Molnau, Carol L. - Legislator Record (original) (raw)

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House 1993-2002 (District 35A)

Party when first elected: Independent Republican

Counties Served: Carver, Le Sueur, Scott, Sibley


Date of Birth: 9/17/1949

Birth Place: Minnesota

Birth County: Carver

Birth Country: United States

Date of Death:

Gender: Female

Religion: Lutheran-Missouri Synod

Reported Minority: None Reported

Other Names:

City of Residence (when first elected): Chaska

Occupation (when first elected): Farm Owner and Operator, 430 Acres; Beef, Corn, Soybeans, and Alfalpha


Waconia High School; Secondary;
University of Minnesota; Attended College; Leadership


Municipal Council/Aldermen: Chaska, Minnesota (City Council); 1989 to 1992 [Elected]

State Lieutenant Governor: Minnesota; 01/06/2003 to 01/03/2011 [Elected]

State Agency: Minnesota Department of Transportation (Commissioner); 01/06/2003 to 02/28/2008 [Appointed]


Spouse: Steven "Steve" Molnau (married in 1971)
Children: Three children: Heather, Kristen, and Megan (daughters)
Family Members Who Have Served in the Minnesota Legislature:


She served as both Minnesota Lieutenant Governor and Commissioner of the Minnesota Department of Transportation in Governor Tim Pawlenty's administration. The Senate confirmed her appointment as Commissioner of the Minnesota Department of Transportation during Governor Pawlenty's first term. However, in February 2008, during his second term, the Senate rejected her confirmation.

She was a member of Our Savior Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod in Shorewood, Minnesota.

Religion provided by Politics in Minnesota, the Directory, 1999-2000 and a newspaper article.

Total Days Served: 3654


Body: House

District: 35A

Elected: 11/7/2000

Residence: Chaska

Term of Office: 1/3/2001 to 1/6/2003

Counties Represented: Carver, Le Sueur, Scott, Sibley

Occupation: Farm Owner and Operator; Beef, Corn, Soybeans, and Alfalpha

Party: Republican

Bills Authored: Chief Author


Leadership Position: Assistant Majority Leader

Body: House

District: 35A

Elected: 11/3/1998

Residence: Chaska

Term of Office: 1/5/1999 to 1/2/2001

Counties Represented: Carver, Le Sueur, Scott, Sibley

Occupation: Farm Owner and Operator; Beef, Corn, Soybeans, and Alfalpha

Party: Republican


Leadership Position: Assistant Majority Leader

Body: House

District: 35A

Elected: 11/5/1996

Residence: Chaska

Term of Office: 1/7/1997 to 1/4/1999

Counties Represented: Carver, Le Sueur, Scott, Sibley

Occupation: Farm Owner and Operator; Beef, Corn, Soybeans, and Alfalpha

Party: Republican


Leadership Position: Assistant Minority Leader

Body: House

District: 35A

Elected: 11/8/1994

Residence: Chaska

Term of Office: 1/3/1995 to 1/6/1997

Counties Represented: Carver, Le Sueur, Scott, Sibley

Occupation: Farm Owner and Operator; Beef, Corn, Soybeans, and Alfalpha

Party: Independent Republican


Body: House

District: 35A

Elected: 11/3/1992

Residence: Chaska

Term of Office: 1/5/1993 to 1/2/1995

Counties Represented: Carver, Le Sueur, Scott, Sibley

Occupation: Farm Owner and Operator, 430 Acres; Beef, Corn, Soybeans, and Alfalpha

Party: Independent Republican
