomedical community through a variety of training opportunities, workshops, classes, presentations and demonstrations. For those who cannot attend these training events, we post and maintain tutorials that scientists can work through at their own speed, as a means of learning the best use of the VMD and NAMDsoftware packages. The page below offers tutorials on tools created by TCBG, and some tutorials from other groups. Proceeding through a tutorial requires a copy of the tutorial text (in pdf or html format), tutorial files in place on the user's computer, and installation of VMD, NAMD, and other required software as documented at the start of each tutorial. Most of the tutorials are usable on Windows, Mac, and Unix/Linux platforms. It is suggested that you use the latest machine you have available; while the tutorials will run on older machines, it may be slow going.

Using the tutorials:

Tutorial topics: VMD TutorialsNAMD TutorialsFree Energy MethodsBioinformaticsBionanotechnologySpecialized Topics

VMD Tutorials
These tutorials focus on VMD-specific features, although many others utilize VMD as well. Be sure you have the latest version of VMD.

VMD Tutorial

Using VMD:

QwikMD Tutorial

QwikMD Tutorial:

VMD Images and Movies Tutorial

VMD Images and Movies Tutorial:

Structure Check

Structure Check:

VMD Quantum Chemistry Visualization Tutorial

VMD Quantum Chemistry Visualization Tutorial:

Visualization and Analysis of CPMD data with VMD

Visualization and Analysis of CPMD data with VMD

Short and topical VMD tutorials:

Video lectures: an introductory video, "Introduction to VMD Molecular Visualization and Analysis", recorded by Dr. Emad Tajkhorshid in November, 2007 is available here.

NAMD Tutorials
These tutorials focus on NAMD specifically, although many others utilize it as well. Be sure you have the latest version of NAMD.

NAMD Tutorial

NAMD Tutorial:

User-Defined Forces Tutorial

User-Defined Forces in NAMD:

customizing CVs in NAMD

Customizing CVs in NAMD:

Interactive Molecular Dynamics:

Steered Molecular Dynamics Tutorials

NAMD Paper

Free-Energy and Enhanced Sampling Methods
The following tutorials cover multiple free-energy and potential-of-mean-force calculation methods using NAMD.

ABF Tutorial

Protein:ligand Standard Binding Free Energies: A Tutorial for Alchemical and Geometrical Transformations:

FEP Tutorial

A Tutorial on Alchemical Free Energy Perturbation Calculations in NAMD:

ABF Tutorial

A Tutorial on Adaptive Biasing Force Calculations in NAMD:

IMD Tutorial

Stretching Deca-Alanine:

Methods for calculating Potentials of Mean Force

Methods for calculating Potentials of Mean Force:

Umbrella Tutorial

A Tutorial on One-dimensional Replica-exchange Umbrella Sampling

String Tutorial

String Method with Swarms of Trajectories: A Tutorial for Free-energy Calculations along a Minimum-action Path

Constant pH Tutorial

Exploring Complex Conformational Transition Pathways

Constant pH Tutorial

Simulating Biomolecules with Variable Protonation State: A Tutorial for Constant-pH Molecular Dynamics

Constant pH Tutorial

Adaptive Multilevel Splitting Method: Isomerization of Alanine Dipeptide

Metadynamics Tutorial

Performing Metadynamics Simulations Using NAMD

Free Energy Perturbation with NAMD

Streamlined Alchemical Free Energy Perturbation in NAMD, by the groups of Jérôme Hénin and Grace Brannigan

The following tutorials focus on sequence and structure analysis primarily through the VMD tool, Multiseq. They may also require one or more additional software packages to complete; account for the software requirements before attempting to proceed.

Aquaporins/MultiSeq Tutorial

Aquaporins with the VMD MultiSeq Tool:

Evolution of Translation Class I

Evolution of Translation: Class-I aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases:

Evolution of Translation: EF-Tu

Evolution of Translation: EF-Tu:

Evolution of Translation: Ribosome

Evolution of Translation: Ribosome:

Dynamical Network Analysis

Dynamical Network Analysis:

Sequence Alignment Algorithms

Sequence Alignment Algorithms:

The following tutorials address applications of simulation techniques to inorganic devices for various purposes.

Bionanotechnology Tutorial

Bionanotechnology Tutorial:

Simulation of Water Permeation through Nanotubes

Simulation of Water Permeation through Nanotubes:

Modeling Nanopores for Sequencing DNA

Modeling Nanopores for Sequencing DNA:

Specialized Topics
The following tutorials cover specific methods for, e.g., force-field development with Force Field Toolkit, simulation of membrane proteins, and other advanced topics.

ffTK Tutorial

Parameterizing Small Molecules Using Force Field Toolkit (ffTK)

Parameterizing a Novel Residue

Parameterizing a Novel Residue:

Topology File Tutorial

Topology File Tutorial:

Membrane Proteins Tutorial (Introductory)

Membrane Proteins Tutorial (Introductory):

Membrane Proteins Tutorial (Advanced)

Membrane Proteins Tutorial (Advanced):

Residue-Based Coarse-Graining

Residue-Based Coarse-Graining:

Shape-Based Coarse Graining

Shape-Based Coarse Graining:

Molecular Dynamics Flexible Fitting (MDFF)

Molecular Dynamics Flexible Fitting (MDFF):



Timeline Tutorial

Timeline: a VMD Plugin for Trajectory Analysis:

Molefacture Tutorial

Molefacture: A Tutorial to Build and Edit Molecules:

Using VND: Visual Neuronal Dynamics

Using VND: Visual Neuronal Dynamics: