Cuban Exile Asks U.N. Rights Action (original) (raw)

The New York Times
January 7, 1958

Cuban Exile Asks U.N. Rights Action
Urrutia, Choice of Castro Rebels to Replace Batista, Is Here From Miami

United Nations action to find the Batista Government in Cuba in violation of the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights was urged here last night by Dr. Carl Manuel Urrutia Lleo.

Dr. Urrutia arrived at Pennsylvania Station from Miami with his wife, Esperanza, and two sons, Alejandro, 19, and Jorge, 13.

Last week, Cuban exiles in Miami reported that Dr. Urrutia had been designated by Fidel Castro and his Twenty-sixth of July Movement, now in revolt in eastern Cuba, and by the Orthodox party, another Opposition group, as their choice for Provisional President of Cuba in the event of the overthrow of President Fulgencio Batista.

The Autentico party, led by former President Carlos Prio Socarras, is said to have accepted Dr. Urrutia without giving him the designation. SEven Cuban Opposition groups are represented in a Council of Liberation at Miami.

Dr. Urrutia said "the rights to life, liberty and free expression of though do not now exist in Cuba." As Provisional President, he said, his aim would be primarily to carry out free elections within eighteen months. But he said President Batista should also be legally tried for usurpation of power and violation of human rights.

Now 56 years old, Dr. Urrutia applied for retirement as a Cuban judge last Nov. 27 after thirty-one years on the bench in Santiago. He came to the United States last month.

Last May, Dr. Urrutia, as president of a three-man tribunal, dissented form the conviction of forty youths for rebellion. He then declared it legitimate under Article 40 Cuban Constitution to revolt, because there was no peaceful means left to defend individual rights.

Regime Charges Communist Tie

Special to The New York Times.

HAVANA, Jan. 6--The Cuban Government charged today that Dr. Carlos Prio Socarras, former President of Cuba; Fidel Castro, rebel leader, and the outlawed Communist party had joined forces in the attempts to overthrow President Batista.

Investigators showed that the overthrow movement had penetrated universities, other centers of education and other groups throughout Cuba, particularly in Oriente Province, a statement issued by Camp Columbia, Army headquarters said.

The statement name several persons in Holguin and Santiago de Cuba, both in Oriente Province, as Communist agitators.

The Army said that the directing group in Santiago was known as the Board of the Five and was composed of oppositionists, intellectuals and minor labor leaders. The statement said the names of the labor leaders and intellectuals were known to the Government.

The Bureau of the Repression of Communist Activities established by the Government two years ago has reported that the slaying of Felipe Navea, anti-Communist labor leader, in Santiago on Dec. 29 was ordered by leaders of the underground Communist party in Havana, headquarters said.

Senor Castro and also Dr. Prio Socarras and other Cuban exiles in the Miami group have denied charges of relations with the Communists and repudiated Communist efforts to join forces with them.