Menninger Foundation Archives - Kansas Historical Society (original) (raw)
Subordinate Collections
- Menninger Family Archives
- Menninger Foundation Corporate Archives
- Historic Psychiatry Collections
- Related Collections
- List of Abbreviations
The collection contains over 2500 cubic feet of records tracing the history of Menninger in Topeka, Kansas, and their research in the field of mental health. Menninger developed innovative approaches for treating mentally ill patients, was one of the leaders in training psychiatrists and helping veterans' hospitals and law enforcement agencies incorporate information about mental illness into staff training.
Institutional records date from the 1920s but are strongest for the years 1940-1999, with a large quantity of the records being from the 1970s through the 1990s. The Historic Psychiatry Collection includes documents pertaining to mental health and psychiatry dating back to1774. The archives also contains the papers of Menninger family members, including Charles F. and Flo Menninger, their sons Karl and William, and their grandsons Roy and Walter. There is a large quantity of photographs and audiovisual materials. Other State Archives collections and Kansas Museum of History artifacts complement the Foundation Archives.
In the summer of 2004, Audrey McKanna, the Lela Barnes Archival Intern, created preliminary finding aids for KSHS, building on the work previously done by Menninger archivists Bea Horne, Kelly Burket, Mark West, and Connie Menninger. More detailed arrangement and description of the Menninger Foundation Archives was completed in 2013 by Kate Alexander, Marcella D. Wiget, and Robert L. Knecht thanks to a grant from the National Historical Publications and Records Commission.
Search the Menninger Foundation Archives Database
The Menninger Clinic partnered with the Baylor College of Medicine and The Methodist Hospital in 2002 and the clinic moved to Houston, Texas, taking the patient records with them. People who need access to records of Menninger patients should contact the Menninger Clinic Medical Records Department in Texas at 713-275-5063. In 2004, the Mennninger Foundation transferred title to their institutional archives to the Kansas Historical Society. Since documents revealing the identities of individual patients might still be included in the records at KSHS, the reference staff will ask you to read and sign our researcher agreement before using the Menninger collection.
Menninger Family Archives
- Menninger Family [MF]
- Catharine “Cay” Wright Menninger [CWM]
- Charles Fredrick Menninger [CFM]
- Edwin A. Menninger [EAM]
- Florence “Flo” Vesta Menninger [FM]
- Jeanetta Lyle Menninger [JLM]
- Karl A. Menninger [KAM]
- Philip Menninger [PM]
- Roy W. Menninger [RWM]
- William C. Menninger [WCM]
- William Walter Menninger [WWM]
Menninger Foundation Corporate Archives
Organizational Affiliates of the Menninger Foundation
- American Psychiatric Society
- American Psychoanalytic Society
- Group for the Advancement of Psychiatry
- Kansas Psychiatric Society
- Kansas Psychological Association
- Topeka Institute for Psychoanalysis
- Topeka Psychoanalytic Society
- [Miscellaneous organizations]
Individual Affiliates of the Menninger Foundation
Includes Menninger Foundation staff, students, trustees, and extra-Menninger professional colleagues not able to be affiliated with a singular department or function of the Foundation.
- Alfred Paul Bay
- Barbara Elizabeth Bliss Peterson
- Bernard Hall
- David Neiswanger
- Dean Collins
- Edward Greenwood
- Gardner Murphy
- Hans Falck
- Herbert Klemmer
- Irving Sheffel
- Ishak Ramzy
- James Cotter Hirschberg
- James C. Folsom
- James F. Pratt
- John A. Segerson
- John Crabb
- John R. Stone
- John S. Homlish, Jr.
- Leonard J. Duhl
- Lois Barclay Murphy
- Lolafaye Coyne
- Louis Cholden
- Margaret Mead
- Marion Kenworthy
- Mary S. Cerney
- Mildred Law
- Nathaniel Uhr
- Otto Fleischmann
- Paul W. Pruyser
- Peter Fleming
- Robert E. Switzer
- Robert P. Woods
- Samuel Zelman
- Stuart Averill
- Thomas Dolgoff
- William Simpson
- [Set of miscellaneous staff biographies]
- [Miscellaneous manuscripts by staff, patients, students, and other individual affiliates]
Manuscripts of Menninger Affiliates
Authors include Menninger Foundation staff not supplemented by personal papers collections in (J), affiliates, and patients.
- Article and Reprint Collections
- Carney, James
- Deshong, Barbara Rice
- Doehrman, Margery Jean Gross
- Dorsey, John
- Ekstein, Rudolph
- Falck, Hans
- Fellows, Ralph M.
- Finniger, Paul
- Fishbein, Morris
- Frazier, Harriet C.
- Freeman, Lucy
- Gish, Lowell
- Guggenheim, Paul
- Halleck, Seymour
- Herman, Louis
- Ingram, Alice Rover
- Kahn, Betty
- Key, William
- Menninger-Lenchenthal, Ehrich
- Moriarty, Alice
- Mowrer, Hobart
- Plano, Ella
- Reider, Norman
- Schneck, Jerome
- Stillwell, Daisy
- Stone, Leo
- Taylor, James B.
- Toussieng, Povl
- Wallerstein, Robert
Menninger Historic Psychiatry Collections
Papers of individuals influential to the development of psychiatric practice
Links are to collections available on Kansas Memory.
General Collections
Includes historic newspaper excerpts ca.1800 and miscellaneous manuscript material.
Individual Collections
- Beers, Clifford
- Bini, Lucio
- Boisen, Anton
- Brown, Muriel
- Cerletti, Ugo
- Dix, Dorothea
- Ellis, Henry Havelock
- Freud, Anna
- Freud, Sigmund
- George, Kings II, III, IV
- Guntrip, Harry
- Herman, Louis
- James, William
- Jelliffe, Smith Ely
- Maine, Harold - SEE Winslow, Walker
- Major, Herman
- McCormick, Leander Hamilton
- Meyer, Adolf
- Mitchell, S. Weir
- Nightingale, Florence
- Oberholzer, Emil
- Ridenour, Nina
- Rush, Benjamin
- Southard, Elmer Ernst
- Stribling, Francis T.
- Williams, Frankwood Earl
- Winslow, Walker
Related Collections
Menninger Clinic publications and photograph collections.
| | Index to Abbreviations found in Menninger Archives finding aids | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------ | | AAMFT | American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy | | AAPSW | American Association of Psychiatric Social Workers | | ADARP | Alcohol and Drug Abuse Recovery Program | | AFTA | American Family Therapy Academy | | APsaA | American Psychoanalytic Association | | AT | Activity/Adjunctive Therapy | | ATP | Adolescent Transitional Program | | BH | Bernard Hall | | BMC | Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic | | CABS | Center for Applied Behavioral Sciences | | CAP | Center for Applied Psychophysiology | | CASE | Crisis Admissions and Special Evaluations | | CHARLEE [Program] | Children Have All Rights Legal, Educational, Emotional | | CFM | Charles F. Menninger | | CFMMH | Charles F. Menninger Memorial Hospital | | CMG | Clinical Management Group | | CP | Clinical Patients | | CPT | Current Procedural Technology | | CSO | Community Service Office | | CWM | Catherine W. Menninger | | DAP | Department of Adult Psychiatry | | DSO | Development Services Office | | EAM | Edwin A. Menninger | | ECT | Electroconvulsive Therapy | | EDTRP | Eating Disorder Trauma Recovery Program | | EDU | Eating Disorder Unit | | EES | Elmer Ernest Southard | | EO | Emil Oberholzer | | FM | Florence Menninger | | FW | Frankwood Williams | | HIM | Health Information Management | | HO | Hospitals | | HOPE | Health Opportunities and Psychological Enhancement | | IMH | Industrial Mental Health | | INT | Interest | | IPsaA | International Psychoanalytic Association | | IR | Institutional Records | | JCF | James C. Folsom | | JLM | Jeanetta L. Menninger | | KAM | Karl A. Menninger | | KMSP | Karl Menninger School of Psychiatry (also MSP) | | LAW | Mildred Law | | M | Miscellaneous | | MC | Manuscript Collection | | MF | Menninger Family | | MFSPA | Menninger Foundation School of Psychiatric Aides | | MHS | Mental Health Sciences | | MLA | Miscellaneous | | MS | Manuscripts and Speeches | | MSP | Menninger School of Psychiatry | | NR | Nina Ridenour | | OD | Original Documents | | OGA | Office of Government Affairs | | OR | Organizations | | P&T | Pharmacy and Therapeutics | | PCEC | Patient Care Evaluation Committee | | PEM | Professional Education Meetings | | PER | Personal Papers | | PHS | Partial Hospitalization Services | | PIC | Professionals In Crisis | | PRO | Professional Papers | | PM | Phillip Menninger | | PSDTC | Pre-School Day Treatment Center | | PSO | Professional Staff Organization | | PWP | Paul W. Pruyser | | RWM | Roy W. Menninger | | SDTU | Short-term Diagnostic and Treatment Unit | | SET | Self-Harm Evaluation Treatment Unit | | TIP | Topeka Institute for Psychoanalysis | | TPS | Topeka Psychiatric Society | | TRP | Trauma Recovery Program | | TSH | Topeka State Hospital | | TMF | The Menninger Foundation | | WCM | William C. Menninger | | WWM | W. Walter Menninger |